IIIE VNITIIS~IY OF 1\IrIIc]a NL JEX r fr 'Sr'9 'Who haven't already examined our spring and summer line of shirtwaist patterns, we wish to say that there is still a large assortment from which to select. When you buy one of these patterns you have something no other lady can get. They are exclusive. 1000 styles. No two alille. .o 7 p.,4 OJODSPEED'S 117 MAIN STIREET !t! ?t) WI tWI WI Clacks ~1 : . .° :ay: ' ~-a .. ;a...;= ;i' .S:'i'i':.7133 ,gg :2" .5: 3:5." 3' "3 Tr SS "0 3 r. r.- . ....... ,- .. " i r"r r r r . r"r-r r r 3 -r"r r"r7 ".'. "".S "r 3 '$'3 ",r r ,.. ..' . r i r i J7":r r r r"r"r @' ?'°i"r' °. r' '3""S. micbizan Central NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE' THE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTOrN Wi th dirt conectifo, t Ol cago for St LoutisRoanss ity, S1. Pool sond the west. For information oot throgh t iclettloll orewrite totH.W, HAYES, Aent,AnnoArbor ANN ARtlBOR- A I L f "? U" 'A' DLT5WS TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Sunday, Ma.y It, 1899. 'Tratnsleave Ann Arbor bytCentralSt andt aCd Time. SOUTH NORTH *No. 6.- 1:15 A. N. No. 1.- 8:10 A. Al. No. 8.-11:35 A. M. *No. 5-12:00°, . No. .- :115 P. t. No. 3.- 4:10 P. M. Run btweon Assn Arboreaod Toledo only Alt trains daily except Sndmv. Wv. T. WtL.O Aget 10 H. i0NNI0TT. . P. A The Railroad that takes the Business In and Out of Michigan. 4 SO LID VESTIBULE TRAINS DAILY BETWEEN 4 TOLEDO, COLUI1BUS g,. M. MARTINI.. % VEBICYCLE FUNVERAL IRY DIRECTOR ZtnbalmnnJa spec ulty. M"c. 2q109) S 4Ott Ftrsr olos MonootanlLaties' Rive. Ambulance night and day. Re- Iicy(-les anriTandems for Rent Bence 302 F iftih Ave. Rlates itoasonable. 001 Repairing Promptly Done - COLLEGIATE CAPS, ON n oo, M. STAEBLER'5 etn f CCE EPRU CAPS ar~d GOWNS, :! ti1l W. Wtlihigton Street A SPECIfILTY. d'itotit ' . Open EventingI :1CLASS LOG5E , +--- f-+- '+_+--- i V t. - , Il( COLLEGEFLG, +++,+++++++++A S Iri . r COLLEGE PINS, + CLASS and + Try The COLEEATS aid NORMl SIDE , _I +1 CAPS_.. + LAUNDRY 411. KR C, + THOS. IROWS, Prop. + CHICAGOH.ti ILL . t457 Bll Phone + a++++++++++++++++++++1 Tennis Tournament Schedule 1 More Candidlates 1__ _ _ ~'ils (12'nlle t o il I, 1ll_ __s'lot e'(.((( * ':e n t : 3 '(in wil1w l____('11) ______il ____1( _d oids 1(101( Marm U. of Al. Plate 50c to $1.00. Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty J, 1. CHAPMAN, JEWELER, 206ee Main Siuth. Dental Gold We oell denial gold antd solders We pity easlh fr old gold an " silver. Wmn, Arnold, Jewxeler RIGS IN 'IWfE CITY AlT Holmes Livery PHONE 115 l E. LIBERTY S III KIII],,I- I .0 i111 1h } tl::~t1'lieer t ce; Ieretteo, .i and ATHENS. I'e t..:e IO::::i0::: t W. H Fisher, if~aXy 1 10410,1:: I' ::i:I:Io I ti:: T IR 'S N lC I ilet :I: ho ( 11 irol 0. P. A. 0. Tea:' Agrt. lCNiel tr'lostl1tllr 1,ie.oe: a I:I:e : ai:'~~t reC: lci Columbus, Ohtio. Detroit.MichltTebstra sthe Toledo La 10n tln o 111i1Soda IWate.OuIe CreatmOX Btel 1' livereid. Leave0 yourl'older at 121 S. Wild Che r t i lll::o rill refreshI Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann i Ar- er MCain it. thIi:o111: t ledi Spirit 011 ia0wa1nst:dty. bor Railway. («iCriC I______________ ISN -tl lC~lS. Caro leave for Detroit anid Ypsidll0::1j U.o G ltanuo111 il t HAL-ey20t .11: . t . 01. 11S. State St. every half hour beginninrg a t 's5a.:i:.1 :'~e .o A.bttn ndpi0a , until 9:15 p. in.; After thaot to Detotl t11i:i I L+I'S Q fj - at 11:15 p. HI1. W aiting 1-00t,11Cllrll:'r1' t 1:111:1 1 +-- Pickwick Billiard Parlors, An and Main Sts.; DetroitI t 11Gis lO::oetI ,WadaI l llIya: it. Bottle llresole *1U0 wold street. agen,: sots for Yp~tsilati unlderwearE. Rglat: ie 1: ____Mnarchoirrl Cthlons' MONEY LOANEDEvrtigMlad a atches, iamosds,Wheels and other P e Crepee'Tiossc' SaIer ror (decorative t'i1let"f Evidleo, lit t':ion, EertigN ad tonal Property. Office asO eroidence IF33. ' Ea.::o 2'indtt 3- l~t1 5 0 '.I . , BAR Lbelty street. All busineso s oxttl purpo1111i00 ll colors,010 110111and 8-F' rclyU-o-ae floure. 8 011:30 a.m.1a14 1 to ,1:S0sno t()ttte11111at1SCLALLER'S, down town. I'IIILl, 707 N. University Av'e. Ann Arbor V. s. JOSEPH L.IWATS PU awITAN OX $3.50 Tans Now In -0F \W 'W New Colors ti Rope stitched and Extension Heels t t SOUTH MAIN STREET1' izi SOUTH MAIN STRFET Fasestaig ~ ll ealndrtr ~ ~ssllg l u '~ EN I IETER LE Universitynd East Wiim Street IIFn Shop and Bath me~thos.a(erli 2 n out Ae, rh'hofs ra!epairingLeitlty dao"- Rooms, 2 TT ad Paris IE 1212 01rt100, t PonsSheShop E. Lambert. +I 'Photo WE~ PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG 0'i FORE, 107 MAIN ST