VOL. X1. A]NN ARBOR, MICd., WEDN~ESDAY, MAY 15, 1901 No. 168 ....Our Special Line of.... MICHIGAN'S OLD ENEMY ERnlsl Has War Paint On I ATHLETES SUPPORT BOARD Foreign and Domestic Chicago to Be Played Tday. - Lansing -Mi. My 141:Frmer TeMnWoPa nMcia' Inptneof Winning. - Tle MenllhoiPaioonoMichtgthis FA R C 'A Still Game As- pig to retard tihoouiess of the tonae Teams Endorse Action on sared sseiaitty e-oetedeot Class Team Sweat- _____thiok le Ihs ero treated fairly. Il es FOR SPRING 'today Mihigani is to reeie iner s('eedeil first-rate. It is all oerhs tftld heaould l oent nto (relyhinud at bill to eat idow-othe stte.tax fortoth end e' il poe ithrey n omiretrsity ofAIllihi garlifrinotne- A1 mietigif"he arsity athletes has arrived and is ar- iltislitltiorthosWiii- forth to one-sixth of a mitt an to l- ws held lst night at the Trophy ranged for inspection. eerh(ogstis 1( toeepted.hiaoletyi it to $.00.o00oothe amount that ean e tBoomiat thecatll of captans of the We have the largest as- tig oits st t xetd 1d'raisedldiing ail one year for thetA- unrit teams to sisens the quenstion will te 110o le ttion to the i-le. ieven institution. Te- niiiersits' Commiittee it clss isigoa. The mieeting sies sortment in the city, hogh CIttago has ee'n ieateii tyycif wichtliRep. i-eriy. unioxyrsity iglitti not alel byto'tie Athletic- ioari hot si-i-i- ralmbe ti ireslitt i ii h aeIh tlii111ptell- i hi r ail. (ho t report ot 11(1 ii-by the icptails, tid it sa tteintedt by sliiliiilti~t to tetitaii.dab'stohltas the plto is to striiile ir Ia it presetat t iii niiiiter of the si-tie It retiei'of al lihe nt 'goules in on mritt eeA 1majoit atthe lois tties onthe diliftet s arsty tains. U." 17. W ILD CO.' er h1ateeitat,- if wd hilii Ohtiat is agreessile to the srtinling pltn. so IpiritHuIhoiWtei-of te foottall tem Chi hs i on m Ist othe igames - the t-or ieti t irilreis figtitiig tiiib l 15is ride Tint Ile -folitivig reolsuitins 108 1E. W ashington St. Iantdls the sitartiofIthis ;:Casonii ite iiori oglilt sariorit tiiuu lets ittma d I ils iunioislt lotiteu: i iitoil-ilittli it hailofcr i 1ti-h it oi I tu tha o vry ill c-lld lpfrthird 111Nares rtutitci-tsoteams haves ____________________________________ hot__ Ispring, 0~trip i Illinois itifi-ttid-i l t'ii- eO t-liun st ler l'ti ltrein lsitti iisea f di te d tihi-l ullesolthtinAttletii- A rtists Material I -ke tmpbn-l Ii:i bt tito ronisih ioteilii the rles ilihetitaidi lii A th mnte('Ilie la l tioily. I'lCh ig iic -ill s i i 1'to i' si-i. u-so it'intiiitti-, )a i- toll . erit ii ho'- i l Th ea thtle titi l inst -tis tie ii o ii a iiiiiiiFlo, reisiit.is tha tilhe ts matkingi tiliiitoi i-i I-i-i'is ruesillo' iit u tpihol the WVater Color, Oil iOth Al~itiu 'iii i''tl iuti i mi il'-'tiii - tiltri]pisi l tatil oor- n nts -iu totianfliidot otm11fia ni laia vsii i '',tict It co ffsni] s i i I tstli- 'd st;itliaus' th Ch n a n i gi iui.11 hbill 1th- i ui'lliam ,i'' S " c':1 :'loillist'.trs - lfd'tc Pn rd laig dt tlti 9-ii t i t i sls'tt i s. liti PHARMACY l________________ uln_ i it 'II E', 'so ol- ean.tile SHI Y 5 11TH e neilaacionofltsttdtiiiii ____________________o___________att fte. s1 ai Ii detttAppinted Geeiral Secretary of Aim- 1lioofthliiirults ifor tih utt i Asso- latte tw in h :i s iiiit' oil sililli' ni Asioiotit'-Si '. Prentss litiei be1 iti JO L p tilhts ls 1tpr. hli i'tt t-hiit. utu Ralitis XXith a Splendid It' I lin of te Atihe ithic r tis ll T Su~ tilfi t'( ho liine aI i e5111 RI G H T AD I N K S iihAt- g' n l' t uuutty. ooo e iii t - oi litliluitIt cai it'i'iI nt'uttntt rc-i4i ndtcgiii-t th11111 tt fit -hi hallis ifrIei1'sissuiiwill fight pia till' ni- tI a ' it s t the shi tesi' FOR T11E ~~~~~ti hgnsiltli Iit . thupetis-t ghtlil'odofdrcoso heLre-g ie ~thde o cm1 nlte _______ ______________________ thiis houh hi-i guiho may1nis-I ew iii-ty o i i 1 1 111111hisaFIii h i liit (n'.lId itut iht i u tis llti i-tirues iof ihe l t i eghi hi ci'hutht ihe' t te las tam n wit ifti( so iaiu t s c ta kto his' act 'ion cthi '41' S hasRA notI ii e r -tsiiii 'i ~ tiu~uiced s uonul hs u11slrenlts ttu-Sitrley Wttu t roc itss'uiut ili.ia -tuihittih of UCNOIAONpitch l> itpoabyol iableg ITeruriy' 'hi flt'-M.