THEE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY 4 IRE UNIVERSITY O1~ MICHIGAN DAILY Jerseys We have them on alt kinds of combination of colors. alsomake them to order for clAns teanis in any colors selectedt, with coiner- als, letters or monogram at club rates. Caps We also make elaes caps to order with any monogr am design soS- mitted. Sheehan,& Co. UNIVERSITY BOOKSELL- R, 3 320 South State Street You cao get a HO"'T LUNCH, NOTI CE We have our roost excellent line of seasonable WOOLENS, SERGES, WORSTEDS and CHEVIOTS on the table waiting your inspecton. We will show you nearly 500 different styles of trouserings. We t ffer you the finest line in the city. Truly Yours S. W. Burchfield, 106 E. HuronC [ALIIAI3 Put a KODAK in your Pocket U~i~jfhl~iJWE SELL THiEM 1Rentschler, the lib'otographer. AT 1' Dr. Asgell to he the Orator Women's League Party T ULOi.)I IiiEI S13 111l-egenelt t ~i l''iti'Iiil i' eiiiliiteCT' lelparty lto lip gi-li iat lie Ibis. liii' W8S South SMato St of toit I as list delieditto i- liii siiiiiilxi liilat iftei-i..isn vite Presidtenit -.e'lii (to eiverithe plliisi lito beia tilitil success ('im- 35 1.iT to at p inci a atiollial the lt ex1yei eitvid aleiiinterest is I iiiili anli cises oiil IBelle Isle, Eiiilles 'raiiis ni riic17.1;elfile io re .i' lino t t' iii1 Fior Renst. For' Sale. Alals. ii liii i as lust suttieslt. tilatis 0 1)1 1 'ii le atfair will h litte ilfo'- Thesis Work Carofuolly Doane. gliiiiiiiilii u tiisutsl iiit fsewlliefiilutlia Typewritistg. M imeogranplistg ". eu-is 011i iil the ii'aititiissis t0i be se sed. 1 1' -letiuilie t fthe l.i'u1uc EW RSBO. lw . (i (se obil' tl tdn e h n1er Sheehans)I State Street I lili. iiiiiiiissioit'sor tut 111was slu i i-s iof uuu'iui losui1i. tusugo ..PRIVATE... tii iri uk.1 1),111ii ii iliiiiaill huteii _____ _-___ stI 'is ahu ililttligs i 1 iii theii' Ii' Boy ysur Potter ChipstasnsifPlaying LESSONS I N DANCING hr iuuli. A'u'or 111ii-t'sl eeii ae Ii''i ltlil re s it -SCHALLES't'S Bookstore, Giseis by Ste. iirMrs. tiss.Gsiane atthe iiiiittofiisuitail)Nit7 iiiiiitIihii ld Getit thei lii'sell 1>h 'tiey i'lliiatl111I.- acm iepinsitmest. Singileson, Soit ' buisity lildiltti'iiiitititi's stret.ill.RIIIt'S l.t1 tltItIS' 'TtlI.. ri son $1.5S, ive' or mice i-orsssaisi'u Ier~t each. .All liesisons giive'i wilsth iiiaie. _____________ Gratire's Acaemiy. i ___________t a ta 'mcrr Agents Agents 100 students wasnted to canvass during vacatiott for tlie'"A. A. Improved" gasoline lamps. Soils tin Sight. SUPERIOR MFG. COCIPANY 329 S. Main St. WA BAS H PAN=AMERICAN EXPOSITION Buffalo, N. V., May i-Ne v . , The Waobash, the "N agara Falls Sihort Line," has made special arrangemntiIs is accommodatea arseeraleantbetween Dr- troit and Bsffalo daring the Exposition. New equipment and additional train see- vice wiil be provided. 'The Wabash is the only tine opereatitig Free Reclining Chair Care between Chicago and Buffalo. Tick- ets ii be good Cor stopi-over at Niagara Falls. Write toesa ropy or Wabash Pan-American Fo dar containing a largeEvecooromemay of the Exposition gronads and handsome ztic etcbings of the principasildoings. Ticket Office.,c97 Adams Street. F. A. Palmer, A. 43. P. A , Chicago. rur*Arhur5i Coe. Main adtHuron Sitets. Capital. :50,000. Surpls, $35,000. Teansatti general banbing husinets. R, KFxrr, Pren. C. N. Onnasa. Vice-Pee. Fans.It BELSERns.heeier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK n r6 Capital. $100,000. OStrplus nnd Probits, K30,'l Teanscts a general banking busiess. Fancien, echaensge bought and sold. Piirnisb lettere o! credit. R. 0. IKINNE, Pree. lHARRISOiN SOULE. Vice-Pros S. W. CLAR.KOON Caakier, Thle tlR i rbor Savinus Rn CapitltStork. $50,00. Surplus, $150,000 Resources, 51,500.000. Oteganized tindee therGeeraol 0ankg tco ofthi Sbetai.tte. Ro il~ epiosliitys tii ad eelsK excangegonth picipl ciieof thJtisttc States.Drafts cashed uityop ersidentifwi'. on; Satety deposit bois to rentl. Oceiccoot iCiristian Slack. lPre.; W' 1). itar- man, Vite-Pes,; Cboo. E. liccea i nehier. St J.Fritz, Assistant Cash ie W.At ..e. 1T15ec['c J. V. -t.iosiH,=i'slrs t .o JOBN C. 1l IJZO s ia'hiee fiN 'I ms i ac a Vio irat lA t tain Collections Je i