TlHEi UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY 4 Jerseys We have therm ont all kinds ot combination of colors, alSODoake them to order for eass leoms III any colors selectedt, with rinmer- als, letters or monogrami at club rates. Caps W~e also mtake cia. icapsn to order with any mating ami design sub- mitted. UNIVERSITY uOOKSELL5 R, 3 320 South State Street You canp get a HOT LKUNChww AT TmUTTLE'S 133t south stato St. TV PEW RiTER,1*S For Rent. Fot' Sale. Thesis Work Carefully Dojne. Typewriting. Mimseograpliing. EDWARDS BROS. yer Sbcehan".i State Street ...PRIVATE... LESSONS IN DANCING Gve by Mr. or Mrs. this,iran-erttte academySty ttitloistoent. Snge leoss, o geesocftv.6t, ives tiemnporsousls ameho- Geachee. 11Aesson gvet wthmuic StamfP Cletions BOUGHT FOR GASH riLook up your oi coll-cliontantd tur it into ready money. Prttmpt Gash and 1Goo1 Prices. THE MICHIGAN STAMP COMPANY Rtottom 3. ttt6'Wodward Aie.,etri First-glatss MIis sudit lties' Bicytcles suitTatittetts ftr lietit Rtes Reilsorti te. Repairing Pren',lt!y, Donre M. STAELBLE'S CYCLE ,ErIPORIUM~ li9dW. v Xastittigtti trettti Phio so. Opttnst Ienitig TAILORING Fit Fo~r Prince TAILOQRiNG TIOGAT PRICES withtin the reach of ordinary mortals Your Suit to Your Mleasure And at a price thaot -ill save yenu fren $5.oo tO $15.00 frormsthe Iprice charged hy thse ordinary merciat tatlor. - Wilt yen investigate? We will do thte rest. GOODRICH @181DUKlE, The InterntionisalTttitoreing or Chtcago Ed. S. Pric & Costftltiteaos B. Steen & Son Cht tos SyKTiNe LINES NOW tREADtY seer tst Nattsntatl ink Put a KODAK in CALKIN yourPocket WESELL TH Eft leentschlevtbche botographer. T Agents Agents l00 t)sudents wated to canvass duritng vacation fotr the ''A. A. tmproaved" gasolinte latips. Sells; tot) Sight. SUPERIOR MFG. COI'IPANY 329 S5. Main St. WA BASH PAN=ANIERICAN EXPOSITION Buffalo, N. Y., May -No ' The Wanbath. the "N sgaraFallt Shtte Ltne," has rnade speciat aerangemot is to accsmmiodate a large teavret between Or- trott and nuffato durtng the Epoittts). New equipment and addttionaltran see- viee witlehoevided. 'She OWabshtoitthe oiiyyltoe operating tree Rteclintng Chate floes between Chicano nnd Bufalo. Tictk- ets mitt he good fr opsover atNttogtara Fotts. Wvriteforaocopysof Wabtaih yan-Amertcans 'd, eonotaining a large tive cotor map ot ane Expostton Oresnsdhandsome otnc 1things of the principat buildia-i.e Tickot Off ice, 97 Adams Street, P. A. Palmer, A. t><. P. A , Chicago. Prof. Bernard Storm Wtll Play ts Phatis V i i Gsrmsrny- 't'tt-ttclzy afittrtittttt theliii 1tlttniiits ti-lft itti si ofi sstt-Ithe S thttt's't tsk"' ~tue lti tStheIme ops !Iiithe.csilte- It h u-it'thIiis iwetek fStir tttslfoti- adituS Sit-itiiwere' te himiettatatetry, ini te i-arty liiir tt 1*tilt-. Mits. Situiii_______________ is to iestiniitoiinXeniai., bu.teitill Buy your Poker Chips and Playing Jottihe tue tiatitit \ei\Nio Yttk. tords at