TE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY . r Jerseys We have thereonrtall kings of combination of coloralsornkeitit them to order for dosxus teases ini nnty colors selected, with numer- ala, letters or mootgramiaat cub rates. Caps We also make class;;Ccalls1t order with any monogratm design sub- mitted. Sheehan Co.8 UNIVERSITY BOOKSELLV R,- 320 South State Street *You can get a HOT LU.NCHl AT TUTTLE'S eta oatt States. TV PEW RITERSw For Rent. For Sale. Thesis Work Carhefuilly Do ne. Typewriting. Mitneograp hing. EDWARD)S BROS. mver Sheehee'si State Street .. PRIVAT... LESSONS IN DANCING Girtn by BeNiMet loe- . sylnetiatte academy by aitpointmteet. Sinigle tesonu, one aersoi .60, fieaoremore persos amv hoe- urt eath. Allles-sons giten Witmsc Stanip Collections BOUGHT FOR CASH Look upN our old collection and trn it into ready money-. Pronmpt Cash and (deed Prc-sa. TH-E MICHIGAN STAMP COMPANY Roomi 3. i-i6 iti ooulotaird Ate.. Dier-it NOTI CE We have our moat ,xcellent lice of seasonable WOOLZENS, SERGES, WORSTEDS and CHEVIOTS on the table waiting yoor inspection. We will show you nearly 500 different styles of trouseriuigs. We offer you the finest line in the city. Truly Yours S. W. Burchfield, 106 E. Huron CALK IN 3' Put a KODAK in your Pocket WE SELL THiEM j1Let5i _ L [. /' ar,>.+ es nv v« rc 'ir D I lRentschter, the Pj~hotographer. Wherry is Still 'Varsity Champion at-iri- pld 'tyestlerday ifteiciitn, itd 'Alei-iy itoailit'Vacuity- ttamion.tt tHe leeted RIso-itt-ti6i, t6-t. 6 Thii-ti-iitnit i-ass cesulited as ftiltowsa: hansottmi te-teat-td lt-Nil-i ;i, l-6. tlitisii deattedLotte l6-3. 6 stietc. Ttiey silt leavt- Atii Actbor May 27. timie. lay tirii lalti. ALLEN, t-es- ittitit & Sptence-cs. UNIVERSITY OP MICIGIAN BAND AND ORCHESTRA fiuittmusic-orciii- citets, patties. etc. BURTON C. POSTON, 190 L51 Church St. STUDENTS NOTICEt Ttie bett laundry is tte Toledo Laun dry. li-y- ii. IWork called for and de ivredtiELi-avcyotic order at 121 S %latn at. Junior Party at Granger's Tonight Tthe-la-it tally itofthe juioclassi oc c- i-itts ittit-lit a t ratia-ecs. Almotititalt ofi thei lict-Ital e ta e disposedttitof, but tie cit ci-ialtaiiay111 ti,3 b e-cu-rtedl ofthe commit ttii i i tee ttit-tthdour. flit diluteol'i il tliehe r.Jatmeit-u le- attit,11(1Atle. .itt. Wailt. Ttie tutu- orct-lts-tra atiittifirtnish liie muitict-for thei dtii-clovc. LOST-Sitter watt tuhcarm, abouiasizea "O. St- I."Rturnitoi i21 lS. That is Inte stl-olastic Meet at 3 P. M-. Today Regents Field. Dance at 10 P. M'. at Armory. Interscholastic Dance This evening at Light Infantry Armory. Tickets oan Sale Noow at Sheehan's. Re-liy Bret. tare a al-ite tot of string Spti-ta ijutin. Agents Agents 100 saudents anted to casiaass dialiig vascatiosi f ur tilei -A. A. Ismproved" gasoline lnmps. Sells tot Sight. SUPERIOR MFG. COMIPANY 329 S. Main St. WABAS H PAN=AMIERICAN EXPOSITION Buffa'a, N. Y., May s-N)t, s. The Wabash, the "Nagers Falls Shiort Line.' hatsemade special arrangeac- is tt aecomsmodate a large travel between De- trit and Buffalo darin the Stipasitia -. New equipmient and additional traitiae- vice witlhe provided. The Wabash is the otnly tiner operating Free Recliniag Chair Cars hetween Chicago and Bufgalo. Ticik- ets will be good tar slt-aver at Niagara Wvelte toesa espy of Wabash tPan-Americane Fu-dee conaining a large fInn tolor' map af the Exposaition gro ads aned handsomeczic etchings of slit principal building. Ticket Office, 97 Adams Street, F. A. Palmer, A. G. P. A., Chicago. Car. Main and Huaoe Striate. Capital. 