Z THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN' DAILY. .._. * ~L, ( ~ t THE FESTIVAL CLOSES f continued from ifirst iPage.] Antother chaster itsasbeen ad~dedlto "Tie nanyss;;nests from out of town r the 11 i -s-Aoloni ser ial sto~rk- asd tillndthe real critics are a unit in their thistsine Ditin t oie in-rs.rhese meis seasr-s of th1e excellesnce of the eon- e-aljsiss olf11h(ir teamis, inie met on renls. The festiv-al wasonoe of the four dliffers-nt oreasions to ighitlt for Olt- test e'-er gvire. fhr weathier during Ireinmayi.in tile half-mile run. IThethe ;tistlil 0I .1i~S al. Iliic(ulit-lYyfres-1 score in.)« stamds too Nsietories earls. terd;. fhe attendance Nwao as large sincee-Bill" ircled the track aitfRe- as utsual and the iboardt of directos~r are eaits' Piei t yesterday . flie grand sit1stmilinth iat theotcome to oo sery fiai t i iee1(111 is schieditled to Sakes 1,i~tco- p-e sat 111v1111imeae t in thicrag(o.and aitatr there these fly-i-is will rash try to fmt the balancte on the righit side of thel Seniors and Sopihs Victorioun clamoi. If Allolossey ran rutn his half WB~Tak NoChances T kWENBU YING:CLOTHES READY-TO-WEAR Tliere is only one sort that will never disappoint a you in the excellesnce of tho fabric, correctness of c o style and general value-for-price ana that sort bears thse name of THE {1 STEIN-BLOCK CO. We have sold this make to our most particular ens. l, 1 toners and have onever heasrd nnvtltine hutscomn- its liie-tutneimisdis yssterdays. IHaies s-ill ie forcedslto set a killing paeBtt Mic-ligsiisis sss i blood s s-ss iss emy deendssonsCapSti. IMays toss tsiIsis st- niss.Asiseiromisshse I atrlitic'tseeslig assillsetest ithIIis sraie.nsi sinlterstedr outisiers-s5 iosl inttheis-its chas-stis is-ssly lihsttexists. fTss iafIils- sits stiwiillll -ie sietuosithelissitiss-sllgiste sire. U. of I. Students Mix Up a Circus luriiing t iss-plstoc inih iti tclihit bastle Iblitwosi-ssstet sistofsithe Iii- tu es-iity osIllinislanitiiemp~loysiiof a. sircsins Chatmpaitiignthreei istdetst st--s-- lsadly isislsit.(isi-ne ishampasigi isis-isisih-iutatt ilss t li ofss-i. in i wre(,liiy stonesitits bsills. ii iThe slstttil lst-si minsesedIsisis 55 titlioiti-studeni t:tcolsgeyell altisis-i sithittIts lls isitis. knockin nsii iiiiofs temldonli Thts- lle N ils tsttackedIntheisis iiet sls th hterwott i otestritoial-sils-stl Woman's League Eltion Thtiti Issisl-it in ofsi th Voissisis tills-srhon sisettil ii- is- Lll~u K.is. lii.'5 siofilit itIly Boad. as li Pslosst i st rek~iliit 552. P tstilt-i list o lo ( ist,1 'gus-i lCorrgilsoningii tsittitry -itsolly(1 Treasurerti bI rtas ltitit tlit t list i l-il idn ttr tui fr nt :;i il t -i ii t il i l iiof 1ti'lt ii . ac m lisswiitt-isostheiv(iegtioinviht ingi ifiend.leauel sit silimailstshe pri-its se td i tl, o r. Tisl wi il'Ikitsi I-h itilisMatyi-- ilt is itie l t--li lt stc ilat -lacellt lheisitI 1sas.it Chiago Aftr te 1904 Olympic Gaes Chics-agossitulitsprobablt ite-11tbiddeir fis ihes()I}lyitsi- gitiOis i s t!u i90 isisth- gist,iteli, Ni-i- Yok. litfflti