THE UIJNVERSWITY OF!ICHWfi~AN JVA-U1. I~II ~b I Running high ;jump-Kenanu, Det. Unit.; Fil. Cleveland Univ.; Haler, turned onit to b a uitilloilent h n I ennti obcnrt It ws epec~tlthat tie'astn e ltduo h rop xamr! organtizedi and strewgihenedterteil h neshlsi \a aro opritig vacation trtig)by tte addtionof out, totiWthe arrangemenlt of eveto SomeO of the old men woutli make . an1d exe(tttionf of Salle. The whole of-I Strong ohooving ; against anly i-totem'i fair wooa entirely oatisfactory and dloea team. lint we mave fatiled-ilin-evyin great (credit to the VT"arsity aitrd young stallee-evell whenl we itort theson- itlelto aswell. taitolsectalclos tatts o tu tot. There Iwere IT eventiseich giving "5 Whiee is the ditfi-elty 'tSorely the pitstfor first. " for secotnd, o tfoochitig has b1 acfictt-ent atoil iitiatthird and 1 f'r fonrtih places rtspect- couldi to-aoketd for. 'Tic row lmoteriat ively. miaking 0a totalot 187 tmiztto t -vastitoodi 00 oet1. Untdoti elttire- Iabttt11ttie itheO taiet. Onct ani t-ltliti i- otiss ~~ iThe litritintioti -cas as follow s: tiroten string of (defetsOtowE.,otali ir-. le.I.S SIttt:AnAbr t frait fom ~i~itoiit.TheV~asit to letroit Utiiv., 18: tlecelanld uiiv., 17; fnd afro ogmeoh.iTheog 4 arl *.l~- (iratl ttiiit(l,. l1i: Orchard Late, i16; te tttts i stnitAeriadot tntoctbeiltutat tyyneao. 71trectoilic,. ;5: Moniotee, 5; .themastis Wler c°rt th N Itt-i.n te Sclttttl fur Boys. 41; tttwtll, -4: nlialt-to tu. e oot. fury nt ec~e ottti-.tttl I t. W.II. S.. 4: Latisit, 2; Ttcdco. w~le to ve st.lii'tyhayieiiooi-t t oitlarsiotil anitiI tiat-titrit. 4 eat-l. tioe thei-'V'arsity is tt try il;atowoy tot ret rieove the piit oeeks Iossis ity owil- Junior Law Party Monday Tfhis 1istill owitliiitoit reit-li. T'fur 1)1(,lIii- liitio ss iviti Itilltold.11thter teanimtiot itteveittp itre i-gh~tiiig stirit, if tutu iijoiytitie Itarties Mottaity it hoocever, if out exitetstut titisti1tue ft ii>tit'i. l'liaffttirit-\ill te tfit~it Vsott itei-l. Nit"aoste is tillishedi til :a1tttitie siii-wvaist toill tie the ititoper tolttillaitil tule last itttiig hts beetul titiig' siiouiiltit ctiici te enlitt. Thei glloyrfi. 'liii taithtos learnthi iis it's- '. if 35 1u-tihetsrooill fiiriiisii tue suitseoti'ltimges oili iiietriiijust fiii- not-ic. t - hee sTake NoChances WHfEN BUYING' CLOTHES READY-TO-WEAR ohr i nly one sort that will never disappoint you in tlle excellence of the fabric, correctness of . ~style and general value-for-price anct that sort bears (the nanme of - I.THE fS n STEIN-BLOCK CO I I We Ita-e sold this make to our most particular cus- toniers and have never heard' anything bnt com- mendations from the wearers. We have just received the newest creations in ~ISTEIN BLOCK'S MUST FASHIONABLE SPRING SUITS. Copngt 1904.ncoti i TLnesh itThe Ralston FOR.... ..Health Shoe.. xI Artistic x' The highest comlspimnent ever Picture Eraing paid it Malt's Shoes.------------AND COIFORTABLE, HYGIENIC, SENSIBLE SHOES FUR MlEN FiePc rs Price $4 GO TO Sold Only by... Geo. H. Miller, OE FRIES' ART STORE, 212 59. Main ,St 217 S 4th AVE ANN ARBOR ~ ........... .......................: A+ t p. i ' I .I A CLOSE FINISH [Continuted tront 1Etrott'ogej 1 Detrotit iti. ; tishi, Atleg;. 