THE UNIVEL a II'Y O t ,/ *,A t)I¢h Publihed Daily (Mu~day ecptddrig College vear tt YKl UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MAIN OFFICE BlIECE 0FFICE A rfus Bdg, Main St. 336 S St Stret BotS 'Phoe13. CNo' Stte 'PCEE 18. MANAGING EDITOR, . IH. HNS, '1 BUSINESS MANAGER, F. CIGEOttE, 'StIL EDITORS: ATHLETIC EICCR - CE C. DoRE A.H.MCDCCCALtit,'CC. G. D. EECCT, '0CC; Mss L, K. SABINE'3 W. A. KIHT'CC L h.H. WOCEECW,'04 W. P. CEACC,'1 L WA. BE-tECCTEC, '03 L. I. HCOSCC, '3 AC. PttCCSCIAC 0- The sutleCrlt~pice Eol f t CALY lS2,i foC tIeCcoCliE year witsC O rgC'C1 d,tt':ry oerite r., C" ih day,. Ntcec.CCnitcIa- tioES, lnd otheC t -CrCintndd fCr puli a- tiCEn mIut' LaceId i at Soe fAi4Y VoCice beforeCCJP, ICor mileOIdCothe eitobe~bfore P. ED Ilofte0d3y101 li ttt day oil Which5they ace FCiICletd toEaCpear Subseripo onbeIEle'fCt at CCC DoILY f- Dice, Myi'', or SIoliC'S tandCEortCwth BEsinEIs SCaECU. StscCiCCerswilt eIIICer favor bytreportig prom~pty atthis ooficeEy All changes Ci advtitsng CteCmust. it Inl thle CC b 3. pInI on tedypCeEviCs Io that oCwit chICthe~y aeECo CCpearC. Communication To fiecPCitol'of Ilic I. f 3M. Dily: Iia ition otC f yori'p1aper'. ttb- lislld1-ridy.'sly 1,lteis auCliiar- as' poe' tss olf i1111' it'Ctwtlttcla(1s. It iqite true lI'3 tlecteidIIpoestesgofit my laslstfalld rsiigoe ta lly ice I tti'liily epeted111'thct- I'ii'r it. lt ily tIf 11s0 wtcsI. ositally refIl ishiCghttll 1Isee t ta- tattlto lit)' fessilybanquetIof lasto Biht was1,111n affa'ir byttn l'1'C'rtheCI mhIo illpa t liefrtte nilit menoft (011 liet.'IlMy noemlioWa'ttonotidit itohe noritbraso'Iofresentbr w tha t' iorfetan. lhis.Is i totla(110llyI'unawareioflitsl'oc-l It lficb.gtn vibut if itseo,1atI itl ptive11 y refuse 3r1tohatveIltll'nameilt- o tahed'o5 any estitty S lor Cos' puto shaviegi'rs. ie ~ tefeha clsscln Whicht'Ili(oy 15lingfctioncVS. fInirCealiy"'0Calqet' s 1 tited o'. g~sivenudrohl asnmeuls STtislyofMtlebractig tsfestivi-o tiu ay'lbequileet it Begclitt stylel 'rtMicigan, 2s FsoIll-hav itl e, rifore'a1o1h. rgtso ''illdy, -Muy 24-Cno LawypDrty , l"'rcagol, Mgnts' tyield. u, a (',tltOufs.aFia n audy A GARRISON FINISH [Continued from First Pge. Summry-Two-base it - Weber 2. Adstf, Matthews Stahlt,. Threebae ht-AlcGtinnts. Sacrifice hit-MeGin- iuS, Snow, Fiesler, Condon. Struck outFalkenberg 5, Fsher 2. Bses CIn ballls-Fisler 1, Fullkenboog 2. Hit by bll-fly 3"iser, Stll]; by Flkenuberg McGinnis. Passed bll-Stahl. Um-. piroe=Capt. Anson. A tenflttce-About 2,000. Time of playng-2:15. STUDENTS NOTICE! The best laundry is the Toledo Laun- dry. Try I. Work called for and devrdLeeyorrera12s Rlain St. U. of AL buttons and pis at HAL LER'S. Don't deluy your photo sittings, bnt comtececrly titd avoid the uaual rush. RANDALL'S. 12 If U A Buffalo? If so, buy a Buffalo Ptn at HALLER'S for 15c. U. of Al. buttons and pins at HAL. LER'S. Henry Bros. have a ine lot of springc Cpitings just il. T1HERE ARtE OTHERtS, BUT NONE BETTER. Royal Tigers, le; Tigerettes, 5c. NOTCE11 111e51111o tno Iby mitakelos100- sesCs'ed himselfof3a11dress~-ft'rotect- o lit' , Ri 11'll'plesetioll ifIItIIo I' fdll't Sf1-I y 111t5'toh11e'SigCh illH11)110. 