IBE UN]VFFSI IY OF N](EIGAI' I DAILY. 3 F' Mars Chvos4'.Befr *Madras, CheviostsiandrBedford ' domesic mterias xvx x' AW 5cto $2504' Co dG no bl o ,h lo wn l e q * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ OSE S'~A~I TF!IIU ~W4 ~ .~.. ~ -,. Plain 0white IpSTEErot. 4 *" r ? 3 E3 3 3: 3 ' E I E 3 a E1E33 : = E a yl 4'4:' ~ z ? :s s 3 ? 3 = : r : s , Micbizan Central NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE THlE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with direct connections at Ctticago for St. Lois, Kansas City, St. Pool and threet. Eor information and througho tickets calt on or write to H. W. HAYES, AgentAntt Arbot. U, M, MARTIN,, FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th Ave. Ainbulanise night anti clay. Robe dence 302 Fifth Ave. Makers of "- COLLEGIATE CAPS, -' GOWNS and HO000S, CA teptlsg of CPS nod GOWNS, l ASPECI5gLTY. CLASS C4NES, COLLEGE FLAGS, COLLEGE PINS, CLASS and COLLEGE HIATS and CAPS.,. 1.lI wPUANP .PA b First-clasm Menas and Ladiea' r icyc-les andilTandemsa for Rent _ Itals Reasonable. j Repairing Promptly Done M. STAEBLER'5 CYCLE EMIPORIUM 119 W. Washiagloit Sheet Phone 8. Open Evetintg TyTeNORTHI SIDE + LAUNDRY AlarmClcs1 U. of M. Pips 50c 1o $1.00. Fine Watch Repai,.in0 a Specialty J, 1, CHAPMAN, JEWELER, 2061 Sain South. Dental Gold Wc sell dental gold fid solders We pay cash for old gold an ailv er. Wmn, Arnold, Jeweler FINESTI MI I ID J iill 1J Fift 7),7IenthSUU. HO .hO+ElPre 511 IL. 5 +2r0 Detroit St. 407 Bell'Pisone t( U RA I L ROA D _ _ E++++++++++++++++ AR t H=rEAO.HIT z- ,TT1 ; Ohio Bar Examinations I Judge E. F. Johnson has Arrived in I " IYA TIME TABLE ___Mnl Taking Effet, Sunday, M~ay 21. 1899. __Manil Trains leove Ann Arbor by Central Stand- it- t-ssotiintito lttts tor tttttissiottitoittL ivery SOUTH NORTH ~~~tl ti -lees twiltwilltakteititilt it 15- ftay(,acosi t s tcti t e ans- ton ati h ONe5 E IET ON o. 6- 7:25 . M No.1.- 8:5 A.-M -i-twlut an1 ta tittil tit t t\tlltsiis5 -ltasI tt Iitiesitllt lt ___________________________________ No. .-tislIA.M5. *No. 51-10:30"P t0;5~rll~n rnpot 1'ol etl 'Run betwseen Ann ArSorand Taledo only.-l4 IIIllitti topitt part Is lt thti s rt.Iftt lilt-ohrjlt:e Al risdiyexcpt Sunday. - sit ytear illtstillrtil t okt l Olt lio ( t Au tel s dily W. T. OWILLS, Agent. -tmiioltsa nsttli pone d I Iill ~ srli lltt~slt isl ite- W H. BENNETT. 0. P. A-.iof sIl\ tlittt llllt-t r t cVttttslt 1w111. Itt 1stiIt.' sbut x111 i-Ictptlitwostt slit-stt 'iit- 11-31 tti lil- alist ati- I 1 h lti titltlt-.tItltst It it ll s tof h of M c ia .it riiltttas tsy tettlg il tst hs r l s ll] t tjdiiay..tl fco Ter_'______ tt- an T E S S li i-llt iYYatr' lt 5 loll it AN1 lIN) f tiltss s steIlV-sl h tc i t The H. i r oad ..Ithat admake t e Iel lk Tg ters T ere r ti Sc. A(XIS ORCHESTRAand O t iltstlr s re tt-wrllarwtt 0.IPtA.0. ray Ac. t uiioritiai- o. -ttctts 1 'efin'T1OSTON. lI tilt- liittt 'Wil t~otWIlse lilt-itt- sttst1 ieeiiln will refresh TOE DOtrU B S I N0 Oit, Ypsilantiit and Ann Ar- Il ("[?K Ilr:""sat IsieIti Xtiil 111 5Trarni y. Crlev fo Deria YplantiATHENS.so ies l clr. lii Un Ig- timt. ii iitit. .lICItrlt1N. ov t-r 2(11) IloWt lt. 2111 5. Slarr te SE every ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Roa haf10cbgnigat71;.m. taa S AL gtteRS, wnto. L AuNTI)&SieltiO. ______________________ nti 9:3p.m Lfert anodetroitist do ha r or vaiu at P Wai Tiroom Agcrnr TUENS OTCEA i sicrl concertsVI parties, i ck ikBiadPros Annm s Oh is.; Detroit.IlMis- Tebsclh.yi CeTld Ls- tie tns. St iiii tt 5 fI- losino za 4cr Tsstr. OrTeCe wo-d stree. dry Toy itst.W rkCalEd o n" e eit t it viti f A T AL .0 J1 C uc t .t A- Wo- 'arv