- THE UNIYERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY 4 TH UNIERSIY 01MICHGAN AIL Jerseys We have them on all kinds of coibination of colors alsmake ahetm to order for class tais in any colors selected wiii numer- als, letters or monogram at club rates. We also make cloo8s caps to order with anymionog am design sub- mitted. U.NIVERSITY BOOKSELLER, d , o South State Street You can get d AT P 33 hea th St t St. Y4gy Rent. For Sale. Thesis Work Carefully Done. ' !Psawriting. Mimeographing. EDWARDS BROS. "-wEeh a's) State Street ...PRIVATE~... tSSiONS !N DANCING pew~~2X1 onc ties'or more pessasame hosr Atc~L Al tcs eve with molec. nl Collections BOUGHT FOR CASH & ook ion your old collection and _=;Etsn it into ready money. Prompt C0L and Good Prices.a -TLE MICHIGAN STAMP COMPANY -Wom .40 Woodard Ae.. Detroit LIVERY First-class Mails and Ladies' roicles adTandsms for Ret iRates Reasoabe. Repairing Promptly Done M. .STAEBLER'S CYCLE3 EIPORIUNI 19 W. Wasinsgton Stet iie'*le8 Open Eening iIy The NORTH SIDE. LAUNDRY THTOS. ROWE, Prop. . ms&eti S. 457ell 'Phane* FUNERAL DIRECTOR 'balming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th e.Ambulance ight and day. tes dne302 Fifth Ave. IGH ART Fit orA Prince CAIORRECT TAILORING U L AT PRICES within the reach of ordinary mortals Your Suit to Your Mleasure Arid at a price that will save YOU from $5.00 tO $15.00 from tse price charged by the ordinary merchant tailor. Wilt YOU investigate? We will die the reet. GOO0"DRICHQ ,DUKE, The International Tailsring of Chicago Ed. V. Price & Co ot Chicago B. Seers & Sos Chicano ePRING LINES NOW ItS SY seer let Natisnalears [I ITIIIC"Put a KODAK in ~11bM1~~ your Pocket WESELL THIEM I Rentschler, the pI~hotographer. to reeulesf's Evidence. 16th edition. vols. _2 and 3-$4.50. C. L. BAR-t LOSTS'ISturiay night.,ciineitliet' FourthiPacaeirdlor Monroe. a ;lackL leathier pocketbiokckioiltaiiiing a sushi of money. Fiiidcr lplcase'riturn to 91ii Mtonroeii'and rcci'reward. Best $3 hat mace is the Howard. Wadhams,. Ryan & Route, sole agents. Wadliaiis.tRyaii & Reule are sole agenis for Ypsilanti underwear. It U A Buffalo ? If so. boy a Buffalo Pini at HtALER'S for 15e. NOTIC(E! Alt memesiof liii' Gool 13(13 'i- metclub ' who idesireo I'vote iitliii coin election uni11t registe'i' lt Wiled- cc's before MAy-18. t0 1per ceiit orfiiiall suits sueS troui- scras until June 15. Fiiiest line of woolenis in the city. F. J. GLEN. Cor. State and Wrisli.ss. LOST-1'Seerdollars "at tiithe ini'sota t alili. Miilerpliesei'tiii'iito 1013 N. t'nivs-ai vei. liniirciv'ire - ward. Comlete lhue 'Adler' suits sarffover- coats at 7fadliams, Ryaii & Recite. ' 02 L~ts to Dance Again Aents Agents 100 students wanted to canvass duricng vacationp fir the ''A.A. Inipioved" gasolirne lanips. Soils i'll Sight. SUPERIOR MFG. COn~PANY 329 S. Main St. PAN=AMIERICAN EXPOSITION Baffalo, N. V., May [-Nov ,- The Wlabash, ihe "Niaara, Fslls 5Srt Liar." has made special arrangemenis to aecosmmodate a large travel between De- troiitadBuffals diuring the ixpositisa. New equipment and additiona train ser- vice will he provided. The Wabash is the osly liar operatiiig Free Recinaing 'hair Cars betwenaChicaesoadBuffalo. Tick-' ets will he gaad Car sp-overat Niagara Falls. Write for a copy of Wahash Pan-As-ericar ha~der csniiig a large Si-seslor map ot the Exposition grs ads aiid hadsome rise etchiiigs of the priaci..ailiuildiiigs. Ticket Office. 