THE UNIVEIRSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY* o 1 _ * ~ E Fresh Laws Again Assert Their Inde- - pendence Published Dail '- Mondays e50 p1 dlduiog I tt :tpotO~ et Colleetear t o, fesmnlIT ,asiltfetr1 il-it 'i ternool0 to i'cioidler at lngthly THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN peition whrich'Itlook u) dirier matter, ?>ots OtF tIt- uBRANCHoOFFICE intvolved'(ill the t""-catlled "cisst Argos Bttig,.:ii.n St. 336 S. State Street. swoeater"'ciiol i. 'the '03 too staout Botht 'Phoes 13. NeStaie 'Phon 15. . MANAGING EDITOR, -up taid rei'oo'i tleach ulltte '01 aod RUSINESS MANAGER, titi itt Yesterdayrleso::vtted te'point r'. ENGFtoot-Dt,'05 L. .It itoste oand ttt'lt with the sot tit;-till ttI h t betn exerted. tt Wats ptroptosed to A.H.MCcttO3LL,Oi1E. G. 0. HUD Trso, 'Otn, 01tt1t-1"Vthe D1 tiY Witi :oiorepreoenti::g MILtsI, K. SAotNo '03 W~. A. KNIGH,oo'010Lth e :attitdoti ftttte 'teshinngltt 'iton ot Uf. H. wooooow,OO oW. P. Cottoo, '01 tL tie peoter t o' iutitt .loit totto pro-. WA. BENSCOTER, '03 E. 1.110orsoox, '03 _sitled (r) tht::th6e:ft'eoltttett eltiss t::t: Aito. PorUonotoit'02 by the si r tl'sttoil ::tie sweatet' I te toitil in t:proeting 'Varsity titittis so ltese t'egttloiito lit' ti ex toot fatcto and 3)1tha:t illte he sobto I ios tti ricen ti tnPtte ~1Yis.0iiiallass icontt the it'receipts tiedit- trthe eoltie.r.:oh A regulr e dninnry ttne otn on .8th day. Noticescoomouniia- itti ill ithirids ttt1ottg'tteconttintg RAIN OR SHINE The tOo" $3.00 Shoe is the shoe (4~ to wear when the weather is uscer- lain. A little rain doesn't hurt it N while it affords plenty of comfort one the warmest of days. But of course we have light shoes w for hriehs days and heavy shoes for rainy days if yon prefer., GLASS'S SHOE STORE, 1 O9So. Main Street.. Opell eveningt until ANN AR~BOR, MICH 8P. M. NAIL IT.... Before the othser fellow gets it all. .OUR FLAN4NEL... TROUSERS, SUITS, SHIRTS and SHIRTWAISTS IL_ -A 45 0 -~ -~ 7 -on mtt emoed to at tho DItLY office biefote P, or milted t.o the editor before 3 p.. ofnithe toy prevouto thatt day on wyiathieb i oaropeted to tappeatr Sohoriptiotistoay be lstoattiePDAsLY et- it', t~ry , or ne totits reft stanor e til Stotoor i1otts 4e. 8Sotoriheeswiliiicotnfera fav-or by ret-einfg prtotly at this office toy fatiiueof-c01ie~irstto deitver paper. Aul chantges itn adverttiting matte tbeto is the otice by 3 p. m: 00 the dtay previoius to shat ott thicb thtey aee to appoar. 'n tthuio ntieiritobeitiilt' tttkt't hgoili -tth vry olittyii etiold taken1 - te clas yetre t ird'an to the i'-eii Itiiof its tutu li'thetirt ilts I' tiiiti hut liii i iii ~ cai, Hoomane Soiesty aExetis.i nvr At ty Hallteerewe AftNern oooi Rati isti uttalnn ll f the a oiot4ii(fi- h ye beentthle innlovation ot the " 'p..... - r 'i by a vot' of 77 to 7?. season. You hod better nail youtot'ni yours at once. The New Tb-ings have or hatve nitt it itonte "f lithetitot STA E BL E RUp-to-date Clothiers ctt-Iieot tirs inlie Burttgi teu 1latters It ci'iftithe ttt twn 'atly it theisesiioti, X JT1PD [ j lidii' tiltoitotopuiolr o'toitftrlarnd Haberdashers sotig devtotee. Of eottt'oi'"'TheIit' titttgu quait: i n iifaet.;:"'[lie tr.oitator' *... " _ .. .."" -il iieRantig iiett. tout ttttiiei"*.". ATHENS THEATRE ."1 titit uu tuiiut rorelfully "e"....H P YRI TN."e t'lintit eli'1o iltittto igh-lt orieotoire*."".H PPY."