110 110 ctfolt 1 l l siClitttnd troll Cets untilt June15 1. Finet line of wolensinuthOttocity. F. J. GLEN, Cor. Staufe and Wah. ss. Tennis Rackets all the best snaes, white ashl fralnes, perfectly balanced and stung Prices to stit al $1.80o to $6.oo WAHW'S Chef d'oeuvre de l'Exposition Universe le BY Waton,0Sago, and Champer ADDRESS, 313 SOUTH STATS STEETS The publishlers of this wr eceCivd te Grsnd Prie and Gld Medal at the Paris Ex position for its exelence. Alt wors sld EE suhscritCoCnly. Redmond, Kerr & Co,, BANKERS 41 Wall Sree, New York Trsnsat a general hanig busies. Rleceive deposits sbjet to draft. Dividends and Iterest cleted ssd remitted. At as Fiscal Agents for sd negotiate thoelisse of - ralroads, street railways, gas companies, etc. Securities bought and sold on cois ion. Members New York Ehange. 8 -L DESAL IN 111611-GRAD[ INVESTMENT SECURITIES. List ocurrent ofierinses Ce o n apeurnEt, PHILADELPHIA CORESPONDENTS. GRAHAM, KERR & CO. 2 FEET IF YOU WNANT e ) W . 1'CO'fi 11fO r LCOCS Take No Chances WHEN BUYING-CLOTHES READY-TO-WEAR There is only one sort that will never disappoint you in the excellence of the fabric, correctness of stylo an~d general value-for-price anti that sort bears the name of THE STEIN-BLOCK CO. We ha-re sold thtis mnake to our most particular cus- toiiers and have never heard anythting but com- mendations from the wearers. We have just received the newest creations in STEIN BLOCK'S MOST FASIONABLE SPRING SITS. Lindenschiuillt & pel The Ralston FOR.... ..Health Shoe... *' Artistic -' Theo Iigllest romlplilnent ever Picture Framing paid a Man's Shoes... COPFORTABLE, HYGIENIC, AND SE3NSIBLE SHOES FUR 1lIEN FiePc rs Price $4 Sold Only by...GOT Geo. H. Miller, DE FRIES' ART STORE, 212 5. Main St. 2i17S 41th AVE. ANN ARBOR nv~OOO;a.+CVOV OOVV OI5OVOWI0IVOV Sao~vGOOVOOV ATHENSTHEATRE TONIGHT 7 Ub'e Mystic Wonders Prof.B rala d r onE d TEST MEDIUMS MONDAY, MAY 13 THlE lBIG DRAMIATIC SUCCESS OF THC SEASON "HUMAN HEARTS" The Idyle of the Arkausaw Hills, Comlplete Production, Original Company of Superior Players. I Scenic Display of Great Splendor. As presented 300 nightls in New Yolk City atte hl Ave. Theatre. c Summer Prices Prevail 25c, 35C and 50C aIaSancneO+0neA, ,av ae: nrsAOaeAA ^cr +cvAOPIOSOAOAA IE 0)1RLI IABLEC o'U'llENTS IIEAIIQf-ARTCEfS, BILLIARD PARLOR RMO,)ll1.11, REF ITT ED'JEVERfYTHINGNEW lfR'iNSSSICK IBALKE COLLENDEff TABLIES GENUINE MO OR H GUS HIONSDCIVErDB HIGH GRIADEF Oerq4Ip, ToD4 coo, C~qvj.ETTEs DAILY BULLIETIINS Oh ALL SPOtTNG EVENTS '';DAND 5lt',3OB5 SOUTH So 12~STATE RYNOLDS E IiOS1TI'ICIH TREET OflUIIU SANITARY PLUMBING. ELECTRIC CNSTRUCTIO AND SUPPLIES, SCEAatAND Ifer WATEHEATING, 207 E. Washington Street. I13GARTSID GSEDElCRCFIXTURES We are headquarters for every thing in the line of furnishings for Itudents' rooms, LAMPS, OIL CANS, PHOTO RACKS. SHADES WASTE PAPER BASKETS, CUSPIDORS. Our Prices You Wll Always Find the Lowest.- MARKHAM'S BAZAAR- 15 SOUTH MAIN STREET NEW STATE 'P4NE4SS TO eE SWEET- SEE BROGAN. 10 S MAIN FOUtND. .A. Sit'hlgaltfootbal~l llap Swas foundih just1 aftir thtt'gamiet'y'este'rdaly. Ownerl All enitries flo'r11tthetnnis Ctir'imttit mu11sft behanded ~l ti Manager AN berry' 00 Ctapt. Whlerry ifore006i p. in. weduIes- lug. Mug 15. NOTIC All peroCltSs wto 1h1111Goodl Coveit- Ilenlt Clubit'tickets tii sell aindihave made iio relitirito thle teasurer. shou~tld see tue It once'. D. 1.. BROSYN, 427 E. Ulir.I SWEETS TO THE SW