>. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Publihed Dily (Mod1y13 n. Ptdteerig FIDE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 31A6't O0IC- IlocoOomil Arens Bldg, LainSt - 336S0. tte street. Both 'Phoneso 13. Ne 'stae 'Phone 182. M~ANAGNJ EDITOR, -- . H. 11.66, '01 RUSINESS MANAGER, ;<. EGLHnol,'01 L - EDITORS: A..McDOOGoL.,'0E. G. D. loltJT, '0113 MsL,K. SSIN'03 W. A.KIGTt,'01 L 1. H. WooDtow,'04 W. P. CntoloEo,'01 L - W. A. BNScooce., '03 E. . HOSON, '03 Aoi. Pet66.06 N'02 The subciptin rce, I ti e D 16 L'. 4in 2 foe the college yeor wh ta reguiar delery oeitoe n on orash16d1. Notics,,Ctnmlut6001- tien, ad tedeirtmatte inteded fteepsbli a- tonfl 8661be laed in at te DttY offie beott s p. n., ot aiod tn the 031101 beor 3 -p. 10 01o1110e(116y 1reviou11to that day 01n which thy wee.OOcteto latPpeir .01060101100 smybe ;e11 a the D~is' 10f- Booe, 51yo's, 00Stolll't'teesatntd, 6or81i1. BusinesMnaener. 511,eierlll co1nf 01e a favor by repotig poptly at tsof eaony aite oftcarriersto tdelvepapoer. All changes lit adertiting mattel111866 6e in the ofice by 30 in1o06the 11ay5pevi0u6 10 that 010 whih they arto10816008. Michiganl's bhsebll ti 101111s11los13t1a111 other 0 0or the eastern 11110. Te r1oot- 00.0 1had1 loped 101r11 11111('0 010101111 0W10110halveldownledlilhe. llilc and blue.c tlhe lng t111l. ,11r11t30 grounds11aril11wk with11(1 610101s1. 1 Wbon' 11 he 01'e110 011( tar1slio o r 10 the0 101 o 10'illo 11ga1m(10 11a01 11110lot 1f11111111 1111111111l1t13to 111113ball. 'Theltea11S1111s10 as11 1 0111161111 to 11106-00'1111i1113110111a10 111e6Wo1veri1ne Comedy Clb to Put on Three Short Plays Nvithil al (01110the 'll t omd 'n itpeettreone-lO ac101lays0in i .611011 11111. rour1011 0'(11111011111, 1111'0111b101wf111of 1110 gy'1rlau11Lea1011110of 1111e1Uniersiy. The club111h1110taken11 g11a1t 1101110 1n selecting theseoc 111013, 011d(1thllon(e110de- eided(111p)011are00h111ve013 1est1of 01111 20 shlot 1110010,111at1hvec 1(01n 10ea1 1110111101t 1(1(1o'il o 11111l111g0 0111(11 ('1101f11100 will 111doub(te~dly 1attend(. "Ye'llow' -R ose,"' ''lccric 10(100 0111d "Cut1 0f0 0i1111 Chillinllg" 100e1110e1)1013 wh1i1111 00111 (1i111t1or 1(11n 1001110' 1i1e workilg 1t1100' 01111h1ap1g11m111101111 111110(11to 1110(6it0 gre1at(0 1101(00 (f 11(01 11100. Exmntion 11111 1is 0011111g light 1111(1wilty o 1t101n 111(10r1011111 from lthe 0everlstig drudOgry of study. Thee pays0 11e Owarrfitd to 610 thatl, if n111311g elsowill, for 11103 re full of 10c1011 frotm stol tottnis, 01101e0011 0110is sprklig oihl futl, wit. 0116d 11h1mo(r. Amongoogs1100OVhOoill 1110e0 u2) 111 cossoc0011suchwl-ktow people as M. Ed. dllontltdMr. 1Bab1Fitzgerld0. Mr. Mrk Batti, Ais Moi 10110000 .lAd Ms s lharloeLne ll1 of woms 000 well-knlown'to thowo 1100 r0e10 001- trstdc tt he clu11b('11)an11, ando 0l0solw the 0017 excelent prformnocecgienl ly 11ts10011(00 lst NMooh.Ticklo will bte sold for 650 0011111 111i16fewdys3th111 -Dily will 1tnoUB00 th doe, asowell 0x5t11e0plcs wlcereickets iray h pocured1. State NoTDoal plalys Katla oooe01101- pIoi00l1l3glanip of ,small colle