SCHALt.ttitt'S Boostore, c c E C THtERE AtRE OTtHEtRS, BUT NONE oIETT Et. Rtoyal tTigers, 10ce; Tigerettes, 5c. WS'oettlsu.RIyano& ttetlo5 ire sote ageints for X'tsitatiti undtewear. Hetury 1Bos. tave a line lot of sprintg apitiiiigsjtut int. 11 ou \;111 yin i S i titiol ttt lt vIII~ tilt .1 dotar I stit thit.. mdtoliu.t CoailltSOlitle ".idlerc" suits lict! over- eoats o Vsa lut". as,. tyia t Rotie. Oiar Ittit i'Skin"' XritiiugFSaus beat iii-. ii SCIItASL~Ltt'S Boosittore. (i2--int S ittoi ,od- I I--wiM ti-Sltil. it ii ii'.-"L. K -;1( "Ct. It-.. t ib-tutu to 21:', S. I31< .ir G1,f the s tll ter:,*- tbpllt-l. 1 , L'est $3 ht niaaie in the Ioworit. Waliatis, SRyan & teute. sole age-its. will ,t-r ive il 5tA t-Sl ite Fl l -. Pl - d" itol- on l trill --i ve-- nti iswill hSit Nt tl' il .T hee il e itc11--il ,t ++ i l It't l tt-- S itill 1,;w(Sl it tit!It l i ii lIlti-Su!tl i~ it- i oIt tittt t ti. irt itt--Itt> tier 22. 55 1 colr,. Interscholastic Dance Friday evening at Light Infantry Armory. Tickets on Sale Now at. Sheehan's. ++++++i.+++ +++++.+++++++:++ SPRING WAGNER&CO. HATTER HABfERDASHERS 1Cr. Main and Husron Streets. Capital.,$50,000. Surplus, $35,000. Transacts generalsbnningbuiness. Fano It IPnes e. CubicVie-re IIATn~lA BAN oh An n sot FIRST NAIONL BANL K Ognsd1 , Capitan,.$1t0o0te. Soepias and Prenhie, 853.0 ranatsageoneoalbnkicngbusss. Poteigs exchabeoougbtand sold. Furnibletesot E. 0. KItE, Pees. HARRIhSON SOULE, S. W. CLAIIKSO Castir Th flipHHflrbor Savinas~ i Capitai ltS onk 000.Sorplus, $15a,000 Resonres 01500,000. Organized undetthuceosneraBig tLatc ofhiuState. 0cc-ics stiao~istbyst'and c Staten. DSalts o's cd uootplous ietfotla7 iw, Safetydepuositboxestorent. OeiSocos hi't.!an Math, Pres.:.t 0 . O . can, Vicicce.;n-h,,. E.hussoot. ..s X~ J. Fritz, Assiant Casier W. Jt l'wu, It .ST T W. Aw*,i, Vicpo J. fir. 5 CCp SOHN itS Ait, 5-t-S i S WPt 1611 1 STry The+ + NOR~TH SID[E . + .34. + THIOS. R2OWE, Prop. + ;.- +21 Di triteeiSt. 4,57 Bll'Phone + o us Me MARTIN.. FUNERAL RETO Enmhalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th______ Ave. Ambulance night andt day. Imes deane $02 Fifth Ave. +++. COLLEGIATE CAPS,~ Ld w GOWNS and HOODS, 1 A SPECtfILTY. COLLEGE PINS. + at CLASS sad + COLLEGE, + IM CHICAGO, tLL.*'t~ _sarca Oxfords$3 5 .Lea, Pat, Kid, Box Calf AVY Ott LIGHiT SOLES, OUlt SHOES POItSHtED FREE SIAI stz SIR[ z 1 SIIOI sw ItREE ss - - .trar ,z Spalding's official League Ball Is the Official Ball of the National League, the leading minor league atis] alt lte college s ati iletic asoocist-ons. . A tHandsonie C'atslogue of Bone Ball atnd all Athletic 'a Sports maileid free to any address. Spalding's Oifficial Base R,1llCr(lide fun' '1t01.-Pdiftcd V. ii istny Chan micli, t ay tlcio3, 1901; price 10 cetits A. G, SPALDINQl & BROS. ttNOcuORhta'Ttn New York Chicago Denver 'HE FINEST_ LINE OF SCOTCH AND ENGLISH SWINGS IN THE MIY A-M HAVE YOU SEEN _ U HOSE NOBBY BROWNS MI WRd.