97 Adams Street, F. A. Palmer, A. 6. P. A , Chicago. Car.Stairnad HiurnStreets. Capital, $50,00. Sarplus, $35,555. Transact general hashing hutiness. R, KEMaPF, Preer. C. S. lGaENa, Vice-Pm.y FRED. H BELSER. Cashier. FIRST NAIOALBAKOrganiead Iii Capital,$1i0,000. Suriplursad Perfet,thG.Y Transacts a general bankingbusiness. Faceigi, tsrhsegehboughtandrsold. Furnih letrer o credit. ii. 0. KINNE, Fret.'HARORISON SOULS. Vice-Free, S. W. CLARKESON Cashier, Tie JflH frior Savings Bar' Capital Start. 650,000. Surpils, $1i0,000 Becaseres. $1.50.000. Orgaulzed suodee theOGeeral sitting Lie' of this State. Rectives deposits, obuysad exchange oc 10e pincipal citiesof ithe Ucited Slates. l)rafts cashed spar proper ie torcc Safety deposrit boxes tcrecnt. Oetctlns:r isian.Al~ac,.Pre.: . . Hla r- man, Vice-PFros.;Chics. S. Biecoc ir shiur M, J. Fritz, Assitant Cash ie W. a . ; W ._ . pree JOEv. :, 1 , ; . 'pies Itci e ; i'-s Ticketsftor tile juiior lit social Fri- day, Mtay 24, will Iie'sosld to nlnl11'c of the' ilassupothlei le cl of this «weak. After thalt timeli't11ey'will he'siilid Is aniyonei' isslin-"ticesl. Oiily 5() ticketisisillIleiessiled ini all. 113R11DREVEY'. HtARRtY BROWIlN. 'I'lll ittb. .5J liigsiiffoosil cllltIvcisc foundli ni~"ot . le of JerrylI-ic tley. SNIVERSITY OF MIttHIGAN BAND AND ORCHESTRA furnishI liuhie for concerts, parties. etc. BURTON C. POSTON, 1901 Z'1 Church St. If you see the 'work atf ibe Toledt Laundr'y Cs. you wilt br cenvinced chat ycti want no other. Agency 121 S. M1ain. tce Creamia ielivered in aniy quantity at myO hour. Order of BROGAN. 110 S. MNaist. Our "O~nioii Skii" Writinig t'ads beat I'. of 1. hiattonsasndhin iis at UtAL- anlythinhg yoii ever saw for tile money, 1tIttR'S. t10c. at SCSALLEtt'S Bookstore. WAGNE & C. au I-lTTR HAIRDSTER 1 T f I I I rof Ladies Patrician'Oxfords $ . 0 ~ Spalding's Official League Ball COLLGIAE CPS.Is the OfficialI Ball of the National IN $ 0 1 League. tbe leadiugminor A SECsting of league aiid all the college CAPS r~d OWNS + ad athletic assoeciations. A hanidsome Catalogue of CLLCN, P t Lea, Pat, Ki d, Box Ca lf Badies ps aled afrhetoiso COLCT FLAS. GiCOLEGEIts ' 1 o BarseBalead alfheeticn d addess.Splding's Official Base' CLLE~OII + HEAVY ORt LIGHtT SOLES. OUR SthOES POItSHED FREE P (lsGiida fa C:,1,cul ,(d liy HATS an+ Slesry Chadletk, seady Mareb 30, CAPS.,. it4:0l; price 10 eels WA, ERN COA. U. SPALDING & BROS. CslnC14Go, ILL.+l~~iOA'u *+++++++++++*+++++~++++..~~ New York Chicago Denver HAVE YOU SEEN ,40lOE NOBBY BROWNS oW'A D MIE FINEST LINE OF SCOTCH AND ENGLISH SUITINGS IN THE CITY