iidsl lists. ut tsi-icioisiteis-sit24 repme-' sn-iingtleiii-elisti-10siftheliii fferent i-siiil-is. sits favorabtle toi SitSago. proided ithtty11offesrtlii- lrple ii- iliis'eets. it is estisslted itht teo (-ostofihlinthiIle gints-swsill its $1715,00(1.Thfis sisildes lth-etbuildinig of ilsitiiiiitsiitileofsseaistig ss.st00 iimtit sutnd stilisg irisisfits lii i-tes Thtiisstisisisls. sist ill stie ixpissisof tilts-gamsies. fThe -contestosiill soccupsly hiso sieus. anith ios isiris-dsasy thiat iiiinier iifav ialels-c-oitditionsthetilt-i- is~tsOtiill amusittimot re 'suisanisthue -ost. It is lproposedi lts orgnsiea si -i 555iy ati oisietwitt it c5 i-ill lst-k sit $200,000l5, ditildeinttu 2,000 sholessoof s1 at)hits.ndsimaskselan itsffosrtio s-s-rs' thes-gamiis. Itisouldl le i goosstisg for at- Is-tesn iithe siest ad sisiesjeiilly sislissg hfle isstesis iismstllgitt ssoi- tiensofor o-such ian eest to os-is b thelesternssmetop5olis. cc~ir -r F-r'- evA liii- sessisisfIts si-iisn te gamiselli tihje~- ~ * thes 551 sassi liie-'i12 lits. The erowsd I, We have just received the newest creations in isia sma osneli its11iiliithe sioreiwsi1IiSTEIN BLOCK'S MF ST FASt-IONABLE SPRING at 2- s-iisisi sit- ~ ~ ilax i-l ~ 1 SUITS. lt Si lt is lsritI--Lindenschi ill & A pfe I Prtf. Walker Delivtrs ani Interfshtirg The Ralston FORE....- L.ttsru ... Health Shoe... xe' Artistic 0~ Des::teihefat ha aA j-FetialTIce g~'ests:Comimnit eve U icture Frami'ing he tPsiruof. 5Wsiits nof Ns-w oint,'1tie0CO1FORTABLE, HYGIENIC, si1c t IsisIlis rt osits Is l~ois-rySENSIBLE SHOES F43 R lIEN -* In i on. PhiIss illosopihy112-tntuItigtsili-s Fine oi Ctil res thei\Nili i tlt 5'us sit HeIs sitisiss Price $N ii Iis diislms(- tisit ihe iswelel-GO T i-sitsilois-s.u-mor-lim- ln ssta luh t flam csld ttIy by... 30T iih'hiit. eleo. tH. liler, DE FRIES' ART STORE, us-sitimre sidtheott prlulls nt 212 ..Main St. 217 S 4th AVE. ANN ARBOR \\.l ofill~t ill' 2tdiscvryo, hti :::! I Ina-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - tio hpi-lt 'sci i es here 5555 tho:- -*rw '- t A'0 of11 ~ hit s '.lit-st si tus iug tsli;,(";ii- 0 0 " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " boil.electo nt~,'iteislu nd 0 00 0 0 o o os o o o 0 00 0 o o o oo s o sl- ulp tih ill;?,-telii iilo'tones oftlii, ll"o)st""T hF A,.1."!sLii t "0"."".."! ts ~ihsptwor ldt-heilittiirtsixtiill 0004" HAPPY REUU IfIhIRN~ ~1... tiu . \lttti . ..". I... ollsu Ait of tuiiisihth iii hs h lvee-i 0"""*..."0 *0..- THE t Iriins IESTtu OF (iAuLL JO-Lsssm TIESu "s0 111;1c 1liii le. p wi O . i cle. su ll ) -ist 00..- ltnti (imis0od 1m r11 , lti calf this pt ril pioinuhiso sigratnhim0il0..mnihi.0y4 t13-'siuoelet1-. m tlrtletrill n; o"00""...00 lut5f i~clsu Setus tr e deelouret ili""sousa0 si0uu0t' i ul-ithlssuhssss i 0.."- $ .00, $1.5 iii ltit 1Stencer.-i ondutitsit0".li,'.11"" si's-i-i shut sil l is i s-i suitds i ni-t'So. ""0 pisduIt i- ''iecelur i . . . . . . . . ..... . IhiGil ad1'n .."00 ci-es li A" " P' 1 eCa \ ciindlimits'l'til itt tiluust hue us ,su thosse ut'hue li taii