4 THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY 4 TH UMEJ.{LTYOh MCHIA 4 AIL Je SI Ur, 320 HI rIeys ART Fit ForA Prinlce T1O1RI Agents Agents We have them on all kinds of AT PRICES within the reachi of ordinary mortals 100 students wanted to canvass combination of "colors, alsoniake Y tr ut o Y u es r uigvcto o h c.A them to orter for cuss teams tin Y urmSitotvYourPleaureedr " gaineor the"A.lA. any cotors selected, withliner-It sovd soie Sls ala, letters or monog;ram at club And at a price that will save you fronm sa Sight. rates.$50 to 150 SUPERIOR MFG. COFI1PANY $5.00 15.00329 S. Maim St. from the price charged by the ordinary merchant tailor. tPS Wilt you investigate? We will di th te rest. WA A BL. A S H wiWe also make elsa5 caps to ordeD Iu U ]s wihaymono~I m design scabOO RI H 1J PAA NA ERICAN mitted. The International Tailoig ci Chit,.oELd. 2. Price & Cc of Chicago Bt Stern & Sen C(1 gc SPRING LINES NO0W iNekDY oe sic-lt Natiional14ini XP iTO ._______________________ Buffalo, NY., May i-Nov.c C;eI aCThe "Wahash,th"NgaaFhShe Tsmte" aasFls hr 1T Put a KODAK i 1 Lnehsmdeseill ewene saccommoodat aiarge traveclet eD- dIERIT BOSEL , l~. New equip pent and additional teatsincSr Sot tt tet\ ~~ W ELTiE vtoiew e pidedhcoc a aisultTch- yourh tate)Sreet oly lineeoperatisig tee Reclining Chair __________________________ets witl he good f to lpcser at Niagara ____________________Falls. You can get a , --- --- Write frca copy- Wh ,a~cAcei~ OT UN H~ ~etsbte, he j~boo~rp~v Poder cnaining alargeie color map o botogr pbers Ticket Office, q~lAdams Street, F. A. Palmer, AX & J A.U. P. A, Chicago. TUTTLE'S TV PEW RITERS For Rent,.ito' Sale. Thesis Work Carefully Do~ne. Typewtritinig. Mimneographing. EDWARDS BROS. 0ver Sheehan's) Staste SireseI ...PRIVATE... LESSONS IN DANCING Given by Mr.'o tcar ics o cc ' ratthe acacdeocy by ,cyl))ri crtl. ;sit te el' Iss oet Sersoc r. (1. ive"r"ao 5515' liros iscisil' 1 t so.a All ~sots.gases with seIC Stanip Collectons BOUGHT FOR CASH oLook tip your old collection anid o turn it into ready money. Proimpt Cash aod Good Prices. THE MICHIGAN STAMP COMPANY Atoom 3.1lii Woodwoard Ate.. 13cronit First-class Men's aiid Ladies' Bicycles andTandems for Rett Rates Reasonable. Repairing Promptly Done M. .SIAEBLER'S CYCLE E1IPOItUM 119 W. vasltiitiglo11tStreet Phone S. Opren Eventing Try The * NORITH SIDE~ LAUNDRY +. THOS. IROWE, Prop. ~. "A.10 DeftriitS. 457 Becl 'Phonce4 FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty . No. 209 S. 4th Ave. Ambulance night sod fday. Res, dense 302 Fifth Ave. COLLEGIATE CAPS, -' GOWNS and FlOODS. JII ASPECIjiLTY. ! W CLAS K E& O ii . iOy.E'Ceh FAS. Good Government Club Election Medical I rubty Wel, Reptehsent(I . at _____- lBattle Creek Au1 ls I hll'ell tilisicc a is 1he11l st irre ll) lyin collsil's'politil's. tiele'rc-. '11 11 h Illy s sl ' r boll of, he lit'Ile'l e 't 11'11' )11 s frth Sd(,N- til l eli iclls' ulty1111 %V1111113 1s el'11111ll tCI'I l 11111 which 11s1' o1.11e h' l (111 ' 1 (lIl lll 1111 '11311ilt lit sci .1.1lOlst SItI ;I Ior I' ll 11111 1.511110' I 111tvIVlore t Ila ;ilc'l'llllcs ylirIti teCre ls t1111 Il' II . . Ii '1O n 2h)121i'OUi~f(L BEte iAPPY (~lci'ti If ll li'11,10s 1 Dr I. . i V t 11 1 l111 cm il C. illTgrlr ieets c lslpII.I l'l'I..0 Cor. Main and Hurso tretsi. Glapisal, $50,0e. Surplus, $35,00c. Trasacts general bostiug hissinesse. Ri, Kcare, Pres. C. E. OscosoE, Vic-Pccs- FoFs. 01 PoiSEs. Cashier- FIRST NONAL 6ANK oon 1i Ct'al 6100tOO,00. SurlsanetCPrOhiS, ticcat Transttcsa general0baninig businetss. Foig, exchangehboighitcoil sold. hFuroish letterc 01 E.0. 1.5011, Precs.'iARhIhitE SOULS. S. W. CLAR hSON Cashier Oftis Sat.f1 coies }si0 tvs( an . : ex('soll thei-pcincipa1101 .iCsfthe, cR0011e liFGts:C'01,51MeackPr.:lh.I1. ri mn,Vicec-Prs.; Chafs. E. Hbos:., la-h', It. WV Ai: 'ice-ptrSeiy J.oVs 'j~r 'aa , :;" 'ic ifrs ,, J07, l : j~ral o Osh1'i'S 'at liiiV.; Ge I 11111' Illls forIsoi' 3 1 v111' o11111.0 bestacheapeX'slt .. I1t~i'IS.I Under th 1111' l lel1111o(f Ais. 11111 Astr stil il' isell: scprorsil o$1. Nss flt- 'rle tsletplauneryaisthe 'YodeledoLaun t"ssd.y night oftr te oderat. 12 Se wiamsig.oatn hol ala h Oulr "Oionl Ss"n Witinig citrs iseat any13thing ysouie5v1' tsat for the mcney, t0c, it SCIINLLER'S Bookstore. }UNIVERIiTY OF 'MICHIGAN BA1ND AND ORCIIESTRA tiiuriiishmsmic for concerts, palrties, etc. BURtTON C. POSTON, 190 L3513Curch St. Ssllill'r'i 1Wills, :'3.:)0. (C. I.SAR- 'U. of 'M. buttonls and pinls at HAL- tELt'S. Wasdbamtls. thein & Routelire sole agenits for Ypilati uniterwear. 'W AGNER &CO. HATTER lHABERDASH'ERS SLadies Patricianj $35()s IN Oxford Pa.Lea, Pat iBox Calf H: EAVY OR ,LiGMY SOLES, OCR ;,SIIOES POLISLIEiI) FR~FEE; 1 1:Spalding's Official League Ball .p. Is the Official Bll ohsitle Nationial +. League, til eading minor '. league cud ahh the college 14. sdathletic associatiens. ±A handsome Catalogue of Base Ball and all Athletic O Spoirts mailed free to any i-drsa. Spaliting's ffieidl Bas Pal Gid- for 11W', ..iitsr d ,.0 4. Heniry Cliadtiirt, ready March 31), 11301; price lb reals SA. G. SP: LUIN i & BROS.. ++1 New York Chicago Denver 7IHE FINEST LINE OF SCOTCH AND ENGLISH SWITINGS IN THE _ITY HAVE YOU SEEN HOSE NOBBY BROWNS MI'LWAFiD