w rils tieadi sk *i~ S no MilO ats and Sailors sive Shirt Waist Patternsalk 3 4' 4'E 4't !1! 4' 1i 4' . 4' PE ,C! STREET 4' GOODS] 117 MAIN 'IT4- aaaaia a- E:3E : :3 3 Micbizan Central NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE THE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR TO OH ICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON With direct connOclitis at Citrago for St. Louis, Kansas Ctty, St. Paul and the west. Ror information andi through ticketsocall on or write to II. W. HAYES. Agcnt. Ann Arbor. ANN ARBOR RAI LROAD TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Sunday, Mlay 21. 1899. Traias toes Ann Arbor by Central Stand- art Tine. SOUT11 NORTH 'No. 6.- 7:11 A. M. No. 1.- 850 A. at. No. 8.-tt:35 A. tM. *No. 5.-22:30 P'. m. NO., 4.- 8:31 P. m. Na. 3.-. 4:56 P. a. *Run between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. All train daily except Sunday. Wx T. WILLS. Agent. W H. BENNETT. 0. P.A HOCKING VALLEY RY. The Railroad that takes the Business In and Out of Michigan. 4 SO LID VESTIBULE TRAINS DAILY BETWEEN 4 TOLEDO, COLUM1BUS and ATHENS. W. H. Pinker, L. W. Ladman, Gt. P. A. G. Trav. Agt. Columbus, Obio. Dletroi. Rich. Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Cars leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti every half hour beginninig at 7:15 a. ms. until 9:15 p.,um.; After that to Detroit at 11:15 p. ms. Waiting room corner Ann and Main Sta.; Detroit, Ill Gris. wold street. MONEY LOANED on watehes, Damonds, Wheeis and other P or- ennal Property. Office at residence, 931: E. Liberty street. All -business eonfidential flours. 8 tn11:30a. us, and lto 3:30 andl7toS9 P. m. JOSEPH C. WATTS IJt M MARI. BCY E FUNERAL DIRECTOR O LVR Embsalmitng a speciaity. No. 2109 S. 4th first-class Men's anic Ladiea' Ave. Amuluince night and day. Has- Bicycles andiTandemss for Rent dence 302 Fifth Ave.HaoResnl. Eaken at Repairing Promptly Done COLLEGIATE CAPS. M. STAEBLER'5 GOWNS and fjOODS, lI Rooting at CYCLE EMIPORIUM ' CAPE ard GOWNS. 119 W. Washington Street A SPECif;LTY. Phone 8. Open Evetning CLASS C(NER. COLLEGE FLAGS, +++++++++++++++++++++++++ COLLEGE PINS., r u 5 HATS and '5 NORITH SID[E~ CAPS.,. LAUNDRY + WC. KERN & CO, + THOS. IROWSI, Prop. +. 411 E. S'itty.bezstntk St, + 20S Detroit St. 457 Hell 'Phone nC(C.IL Froth Medics Defeat dotiois New Athletic Capt iTh. frtesh lic ii'shfe t'esirsh id tutul li1)he lti' tilt i ii i itil bad iis itgntae Indo s ) ' l ' lii ' ti-'slii1nE'tt ltiiuiogteii',adolstsElindei t he: sit ll . tu A. .5 'lin1ti iulitVtiu t ll ilti' sop tit RVi- ______________ hiii lilist 1)iiit litr( it i(1t' lit ( otd I. li siltI' teril h -*0Ad-VIF h~ ci WOULD BR HAPPYIs mnthth to'l. Sfortill'02. 'iriln'I o11 tll.u a NV~ERS)ITY 'oi Cit'1IT.AN HAND P1:1-les d 1 tlit ioli t'ii'iiisthis111: ll' fttr(tiislto 1110 ft -ltctt, prin Ash~e i"se; etc. BRTONC.PSTON Tty yurPoer he ipesoadPlyingde oaPltll(lOSiit tall"coeot's, plaitseand 9 go '01 ..........2i)l1i0 0 1 1 0 41I-IttedoyaTiges,c;ierets,don5o. '02 _,_......0003100___D ti elyyurp1012ttgs u G~teCii'e ll A.Drby lie 111ZtHAl- leery tdaoi teuulml for',atit is. 0o eittanr vil en-filll.' TY OFI TONBAND T~l'S EWE.BYSTOE. ANAL'S. HEST 2 11111'ii s trya iv-o eitios tistiyer.Assrnishdm'sc for(conerts, xtaro', 111tecsi'o olei y'r 5 o e14 tci. BiURTileONlC. OtSTNift uiile.nt 19 00551 thurch'. Alarm -Clocks SI U. of M. Pins 50c to $1.00. Fine Watch Repaising a Specialty i, 1e CHAPMAN, JEWELER, 2ee6Slain Sauth. Dental Gold We sell dental gold and soldert We pay casht for old gold an silver. Wnm,-Arnold, Jeweler F INEST RIGS IN "II'HE CITY AT Holmes Livery PHONE 106. 515 E. LIBERTY ST, "THlE AMERICAN BEAUTY" Eos'e is not more delicate in its ox. qusisiteodotor thtan are our various flavors in Soda Water. Our Ice Creams is the fittest, our Orange Phosphtate, Wild Chearry atid Lemon will refresh the most jaded spirit on a warm day. H ANCST1ERFER'S, 200 E. 'gasht. St. 3116 S. State St, Pickwick Billiard Parlors, Regulatton Sice Tables, Wola chCuslonel Everything Neg and Strictly IUp-to-date. 707 N. University Ave. Ann Arbor Tans Now In '\ - P New ColorsI 0 Rope stitched and. Extension Heels 1 -JIz SOUTH MAIN STREET zi SOUTH MAIN. STREET mnage ancal- IIITItI E--lmerand i..a.,.a. SEs ~la tt U. of M Barber "Face t~aea sia ndEOH iILILlaca Drear IIV IIJ tnei.it I en mhpat B t sethods. (I All kdaFi- Rooms,52 ~ nd Pa~s Sm 2E2$S Fourth Ave., Both 'Phones aShlawShop dna. a dali Phm E . Pahnoto he ho 1AIC M TAMPd"AkI7F nf f*~% V A r l -%i e . ~ . -