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May 23, 1901 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-05-23

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VOL. X1. ANN ARBOR, Pi R ., THURSDAY, MIAY t/3 1901 No. 17'
....our Special Line o,... SNOWSTORM IN THE EAST Track Team is Off ON WITH THE DANCE
Foreign and Domestic' Weather Reports by Chief of the Base t it'takrukFal tinahts costgaer- Light Guard Armory Will be Scene
A RISBall yeltit[er lburea-Sun Shone (iY SI ~oiii.'l(orsamnxwiliuarre of Gaiety Friday Night-Good
F RI SBrijir y-Bhizzaid Folowd- in \w athokiit1:0 this atcrtioo'x. Time in Store For
Pale12 igh~ al v and sdurig its stay nl that city Foill
FOR SPRIUN G Xt b 1 ll0ligi neeiaiii at the MrraySill hotel. Ti- Eeylne
party econssts of te tone attletes.
The Ifolowigli" ae the elItlets Diextor titaixtt icik aStill Ie'iy riien,.ai Tile lttic ixtsttc dlance at te
has tit rived and is ar- neCuri I se x friothNew axven yes- 500511 texiriend or5('it. b alies. TeTtig I t ut ttntry armoy 1ridy eig t
ranged for inspectioni. .y o sct ei n iil uh e i vt a'Itii hitt od toisites to tic at ret seer'es, A welt
We hve tea1ut as thei le l pr1oc lleel.;to: ilti 11(aniiitsiillita It 10or two11thae sietext al- iestia t r tu itieres il
We have te largestas- (speiat riiis t olDily, 's~ tuning.t fur ishiiitthe mitiist(gtreat itteret is
Sor-tlente lt i he cily, New l oll(, xii. Ali. 2. I0011. ____________ xnlse x u ovrit tset
iin ix-i.t i: 'lat. txt- MEDICAL SUMMER SESSION xxxiixsii'gn utly ntx
:tuL Iuee: ~t I ad ithch ooli. They are uitah gextei-
i'itofIHStrlittIot n Medicine a.d Srg ry ry xtiOstye (11111s5i_ \v ihetcsx t whit
1o uas in t n1t 1 iisdegte.. : ae. C by Docoiss rosll t , l g ai- d s d iusixie";I st ta- i A1isi Ad tis 15 .
i0$ EowioWashilinon" Ste 1tshetpxity is given uitiiit e ti' lspustee
11'1 -tnAi.11illS tfier."iwi--O tlne o iesfthe x A tltti- asoi-txitn iii chtiehatxs
- _____________________________deg.__ 5 iiaCootrs-s Offered mae i ltts xiiarxilgemenists ti mikxit e tl
ittexalxTird iig iitih., :ille'1511'.,[Ta____- it, a e xl l sttte se ns A reeptin
Artists' aterial tF'i111e 1111pitchig iuixet5§xxtill'suti uler session11 of ii' txt- e lisxiiit 11111 lti sed ofiyounxlhlli esxtx
'11111ix isi ls ' h-0ii l e, 'xit . xxi deparxtenilt oit hi'U. o L he vst.ors.1111 Is ti achix sx-tiixiilii haxcsbete
A. Compltei nei fr t01c har0e" os li ilsilrs i-ii xtie xi~e alixit t'iii iii 5 re11 et5dtl oil iseda i t istiittti'i. 'Tiieoe
21' deg. iboron I1. ii l h i tlitl. hoisin iiiiiie iiiel r:11 exiiiiiitei'o mbliintdixcitxiiillt xittii'i't-
Ol u ii gxxxnamti.e.xiixx it si-playing"ilix u itll iiititixi s i u waixitiigti
-lidg l ixioxe t1i t jun'ixiixior xoxx tu i xili s xx: xliItxeuxxte
e 111 xT. i xt . i 'i xi xsoo li cxii- i n i t klioi i'iixx xxIII('h aro a xati eehxht's
iiiora( gur (i -iich_ sixTal. I 3 iieitsrkraniixt-ixe e s iiiirued(ii
WILDER'S i iso ireto
iiix Ilstx. ii 'xti. .elsiid tin o xi n le ltii xif i-ixxilsii ,;( o is xxo is been ti ut i lit te l
ti:ii i et t i ll[ I cl o htr
P H R M Ci1 t hhtiara(ixxsxg ists.. is: 'rdi. ' suixux suuxx i(tuns, or ~ tliperson, and 1 .lii:'t cuile.
:1: t olig o r y xndx~ ati'.12' itIi x t i, 'x x' (i xix ii
1 ( )l J ~ ~ .N ~ jix:xa xii mxx'xi axxi.i xx2xxilvh.. 4sii's utsPt t heitit itnr 'si-s f t hial
32ideg (lii lcE ' . l'si''pt-i't xgsu t 'in l i s theil x lii O l i ofl ood.(brim-xil t - xt 's: ine la xy f -eke >dxa i
- - -- -tix -t lst tiiitil s 1*i iitx'ine s ix lxi' ii'xiit i c.e i. ixtio
