4 " Jerseys We have them on all kindsc combination of colors, also mal them to order for class teamsi any colors selected with name als, letters or monogram at c rates. Caps We also make class caps to ord with any monogra design su witted Sheehan,& Co UNIVERSITY BOOKSELLPR, 320 South State Stree You can get a HCOT LUNCH TUTTLE'S OS oth tats St. TYPEWVRITERS For Rent. For Sale Thesis Work Carof oly Done. Typewriting. Mimeographing EDWARDS BROS, -'ver Sheehan's) Stae Stree ...PRIVATE... LESSONS IN DANCIN Given by Mr. o Mrs. Ro,Grangr at th soademy by appointmentn. Single l esoot preroot61.3, ie or mre peeonsumanthor Seach. All leoos giewit msk Graner's".Academy. Stamp CoIlections BOUGHT FOR CASH JLook oip yer old collection and turn it ito ready [Honey. Prompt ash and Good Prices. THE MICHIGAN STAMP COMPAY Room 3.146 Woodard Ae..iDeroi BICYCLE First-class Moo's 1n11Ladies' hlcyls andlTandem oret e Rlatee!tReasoable. Repairing Promptly Done M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EI1PORIUM 119 W. Washingtoll Steet Phbone . (pen bEening Try The NORH SIDE LAUNDRY THIOS. ROWE, Prop 21 0 nr it St. 457Bell'Phone R. M. MARTIN... FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 201) S. 4t Ave. Ambulance ight and dayRe dence 302 Fifth Ave'. 1-1E UNIVEi~lTYm 1 1 I fL i1UAN A IJILY HIHART Fit ). CORRECT TAILORING For 1lice TAILORING AT PRICES within the rosch of ordinary mortals Your Suit to Your Mleasure And at .a price that will save yon fromi $5.00 to $15.60 from the price charged hy the ordinary merchant tailor. Wilt you investigate? We will do the rest. GOODRMICH -co DUIIE The Internatioual Tailoring of Chicego Ed. .Pric & Cs of Clicago B.Stern &- SoChicago SPRING LINES NOWJRIIEh'. over lst ntional Bash r Put a KODAK in 11I~i11k)WE SELL THIEfI lVentscblet, the IIbotogapber. Agents Agents" 100 students watited to canvass durinig vacation for the 4'A. A. Improved" gasoline lamps. Sells OD Sight. SUPERIOR MFG. CO1IPANY 329 S. Main St. WABAH P At AMERICAN EXPOSITION Bunfalo, N. Y., May i-No,i, ,9' The Wabash, the "Niagara Falls Short Line," hat made special aresegemas®ts to aeconmoelate a large travel betwoeen De- troit and Buftalo 'String the Exposition). New equipment end additional tress see- vite will he provided. 'rhoWabahatis i the only line operating free Reclining Chair Cars bsetiveen Chicago and Butao. Tick- ets will he good for otop-over at Niagara Sails. Write icr sissoy of Wabash Pan-American F'older cotaining a large tive color map of ihe Exposition gro teds and handsomneziec etchings of the principal buildings,. Ticket Office, 97 Adams Street, F. A. Palmer, A. G.PA., Chicaga. Cee. Stain and CartentStieets. Gapial, $50,000. Surplis, $35,000. Transacti, geieral hashing business, It, KEare, Pes. C. E. CasesN, Vice-Pei Fet, B HBFL$ssn. Coehior. FIRSTNAINL AK K, dib Capital, 510o0.Srlselanad Profts, M5,.d3 'T'rasat era l batkingt'.snes.Foe go echange bouaght anid told. Poeniekh lelieneo credit. R,. D. KINNIE, Pree. BARRISON SOCLII, S. w. CLAMEKStINx iaiir Teo~ finnefiMor Savinu~sBang Ca idaleStock . s,00. S;rlst~ae . } Organizedaundcc theGenereal Banking Leer of this State. Beceives dceeits, ibuytsod setle eechangceon the printipal citieo ofthiic Pitedi Siate. Drafts cashed titan peoptridectildalioc Safety dtposit boxes tiiret. Orricrn-,:(ititilin Stack. Pres. ;W . f1rlee man, Vic-Pes.; Chic. E. Ilisock. Cinshice. SN. J. Fritz, Assistant Ch ier W..AsUeeHa, letViaecrt, J ea so, Id 'imzA~t.pect eIFIT 'transacts a grneral Ilankhiog Initirti Practice Without Coach eliii'l' 'lcill m111but NIthit it o sit, tiihe au. 1lls iconltat at tao l renit1, Itilu it 131t1his ir'qles it'e 111 1;1 iiiie* t G- >" itit't I ihu it olei 't he Wlii' Il ttti i lii'atd ltth ilt'bettlimttill 1 01pistieiii itl mitt lt it'ctth'. s iit y oi ul 0111011 -atis 11111 1017111' ciiiand't-ood 1ittil t'hii'i'i y'. 11,1ig istill ils Oalr 'Othose, Si' Writiig '1sdriheal titely ici ngyooetaill tr litmoy ,epich115 the111Ausltintyhii'iiSchoolio!sChi- ,Iii' iandxii'dills l hi itt "I t' -11.11 111 G hrop IeTilso pilched fr -a ccatrtxe porIti o outi all lot ~he llilnati 0g. tI. at S inhrittdsh ownd town.ry Facuity Gamc Today M11 it i ll1' ' 1111' 1 lilo g'lllit''.tc ill ic ; ts a .111l theIlphaiD'lta Phi111 tem l tdd .i 1; p.Ilt l.'at te 'lir. -olii'. 11111 1lls Ilt hav71111 deit'edu 11111to ts l'ltlllllfo'lthis lilta l't'il1'ti0ii I l~l4 s1 111l y' dell rve 11a11' ii 'lltit \i. iu lul ci' )1xtic ;'ll li ts iatlltixi's i-IFlol 'shOP WOULD lIE HpPtofY (' atheMO Alalt hiltathear seveal 'f hets. ab; igotteuco. av ATT11 lyne r~ese xpreBI sAs teR .y+++++Z+"ic+++++.44++ + +++T+.+mI+ + +++++ +++++++"T'. mkrof LadiesPatrician Oxfords GOWNS and HOODS. __ ' CAPS ard GOWNS,.. A PCILY.CAS ANS "a.La, Pat, Kid, BxCalfi COLLEGE 'FLAGS' COLLEGE PINS. OLSEnd + IT EA ' 011LIGiIT S'OL.E,;,, OUIb ,1101>3 011PO LL II cii1], _ BlATS and 4 w~.CAPS., . litSJi SJ[T S t51R[ c1t E. Fifty .Seventh S, TE 55TRE ovo TR CHIC'AGO, ILL.' ti , I w I Spalding's Official League Ball ts the Official aill of the N iiell League, the leai ie gminor leaguseStnd all the college 4' and athletic associaitjeas. A handsome Catalogue of those Ball and all Athletic *Sports mailed frtee teo any address. Spolding's O~fficial iBase Psil Gitte, for ID01 edited by Denry Chadwict, ready Mlarchi311, 1901; price 111 cents A. G. SPALDING & BROS. (INCORPtltOTED) New York Chicago Denver ENE FINEST LINE OF SCOTCH AND ENGLISH SUITINGS'IN THE CITY