AAn .\ t, Ak-, A M 1 e 0 ILA V'OL. X-AINN ARBOR, AlICH. BI DAY. MAY 24 1901 N,. 0,( ...Or Special Line of....I COOLEY WILL BE TOASTED Another Game Lost by Michigan MEDICS WLL PLAY oreign andDoinesascpnnualdObsevance of to«Deyh yrt 1 "'l at Athletic Beard and All Medical Clas- yj ii Lawo-1at qoor eTo igi11 - Co1r-n o- 1(1 M.iI-iit 1 ;rt lost. ne5 Reach an Agreement - Full pletc it tof the icasts- Brtont-ttilt he iio lt n111In the Text of Action Taken Last FOR. SPRIJNG -____the 1 Ititlttr fr tti (Iant L eland Night-New Rules ii 'heColc' I a1 celebraitinsai b an- .o1t(1 t Itit t intoe acted in a life en- a rrived ad i r ( t 'e a li tiit. tl ~ i nItnn ao1lthocn replaced ' l't Toe eIP- lcc lsof 't)2:at itso neeting ha ran ved for isection p. l~l' t Oc-t-ci h e e (u- 1 1 il III the ott lith. fTe setre: Contplied sitiiottitorili 1with the last to, _ .1'aletnelasntitielr the 10(10 12 45 SitIt tctinof the Athletic Board asto the We Itave the largeet as- ut i t'Nll in teld in the Ita-otor 3-n1yin- gt . 1..0 25 0 00 ( 0 0-8 cho.angie n tenlo, ha1e1 on o i ent e ti h iy ai11 n hlteaIet ilIisPoi-t.....10200 -Jes Ar ,e et aeas wl int o the 11"otermto i n nuini no1. wihceeitadtt le Otiet t he Io otiher itedueni the )a)to ri lb served c l the Musical Clubs Will S'renade Tonight ci 'net itave Steen added to the seliedl- G 1 W' ~ toatt Sp:ne o Te1. O ______._ tle o1 the oseiesand tie jnnior elass The fonasiiin Isn;stompiete'list tot tiitn otttheC l ie e ctot tlt' in I tte toll ttt'11 i lo-ti l f iturtl of-t he etttoui IO E a h n t n S . ttt e t iit t Ptmuiti1 oitiu t' 'eii. t'Itoat: lu ent o the tI I-hu-it ordcnIs atn t ADom le.O neOn ltt. 'f. . 1- W'l ii'k t'tt u tItti y od - itl It lit'e(-iif otrm c1 It"ifOr 11leia lse.t olletin, f J (1 ittle I "L t-ibefondtuutt l ' ii e ig-unoen las it- ttn itcxn\it i ntutIu atutu itt tititt y eariitoiiu'cn pe tituil - -o SI .D E Ixcit tuutiuunr C.sla t h, t in ito cititi "Itein- tmlIn . o h fiueto nt t onfit'-1211 tttiiinii -~11 (' Ie t' i uttit'l ''t'n-i t h('1110\\ ' li'to uliu-tt1x1)dui-t t 't o ton. l ot-tit. "L ' ''l un ris a e t Benmlee Jnofrhln. ' d..1.I L e do in tro . iii 1iito - tiiei- o adtiti'itt0 ire le ist W ~ rL sI1I, O11 Iton- l iii' i-15.iiuun it ti n St k 1-orhut liii- n-tutu'n ittor ils a ian wil beuon t l-tui sttuonu Olt - i t . t ;l t rtt out uuti u onittiil i ott hets-thiui - i(lt Ilt Stot itutgt ii tt Chtutnguitatnttngtl t. I t tot n'it ii- iutnit Otttu(«1.lt-ut-eni i t i nu-hettiuuui ii u uttoIs i1t itlls: n I ltuiiut 1( it suit l,1uti-ti tutu- l io At-hot' it(, utitn. lii'tituu uuuuu-uiii St il ttu ut too the '_At' refeiti t o n c fr Indi t ill be- tutu hI tu e-u- suti tuhemtionJpissedLAi Pa rty a ti *~O tilt -liute purtsued.ttIlit ue tiot yuiwIi exemo rml o u tal-:too i hi mnilluu C LLN'R01tL ( Ott l iiiu- t ttheu ci' tot--ti tut W ILtDiER 'tiuFell.O tromiitntttut ii iiiyout-u cub t liii and trn e f. u tu tutuCtole nittyntutu-ed toii' ( 11 'Ti le \ut-u o FOR oroniversitysCaendartWill)SinfeteA FORInlcreased Attentdante O R.,'. ututliie t of' te' ui~si72tutuo M~rEDICA L soio V w.li ltric dprmn in th r"es itt n -ouuu tu t SO ntul'lo LIBRA RY *1,'3I5. Thluir slit ia:ti t~te an uh eil t oou' 'ucstuetu, A Wernicke Sectional tBook- id esthu rt -owiutiouer hunt Ce especially suited, e ' i tuwthe lt 'tntpi'tiotlthu e - Handsome in appearance, anltdgt. oT heItoal initceasinitt ttu grows with the library, eas en N-rst0t (1yeais in424. iiy moved, a ily purnchased ______ Otto section icolding =5 hesitwst]iy vnbte akbooks, ~complete withlc ti~p 11 tonen's aIiit il i ker ly et t e 45. ftmitiltl4;.P Ii luiuu tiult ulo((ttie Fr, iglut paid to any poit lotesteuteud It the' duttr. east ef Rocky Mts. _______ iet emester Dr. Crttig itill dl-itver tocattnye inttbiefort' gieti: (1) 'Ole W H S twtorvo s e n ua oteI'l HitWAo Hce ltt ual okieIl aft ertsaivit, i, md(21 Studies inii tie- brew Piopbesy. 2u--i1 tt I ii. Sctthl l'thitiuiiu'in let- i , t in -tt i(t iu 4tlut 1)h 1 otic i h' i ((0~~~~~~~~~ 11((tt uti't 1 1 uluc .1u1td i lt 1 leu tilutity nvill huM 3 1). 11.- l'u'indn'luttu-n ill I ttt'nttitt- ,0 tut u itit' o tclt uuhi(u- h e .vii Ntill to l; 1). 'uti I-tll i-hut opt-tutu-'illc fih d Iii tutu -n tiu -ot ei l I N. , 'oti t-r~ol Gym.ii '~tittn lu111 htt on tu tli uttut th u.' ~ii t haout A'o liii --;1,ill. t 'vut lli i"'iittl lit i l' titugi iiitthotutut to ti- tIclt ile t ik ti t . to t'tio Yotlt 'hi- tot-it iiliii' it tis ahull ll ex e ci-lii' . the forme tutn, liii t l it o1isft o lit tutu .--0 lilc, r n 'i' t - itt lnl' te ii itituutill e'fttif '. - 8").lt. tti, i ttoo o ('itt l- h J-;,hlt u -it illt h t he I o1 t hi utug vOtt-l- SIlttlthlsit 'Iii to s in e ttitutiti itfroil (1(y itititlit' S 1), ill.-- it t loy Da y Ititulctlt t it t1 t le o-u-u tt it) 1.11.-lltelst'tol~sti' Dalco Ligh lut1lty touti tt1111t112111 ii5' high schoolt Tomorrow nar- ovoit- ill ittx111uuit'tfthisnf(ter- 8 a. it . 04 M50 -s. ' 3tIS SnIuo uball. utonut 111h(1 hu tut iui-litwill ((u-uitt'tei Ite t- ' ild.tfut ' 111111;11 toile t oh thu uitilotyr hut <1. 111. Itt tucle Iluut'n .Iuutt'unu-iuuuu at t hut'lutuuli utiun itare thuat tht' tuto ti(, 1'111" 'l"-11'ni-shutol otutu n t -ill lbt' out lit full gills' Fitld.Ith ltgl",1121. 'oir tais arftli', stoistothe -S-). 11.tt-Stiltgntttvto urvittu itsite I to unthur itth(le visitotrs hut the lttteltttii. (:''tt ltt'itlgte' ttss. ' I p rop r styli'. S Te cetittittue att- Oit-6p.Iti-ituc. IEastternt itot'u- nottites ttl fito1b e ito'goodl cotdi- egite. Netw'York o- l ioutanttti ul eFI of inuosic will heftote' - iistied..