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May 15, 1901 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-05-15

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I I jAthletes Support Board
Published CDali (Montays ecteddtritig [Continued from FI+irst Pago,.j
Coleg teratcril (-o) lig's inosuichlisuabbhling souild
THlE UNIVERSITY OrfNMICHIGAN he -toleirated. 'liii' rules care ,et and
iMAItn li e liveti(lt to c. The Athletic'
& 'ilitI, Maint St. sic S.Siat' Strt. Ilcia iiiis -'Chosen toiellfcei''theise ruilies
Bt'itones 1i. No Stie ''ito52. tutu l I .% (11)notl\-]Iitgitl i'
MANAGING EDITOR, Itheii I sit'live' up toa the rules "siid
O. 5H. HAS'ss iinoriiie em."ri
BUSINESS MANAGER, li iS th It'tcliti fno
F. lti~icciatto '51 eai' sifotiltll i rcitivsiitl 'liresii
luol iiiiil' ,Peteiia 1Itl seebulininal-
EDITORS: 'I' lhivei';--ote so'fii' i tat samletlili
itilh.I ithuinli e lassi's oill reriug-
A.nMcorAati,'EF. G. it. ncoesT, '050 ien~ teijsieofterpsi
Mirs L, K. SAtBINE it'03 iiW. Ac. iiNlt'HTucu'0'1uL
H WvOeODOo, '04 W. P. CuusosI, '01iL
W. A. nrEsscoti R, '03 Et. i. HOUSTeON. '03,,iiiilesta
AtL.B'ost. PRSM 2N(Cpt 1St ctitni ofthe ba' ucseitall teasc:
l-"Itiinitheiiioiiuitiiiniis for th lt' i-
cl si tuetto iisoucr ''Muc"' withi
ilciss liii urualii'ienitctii insteaoif tlii
_______________________________________- iitial. ind for' ilii' as' tioo'w'cir
The tattEcrtiutn piceCof t ie I.Yis$2.i 'ra«'."
fte c oitigear cswilt as regiti'r desior
aeftrcc' soeach daiy. Noticaesninunica- lititard II ityO. I Cptatiiin f clii'tear
tions, and aiheritatter inteodd f lo pubit a- ctit1--"'ltic'rIiss' sttiiithat I hit's
'isnamustbe Laned in at the DALY tufie pc oedVto o' ri tl
beoreoS p. in., or miletid to the editor beoeo 3 i 5 itt'iiVtitt i Vi~l illi
p. mi ofithe day pi esittia toi1that day soits. I ftliii'hiai intheyitltigll ilt' he illintig
Ishlieltthey ar ereried ioiilperttn th vri-atlt, n
Subseriptot s mayaibetlc'tilactte tonY ot- ftscti t lt vriyctits tt
Ott'e, etc 's, o' Siciit's rsectandt, or witicihto i((1'verjy honotittoltheiii' tutlt''
Ottatarts Mantiager. Sur scribers wiii ronfer l a ' curhtds lht
favoir iiy reporting trom ptyit this ofice any liii it 'itl'lc itt i
failutre orfeaarderr toitetiver palter. c itutu' atndifctiit' fiothliii'lirit'triy ill

Take aChances
There is oniy one sort tliat will never disappoit
e yoai Oth 11le excellence of she fabric, correctness of
~zsty le anid genteral value-forprice and that sort bears
a the nsme of
I\I\I We lhsve sold this make to our most particular eu-,s
il IJ tolers and have never heard anything ,but.'collk-
We have just received the newest creations ina
__ inenscbmit & Aplel
The Ralston FOR...
..Health Shoe... x. Artistic
Ti~e highest comhplimsenlt evesr1Picture Fraini~g
paid al Man's Shoes.....

