TEE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY 4 Jerseys We have them on all kinds of combination of colors, alsoruaka them to order for c las temris in anry colors selectedr, weih numrer- ala, letters or monograrrr at club rates. Caps We also make class callo to order with any monogram design sub- mitted. UNIVERSITY IiOOKSELLT I, 320 South State Street You can get a HO")T LULJN CH For Ront. For' Sale. Thesis Work (Caroful ly Drite. Typowriting. Minmeographintg. EDWARflS BROS, reee Sltaehansrlstare Street ..PRIVATE... LESS ON S IN DANCING Giyerr ty Mr. or l s.krrse r nrirerr, ttrae acadrn inty trlrsrrtmot inglerat-e rsrrartyu eatr Iso , iv rrc a ore rpersonssr e iu tirh.Alt tcss,rr or gierrwthtrtrrrr Grsneer's Acadremyt . TILARORING itl.For ~A Prince TAILORING AT PRICES withi the reach of ordinary mortalr 100 students wanteto1 canvass Your Suit to Your Pleasure 'during vacation for tire44A.A. Improved 'gasoinie lamps. Soils And at a price thrat will sare- yotr fromt t1 Sighs. $5.00 tO $I.5,00 SUPERIOR MFG. CO1IPANY from the price charrged by tire ordinrary merchant tailrr.32S.MiSt Wilt you investigate? We will drr Ire rest. W/A B A S H GOO"IDRICH @ DUKE, PNARIN U 9The Isternationral TailisrinseoatCicago ES. tV. Paire &ICo at ChrcagosB. Stern & Son h :g PAN=AN'sIC SPIGLNSNOWjtICAOY oeat rti al Stansk EXPOSITION ________________________________________ Baffalo, N.Y.,May t-Noe. I ITre WabasSthe "N tgara Falls Strart KODAK Line hrrastrrtmarda speari a el b~eme-st P Lit N~JUIN jfl accommatiaae a tar,,e travel berweesnOD- fPITufIO Itirit and BuffaloaBunisthaespasita. you PocketUE INew erratamest and aritjo rai n ei re- IIr orPokt Ivica will beprovidred. 'lire Wattshit5Ithe WESELL ' TrsbtweaCicgoanJufal.Tick- tlyilb r oodap rsto -v ea r at Nig('ale mnnsoecu~~~s at ii ~Falls. 5 dm e amr _________________ - Write fr a espy at Waba-sh Part-Arericart SheExpositiorn gra ns rindthaSsotmre zit 'tf *i ..T ..,etchinrs at the re cipetart at Itd I 11Cflscl$Cvrtthe tIoo ape° Ticket Office, 97 ~Ah Stegto. Pamr I \Ntil t 1"'. A, 1al "' Aist an prt Ce tisarteast I tre l yrstr' lrt tl theitt lttttttttt riarl tt-bet ttialrl. ll.G-t).(-t l-lu tll trttrrtt ulrrrttrAt, rr'rtrr. 'lThe' r letrratilt'tweLafr' ttr and Itilt el wr illr cllttrie ftodarr i t o( Tewinr itw till Irte riti'Whertry, lt 'r';t.tlpiorrt tirhe r1wr'tttrrt i lhy rr tirI rs(rrrr't- Srrere'ttr lofe rrta i a ti i 'rrr'Ni-l treat B ill. 7-0, 1-2, Prtrt tof it the n tliitis ';IN-ill itt' tlrryt' A' . 'ip. tates000. Sureplus, i, as. ransact ra' . Not. iiArzia it.t., Ci(irgto. fior general Sasking burrirness. g t tY iv hIr '111titail'rtiti t-it. R, KEmarr, Prer. C. N. tiasase, Vice- Sea }!Bo irytot ilotehstd- l- FFa. H BsLBrashrier. ilttotlrtti( tt. aldr FlIRSTNRIIAL BANK osil aAr-sr "TherI'ltre-iat rtt't'err I Cta~l, 6100,{t00. syrreelandPeasres, tti- a 'rtrnacts a g-etrling busluese-. 'atrgr Cmet ncoer ea~ rah stri.Frar al~sa Cotitlea i"Adtrler" stis crmc rSea-it." e Cats at '.'atrttttss, Styart & itenle. E. 0. KiNNIE, Pret. nARIRISON SOUL; ,t _____________V ice-Pese. S. W. L'LARtKStN Cannier, 'ear "lri~i le r\,tittrrrrS~rlc]atr '.l 1 J r nA 4a~ terrrrr ''Sa p Cleto s IlJttE Al Nk-" BOUGHT FOR CASH IIETTEJ rLook up your old collection and Royal Tiger ontsrn it into reardy money. Prrrmpt CsanGodPie.