4 Jerseys We hae themnon all kinds o combination of colors, aso mak them to order for claa teams to any colors selected, with corer als, letters or monogam at cliti rates. Caps We also make claws caps to rde with any monogram design sb mitted. UNIVERSITY BOOKSELLiR,f 320 SOUth State Street You ca get a HOT LUNCH 3ISSoth State St. TVYPEW RITER; For ent. For Sale. Thesis Work; Carefully Done. Typewriting. Mineograpitg. EDWARDS BROS. Ior Siehasa) State Street ...PRIVATE... LESSONS I DNCN Giee. ay St. or brs. Ios Crager at te aademsor lY appotoent. Single Iceson, ta( Crso ecca01, ier Mrocptarotns .ae tour each. All lesotta iieeiowith Msic Gragr'sAcademy.s Stamp Collections BOUGHT FOR ASH Q Look up your old collectiotn and trn it itat ready money. Prtnpt Cash and Good Prces. TH4E MICHIGAN STAMP COMPANY Steam . 16SWodwardArce_ Datrot (J~kBICYCLE First-class Men's aittiLadies Btcyces andTaadema Ifor et Rates tReasoonable. Repairing Promptly Done M. STAE1BLER'S CYCLE EMIPORIUM 119 W. Washitgto Street Phone . Open Eetin STry The NRBSD LAUNDRY * TiO.. ROWE, Prop.4 2 s Dtrit St. 457 BeiI'hnr 4+ 0L M.MARTIN.,. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Emabalmng a specialty. No. 29 S. 4th Ave. Ambulance night and day. Iles dnse 32 hith Ave COLLEGIATE CAPS .f '. GOWNS sd -10005 Rrtles or C..i ! CAPS and GOWNS tSPEC1IIL-TY CLASS CiNES Il', -COLLECIS FLAGS COLLEGE PINS LASS .n COLLEEI HATS and CAPS..' W. C KERN & co. 311 . F~IftySecentho St. JCHICAGOU, ILL. THE UNIVERSITY 01'.MICHIGAN DAILY LHIGH ART F t I2 ACOR1RECT TIOGAT PRICES withtin the reach of ordinary mortals Your Suit to Your Mleasure And ttt a price that will save you front $5.00 to $15.00 from the price chat-god hy the ot-dinary merchsant tailor. Wilt yon inrvestigate ! We will do the rest. G O RICH te D, lls The Interoatioal Tailoring or Chica.cc Std. V. Pric & CcclfLCicago B. Stern & Son Chicago SPRtING LINES NOW,ltSA DYoacre Ice Natioal OBant CA LKINS' Put a KODAK in your Pocket WE SELL THIEfl lnteu tscethe liP'OtOgrapbev Hearts Broken at~ the Armory ; Dr. Nancrede's Staff Apponted ta ct wllc'c\V81, <1 w ailti-asccss tag tt;iachttolthisaat aff yeata-.atity: Itililt tab"aut- 4a0a ctttleittripaeateight - pe.'2 lydetttJumpa. ':1ttCotta, a-icititig ittilette. rita t-Itla -ton e pit tailt tent ta: Itieatrd It. (lilttat'tter, up to a vry ite aatur (attt(a tate da l '02 CMeta l atttittgat. '02, attalTheo. tte 1tsucta'esfulldait tae tattihere.Cati 02 AT (aTRA\NIIEII'8 '-rattt.STUDENTS NOTICE! Asas-embly 8::30 satrpt. Extra aro- Thte lest lautndry is thte Toledo Lann : ts11.Celitttegaatt ttataia. pif1 t dy. cy Ii. Wt-rk called lot and do a-ats laeitiula.litseared. Leave your order at 121 S Agents Agents 100 students Wonted to canvass dntttag vacationi for the cA. A. Improved" gasolinte lans. ells ODt Sight. SUPERIOR MFG. COflPANY 329 S. Main St. WA BAS H PAN=ANIERIC.AN EXPOSITION Buffa'o, N. Y., My i-Nii, 0I The Wahash, 1he0"N agara Sails Sipta Lioe," has mode special arrangeme:Ais cc accomtmodate a large teavel between De- teattlanod Buffalo durng the Eapositioar Noe equipmentsitd additional train nor- vice will ho provided. The Wahashisi the only tone