THE UNIVERSITY O1I MICHIGAN DAILY .. .-d. .° We have them on all kinds of otombination of colora, alsomake them to order for class teams ins atny colors selected, with numer- alis, letters or monogram at club Crates. Twe caso make class caps 1o ord'er 'with say monogram desigin sub3- .asitted. Li ESiTY BOOKSELLA-R, . South State Street 'You can get a 'dr85ut Soc t 0,'-fC- T 'EWRJThRS, a'taO clt'.at. For Sale. TlisWork Carefuoily Doneo. in,. Mimeographing. EDWARDS BROS. h:E an's) State Street .PRIVATE... SSONS IN DANCING HIGH ART Fit F A CORRECT TAILORING- t or Pri nce TAILORING AT PRICES within the reach of ordinary mortals Your Suit to Your Leasure And at a price that will save yoo frons $5.00 tO $15.00 from the price charged hy the ordinary merchant tailor. Wilt you investigate? We will do the rest. GOO0 0D RI I. DO llE The Internatioat Tailoring of Chicago Ed. V. Price & Costf Chicago 0. Stern & Son Chicago SPRING LINES NOW RE iDY seer 1st National Bank r ITIITIlI" Put a KODAK in 1.14 INS your Pocket WE SELL THWIn lRenubev, tbe IIbotograpber. t rCalsader M U SICi(A L C'L B S ' lI l E2'lIO N ! 'V111aita' ittitical clubs will tt, held :taa. i M'a'yts i lil an li-\ it '1 t7 tro omt24, U. It. 'tewly, ilA y 14-Sentior Law'paty, __________ 100 s~ndenLRt irarled to cnrvass duig vacation for the '"l. A. Iynprovecd" gasoline lenipa. S ells SUPERIOR M 0G COFMPANY 329 S. Main St. WA BA S H PAN=AMERICAN EXPOSITION Biuffalo, N.Y.,Mayi-No v , 190 The Waahathe N aSaa FallhShort Line.' has testds special arrangeent s to acconinodtate a large travel hetween De- trotit and Butfalo d(brinx the E'xpositio. New eti iponen and additiaaal train see- rice wilt ho provided. 'The Wahaash is the ottly litte apertttinic tree iReclining thoir Cattetween Chicano and IBotfalo. Tick- ets will he goodt'orostop-over at Niagarti Write Car a cooy at Wahash Pan-Am'erican Coder can ninintg a large Ltve color ntttitoa the tExpoition gre rtd; arthandsome else etchinugsofatthe prioct .attl ilac'g. Ticket Ofiie,97 Adasn Street, P. A. Palmer, A. 0. P. A , Chicago. Cat. Main and Huran Streets. Capital. 55alea. Surplus, $35,000. Transacts general hashing hbisiness. 11I i Fs, Peat, C. E.CanENE, Vice-Prey FaE. HIBL~nSERCashie FIRT ATIONL A NKL t Ann Arla. Capital, $100e00. Surplue and Profits, 1,30,0d 'terasacts a gsenasaning business. Foreign aoargeouoght anti raid. Fturnish tatters a' credit. E. ID. tINNE, Preer. HARRIStON SOUILE, Vice-Pres S.W. CLAR.KSON Calmert Tiefln ipnfrbor Sayings Bank Capital tStech. $50,000. 5aeplar-, plt5t Reorear. stnai,50,00. Orgcaied titder theGenratl lBatvtig Leerz fthsS'te. trct.:"er dtaa1oit' a ' eachanernathetic ecicleolcitesofthets tated States. Octrarl sed a111011 eer iueti.titote, Satety deposit bos atcrt. Otiit-t . irar itarh.cPrr.; W.'.,Itar'. taar,Vicceurs.liCha.. E. Olsco aiher ,it. 'J. Frito, Asrisat oa,;i'cr W. J. BOTirt', Pat.'STA W. Attitto.ttIstVice res J.YV 8rtrAN d'v ice-presr IONs C. WaLTe, A-rt. Cashlirr iV~~ Virdlticaoy, -Moay11 5-icill vs 5. Chirca.o, Rgets' Field. 