R"NinthI. DR.I IS.S'x. li-itx 0 l iiei xii ii i0." tsxxsxtlxiiIixxi n e t lxci ixt.ixll i ise . '
xi- iSiirit x's
i' ~ - ____ p ____l t slendid "note I l ril xiii\iitiis a ix l
iixixiittY1 ('ixiori.ive__il_]_tuft__t_____
H'O~~t T11E weIt t> pups. F~ishe x txioo ((li tIi-goodx x thi cs i s the-. wi necsfitgvl Il( al( pnolo r t1t)
(lii llx~hl l xii~illti'x'lxix xi . (tilh ol l h ofti-u x t nxl i n it t of lx 0 e11111 11111 itt ixi Ilx-'n
iii iilimade ;'p.rrt; errors to lii' .51t-he la ilrlt iixl iis Iill-i'l~c l a d ll osiill-'n es f[t pae
'(12e nrin xlcli lii 11tarted 1to 1 - li' i iiiiii ofi pyi lt' i tio155(111 11e01ii t xiii ' Tchodle ~i-l I
l a t o f i-ii lto it a it ii 1t 1'e ii- iiti crn i iith tl prt 1iii iliooty a1(1' is ot w(ill be xxbo iiio e
{ CA II calDRilliSi'R li ii I xl 11 eeus (io1hick151t ln, icu igtesl flac iscioesioi'x'i-l xxxt - 11l no ino~ft r y ii hthe'
isG w b' ahh h e ~l u , l nui tixiixluiiiii 'til' txlTlo xtioxini
'('l x -I3 Iix' liiiilii1(0 lxl Di' lii.lio'" hii'i i i (Flry. iii]xclii x'' exit i i i
- x ol ix x - o _l C t ro~ nl x i ih x't ldi'ih ni-h-xh1e-colxleg ice.outhe will xxi
lxxihi tis' Ixus xxiii i' t '5 tu-ic Ars' uiihi i t i . 'i \1el a sitlbood'x
uitix-x x il slt iihii xxto 'I,,'t ,u i ilcii l di ' (iii xxiof lr xxir rtts othx il g . ih~h xti i
®Cxxiii I xio~uphel~ eeti ~i'llcut t ixii', Yio +t 11 tis5li i1(1 i iiuhi ii-
1c Er uOi tnSlig t oe rs e t orow u d i tno-111 iiihe i u - i ii lxiti it' oylx ssxsxsx i h
'd~A ~ 'Nxoi. ed a tii'- il trnti' iisx itt111(w1 y C d,1111ix' ai--i ld i ut lt ets Ieshm'esc-t1 " __cl ___________________t__e__
14?' ~ .tlt ixii e osiill1jos'lh i oets' thlsiis iii'tlxim oliithis'siiioiiitc iiand th i s' hcg esOy pa a efr10
illtei r.".ill:-xisi'vsi tis bx;,ii'4s:xisiiist xii st' uiusd imi smle'.(1111si
A.W enek ecio a pBo c t lit rd t ll:''iili i'sl tis l5loi ii xii iiitlli gi ixn ofil i'ixll'lhiriiO xs t' (15se l'i'hIlhl Itist!,iteMinusi i s a lxiii,;0
hado e i perne Ime Artisttn lios's istlistixhi thistusc xiti I h xof ihlp(ill tiit ths' soil. igl rse(r
Z l mT eeail p1haed teil' l t_ m editsicri s ,al i nthestoulg h e iiille xl lxigiii. tohuiihs'gmm'xi 'mixusim154
Gas section holding t (Th e A'xs'r's'shmenr' -ssib oxtti h i' It t i it i lmm xx i'sto hilm t'iioen isis'rstthixgs u ci lis
ho k,,o pet^it o p rix~aif t hsi x tl s-sim'tisets si' if uxmnim' ii ,the'nt'i'y g ix''m to ils lpe ' ixix d o ellm n xilsi ntiI~ii nii ll xs til th
used h~s 5' H illtallri ll l 'more t h i x iir.. Inisorb - igr i tt tp t ll'it iir d siy i tl a f ex (us ti lss i tssxmt'sIylsxtsm hi'
$5-5- k1mg Mi' olorssi ir i il sesel hl hshi(shi'i xe.in ti'lgx io ilimml tii ximst! Ians tmey oiott i tiith

I Frt ight - paid to any point ga l's's xsoxill midthetii' l15'5'ltittil ir ftrieti'x limit amossmsoimmthe liires xit $10a hialxre. Oh this shill
5 east or Rocky Mts. spe'ehialdmit igemot lletertield, t a xsxvmm. im intestimnal msmmxstomsosisonems$350 h ahns limevil'lgedl by the Stxat'
I t'n~~~Coley' 1)111'orxmtssm, ooill reson onOltie- mdeadstintestines oast mm the ltiig asi' srilltmmmrm-lmxxts sit l$3111151y'tilhtei
WW A V ~ 5half th ie uniersity'.mmfil.The methods of btnmmmmg'tmmgandI tranmspomrtationm cohmpansmies. Thes Hmitel
~~ '' A I-~ifrturie dressinigs will be dexoni- sems mre eXIN'tll roo sssrilse $2,t1.i
W A R"Time Bnrgommmster," at thme Athmesstrmteil. Thme stoudenit is expsecedetoi
Theatre Saturday night. nake thre various s pllmts emsployed. 'Tihe Burgonmaster," coming.

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