TEEDUNIYEESITY oy -mit 131GAA 1) A1LI , 3 iiEr~rr r .ifrE "£ r t . [r I E pU MYgdi~FgITY OISr1' i IBIGKN I) iX1. 3i *pt*!rt rr fA WhWh i t ichi af entrl NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE THlE SHTORT lNT - ANN ARBOR EO CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON W0ith direct connections at (li cogo for St. Louis, KassCity, St. Pool and the west. fo infortionandlhooo,.litecscllo ANN ARBOR TIME TABLE TakinggFffect, Sunday, iMay 21t, 1899. Trains (rare Ann Arbor by Conteat Stand- a-d Tirer. SOUTh 5(NORTH *No. 6.- 1:20 A. M. No. 1.- 8:50 A. itl. No. 8.-11:35 A. At. *No. 5.-12:30 F. At. No. .- 8:35 tP. M. No. 3.- 4:56 P. M. *Rn between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. All trains datly except Sundae. w. T. WtLLS. Agent. W H. BENNETT. G. P. A- HOCKING VALLEY RY., The Railroad that takes the Business In and Out of Michigan. 4 OLID VESTIBULE TRAINS 4 TOLEDO, COLUfIBUS and ATHENS. W. H. Fitoter, L. W. Loandman, G. P. A. G. Trav. Art. Coumbus, Ohio. Detroit. Miht. tven't already examined our spring and summer line wvaist patterns, we wish to say that there is still a sortment from which to select. When you buy one patterns you have something no other lady can get. eexclusive. 1000 styles. No two alilie. v ap iv g7~ 117 MAIN STREET :3 3 :!44a144aSXa 44 4- lZ s4:5:08 i i45444444444-:4?Al 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 65 4' 4' 4' 551 4' 09 4' 44 4'. aimi SPRING IMPORTATIONS have ar= rived and are ready for inspection 2 I)- Dr. Miner to Lecture Here Rlandall Still Has tie Hammer Dr.: saou G : ssil trofilDlitrioit, asvIIIa apu a t:pisptitcliirth sil :, j iliterary an t omotsiles:. (Ii te ofi sib ev . iden, op Rndllisl.l(itei iifo is sti-esi K ut-u i4 it "lic oi ii o w i liiitin bgllit i It iiiiliiiio ty10 It -ii :cfm 111 1 ill tr ntotiiei iao llttitiinia liysiiidi:C iis ss (iii slop loottiiril t ourse.lo . 1 i i iM0 1 51:111 hld tll liiy:1. lt-Siecsil st-a s hos ll ui ll te iriit itoe-4 stlloot itooilli-tIloitirlisis billie iliilit-siieiwith he Avorl- ooiseol-oi ouse isiunt1 itt-tol ieste],Tilos0 dialiutoty clitii Iiilitl lslle-ry 1(011 Srepo lte 1ut:n1(55plceton oe111it. :i turiestill lie iilbthe earhout ofl dliii- shall ilitlosistoevety tillleti-gea~d ill cal moeiine. full." 0llll)A Y .T 1'RA.N(x'E.'S. llluillloii otil t'rials,5$to5.:) ,1'. 1 Voolere ii- ino:igetioent of M:r. otid IlAlfrTHLL. Mles. Grantlgt :1(atproam of dancling still (alepaeateaaem(115 0 io (loly tnext U. of M. buttons and pitta at H AL- F-ruiatii tltrt oer 00Ot. 'T'hioso LOCH'S. visiiigto attendosioldlsol at the acoemon anoootprooteuro.e ards. Tlhetoum- Hlenry Bros. htavo a fitne lot of apring lte so-ill oelimteld: eoatds $1. Noo ft-ree titlilgo jusnt in. 1 11I U A Bduffalo? It 00, buty 6atBuffalo G(e ine:0l a tbols ftrtyourtltawis lotois;Pittliat H ALLICH'S for 15c. loiI tol looolost.