7FE UNITFFSITY OF 1ttl(FIGA1 UB1LY,. 3 t e ' e-cr 'r £ c r e:: Frri: IJIE IJ NIVE FSITY v .OF VhBIGAN D=r AIL Y. 3 e: : r~E r 3: rr: ' : g° E:Er : le ii c1't 'fie tiii sii vY+ iii aAi i tiii iii tiir iii oii aii ° i Q4i chi c 'r cii fir pii oii iYy . SPRING NEGLIGEES Madr Cords Plain Made dome! as, Cheviots and Bedford in oxblood, helio and blue 4 white with plated front. 4 of the best imported and 4 00 stic materials %V'0 * x 4' 75c to $2.50 117 MAIN STREET I 3 as:ss r? 3:3.3 = 3:=:3'3i? :3 =3?. : 33 3 s3: ?l :s;?: s -3 3?: :a.33 :. ? : 3:?:i:3 rar: :3 Michi as Central U, Ms MARTIN., , BICYCLE Alarm C o k NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE DIRECTOR U.ofM Pca5c o 100 Fn d aiongasPeciaity. No. 20V iS. 4L". Iirst-(mis MOO'S and Ladies' WacRei-inaScal TILE SHORT LINE- Ave. Ambulance night and day. Res Bicycles andTandemsa for Rent W th epa'ig a'Specat ANBR O ence 302 Fifth Ave. Rtest Reasonable. J, 1. CHAPMAN, JEWELER, AN R O ORepairing Promptly Done 206 Maion South. C IA OCOLLEGIATE CAPS, M. 4TAEBL..ER'5 1en alGold~ - BUFFALO GOWNS and HOODS, CYLE EfIORUM enaiofi CYL M O IMNEW YORK CAPS nod GOWNS, 1109IVw lilroio5ll s pg We sell (I ( il)gold -sod Poll Lis AND BOSTON , Phonie S. OpenYveingwe pay catI i for old gi d 'on With direct coonections at Chicago for St. COLLEGE^ FLAGiS. +4++''++++++4 4 4+" silver. Lo is Kanse (City, St.Paulad 11he wostlCOLLEGE PINS. +.ry Te " ',tr, A '..p',J- wele'r Frinfurman 1alndthrobt5likecli on CLASS and + '+ or witto 1. W.XV HAYES, AentanArbor.COLLE(1C' an +NORTH SD CAPS.,. 4LuNR F N S ANN ARBOR rKWEf,&.CQ + Ff103THO. ROWE, Prop. : 4211F.Fi fV e rcethSt 2tODtri t. 47Bell 'Phone .. P 0l R ADP-ILL. Mz:1zOL& ITI.0 I H II 1 School Comedians Will Present Corrected Class Schedule IN 1 lE CITY AT TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Sunday, May 2t. 1899. '"Mr. Bob" Tealn sleave Aaa Arbor by Centrai Stand- ______I 001110101to11tle 1111lot httell 1 :'llt 1111 at' Tine. IVol, -"'loal Moto 01 o lti l~l olt l ,101 IILO Itwo1000 11wo 1 ttt 0111int1 111111ed fHolmes ..jv ery 7f SOUITH NORTH ;riv111;ot i 110 Sotttool hatll ill h11oorof l OtlIX teo 115111 itottoo reel1 te :11110lm s _No 01-010A t.Nohe'' lioli11es11a1ilts 1111om 01othe 111101hool Ioto itt'layedioverti. Itirill hinlayed at o I PHONE 106, 515 E. LIBERTY ST. No. 8,-11:10A. a. *No. 5.-12:30 P. IM. 0011- 100101111lotortheiii Intlelo l st It te foli, 01t1I O lot V itlo , to. 4:10IIIp. 11t No. 4.- 8t35 r. m. Ns. 3.- 4o56 P. m. liold l IMoy. owio1-to Ithe1111 11111'ill Vtoe tt-latittitg 'c tlldlo will lot' 11 place if' oldotilt he 1 Banc(111 tolitl 10o i, foollot-_ *Run between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. Ioovs-th11s1 1111telttllltl, itsi o 111 '03 -t v: 0 -t 5I i11010 0 1. &ll trains dally except Sunday. hu >h ett : 'ns 'ei, Wv. T. WILiLS. Agent. I ttolii itot-ltotthe0 11 11 11 ' 011011 W H. BENNETT. G. P. A- 1111101 1 tis 01r _11.Alcontes~tnts