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October 09, 1900 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-10-09

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You are particular abou
'9buy the " YABSITY " a,
are correct.....
Sole Agents

it your .Hats,
Lnd know you
3 117 1


MICHIGAN CENTRAL The Most Renowned Ladies Shoes
The Niagara Falls Route." ____
cENTRAL STANDARD TIME. The Glove Fitting, For The Hygienic
Taking effect September io, igoTeMla Street JnesMle
Detroit Night Expresst...........555 A. a. and
Atlantic Expressr..............7 45 "
Grand Rapids Express...... .e1 All styles, 0 ress All -styles,
N.Y otnSeil...........58"One price, S , Wear One price,
Mail and Expresso.... .........840A. X
Boston, N. Y. ari Chicago ...... 9 43 All widths in Dongola ids, Enamel Calf, Blox Calf and Valour Calf.
Fast WesternsExpreen.......... 2 11 a. Sole agents for Ann Arboi:
0.91usad Kat Expecss .... C..545 1e
Chicago Nght Exprre......... 112
Paciuc Exprr.. ....... 1 3 .lfom MFa aCO FF
Steramship Tickets, 11l Classes, to and frorm P ~ O R N
Europran points at loweost eaten. Fall laforc
mation on application.- - -----
C. W. RUGGI.ES. H. W. Hayes
P. & T. Agt,Chicag.o. A't AnnsArbr r h11ooef illl i i llltiNi ll lxii i 111111)1 OI (111I
,hil fil l t oi t c iopo iin 111f1 l "1 Ii liii 1 1 ii ii i i o 'r1901..footiball I iii r

harm clocks $1.
Tof M. Pins 50c te $1.00. Fle
Watch Repairing a Specialy
-016 1M0in Suth
A50' U. ofS. Pin wih escy
' 1.6 Seth Thomasx Alarm (Cloc,
Dociog (Ir loer.
Wn ;- Arnold, Jeweler
iii ruzOiit O'cihAi~sli
We are belier prcpared than ee
:o give the best of carriage service,
laving added two rubber tired
oaches to our stork.
Holmes Livery
PHN 06, 515 E. LIBERTY ST.
' Lc ilic T c - iliii 1 10 isalc
fopic up iii
Pickickiiard P S aSrors
Iiw oiila ci of a.y' ' roob on ar,
wouldeltj so ilociacen s elimialo
Evryhing N w l,and dbSo
strictly Up-t-Date.
707 N. University Ave. Ann Arbor

itihe cge ci- i io i1r. I&'511c, d11 1 cIie l ciiifrec cl io llf c llirirli ill Tiollll
.1 1111 5 liili 111 g ll X
lit1{trililill(! ticool Co. hoid 9112 19 cndd te ol 190,111. 1wil o
TIME TABLEIlctcayco1c
Taking Eff ere, Suniday, Alay 21, te99. IBest $3 1barL liaIde 1iste itwarul. II1.. tIi .Sl.'tI( . (clii. h
Trains leaveAnAsorc by Central Stand. \5ridlllls. Ityan & 'k, ecci, sole 200111I9.--
and Tine. -
SOCTH NORLTH lTheieiwill iI 2ailelilil"iiofithe191)1
*-No. 6.- T:2rA . M. Nc. .- 8r56 A.s.SO'(tO Nl. At)Slolul .1 i iicciil ialoardcil Wedlciccd ct.i
No. 2.-1l:25 A.cIt. 'No. 5.-12:a0 P. rM. loyil 'Livers c. S 'hlo; ti'cic 11 . lo, ce. 1 i. Iii. in 011111111), .U.It.
No. 4.- cr25 P. s. No. 3.- 4:se P.M1.S.5. lciDrl.ii
*'Ran heewee A16 Arbor and Toledo only., Aol lliiiuresicr sltililir tsIozes 11
All trains dlailyexcept eunay. joiiloeIliki c ~iSi lrrlc.NV1N
E.n y ol.~ S. OtLMiOiE, Agent. _A_____econd____ t 51111 1 1iailrl of i li rllldid Ous
WH. BENNETT. G. P. A' Itook ilnedd1111 gll iiriwk (igre . for theItaio iiliisol ie 111111 Thugs-
11IOKI NG VAI EYY s )1 55ciiliiii iofiithelerili 1 1 iililci 15. lII iii. iljoc rd icici jril~
U ' 111111111 1.1 10119 iilried i 11 line 25 tIc l c.
MisIathrleAl(1,aneuisI*The Railroad that takes the 1o111'i1e1111,:i4 '\1.,.and1who1ha1sirce 11'Ne1,tHE_'
Business In and Ouat leln 11A.1111 .Aribior utici thli er- .11Allii(' 910 1 fci eamIll 11o.-1 ile
of ic ig n.lollige leliritilll't11 : 1 th1111 51cell'l 111with 1 lid ii lof ith 11111 l erriach cr1111.
TOLEDO, COLUM1BUS 1011AAr.sI.hc Fotcbarlrl l Siiiri:tio.
and ATHENS. Aftaubattan and WAilson Bros. oirts
s. T. Ficher, 1L. W. JLndmanlc, forle 10at WlldlalsRyan & iReile. I) T-_. rlaysr_,oldll w oll. ioni81111
0. l1. A. G. Trac. Ant. - __day_____ en 1uliillim i ibeH w eelciiiu telliii,.o.
Collmbus, Ohio. iletroit.MSiclu. taIn 011 (lockis rig.traelcs Jlrly. r:1 111 ' liiohl ii rcl. teeardll
Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- u ilc i ic 1 iep ik11a111 Oricle'crie
bor Railweiay. W55rwi or cl. g, 1i i 'eiiilrilii cii. --
Curs leays for Detroit and Ypsilanti Pesci, $i1.11111, at Schlr's osticeiore'.1
every haelf our, oeginning at 7:15 a. in. -)- 1,0,T .1. ulle'giicoe ooi icl icetl
until 7:4.5 p. in.;After that to Detroit liest $l3re.ihatemae' i i the recaril. 901I rlll i i i huson4fe .\nn lArbolei clg
at 8:45 p. nm., 1:45 p. in. and 11:15 p. mAin Wl lelllR~il.yain & Iltec, sole' agolls. linuks, ocr lwesellieiel r~slile-.
Waiting room, corner Ann and Main 11,1_______ iceWrd'Findier peae r111"1ll to
ate.: Detroit. IlltGriswold St. Tlie led'aSel.Slriier5'at sehlrelc seoiis Ioee. - 1(t1
MONEY LOANED Booktorlle, 1160;See. Drll 07-,. -______
on Watches. oirlwonds,svheetlsnd iothcer leu.. A'b..ic' lseroeiiiiiiu idolts eet'1lee
sonal Proerety. Olilie at residence, 31E 01peeln "Adler" fall suits aod Irocured aI llO'o Jewetlry stoe,
Libery steet..111busieconfidential.
Hour&.8 tol11:30a. am. and 1itol3:30 and to 9 overcoats at Wadhbants, Ryan & Reule. Afcarin St.

PUR~~IA OillSouth Mvaini Street
Faof .Bab r pce ass"ae a lIfN nr Emnbalmer an 613 East William Etreet
U. rat are ENOCH UIETEAL Fn.irecorUniversity just osuedhalf leek west Fn
lahtyPleatBaterassDwrektor of law building. All kinds 1 i Fn
Shops ant iBafi. .th assk n LIZS. ourth I AYec, Both'Phones Shoe Shop G.ELambert.j PhUd raotos

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