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May 19, 1901 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-05-19

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VOL. X1, ANN ARBOR, MiNC.., SUN )AY, A 19 1901 No. 172
....Our Special Line of.... CHICAGO DEFEATED ' hoil shine 'print ot the finish, Henry of THE FESTIVAL CLOSES
I____Ch 'Iicaohad l0ititlie (tore, andeS woo ont
Foreign and omesicI Moloney Defeats Hayes-Record for 10;mfolt liabenewoo sfilt tory much l With an ItmneAde~ea as
PA BDjc Half Milo Brolien-Rocoids Made ililie ofhot antis loit. 00it le could "F I Night concert- The fe es of cor-
ix e rop umpan Lw 'Otrt tflireii 8 lointsfor iftigot otsUsoll ie
in br~ap Jump and Low fiooe events. Aritronig is getting f rsUualyfle
Hurd tles fitttf.in llsold forail,00stthe i the ff10
FOR SPRING- J111)t1t.t r.( helrgtnofhe8
*iopof5f. 0i.Tu lli tlt ff10Sftloy after'-
Weonti {ttfrl i'ii'oo 0 he(1 itidfloolosore itoo 't:fi 143to 52 2-9 n1o(o11Cooncer ft peelitoeilorko frotm
has arrived andI is ar- o 0-tv witfi joy in ffieir Ihearts for fteirfpolints, first 111a10('lcount tilg 5 potints. 1inay ifferettt scoittfolItll -wOO 001101-
, tritfl. an tfA tiila .u 1(1(1ad 01 on 11.11itil3:fpoints, atthirhi rdftiti foinlt. oiy tfoft ftif rie Cift t.
rainged for insectioni. Yt tThifitllitita A.init sriin cntafs
Wehaethe largesi as- I te hIttilfe rtce'r oin Ifowor(if fili nttjrd ifiltleo: Il( ah~i rophl y uos
We-ae 11-yrt hu irdfles-I..Molonttiey Cft ttilit ''ttttl i yDli
sonriient ii ile i tej whifti of,1 (felo fi lol tift t w lice iti- (i. -1 Ifoifefoi 12(I. 2; ifttslittt(1.} ftcr orgttt tttl~i re ft t r t. w1ii l vai t he f
dootttii' tlf'itgthle in ttit' ott l t i Ttif' f t' 1ff2-51. eset. I hot itotli ob r o it tfte tl' 'itit. is 0a 11110
hal- i o fas te ert oft' ir oaffer- 101 yttrd1 itlh-tefiee(_11). 1: Ottift eit ii ttl 'tno lirn I-stl r o it hitfihna(-
LI '1IJ I I Yj < 1 11nteresft1110 'irodtilttf ii 151.Z: _Noft C (A1. :3: titttt,1501(0. f .iftfti~It atdelaiftnrttiti irfiIi
W I YI LD COOUthetwo Ottiftior~oe tttd Ilanyo tte lilt'miteftollithafttffI)1, tlos -- ett itftft-iltl.Ae io
;latiso h tit'ef it h t eotto. Sit. 2: Iflkf t,)i. 3 hut'e. 4 i:3.3 i5 1111.0 1110 0 1Ic11Iff ticte iti sr11 leret clitflt-
toS E.' Washaington St. Sltftltrly to- i" littre-foi111crleoIfer; Iftt0--t I ett--orCtd (I'). 1: ffiofian ttot o totat .11 -t-of ttttsoed by h
i1tof. bti lid- nttf ' luht i llt- t i l ti rI. 2: 1 ~ltN (:%1If. :3: Milne. 514-5 11(,It. fti'ffffottt-rtil - il iex~ellecei.t
f sh t ots io lot 1gf i mseltt for t ht te ttlfi- s . o its' 1 I f teefoot itre to(1 wiofloin of itfo
ttttft heflit' o rft wo t f ght, ti thist'>r)_ ;ytr'f ti-i-t iilee. 1: Balfim. 2; choic.ft-i. 1 sefltlinttt it i. arbttot
Artists' Mar ial" fayc's l i 51ttft is heoist' foi'1ft , Ior (ft). 2tiniti, 22 :3-:) sec,. f);t,, art opfftutnitiyfI t fitgthegfioor-
oflcr toitf i 111,11 1 )iie ' friit' e I nitltl oy011ettof _ . A .on. "II'. c" A. ). 1.tir ft 1; ititt lt t ee 111 efi. tl t f e fetirfy Oft'
A Comopfete Line fttr Iifielrunnitiiig thfitlinoe I-i- t S1 ot lb f1:59 i tfrit. tif t ptrotf of tfir l" asfr~i e. The
fIrletropedl tl. Sitiftito hadfttttl rfl 'In titiffe 'tltill ttt I C). 1oft .1 0 .10 C totas er(} itlthfie fHoydnt
'Water Color, i0f11 ithetpacetntu.,-a looitkiig oeto-M. A .01ISIt 2 i-t o.M) 3i tll. 11111.t'tt tl tittt \to. S IndttfaiSot of ifeorgt'
et t i tl Ilaoyes, toti ftei t o ttll ft fit. 1: Nttft 1 Cit).2: eS i :,t'folio ofttte ( f it i t...tio it tlnd ourtly
China Painting pl iiiiif 1a1y. Ila0510 littO icltlt'i runttiftie. ?i1- - t-. '~. gr 5-tfb inl t}°t 110th itltthony
oa t tire.ouldinot'tikto1i11 11( tt'tft . 2: Iol- II ilfl1)t oral:.l '1 1101 1111'anli lt 1111111 iii I iii' f t f relititoin g I fits
P.IAR z\1X1 rilo~ teitiyto' ftinied ttI ttittyrdteol ft't't. rlis, ltI) tt il. s11.1plfit'Eitt itt itrie 1 i r m-wfi
W Itirte ood t~swot t'fi'iit'' l rtr 'i'll i ), 2: trro la ( '). :' C rey inkito of ii ir"t ' t i-.sic:raeii tr i
i :-
ThOlea eili tt Fesit'oival AristiAeHere 'T'eyt"Cele'briies" Ptiitii f iut'fo BasoalPFt Utn-th i cre Cardiii Wof +'h,, it-i 0 Geooat