150,000O. Surplas, $35,000. Transat gcnral banhiegtburince. R,. KExpr,tree. C. E. GRENS, V ice-tree' FRE. H BELSER. Cashie-. FIRST NAIOALNA t rcAn ed5O Capital. $500,00eo r tplus and Faniets, 30 Trraneicte a general tanking basiteer.FareigL exchtange boutght and told, garnish leter at credit. E. D. KINNE, Preer. HARRlISON SOUL, Vise-tres S. W. CLARKSO Cashier. The funn firhor savings Bau Capitl iSloth. $5000.Surpius, $50i0ri. (rgaszedunderethe GeneralBaninig Laws of this Stale. Recise dpotite. toys and seels excchanee ot the principtal cties of she United Stits.Draftes cahed utiteroeeer identifiction Safety deposit tutus to rent. OFctnteCherisnMath. tes.; W. D.Hael- mn, Vice-Prfm;Chau=. E. Bietoth.ias-hier, J. ritz, Assistnt Cashier W. ARNOLu st.lt Vice-prees TfT J. V..Cu T it - t..y tCpres S fI IOHn. C 0A T Ae. Asashire )lI STransacts a gentcsal Nlankirg tusinesa.. Bay your Patker Chips atut Pliayintg I -- __ Cartsl at SCPIAL.EttS Boatator ,. Ctultete lin~e -iller suitsa lley tvere coats at htttlttiltis.Rytai & tesie. I lii -thest--I)el t-tie titlitit II.- I.I:II'S liIV l-ttV S l. Otir I ittetShin"lii ug Pails beat ______________________thit-ilitgytout eler ltVw tellthe tautey. tRI hltiMUh]-iOiTHERtSIUT NONE ___ ti TTit f olAod -t lutoi fteRyTigers, 10e; Tigerttes, Sc. vau t 4t- 1 a tl~i e e t he itt oin - - I nitn r i t p i teet:ith.c i tt iii t tittitit IV illthuiux Ryati it Bi-tit-are bole of .nntilt b rte ltt IetCo. , i-il.tintouu e gents for Ypsilatiutnssderwvear. *the el can be produced only oy upona hf Washburn1 WANIR O Importin ;1Tailors Guitar or Mandolin. A 2-2 .Mi t TeWashburn alone tclatrvlutOtin possesses the pure cre- 0Saittsgs await yotur inspecct. nicuna tone. ' "'V'WV ' '' .ie fl . s 3l.+. o O3OOr',J'.'30/34CJflCi0$Q1.//f.dO\" Youa are cordially invited to ---_ _- ________ make a visit of inspection. $++-+++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Beautiful Catalog Free. +o ExcIusite Washbunefrettres are 0 idesarcinOfrds Spalding's Offi Newadperfetybalancid modeli spetial +.j.j Itothe Official I13 prcsis ofeatsoing all woodsused;ptentr -.. ~ ~ costrutio, sreccgeatreinget ho i- + ___ et5 ii heroasabotely cretinanlpout- .+ i-i - eagu ios ut; inyig all donr by thilled worki- '++4 nptintheads far superirtcriartcoee -3 beads;designaas in good tstesep- .. :j" (' 4t feetsystein nf ribbing; plihsecrdheSby at kCIalf BoschI thoraoughicorseof hand-ruhbig-eve ry P t Lea, P d i " x p~t nts screanddpgaofsheesy ighes 1 ?16 aity. + address. Spald aild by LradissgtMusic Dealer.s . Iij1,,AVY 0lt LiIIT SOLE S, (lilt 511015 POSili,)rA F~r t-. } Bli (A Ctti fo LYON & H EALY, - Chicago. ~ ~ I.~ F~F~ uurr10;pieVic Manufcturrs.IAUL. PA L + H T T T EE H 1 S O E New York E NAVE YOU SEEN -111111 AI -A ErEFINEST icial League Bal ,all of the National re, the leading minor eand all the college aletic associaitions. tdsome Catalogue of Ball end all Athletic s mailed free to any eig's (AtfiitlBase r 1((01,epited hy a, smutty Marchi Al, sits DING & BROS. RPORAED)t Chicago Denver LINE OF SCOTCH AND