(ett( THE MICHIGAN STAMP COMPANY LI;r:'t Illj Room 3.16 Woodariw dc Ave.. Detrosit - Donr't clr BICYCLE coerrr early 07@LIVER Osry your First-class Men's arid 1Llries' Cards at Bicyeles and Tandems for Renrt_ htates Reasonable.("t11e Repairing Promptly Done~ i'l-Il JJII BetM. STEBLER'S Wadtransar1 CYCLE EfIPOR[Unf 119 WV. Waslristto Street Phone S.Ope~n Evening 1Try The SIDE NORTIDE. 4. LAUNDRY + +1 THIOS. RIOWE, Prop. 4Y. ri ]Detroit St. 457 Bei9 'Pture FUNERAL DIETREmbalming a epecralty. No. 209 S. 4th _ Are. Ambulance sight and day. ties denee 302 Fifth Ave. 1 I . A:,4. ,RE OTHIERS, BUT N\ONE JR. os, 10ic; Tigerettes, 5c. triythiritr you aver saw forr tiere orray, -t0e, it SCLt LL.Ett'S itookstore. Srtt~hlltrs, RyanrrK&Reole tare role argentcs for Ypsilanti unrderw-ear. tHetiry Brios.tita a litre lot at srrrtrre ptily'OJrust itt. UNItVE~lsi'fy (OFMIC'IG~AN BRAND AND ORtCHESTRA fiirtriotr musiclefar ecrreerts, lparties, etc. BURtTON C. POSTON, '191) X51 Church St. TfehRigafArbor Savinus Bank~ CaprtaI Stack.550,0,ISurpius, '150,0 Organized trtrer She Grrcr-a alaing La-av ofthkisState. ncitraeporictacr, toys and eCir exchsasonthe pricipial citreesi ore LCriter State.Drafsecasherrionarrasper etiiri r.or. Saatv deposnit brrstoreast. ins, Vrce-Pre.; Clise. N. itircc c x i Iri, J. Fritz, Assiesttt'aher w.J. i - retor.('rrA ' E W. Asererr~lnis!r\rice-prey J.YV. Sri~ln e'ra , >rice-prey Transacts a general Banking Business. -wel oerby tlai nrtt 1[A1- lay yasir potos ittgs, hut Gt t-(,orrel I1 ery ' ti piat I1I(AL t andi avoid the usuial rush. .ER'S .IIEWE IIP' STOtRE. .,12______ r Poker Chips arid Playing SCHALLER'S Bootstore, -eol Itvis-'lit' till;it 11.01.- vl ,it lIX' S' ot h:. ba adeo is tire Howard. Ryan & Reule. sile age'ats. F'lar-slightt artriI itrtulilrhotos.miy' h.tiny. tea rnfight. .sTLIEN rver tariir & Sttttlei'o. 1.11T01' Sitter'witile-l ir. aroutrrlsee or'2ie't pieret. Gldtieriieri gr'rrrrroi ".II." -itrar lt 2i1 S. flirtsr anr ~lrews-eld. W AGNER & CO. IHATTER 11AIERDASI1ERS "4.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ tnc ilel4- isf.'7aas*.* i ivr!!f1pA[ter tl% Makers of COLLEGIATE CAPS, - GOWNS and HOODS, Rer)t[ng of CAPS ar)d GOWNS, "t ft SPECIALTY. CLASS C¢INES, COLLECK FLAGS, COLLEGE PINS, CLASS and COLLBOU HATS and CAPS.,. W.C. KERN & CC 411 B. Fifty-Seventh St. CHICAGO, ILL. LUdLa~is'icadIIumXoUr {asI _ITTisPt N-a aKiBx4 ~PatLeaPatKidBoxCalf 4. HEAVY Ott IGHtT SOLEII , sO R 511liS OT.SIIEt) rEE J.. _"_+s SAI[ ~~sSSIR[[I s " LS ._t f 510 __! Spalding's Official League Ball Is the Ollicial Ball of the National League, the leadiugminor league aird all the college 4 air.] athletic associations. - A lraudsome Catalogue of Base Ball amid alt Athletic ii Sports mailed free to any address. Spralding'S' t )flieal Base BslifOrride for 1ilt, edited by Benntty Iiladni , tItedy Mrchrl3d, 1901; price 10 cenrts A. G. SPALDING & BROS. (itrrrt RTrEn) New York Chicago Denver EHE FINEST LINEAOF SCOTCH AND ENULSH SUITINGS IN THE CITY. I+4+ f # HAVE YOUI SEEN III rAR