'Tutsdaly. tFri(tiy oatd Satturdaty, I+'alia l. Satu Irday, AMay 18-Miiligati-Ch'icago Tuesdayi7, MSay 2i-Fi'' IDaitt'. tratiger s. A ittii o f lte CrtisaCotttry cluit o'clotktnit ~ iSatirday-a' fteraoii. iEt'e'y tot'ttltt'cis rirgeidtoIbe lpreasent. HALL, Presidenit. STUDENTS NOTICE? The heat laundry is tite Toledo Laun- dry. Trly It. Work calted for and de- livered. Leave yoor order at 121 S. M1ain at. Reta Seor Mrls,.t RassCran'rer tt the FrayMa24CoyDt. iea 41:,31'ty pgOIstint. Singileses, aite Iio.ety2 l' ~y oestt., hsor snare lerson aila sottre rililly. May 24-Itittior Socitil, lit el 1r 1r > i aoir, ires with a lit t '. R ' fS o fsiu ufl i tt ALLEIt.'S for I15c. SOUGHT FOR CASH U. of 'St. bottoits and bitis at Hit- _-0- p youir old collectiota and LEtIS. inoreally nmoney. Prompt - ,nGodPrices. Htentry Bros. have at ite lot of spring l~: 1, IICAN STAMP COMPANY (apithtgsjoelti. dant S. id6 Woodward Ave.. IDretoit ______ _____- lA\SscIMANihI-illi-NOSTICEI. S .I'.'TI IY. 708 c litirrt at. rot-class:Meni's said Laties' Iicyelesa liii'anlemsotr Renat NOTICE? Rteltrteasoaabte. All tiit'tilii'i'of tlii' I tio{tt'tn-t T1e tI1 utu N a te tsic' to ole' it tiii epairing Promptly Donse c>'1ittiitt tlt'ctitn titital rigistec it Wiltd- M. .. AEB1L ER'S 'c's tati'lo 'Sic8. CLE ElidPORIlUM. (f et lii'tic''Xat'sity' aittitl. f:) VWioWahitlort Street____________ Openi Eiveninig '&O H'-er +y+,+r-I NO[IH SIDE. LAU'NDRY " . THOS.10WE Prep.Y +aI' + ++++++ FUNERAL DIRECTOR '1'1'tiat lining a rspecialty. No. 209 S. 4th <-Ambulance night and day. Is t U. aof'St. buttons and pine at tHAL- LER'S. Don't t'laiyyour plaio sittinigs, hut comeile'rlan att vioidl the usuatl tusli. It. Nl)AI.I'S. 12 tuting 'May- l'esti'-il ateek. I F IOU WOULD BE HAPPY SitOti. Ii IRoyal Tigers, 10e; Tigecettes, 5c. Crepe Tissue Tpter for' Oecorative lpurploses iii till rolors, ptatiti 01111iCt - iced, at SCHIIALER'S, down town. Buy yotur taloer Chips antd Plaiyitng Ca~rdsait hdCltALLEt'S Idoolostore, HATTER HABERDASHIERS I I, f 'Icall-actsa geera Blankin'g lusites rasee.e0210Fifth Ave. j :j: + Makrs f ILadies Patrician Oxfords GOWNS and -HOODS. Rerting of rI $ 05 CAPS ad GOWNS, i Rl SPECI(ILTY. 4 CLASS OENES, ~ tDrd COLLECB FLAGS, PtLe+a, PtKi, BxCl COLLEGE PINS; OLLIEHI IHEAVY OtR LIGHIT SOLES, 01111 SHOES POLtISHED) FEE HATS and CAPS., WC, KERN & CO, 411 E. Fitty-So ruth St. H SllB AllSR[!1MflffM0TRE t CHICAGO, I LL. Spalding's Official League Ball Is the Oflicial lhall of thie Nationual League, the leadingminor league antd all the college 0 sod athiletic; aseaciat ens. A handsome Catalogue of Bse Ball sod alf Athletic o Sports mailed free to any address. Spalding's (icial Blase Ppll Gtid" Cu"'-wt00. (11 P1rrTl 11o myllyU~1iao ltuedy 'Srii. 3u, 1101; price 10 'retin; A. U1 SP\1.lIN i & BROS. (I ret i-it .Vcnp New York ('htcago Denver 'YHE FINEST LIME OF SCUM~ AND ENULSH SUITINGS IN rdE CITY -..,._ HAVE YOU SEEN -' HOSE NOBBY BROW ML W A R