FO011 THlE
Al legretti's
L owney's
Tae o-PI W'tf'l tollAtN
iReceivedi First Premium at the Pearia Expos;
L ion, 1900.
They are for sale at ihe
Schaeberle Music Store,
f11l W. Liberty_ St., Ann Arho, Mich

is itolostiroundi 'Billie"' Sitiniteyintl
looto hint hefiiretill fie'crowdi.
I'lti'finge'fliii'eflit'ltlf to'oo 1:52-5,2
irth Wes2ern i teititlgiti'roolrt
Slftiolol ti til lt. Ilt11itioif SI flio'e-
siot!tath 'l elfit'.;') lrtiAs'til.
le t'eIConfiemree ili'tl. lthe ttlf-ile'
i-illeiih11111y'contestedl mni lut'1.
other i'-itthatwi 00110 1111 re ort
fte totl ile 2:2i-rtulluotw iii'tleo.,
betthe Wliii' W''lmuIni'rrttllenftefi 11-
iiresobIto3:.) of ittsoi'ndtt. i-rilMolonety
tvottifi'rom Nuifterby 1th -oor lhi'ieeyatits,
btuff ti'ei'i'oilt inighlt htie'lieit. Siffi'-
et if Nnfm'u'hotS imore'pracitice'otti'
Iiiftie brttidljispniitfitilio tf Clii.
ea<),bokemnte i'WIestern Iiieo'tilegite
ilfolleigli tols iutf for tehuind. withi2
ft. iiiche's.
.tilulem', fftiinione! ufet'rtraia t'ei'y
piretty rein ithe liS-yarldahlianid it
was vry5diffinul tto icirthle ovinnler.
The film', 10 seconuds. woo good, as
Che nien roiiagigst the windm. The
Chlicago ruinower' very itotir sporiniters
and were siily-outilasosemd.
ffasltini otan ia t'iry'luckytI'rart'in fhe
iisarter-suiie.finioisigsecoind, arnd etat
without any prev'ios practico for the
event. The mnue run woasiother cost-
ftsthotweorn Hail arid Keliogg, sod
HailNwoii again.,tiecause of his sprisit
at the inuish. Young Low-c rai a good
race in the two-nube, arid teughlies