(0( HIIlIC~.. STUDENTS NOTICE! _____________________________ Tile loet landry in Poie Toledo Lalai THIERE ARE OTHERIS, BUT NONE dry. Try It. Wor called for and do BlE'TTER. ((ired. Leave youtr order at 121 S. Royal Tigers, 16c; Tigorottes, 5c. B-aln St. , ( i The 10S EPT110l4-IAiN MANDOLINS & GUITARS RceiviorPlt reaoi ito at the 0010010Es,Pas tiltn, 11100. sthaeberle Music Store, 116 W. Liberty St., Ann. Arto},alo Dental-Gold We sell dental gold and solders We pay catuli for old gold ao silver. Wmn, Arnold, Jeweler F IN EST RIGS IN 'IlHE CITY AT Holmes Livery P HONE 1O6, 515 E. LIBERYS "11113roR AME111RI AN BEAUTY' Ratse' is toolt(((Ott oelicate in its sex- Iltisile edor than are our various (lasses in Sooda Woater. Onr Ice Cream isto fe, finour- Orange Phosphbate, Wildl Cherry abot Lenmon will refresh the miost ljodedl siriltho a warm day. HTANG STELCRFER'S, 200 E. Washt. St. li16 S. State St. Pickwick Billiard Parlors, Regulation Size Tasbles, Moireb Cushions' EyerythIng Nv and Strictly Up-to-Date. 707 N. University Ave. Ann Arbor IF N017 WOULD BE HAPPY SMOlKE SRoyal Tigers, 10e; Tigerettes, 5c. Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Crepe Tissue raper for decorative Cars leave for Deroit and Ypsilanti puroses5O in all colors, plain and fig- every half hour beginning at 7:15 a. m.tered, at SCHALLsER'S, dlown town. until 9:15 p. m.; After that to Detroit________ at 11:15 p. m. Waiting room corner H U A Buffalo? If so, buy a Buffalo Ann and Main Sts.; Detroit, 111 Grin- Pill at HALLER'S for 15c. wold street. MONEY LOANED 19(11. on watctes, DiamondoWtools and otter P er 1901 baseball ioeonimeet at lair sonal Property. Office at realdence,3300P.- Goudevt a t.Ipin Liberty street. All business confidentlO toll vr-lpOtI J n Hones. 8Sto11:80 a. en.and 1ito300and'7ltoliINERD1i1COLE, tCaptainl. P. in. JOSEPH C. WATTS NOITICE! , All Itosoltin sslot 11101tiGood tt ,I~li~e - 0(1011 toOluoticots too sell odloti ltve ioudot e or to lthie tOOzutil. sitittld 01.1e ilell tt1 oli001 1). IL. BR()~IW\. 027 E. 1iis-er. ( wsiows. retiotldloidole-11odit. e- (OotiO.Iuied loooseketpt, loshsittheils10o- silioto of tioltolo illa fternioty hllsoe; hest tof titereot- es it. llress Mrs. N. 1.I. eoiilo. ,:15 Eelelolllo st., BayoCty,'lI.Mielo. U. of M. buttons and pins ,at H AL- LER'S. .....-r..egretnnetnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnrtrnnnnnnnr nnnnnn tnnntinlRCtt'LiRR.rI, , , rl'llll'l11.11 '1A1['re rtnnnnnr annr.e. ~ URITLAN OXqFO DS I 0fl Tans Now In x 40 xs* ~New' Colore 5. Rope stitched and Extension Heels ' z nI SOUTH MAIN STREET z z SOUTH MAIN STREET U. of ,M Barber Face steaming and EDO lITDE Embalmer and un6o3siv ast a-tle lockmste msage a a WLNOH ILTERLL9 Funeral Director Univ efit law t nlldaAllkiaesI!LP a' +Fin Shop and Bath t oe ylatest ofBawth ldng.Allaind antd sa(Berli rpiinxal o R ndPr s 100) 212 SFourth 'Ave ,B 'hPhones f eShop E amber''j .. IPhoto Riooms, ass STATE. . R.TrQjaflawnkl h e nreaesg .ealda WE PATRONIZE _GOODYEAR'S DRUG 6s FORE, 1071. MAIN ST