operatint; free Reclinittg Chaie Caes hetweta Chicano sod Bufaro. Tick- cts wall he goad fr o p-over 01 Niagara Falls. Write (or a cOopo Wabtash Pao-Americoan Fotadecoosaiialsargefivee clor map ci the Exosition gro od aond handsome zloe ehiogs orfte peloci,)tl ildiogo. TickaetOffice, 97 Adams Streeti, F. A. Palmer, A. U5. P. A , Chicago. Cor. Slots sod Hur0 oiarets. Copitl, 150,hO. Sarpls, $35,000. Trasacs j geneeal baninig business. R, Kxpr, Preco. C. E. GREENE, Vice-fiee FILED. HESo LO.Caohiee. Sof Ann Arcot FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ogsanedl151 Copitlt,10o000. Surplui sod Pecoct, 530,301 Tron cts a generaobinho~g bhatest. Foreign, onchoote hought asolmd. Funioth letterseof credit. E,0D, K1NNE, Preso.HARBISON SOULE. Vice-Soon S. W. CLARSON Cashie IThe fRnnfRrbor savings Bank Capitol Stock. 80,0000. Suteplus, $150,000. Orgaoized uoder thoeeealBnoking Inat! ofthio Statc. BRcivos depesit, bhaod tegls exchangconthe principalliieof theUtod Sttsrafostlecachedupno peopere ideocifeaioo Saty depoesitoestorenol. Orriroor: thriotioc Slack, Pres.; 5W. 1. Hart- mao, VicePres.;Chat. S. tllcocta, C(antler S.Id J. FritzAsistant CshOia J. V. SHEEHAN,l2dYice-pi e~f JOHN, C wALc, Ass.ahtie Sf INGS BAR~K Compillete title "Ader"'suits Tna over- costs lit .aditams,Ityant &Iteitle, Oar "Oinin"~u Writing Pads hent ,laytthing yott ever saw foreelimtoney, 10c, at SCItATLEtt'S Bookstore. lain st. Illy yatur Poker Chips and Playing' Ctards at SCHIALLER'IS Bookstore, it a1t5 tillDari,-dol i n lit. At 1 - l i ("wt tea"we-lt-lary lt' ie i 1(11.A- tr. sou WOULD BE HAPPY 1.12I'11 .IEE lIlY STORE. SMIOlilal -' Royal Tigers. 10c, Tigeretlos, Sc. tel tmtittelabelaliafr yaourt tla titooks; .001t -til C.atta~ . (t,]J.BtARTHELL. PIIISITY 01OFtt IIICAN BAND ".1(tA'ItIt\NIIIlS'1IL.IS. AND) ORC(IESTRA I Wa- tea a .taraopositin I t.t1I1tawill itt- furishia mustlic Lft' concrerts, tpartlies Iti-alt ytatt. O~thea-e 11ittita -obalod e. IBURTON C. POSTON, mointey. Wlty ntlyoutlS hatta-i-(.,1l 190iXL1SClturch St. .111 itt ataito Icily. tititlaill &-IRt achy. il1: liaticci1 t cilan. Ia'I Crepe TissuelI'pter for tcorative putrpoes ain all cetera, plinlatnd fig- (bI thit-Sia-ll tDe-bido lit' it 51IfAL- tedt, at SCHA.LLER'IS, down tewin. t ElWS.1I 1S' 1+WIIl1 SIIII Donettdelay yeour theta ittitigs, bt Blest $2 hteMade iise Howard, coeryatntt d tavo-idi te usalatrushl. Wadhams, ttyan& Renle, sole ogemts. t A.1I'll S. 1 / _-..o /1SPRING ~ ' /SHIRwTINGS t._c 1 WAGER & CO. BATTER IHABERDASHEIRS i f Transacts a general Blankitig Business. iLatiesPatrician Oxfords __IN- SPat. Lea, Pat Kid, S HEAVY 01R LIGHIT SOLES, OUR tSHIOES I THE, 44..44..44..44.n5.44..4.4.44444H. Spalding's Official League Ball Is the Official Itall tel the Nationtal 3 00 0Leaguethlea-ding miner league anil all (lie cellego * roiathtletic associtons. A lsandsonetCaalogue of f1 Base B3all and alt Athletic 0 Sports mailed free to soy address. Spalding's (Official Blase )0113J E1 ISIIII 1 Hall Giuide for 190t, etdited ity P H*(etnry Choadwick, ready March 30, Ar901 price 10 cints lo TORE A.. SPALDING & BROS. r. (INCORPORATED) .444444......444444 New York Chicsgo Denver