-gt (. ler usma iibe tupu i;uilk gor i'swhis he- Asi-s ' oll uliait litlt i m ailefr Bosh h hit iihi a ti t ballh~h hite ro hut u t tld e -I re out thine liirim l.iti' huh1 astt decliidedu' to tm itN iite iu e f r h e r ig u ylo b elu ut. :tu uu Ii t-l I ' l o i ft It ttr o s id th e b oiiiI o a d F I e. at a in tuu4c k cli e to wi - y -ie r-- I ilt-ti siliti I t' h is-feru regI t t oi-onli I .u T I t K T S t l ih i lic e t i b s al l nt es ]xto i st-h 't l ,in tth o n t t' i- l. T he mI t erhu is'udw tu g hhIm dslu'ii h as . pri I hi-iforit tlutlttiit-u-: a . n151111' l tt h o t s iii' h t deciII id e u-u that ha l u r hIt: e.-' ht e(i i gutuuha ll lusta s l ilt- ilsii' lltis te ith' is et.ih If. u I Slttuut' It I 9 .il-it ltutu I 'i-t i ill hit ' ,ii kI Ii linou'ti' 1' . Prentilui iss ent ii l i rt t E. itI r'112 1 . CAMU SHT AND SO RE ,tollI l ' tt NId a ipallt-Innli Ii's tesi-h i, 1' Is s ni tuuuiuhi ag ots 11(11'E1. M s 110 lil ilt-nhChca o, the' tr til i Nt: liti 'tth te ttoto tuth ' tutu' I.Ptuluti'03. huuushith 1 AT ___ - -'--t l ht t htu t-ti gulull astitst tal y ' it;htui lly I le th Istt s tbett-e ut hts C. iL - (li ii en'to 'i L . gooA.cPotlit 01 P lilt byt 5111 tuu thuiuhom 1th ititus e fur I --AA It ti'ties11g s Li. tu ss r , ltuhAnbt h al'u4libe ita t ythut h i- s-sttou lhtu itt1tiS an i d es T.I Iuti' '02I..h Ieihe '.ui of M.ith sle sbriitwhoIiti ' huepuntoogntittliliiO 111toley k istn( o liii -H. l eI , C M U DR G S O E tihhltit i' lly ititiil t i .th rtou-u lu ut ie t i 'io iiht uiurs iltoh s 'u ' ill'0 a c u stiii tiaii utuum- t 'lei m tiii' tiih htil" Stil'htit liiiiu I u omthie uu1 tinu At h ur ofiu 'oiihh lu-h«w o t lmansIii' t c,-k ill h oh'hi s ieg u i detitu iiin 5 -tt an ifiert e--su 'W.hnit '01. -l}' Stiihi' iuthlt i--t Stiltson.i n'uhtlil uu'edo-1itnui on Ahs i ,o inos i'It. 81oig. '(alI' -i iusi.hb l hlsihy s-iih stTu teub a I lhu e i ,istinhe ?1 rits uol ter ,.Foter,'il _L . al te es m ks, inorubht ias i'titsh' 'iiii (il li'huou iii t utoti 1'Lngsih.Ths ham nit lta lhg' . iti whit ash fram s, isi' Atiiiii l mii ti' it-t ti- eiot (1011t i S ithis i 's-ihtifi ith iianylo 'r u 'lLor i. 'Phi; baa c d Illui s-blonhtssiryhhI ti ti-hionthite Iat , st i 1111 tubbs~tir sa-is i rs i-lii uuff:. i-thu,' ' . perfet(tmpe- 1' kI l t iuill litlt lA uh idoum ogrti cla ssoi itIlseuuis ob 1y1a1110(1 ut A 1 '1 iii. (t an tbn. Pie annuat iiiiosok hiethe ahcc'ubu ide teha uur l h ttileit ha eenaiheuet h.A. 'ti l 'SPI die(. 41 - -el - lew st elNtu o atm sr d ste a igA tu I. b estt. '02E1 li Aariusaubnano osh Im 'l"e i igofthe Ati faet that th e A OltiKe ll 'th04. Secy oninter-FratyieriysGainusly enerd fixiesit ohis fardlyrei.yI--bhesishisuor '1 Iioe-ooanu allth bstinkei njre _bu _hstseiosl_ cul nt e h e oias i-tilia ila'sbet ho ftinsiuuriu r sto teslt0 asF to white ash rames, Teeeiifom g he iftliihetti(' t tint theisoan ex-ine titaorofteDilyxtb ss's- ~ y.f..'3 I an srug Pics fondtyrenbtheI he wtuld ivafeor- Fintdny lnt hei ospCe.naibMun (au- extot-eems i'0 atetha 11011 tets-eiitil D . s 1111 t e t ithiCorteam sfi-h gi no easced-iiifrom som I ue oftheri rbi s hei e a too- I*Alpha 'Delta. The seore -was 11 to S Al-tool'until IFriday ight. ite It~r l's ciler 110ough that the ite- *Iin favor or the latter The hbatterieos - -tialis of thit beillig'erenttclasses, if al- weAre as follows: I4 + 4 +4I+ 4 +~ loswei to go ioi, would detraet train the NA HR ' w:l;;oia DlObr.Acao.adCiaov.Mcia tR-iprac n infcneo v Jnw DetOhoget~ho ntsChielgoday. MichigapatMResimpor andhodsignbia.eneasta- t1)Snow E-biliman anti Odell.atI :i+++.++ .++ ity+ ea oantid onDagI e east