'litie, Tutu itt-5. ttttitiittti Ilo-3l otrigi-.11 t;arft.;i S.n 'fttt Dt-. 24 st-c.:1ade ro ll A iti .T it :3 1 5 0- a d d sh elr , Dt 2 1 ; - . Stuat-.1111.2. ; llo.Olhr 12nto1-yarort brd uiiut-s-StAimr Ait Titme, 111-5. rg1.f.20yles Itut15-latl. .C1i-ot.);t 1iertii11att, Het.lUtv.; i3o> tit. ti. in.I .; ClitIati, ('IcoNetati P1it to.;At it. S. Tue, 272-5S.arge13 D1o1evA111 --Ooortt. Paet,1. t. S.;;et nutp, )teUt.v.: itaruttitll(t,icao N. t. iiiNaloDt 1e 52. Slt-pnt a-e elerhcago.t. It. Si.; BrTraaOnirti rLate: (Bsrlowaytue; Uttiv.;Lakeobistoti, Clev elati 11i. PS- a1ire, 1)t. 7 tic. etDt 1 thtlf-mui-erl-o-Stintit Olt.IaoI.IS. Dlc i.; intOi ILayke; Caomnieltit'l, rfu-e;artieta; luidtsii. .PSt- atuce, 52 f. Ti/mei.2:*15 Rtau-il it-T} motitIcuramOmbRnlde. 11. S;: te, (Peiv;l Fiitaey, Pet. UnoivDt 1 .;;mRsDearb o; SVeik,1.lSi boag, V. Di.; QaisrelMileaE, -SoWmeDi,.D istaone 10 ft. 1aina. ivent btu e tlta-ts aitlit ouiii tatt th itoil 50.toitlts hi-stiear]os.beet Ask CALKI'INS. FOR Al LA W OR MED ICAL LIBERAw4RhY A Wernicke Sectionol ]look- Case especially sitited, Htandsome ini appetrance, grows with the titrary, eas- ily moved, easily puirchsed. One section holding 1251 books, conmplete with tsp and bass. $5.50 Fri iglit paid to any point east of Rocky Mts. WAHW'S Chef d'oeuvre de I'Exposition Universel BY Walton,'sagio, and Champier ADDRESS, 3i3O5sOUT11STATE STREE. The poblilere af thin week received l Grand Prite and Goid Medai at the Paris H. paosition for its excellence. Alt warksoda subascription only. Redmond, Kerr & Go. BANKERS 41 Wall Street, New York 'Transact a tgnerat baninghbusiness. Reeie deposits subject to draft. Divide.c and interest collected and remitted. Act, Fiacal Agents for and negotiate the isnue railroads.,sreet railoways, gas compsanieset Securities Caught atid nold on commis "ion. Y t u c :::;k::ot?------------------------------------------- 0@..-..., ATHLENS THEATRE .., 0e5..- ..0 "".... ALL THIS WEEK ..i A""... .""00 0@..'*""~s Aso... ."* :55«..'1 ..s ®i"... ""i Aso... ."s POPULAR PRICES: io, 1,5 and 25c ego*..--55 le THE OLD) REtIABLE STOENTS HOEADiQUARITERtS, 5ILLIFSRD FmRLOR x- iIRUNSWICK FIALaE ('OLLENDER TABLES, THE (ON MONA RCH #CUSHIONS DEC"EIE H11G11GRADE ciq4Rs' Toa4 coo, q E1E 01 t4DttY OtULLETINSOFOtALL SPOETING lEVENTS ID ND ftOo lO Qi OSTATE Rf K YNOLDS o :'rtE 3 2 TRT leMiuieIj~~jRE F QUIU SANITARY PLUMBING. CU ELI LC11 CCS~U:11NADS7PIS HIGH GRADEI[ ESMETSECURITIES. 1J ISS. iAItA(D H0,11 loNAN Strio Lit=retneie .n apivn s ssngosSre. Auiff Iic GAS ANI) RotuCiI'RC FIXTURES P ILADELPRIA CORRESPONDENTS. 1 207 asingL n tret IGR 1ADE VAN ELS AND GRATES. GRAHAM, KERR -ti CO. ________________________ CoigOut Sale of..,. We are: headquartees for every thing in the line of furnishings tot. Closingtudents' looms, BIYCE at -COST L'AMPIS, OAIL CAMS,. PHOTO HACKS. SHADES WASTE PAPERBBASKETS, (USPIDORS. ATOur Prices You Will Always Find the Lowes.- MARKHAM'BAZAAR- BRON5SDRUG STORE 25SUhMAI SRET ______________ 215 OUT MAI STEETNEW STATE 'PH-ONE462