ar I to' 0 aw1V1.11000 0111 i or llit- 1100100111 nlet oft(11101o). --- onlda~y. tfoie oot oi1oell bohe''llom111p oitlt 'illne tittt_ dewl or~ 8i_ -f1111,N1iVALLEY ir Mild :0:101 l1, ot11a1100 i 'OP OUD HPP no nefr ihte(i' i h u -The Railroad that takes the nloop. Tes~t'i t wln n111 Business In and Out y X0 a11 i 110 tot lc' 1etitled tl li Sh1lOii+; of M~ichigan, bol(loyal Tigers, 10c; Tigecetten, oXc. 4 SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS heFlo ill-ll - is al lst o f h l ltol ': _______________________ 4 DAILY BETWEEN 4 l'Isiiip Iloysooll... All..J~. llottli 0011 SlI........q . Pl1igitl (,e1 1111011' lolelofor 00y 15u110law oboo;TEDs C L1 BU IIIIIIUJII ° a TOED ,COLJ1BS ciaito .. .lbt. 1111'"0s1e4pl . E. . II 'rl15RLI "TIWAMItXN BEAUJTY" and ATHENS. R11111100 1 III11111e'aLe......Xl3IiopiiiP1RoeI ,ttntcdlesoi t x w. H. Fisher, L. W. Landmian,Wt.tl Itl .10.rhiss IDolily Cr0110 Tisstte Paper for decorativeIRosiseo or dliae ounviusx G. P. A. 0. Trav. Agt. 't:11133llytol. .0Stafolrdlt pIlposs.in 1111colors, plaitn and fig- ots i odtanWaerour Iceaream Columbus,___Ohio.___ etroit.___Mich.___ 'attly.......... Xliss Cttlplllti11011,at SCIISALI1ER'S, down town., 15lavtrs inoSod.te OucCre etstatm Detroit, Ypslanti and Ann ArC- 11ites1the ayfriendot f ll'tllctlepol i ol 1111h000111ll erbytie' pill 01 HALL- Wild Clherry and Lenuon will refresh bor Railway. I'Illt tlt01'IltlO0111ollttSlS.SWIli TE. .1'theltt ~ost jadled stirit on at warm day. Cams leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti iNitI b111' l~tlt. _20--'' RaN~sh. IIIR5. every half hour beginning at 7:111 a. m. Dotn't delay your 1111010sitttigs, but 20 . aL St. '.110 N. State St, until 9:15.p, m.; After that to Detroit VACATION fIlUST'11lS. coine' (arty atnd avoid tho usual rushI. at 11:15 p. m. WataeritillGi-ng roomconer''(111011 11l2tlo ositi t 1111'o-tt 111c i- RAND)ALL'S. 12 Q"g11Pcwc iladPros Annd ans Mitr s.eetoi,11tG icl oi. lls-sno't otBtter 50111t tils«elle'rt pnaHAL wel stet and1'.WO 111otIe~ ot(lll'001 ~lo i )1 thL Regulation Sloe Tables, MOE OND atd oll 010 1110ay. Kimlballl&: R Sle.ly. [Il'S I EWI.RYIVS OI iblMonarch Cushfsn4-. nan watches, Olamon ds, Wheeln and other P er- 6i1. 1'1111 Ot teet. 190 Everythuig Nee'. and snnal Preperty. Office at renidence, 33, E. ______ Best $3 bat mtaole is te Toward. t Liberty street. Alt business confidentialt Strictly Up~tqoag. Hlours. S to 1:30Sa. m,. and 1lto 3:30and 7to 9 "The BIt'g-otlasber" contitlg. Wadhiams, Ryan & Reule, sole ageats. 7 T,07 N. University Ave. Ann Arbor P. M.JOSEPH C. WATTS PURI-TAN OXFORDS Fj Tans Now In s 'F sv New Colors .7P t~ Ro6pe stitched and- Extension Heels$3 5 11 -nsz SOUTH MAIN STREET 11nre SOUTH MAIN STREET 4 U. ofl M Barber paeteaming and EOHBEEL Embalmer and f nvriy63 Cost William Street Shop and Bath Op, done ty latest PueaWecr of law buiding. All kish ds l Fine med. Berint th'hneswslhopaofreairinF Leatly do*-.