THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILYi Published Daily (Mandays exceptedldurintg College tear, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MAIt OFFCEtmi rOtoseOt FEec Argut Bidg'. Maat St. 336 S. State Stteet. Bath 'Phoanes 13. New State 'Phoaae 182. The Wtiseatisini Carinal asks edi- toriallyt'that at scorlt'oard and score cardls he itingrated as a part of the arangentels at baseball g(aimes ill the xlttore at -iadisoll. The Itaily canditets the scoretboatrd at it-Iigal. AWe (-Inottsptare thlis to yout, Iistoilsini hot we w'ill try ta inl- Int'ethe ollittageitteat litre ttogve to y}oll01o1' iliteros'opie w(ore earls1. Alitig;a1) and lher oltd ritval, Chicatgo, a re at it aitin. Today 'we itteet the iillil't)0in iia duial outtdtor trackttaimeet. Thtese twvot itiversities have hitti inniit inerattle (coiitests of all kinits ill the ioast, toil good ones. Wtenever t'e imaizeaendtt tlue ttdl(.'liiectgo imeet, a lively adt hard-foi t-ba'tttilt' nay he expeeted. Atl intense -yet -frieiidly ri- valry tots growvil tp io'tveen these ill- stituitiotis. toilto this at mus ttib e at- fTsted ill 3iotig;ail-t'tieagfo gioes. tIosvever. it is tot all rivttlry thlit ill- eites the interest. It is geinerally knotwit tw'een these iivatl otiverties is oilIte it ini athletics, etelt. or oratoiry, sotle- til t ligtt sill nlogg;edftittd deteriited oe.aite tt.t etooiatltiashtllrithe tl ilpatersaltExcurin o ufalo a Possi- lt wth'Xtll-ttittandiAvel-it it ittt'X 'east o'sitatyit i lotitfttl0tt nttyitt lut-i-lss all gtlitittt l llls 'ebn Round of Triumph ['Contiltued from vtirst Page.] to the Madaime. Berntard Struma of the Univer~sity School of Mlusic gave the numbettr ('tnt'erto for violill, 1)lmintor, ttp. 22 (Wieli~tsvskii. Ste shoswet inhe teiilt'tlit. 'The seleetiola is onte of the llttstt'pfltit'isan~d theitnlost'lasical ever ttrittenl for violin slnd- orchestra, itt shioswing tonle prodtionoi. Mr. Stlurls Avork shitiseid tnasterly reit- tori Millent'liler semetd to excel, aIs'it is very dititl~t for tany itrt'lestro to undtterstaninlgly iac'o'an1y moloists. Alt. iStulrm receivei lahrge bouqutllitof lletirolll 'alitaffliVgsieriy ili- trlie f iro triClarman. lMadIteitwig- t1,l-itis-5k sag'1'Vs 5515 selyad ies- RAIN OR SHINE .. The 'Oo" $3.00i Shoe it the shoe to wvear when the weather is nncer- -'N lain. A lithle rain doesn't hurt it while it affords plenty of comfort one the warmest of days. But of course we have light shoes1 for brieht days and heavy shoes for\ rainy days if you prefer. GLASS'S SHOE STORE, I OSSo. NMain Street.. Open evenings until ANN AdBOR, MICH 8 P.M. I'efor the othter fellow gets it aii. .OUR FLANNEL...r~ TROUSERS, SUITS,' SHIRTS and SHIRTWAISTSr haebe h noaino h season. You had better nail yotirs at once. The New Things ,77 ~ lire alw-tys found at tile New - Store. STA liiB LiR Up-to-date Clothiers & WUERTHHatters & V )411I and Hbrahr K %A %A a AKPL A N &Al'a ~ o a "ooo""ooooosooeoeeooooeoesooooe eoeooeoo" " e ." " sa aaaaasaaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaa., @0..." 'sllil ta e h)fell .. a @;,h ad 0 ..... .. .. ... ".: 00 @holhutte1,1.00.0'""."!i 110.0'0010 h'oliiilit'r,"thi t' stitt e rtlry Jitigle'thi-t01.