intl Clark~5 IA: h'igIlt 5 ft. 1 itt. - EVEN'INil ;('iSZiEiT.
Sliot-pti-Rbinsiiuou(Mt, . 1:I'it-'e(C'), .\mttllti'i nt' tot- - iS tditlO toas lies-
2: i'ei'r l s W ), ' ; 2: itzo , :19tO, f it. 4Ifit. 'ient i ltth 'loitt'- 'iii 'll t lt i'tifl-1
fita1 toi ltitlitiflufito IC).t' I:FI lft - lv tlits' ''.'I'ho t'wi SenI eol.'' by
li--ig l 5f), 2: Nui'.-m'(Sit. 3: ifoti ito ' .\iiti' lr Sumilif 'o . .Staleiy
Il i ii lit'r o i'-'uituieifi(C).: lutioN-elo tatified ith thel cto il ''u wi or'k,
ult. :tlulo lit- i tanf ce . 1i2:a. l-t i. ltutu u afu'mm'ou i' lii 1t t Ilit eh'' (.an''u'bet
ml~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ptc ftioti lmtl the 11i.tii- -so.loito;i,1i(u'(horiiishtt
Iii lit liol utmmui il' fit'111f tioo 11 0 ll tsi.,l ' Itifi ull' S'Stolleptot m
flu' fiilmui'iiug t~- ~ 7 tlliif sil' . S It-tuu;'liittut i tprelt'
'Sli to tn iiut lliii'nflth111foi-lowstill! ,11d h e 'tlci'tli mli t 11 ituof icti-
tl'c lu"tS ilil thm eo' iimitcl a2: 20. hof. i0ts iiiii' ~t-eto teloinill 0100
Loch eat 1elter t3-3 -5fii. S~ir 'iiliouo A. I ituttiom.litri-a
tI.105 Fosnmoer.at Aithliret gooiilad
C y orlclWinsath Frst Gme viitieo6S tiu,-l0oimu'y
SIteltn lo li' the frrt class1,'iof j flue santo othe mot'irof lieaitsion.
euie il ut''iu utrumu oS-litli ltuotMr. flul'Wuirfilti'uiiuut'rile
lfiol. .Siluigtuiu otroSottoliuciuSfmnlliuufu tuly lur
iet~l'l firt ai t iigMlstu\ie f i f-6, 'longto-s oieenry uusdid gouu i-opi.fyo through
liiakiisiloumeIto fu' uuut flui (or- elouti-o'.i'Mi un ito ,as iifli' las liea.
'luto fle ol-fortgeffirstngconss -illi' litmuSi'uuoeltii m'o is sa'taiic fa-
mootn gunli 1otiiy afeootat ?ii30.oiid whichitooo oi'eiiseuy i. Tr lo were
fleusmmil-guni.ful Mr.u ilu-tli'm'A. fimohot. bni-
Cornl Wins the2Fir2t0Gam2-v2ntagif n e ryliru Iufuctnleitatrlye. r
SlIecliahls is gain( 00o00f1th0e- sa.g Avithausecllhionraaesiadon
easteneroipoeserodylafsern eotetoNilellshoeditthe eftr aniFgse-i
,Corell Biescc. UmstiredHoutaN.l iceve fo ieo Sconle. er

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