TIJErTJNIVFRiSITY OF IVl( EECGAl'S AMI eVs is '50 G0ODSPEEDPS G 117 MAIN STREET Michi~an Cnra NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE' THlE SHORT LANE- ANN ARBOR T0 CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON With direct connections at Olseago for St. Louis, Kansas Cit, St. Paut and the west. Eor information and tarough ticksets call on or write to H. W. HAYEIS, Aoest, Ann Arbor. ANN ARBOR R Taking Effect, Snay, May 21, 199. Trains learn Ann Arbor by Central Stand- a-d Tine. SOUTH NORTH N. .- 7:15 A. M. No. .- silo A. M5. q* q1 Windsor, 44 lors and +.io,.30.0 Theyare or sle a th S~haeerleMusicStor, 0 11 W. ibety S., An AbotM4e Dental Gol 2 Weselldentl gld ad soder 0+ Wepay ast}for ld gld4a ©9 silver Wm, Arold, ewele SU OF M. TAILORS + SPRING IMPORTATIONS have ar- rived and are ready for in~pection 0 2HENRY BOS Bass Ball Games Today. Cl'lieoa oVso. Siscosini, it Madisott. Itoax". Aliis'".at loaoCity. 1 tiliavs. Nt'lstaski, at looalil- tll Yitle vs. Browsnil. at Ptasidenct. Pi l"itiil1v. It all. a t Irle Notre ic intio ss. Betloit, lit Notre Youtt(-aa -et tYour slates Shiiitediittie i1o1 i111'or llte Stte StretiShoe' Back fromi Europe. Harry Riceld, soin at II. IW.Rtilel ost IFINEST Dectroit, a reccent graduate of the la kk.~ pdrilatllltl'll at the Utiiist t o I , ,r t ire rmEropa. Durlinlg lthelIts l'xlltsiti :11 lietwss Isl1 attch offie _ Ilereal clulli .IN I1 lE CITY AI Aftter that. «11 li1,I8 trio ol, 'Walter1 si. l'iti, lit'traivetledul extensively on thle colitillelit.J Whiile' iniBe'rlin IIM. tick(..tI t sxthle 1- 01olme s Livoeryu (ti'riil'tii eperraisteverail ocaos.9 Sic sold swhen liii'kaisir dtives out, ito PHONE 10OG,35 E. LIBERTY S dioes so irathier dleimocratially. Tlhe _________________________ f Non. ,-silos A. m. * No.6-mao30 . Ma Mol 155 1(1 1n ' 111'' o1115""' 5'royal Ipilite are octn1 ant over lisae Na. 4.- 8:35 p. a. Na. 3.- 4:56 P. a. roue___afou__haofhe_ lrachtefah ail iosir:calat e a .11 *Raa between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. There ssililibe a mtiangii5of tl'Cio ttiieloii the roCtrossi c All trains daily except Sanda.saiedaogterubtther W. T. WILLS. Agent. Costintey Clibfo ltion itiof iffiris to-inags' 0s 1101 surrounded lby ariae W H. BENNETT. . P. A'"idayi at 1 p. . ll, il te'T'ophlly iRiiio . guards or a dispilay. :esra' imtembeiri is requeiistedl 1o le '>oiiriiig our slay iniHllatid we saw HOCKING VALLEY Ryia-idrtivFES.In 1 calll :1 e21ad roler a UNIVERSITY OF "MSCIIAN HAND osih r an11111 iific heilatit' of ttti AND ORCHESTRA court.,swhilie tl't1'ithqunoe' i ic eiwn TeRirathttkste fisrisho music for concerts, partien, cairrialge s0111' iistaitce ini the reasr ansi " n Business In and Ouit etc. BURTON C. POSTON, attendedi'i by oite oitirider alull 11111-I(' \ I of Michigan. 190 1161 Church St. foor,(]guaruloan the box aiheadsi. hfi SOLI VSIUETANshpasdthpopebedowadDAILY BETWEEN 4 .10 sec cent atfaos all anita and Iron- Sl uncord, wli'ssle lth eioung qui TOLEDO, COLUM1BUS aers tittil June 15. Fitiest line aoflisisyit gracioutsly.lie people ara e r and ATIHENS. " wvoolcuis inithe city. tiitlhiosel'" is ot \medeI'Nlainits eg 0. . 0 . ra .At. Car. State.atid J Wastsh. LEN, t10 e et off oiliall nuito and tron l- isiteodotu h lati arecour various Columbus, Ohio. tDetroit. Mich.____ sers 0unt11 June 15 Finest line of .fzthis as11i Soda Wat':'. Our Ice Cream .R U A Buffalo? If so, buy a Buffalo wvoy"eisildiSheeciy. ant' dmst em1'owilefrhosph Fi tHLE' o 5.F .GEDetroit, Ypsilantl and Ann Ar- Psa ALR a ~.F .GE, Vut ltr ts ~iaswl ers bor Railway. -Car. State and Wash. ssn. 11he 1110.tlailed sirt o1a a 'rmday. Ciars leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti Best sa bat mace is the Howard. _________ OI T1.N(SEiFER'S, every half tour beginniing at 7:15 a. in. Wadhanms, Ryan & Reule. sole agents. NOTrIC E ' ) SENIORS., 00 .Wsh 't3103 S. State St. until :15 p 0n.1 After that to Detroit Thei'caiisoanttOgowsns hase -atrives ^ + at 11:11 p.mi. Waiting room carnier Wadhass Ryans & Heule are sole andi lily beiotaliinedi it r~)11'Ctis Pickwick Billiard Par lrs AnnanMaz Sts.; Detroit, Il in tsagentos for Ypsilanti underwear., :ifternoonuu la'ytitus' beforee > a'slots 1 weld street. _____I____ I. G. WlLt.i-k-11, Chir. Rii ultion ize.Tbs rh. uhl IOEfLAED a you see tone work of She Toledo 0ac slos-_ an Watches, Diamonds, Wheels and other P ee' Laundry Co. you will hbe convinced I(S-APiDlti11iO11Bll 5pveyhng ' n snal Property. Office at residence, 3''B 2 tat you want no other. Ag;ency 121 S. re'tutiPhi 11Delta i ho1 use. Rp-Strictly Up-to-Gate. Liberty street. All businessnieniass Hlones. 51to 11:a0 a. m, ad1ito 3:30 and7 tog Min. 'am s:rid 707 N. University Ase. Ann Arhor p. im. JOSEPH C. WATS_____________________ Iuritan Patent Leather Oxfor s$35 i For Women. New Styles gust in.$ Hand Turned or Hand Welted6 r t > SOUTH MAIN STREET z as SOUTH XI AIN STREETR Face seaming and nrrm Embalmer and. 6[3 East William Set~ U. o lM Barber massage a special- IENOCH VIIEEILE Funerarctor University just ene-half bloc edsts 1 * Fine Soan Bahtdnbylatest Fneafatlaw building. Aillkinds fI Shman eBthods. (Berlin 22yFut Aeu,..,,,~ hpof repairsag Leatly des 2 e 'and Paris 1500.) 1 2 ,Forh Ave, lf hones ho SepLanaI C1{ ssmaas9 22 STATE. A. R. Trjanoaski EiueL. Labert. . Photo WE, PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRG5OE,107, MAIN ST