VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1900. No. 1. MICHIGAN SQUAD. more cards and reading and by 9 BIG ENROLLMFNT. U. OF M. DAILY hotel, a quick change to bathing togs, and a nervy plunge headlong into the .SCHOLARSHIPS How the Boys Train at Gratiot cold water on the shore. It is too cold All Indications Point to 3700 This Beach-Preliminary Practic. to stay but a minute, but skins glow Year-The Banner Year. $827.50 when the men sprint back to the hotel to dress for dinner. Michigan's football squad commenc- Dinner is more elaborate and even Although computations as to the Opportunity..... ed active training on last Monday at more at variance with the old style probable attendance are at this stage Gratiot Beach, situated five miles north rules of training diet. Pie even is per- of the game based largely on guess Un precedented of Port Huron on Lake Huron. mitted. The men sit at two tables..orl The ,cool shores at thia lovely resort with Capt. Snow presiding at once and wvork, yet the lDaily feels oaf a insaying____ have been chosen for the preliminary Trainer Fitzpatrick at the other. that the attendance this year will be practice that is to harden muscles for A long rest comes after dinner and the largest in the history of the Uni- EARN YOUR OWN WAY the long season on the gridiron, which some of the men sleep while the wick- versity. The smaller colleges in Mich- will commence on Monday. edly inclined pitch pennies at a crack igan show increases-a fact that tends To aid w-rthy scdents and to increase its Boards bar the windows of the cot- in the hotel office floor. Three-thirty to indicate that more persons are at- scbscription list, the U. if M. Daily will give tages ansktihe hotel is practically de- o'clock is the lime for afternoon prac- tetling schools of higher education. serted but for the football squad, tice, which is longer and harder than Ieports that come in from high schools T EVERY STUDENT OBTAINING which arrived a week ago, in charge the morning whirl. As most of the holding diploma relations with the So Paid up Subscriptions - - Dmoe to of Capt Neil Snow and Trainer Keene men in the squad are backs, "Fitz" Unisersiy are to the effect that a 40-0iz20so Fitzpatrick. The men took possession has directed most of their attention to larger number than usual will enter 200 "9" - soo of the place immediately, and since ball-handling practice, Sweeley, White the institution. A Daily reporter madeoo - 00 then scientific training, toot ball prac- and Walker kick, while the others the rounds of the different buildings a 5 0 tice morning and afternoon, baths and chase and pass the punted ovals. List night and gathered the following S tc wholesome meals and rest and sleep Three balls constantly fly about the from the authorities: Total,-$--- - - 27 tO beween times have been the order of field during punting practice, which ASSI'. SECY. WILCOX-"We can Tie Uof 7. Daily reaced ver business. The change has already strengthens leg and quick'ns eye. Make no statement oased on facts as Th 5 . sudnse.ydalase r been made evident in aching bones and The second dip in the lake follows yet. the whole matter of attendance Te sff ents evea y day last year. sore muscles. afternoon practice. On Monday a high is at this time a mere conjecture. Of Tih effect of faculty announcements Every effort is being made to get a sntrf was in and the air was wintry course Michigan has been around the asd the s anadmether team in shape for the first game of the cold. Fitz would hear of no shirking, 3,500 mark for several years and there ouangarrated the managemen t in foot ball season, which will be played however, and each man bravely took is no reason wty it should not be there tacing ts cliu, hut to back theory on next Saturday with Hillsdale. his medicine though he swore after- this year. Yes, the summer school vitt tact, a cuvecs of subscribers tests ussmade as to the nuner who read The program of work which Trainer tards that he found traces of ice on showled a big increase over last year. ears paper delivered; the result was Fitzpatrick has inaugurated is not ex- his legs when rubbing down. A sup- We can make no comparisons with lastieaed above ; acting, and the men have much time to per is smoking hot on the tables when yeir that mean urch until about Octo- Te Daily has o objectinva.reach- their own devices. The squad rises the men are dressed and they are ier 1, when most of the students will ug 200 stude s-its ambition t o and breakfasts at the luxurious hour of reconciled. The evening passes in have registered." cotme i st contact with every one of -- -_ _ te t3,800 who will be here this year, but it enters an emphatic protest against hai-g 2,50 students read 600 PapeIrs. We don't wvnt uive students 1 rema oue paper; n atiw esre is very man his own copy. sHow to reach this end? Not by beggg