."et!~t o p e .il u l " 11efi l u ' , u i a i ' i ti t' o - o tt' 0 0 " .-S t I u r1 1 6 dl T a y ,.1 u ,M aI y~ "o"...""o t t ere ntsut itite 'Ne tttrti 0 .. tti o rpiet tVoi t tuonciS tte .""94 09"... .."1 'fpr ttt'i tittliop r.hittty itt il io e 9* 00.. mr."titi trc~ ill o r eitetittier allfit' P ice : -"9c"75..$ .00 o$.50 . "e...."""1 no foulstuctimiu or pgitis otgusleO, o0 9" *.. heEinlBOVEEcag T" A ladn:ream of Gaiety, t ""9 iveno ii IIi'm itiu'ofetan ha N aturmsdt". sc illsXtndiiin' .""" ,Indutlihiolil ltit t routing P -ho. algl -0i.... The special production__ofmirth__andmelody,______ Ii iii'. itt ii tr tightM a23 tt wilNer eoonet""' t,1"0It"thi & Stotet'r's )n o he Vo". "" 'tutuut''o t ' atittiootti tt in tu l i ri t-- 1111Ailiu hld t hut tttutuit txerc'ses t hef d'eurede ilfth ulut ittutieotup. The objttio I ii'ExpSil the ui~u'utiuug istohuteaithetlichtildren't oft thiiity -ophut u tnunuuiuu'toii titititot. 't'tu atnSaloYr t'ttitittu'it u-il tt r .- il .1 bo yitrnntsagIo n the aotitus tuulschoolsiiandttulhi tt ADDRitESS 313 S iOtTII S' t.he pohlisere'tof hicw tireu lowetfor the ha ii tull tiillJut ret- Gratdize ahndtiutotdMtedl serv tufo u(hir) lit he seaeslutoio tittotfi te st'ii'uenee. subsacritionis onluy. atreiJm Ittit . .toiull aitt NMitor Roy _______ ,(.'oiit'tttn. Blhuugtutta't 2:+0ithue R d o d foltlowitig lprogramit will blit- neetito teInnd. ,K Ptrayer-Revo. Youttg. BANKER Qlittstiotts-Schtools. 41 Wall Street, Nt SotngittInte 'orest." Reitatiotn,"Whast to Fueed thteHats- Transact a general hot: hits"-'Maontey Williamss. Rneteie deposits sshjet t and internal colteeted atnd1 Att Acrostic. Fiscal Agenatt foe and neot Attinaul trill. eailroods, street roaiwavn, g Securitties basugtt and soldc Rittiontt"Tellittg Biddy the News" Membero Ness Yore E-i- ttirdosest Giatme. DEAL IN Sont.. The Torretit.' HIGH-GRADE INVESMEN tRet-itationi, 'The Ilte Sheptierd List of current ofieinrt 00r Boys"-Blertha Herb'tst. PHtLADENLPHIA COin. (hotno, Sprittg Sontig. GRAHAM, KER Heeitatiotn, "Stolent Beauty"-Thtus- v qv~ nieltit:Geotrge. Solo, ''lue Mocking itird-Me\Ir Roy is }fhe LATE A lvoid. Short addresseslby Matyor H.S.1 ~. Ctopelatnd, He. H. S. Nhtuds Rev. C.S. Psttott, Pres. J. H. Angell. i1VSFE "Amnertea." Ity secsools and tvisttos.s S ESFE Bestediction.I --. ion Universe to d Champier 1 STA'i'E SiTlREFTi itt: reeeiedte Altat the Porks Ex- Alt swork~s sold]ott .rr & Co., ?S lew York hking ttitioest. to dealtft.iidendt remitted. Act os tate the issue of ! as comaisis, net. ontcommiustton. M ROS~Y'S' Til'E1 i-OTLLEIAthIE ST-TI)ENTS iHEADlQUARPTERtS, BILLIPF.RD FRRLOR E~ti) tt.,I.OEFITTED' EVERYTRING NEW, t Ill N'WIC'K BALKE t't)LLEND)ERITABISu GENUNF. ONAR H C SHIONS DbscvEv-; IGH PGRADE 01q!Ss Tos94oo, Clq4/qETES t)Att'ILt'BULLETINS OP ALt SPORtTING. tEVENTS O ot 3 STATE REYNLDS osi vrji t~xnt TREET Io / /1/el M v OlUW SANITARY FPFLUMBIING_ NT SECURITI S. j .~IUIEIS c',FLFC Com'u ticti's s> s /ND 113 'lS tttHiUHtoton xuEtitulltAAUt1°rWATEt tilt 'i\eG RIEPON DENTS. 207 [. Washtngton Seren t. .ARTItSTIC GAS ANt:) I"!,Ft;tIC FIXTUtES -R '& CO. WITitiRtAtE: , N-rhLiANit GRATFt- EAK SHO0ES AT , THlE JHOEII si [ $3.50 218 S. MAIN ST, SWEETS TO THE SWEET IF YOU WANT TO BE. SWEET SEE BROGAN 105.S, A~