inthio iic y tireoneay r eesaus i to llt'ctics"Il N
thto wihthey aretoticty________ SENSIBLE SHOES FUR Fie 'N
- IIlANi CI'sI'S 111 IAY''11(11 tIlI. Price$ne Pitnres
Roles for the Class Games ''lii' (lttti tteicti lOrcestraciNvill P rOc TO
______1a ii tl i'itg hrtctau ftctti Sold On ly by...
The rtll~vit; oe t1e mre nnsi llet Ird 111x~- (lo H M ill r, BE FRI ES' ART ST R
cii ili' ils , iir t i0 iii lis ' i' 31" ti t'cclt. 2 12 S . M a in S t. 217 S i V . A NN ARBORs- ni s h ll he 1lo e
liii otel.".dt io (~snti) . .0...00 e,.. e ....e .o:.. ..... 00
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c~oitt singy te~nis.0000. ..:"+0
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the ' I ic lilt I Icisirlor'his cihi'' i etall 0000.**00
lia 'cas I iL' stilt' ,' I 'lto l itltit'ti01le" ((ll- 0:0.."e
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tli 1c tilli ltc lit it' 'l, cccii ,sIrilisic0060.. ::: ..0*
(i.7 11 1 10 sil 'o0.131t 11 All the tWelti' 't itc' I',cu fit i ecl~iraie ___00 ___.
fc.11 ofll 'i' i ll31'' 1111 heI i s lv ,js ccrhas'1 00til0..o's.iil..at:00-
"SIlI v1111" 11 h to ud ot SIAt ht~lt i'S. dcos'uu ls'ii. 0000"n.0000
Ieod 11hu('i I'v it h ccu o l-0 "1ill11'hocS -_____________.""e_
cii it ccli's lit lii' 'i66)l0t0il"I lEIIS lu' te
lot gbe't bu-t i ll c ,chst'ilit'i'c . liii' Cton- I ;O tif9Ui"p~ e "kn U Oi ""N:i"ii1 ii
thci ll' Itoh h c h iss g iec t l i cthys's l,,SitilIl i 11 1 11 i I"t. IINI N W
hi 'ccs cliitiittiig hit'liic I Pkf I'ou°'he tNoiS'l. s ,l tI lit1I N I.0®'AIIl2t
ii ccllcl.cci cituulsc i tol ilIPllofo, M O N A DI"\IAllen.LI I ("59e "C..liii' "I li 9
N.1lIti il iitls Iii e 1 it h ccu~" lledtutu 115'"" 111cc"" i" i " " i "i I' IS" lI ii"" eie"i""""i
hi. N( 'CL A u SctS 11Ah N1 81 Ihuh 'lhut, I leplitssue11cc aper i for''d'l'1i treET
a.,'~NI1 tics' slcshi cicis ofitti c hi ""ls' ott~iilui th.~ T T
t II.l si1',itili iii ui lii'c it.tuuu-11 fl R A.Bufa-? fs,_uy__Bffao_
lihetr. III, uxriut usicu uti t '-of- rIR R T E S I O I E'17Y1PNOLI.D S l' lit ">i.sit rI'),N1 i E 1)t ~ I T REETi
orerd.RydmTgerd0c;TKerrtt&sC5. ___RO P R O
come t" sall b g4vn Wall S l ires N wjort . r ('AII SANKI3I E ITAEN)RTALEMSNG
l 1-i iv 'uth chisstutouitec 5. ---- --- the filiaC h fh'o uv e ohy"is i tn Hli s iDt'OttN~t ~ ' TI S
cots l o 'I''l. d b hl h l er dp t e e'i hcii tttttua 27 U W sI; rtc het i''sre saA~iF ~'tl't'xuiilc
ln :(~l 'n Id4i' i'tcto'tI lt-athehat I'nt E xpostticitiontitd r ttintletS M ~ II5ANI tA ls
12 !! baseail. altg nai antisoid hi ssi o
'csei ri l Inti itu; s fiut' -IcsNs gettiiti't Mmaa Irf andcu Ysrtittedslt I e iisE- I sudns'r Ams, U LTNSO L P(w m E E
Itt titi ' ohtt's oile ii itiltyciF, ' GAD NVSIiNISCUITE. a PicsYoE ill Alys i nd ST I lue Lowest.PPIES
liii'veSlit'siereti!StubiSlom.raflt Divide'ds a07aE.cWrrantgtoneStreet. t aiccispiiuaGAS ANDVIARKHAIVI'S BAZAAR-
12, inteynti'' lor r1AeIs oleta ) IN: tteO O5. ta G1 R D A T L I :'{S
Fromthis____eoite____________ GRFsealAHt'frAM, KreRR C heiseo.fSSSUHMI TETNWSAE',IrEo
SWEETS'l TO, ell THl, yly' frth. irod,SW tret1IF Yi '.,-o OUiWaNls tTES ET.SEBOA. 0.MI

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