**""" i-atight thtiti wtis etalily hin het'se'asontis s" 001 1100""-+e. tilt .5thtelt Tittater till'Satutrdaly, -May *o...2..Ti uiclcmd-i itotaU 7""! hivelha theIttit tllld iigf firthn t s t i' @0...001 1100"" 001 mangt~y-catchty lphrases tie of thti'kiitdl0!".." ""! ta n ' ha' mnsrfeie ad0!amirs if frivoilouis stit happyit s . "h.."."0. ltii'i oiiervti oniloi4'-Og aliy sitd nelitiie titalities. Is st't' i' .-i""t i'si @ ...'..l @0"...'0"1 tigi'n<-s tot'dazalitig i-tstiiti'is its fi' @00..- .000@ ani itigalial iltits1-iittoul lie possiliy !"0 """.0 a" "" "" "" """ ."" 0 """." itcy 'lahiseitwhicllt isswithotta diuittihitOiiY065e00960i0iie00 lum ist happiy)' i-se y if yuthit beauty j- --- ------------------------________________________________ Il-ergi'i'iiut- ofit 'lii it-I's'' iouldthhuts hei indluu ice t icl l~ia thh a nttionthei _____ trh. ________ Chef d'oeuvre de o SeirInvitationssOut E13Ytin nivrsEl 'LI D 0151 tIAIIJE S ITI)ENTS SSEAIIQS'AhTEttS, Walton,' Saglin, and Chainpier I...Ii.F .E i='. J.L.O1. 'f' B L O P RO~eTeitil'ai Ito'fort-u litith it. lnltilt ADDRES,5 5131SOOT55 OrATE SiiBNT.- et' ties oftthhe'"stllut'literaty latss Tee publiher' of thihss workrecetved the ar il . T e i tl o kl t is i, O) ra td P iea n d G e il Med iat the Pa is B- R E M O IE IE lh. SR E F IT T E D ' E V E R Y T ITI IN\ lN E W , tie~ ~ ~ ~ ~~f tit'li'hlht iutht 45/ Itostionutfuteitt excelhence. Alhlstoeks told as PItUJNS I'CI tALKE CthtENl)Ett TABLIES, itt-It'sit siat' anttiIs itaudt'ilt)iof 1)5th' susciption only. sWITH Redmond Kerr & Co IMONA AD suit-etS in gtuio t hhi h tl' Ilt' st il u af h u S ltili htt 1 t "fS rtotundi. This otlt he Ahir it liht BANKERS flf of tlhe outsidele ithitss-Vrlth oiv~ 4i Wall Stret, New York i OE C O Cqi * ET E aflutit. Ott the'ita- otif the Ilsert tAILY BU.LtLFTINS 01' ALL SPORlTINGh EVENT'S 11>~elhtl( ivttinan h Scnd Tasatagenteral batnking lt itctt.- a rje cot L UBI ti'it Ihi'i riuttut tu tit s'ttttlReceive deposit sbjectso rafti. lDiienst IE D AND iclslm0T (-otltails hi pt'ugrtttt of eutttt't-'ne ttliet sod ierest coheted attd remitterd. A 'tICA w- TO STATE wsk eha IffitttIitt eltgrhs'er's RoanSiscal Agents Car and negotiate the.i-tie iof IiEYNOLDS IROSE TanAL 11 REET railhroads, street raihseavs, in etm I-ricsr..eli'. type'. ThSit l~e t iuula' idit-tuih tatyet-- Sectes h betousght iand -tI-",)111 --lo--stais iton.__________________________ lotu an tItuS lltt'silk u-itt'Sanit itset'teul i Memb esNew Yrlr :,1i .l_________- -___ - ____ thl li' ttoitttry tti h''twoeltes. TIht eltlh- EA L IJQN iI. SANITARY PU BN v'lopas ou haveithltS kidfinsh." HIGH1-GRADE INVESTMEN T SEOtRi. IIS.J F, ^ U EI:G ts itCCO'SI r ia.DISLPIIS, TShttse'initiationsta lltty lihel'iutt't1'tl lt Lith fe r ieet i oeita- of--v;,1'1- i ic;tu' itt- ' St 0th A t) hoT WVt Alt I IlasAI \Otl( )Xofi',liii 1111 i .01-ly HLA E P I C(IRT"O IlN1. .Nasigo~ret R T' A ND1LCRC;FX U E GRAHAM. KERR & CO. Intl GR'ADEtB MANtE~LS ANt i3iIIATE. 'T'heuthyof howsalt Colhegte hitsthe- 60idt o gist'ettae eitor-int-cIief oithtt 'tile eeplper thtree lhotttr'credit itte loc(al ttt thlh'tt'eulitorsr a ottt ote an~el 110AR"tI VATEHT OXFORDS __________ ALL STYLES ROPE STITCH EXTENSION HEEL Tl hOra GIen Ea' lvidlence I .thi edition, PRICE $3.00 & $3.50 ShinesFree ,218 S. MAIN ST, vats. 2 and 3-$.50. C .BAR~ tTHELL. SWES OTH WETIFUQATTO BE WEET SEEaROGAN- 113S.IMAJIN