for your support, a good thing is alwtys supported. The Daily is a I good thinsand we believe that if ~the matter is placed before you prop- ~prop-erly You will want it for yourself. Ic order to effetively call your - tten- tsion to the question we must have men so Iailk to you and nothing secures ttu J __ P lI ood men like money. That's what the ofler on ithis page is for, to get -gtood men to talk "Daily" to you, and you will do the rest. A word as to the offer itself. It is \bona fide, every student turning in the requisite number of paid-up sub- seriptions will receive the scholarship mentioned in cash-real, hard metal. It is uulittted any student may work for a scholarship, the more, the bet- ser. Lastly, its purpose is two-fold, so aid worthy stuhenis and to increase our subscription list. Do you need -tmoney? Then call at the Daily office D CAPT SNOW. Ta ICE WATER Dip. KEENE FITZPATRICK. zty evening between 7 and 8 fn ksub- scription hbltk cd gel ight to work. Last year this ofler was made by the nine o'clock. Plain, hearty food is the o'clock most of the players are sleep- TREASURtEiIt MLAJ. SOULE-"I an- Daily and a large number of hustlers rule, but the new ideas of training are ing like so many tops, under blankets, ticipte an increase in the attendance reponded. The result was that the broader than the old, and wheat cakes while the wind shakes the clapboards this year. The summer school stu- iDaily carried the largest subscription and coffee find a place on, the break- of the lightly built hotel. dents are mostly teachers. These per- lisc in its history, and a number of fast bill. However, oatmeal and eggs, THE MEN AT THE BEACH. sons go back to their homes and act as students were helped through their and plenty of them, are urged upon the The men who make up the squad at reocruiing officers for the University. college year by good hard cash raom men by "Fitz." After breakfast it is Gratiot Beach now are: Capt. Snow, The fact that the summer school the Daily's till, cards and reading for an hour, until end on the '99 team; Hugh White, doubled its attendance over a year ago it's time to don the foot ball togs for tackle on the '98 team; Sweeley, who indicates that we have probably had a 400, a gain of 260. This fact alone the morning work. played full and half last year; Milo good amount of work done towards an would bring the attendance up to 3,700 The ground where the work is done White, sub half; Hestein, sub half; increased attendance. The correspond- should the regular year show no in- is in no sense of the word a foot ball Harris, quarter back on last year's all- ence has been heavier than usual." crease whatever. field, but it is well fitted for the rough freshmen; Woodhams, of the Kalama- SECY. JOHNSON (Law Dept.)-"So The new courses in Marine Engineer- practice that makes the best prelim- zoo '98 team, who was in college last N e oing and Commercial Education will no ftr the students are registering abouttganComrciEdainwllo leary for a season's playing. It is sand year, but ineligible; Walker, a new te same as a year ago. The corre- doubt bring in new students and the and hillocky, there is long grass to man who played full back on the Uol-t s ayed r g o.s erTst magnificent new Homeopathic hospi- ta etefe fteutrand versity of Tennessee team last yer po~dece during the summer pin-s to mgiietnw lmoahcho tangle the feet of the punters, y year; a moderate increase in our depart- tal ought to do much for that depart- there are burrs to prick the legs of the Wilson, sub tackle; and Brookfield, subc meto i ment. Michigan's high rank in athletic others. Two weeks of such a field guard. snt" circles must not be forgotten as a fac- would make havoc of the 'finest team The squad returns from Gratiot DEAN HINSDALE (Homeopathic toe in the computation. Work. For the rough squad, however, Beach today. On Monday will begin Dept.)-"The indications are strong On the vhole it would he quite safe it is ideal. For an hour the men kick active work under the direction of that there will be a reasonahie increase to place the estimate at 3,650, unless and pass and fall on the ball. The Langdon Lea, head coach. over last year." an nloked for slump occurs. keen and chill wind off the lake stim- In Tuesday's issue will be given a The total enrollment for last year, In-_ _ ulates to action, and the players to a full list of former players Who may be cluding the summer school of 1899, man are in -a dripping perspiration counted on to return for this season, was 3,441. While the enrollment in the Watch Tuesday's Daily for com- when "Fitz" gives the work for a and of other candidates together with summer school of 1899 was 138 tnat in plete football write-up. Outlook swim, and then it's a brisk run to the a resume of the outlook for the year. the summer session of 1900 was over for the season at Michigan.