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May 11, 1901 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-05-11

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'wl . oa "HUMAN HEARTS." RA N O S I E
__________________________ Theter-goerssille givesn anlopr
M~alis~enrtytond s~cete Cllifgtuity to see 'one of thie miost Cleverly 1 he ''00''$3 01) Shoe is the shoe '
Pa ChdottlegeMoaatapsddaiewritteis and o00(,of the best etoged twcat%,etewahrisue-
THE UIVERSTY MICHGAN r anrastprodutcd in recent e 1r5 witess
TruanHert' ome t te thns tait ,s tie rin doesn't hurt it " "
MAIN Orettia BANCH Orrsca Theater next Mtondaoy evesning. This whieit:fidspetofcmrtn
Agos Bdg, Mattt St. 36 .se sree. pawhich haIn th gaCite etof the t earn tofdas
Both 'Photnes I3. Niew Stote 'Phone 1. t,.gutt thdas
__________ -- --- (draatic critics throughouti the United Lit of ourse we have light shoes m
MANAING EDITOR, States for te passt for years and for i ri,tt days and heavy shoes for
0. H. toS, '05 maneve received' nything but esceisiiss rain y days if you prtfr.
BUSINESS MANAGER, lihe" Shore Ares" atdplays of kis-
a. EsNGELARD, '0s L _ dciid tyite, portays sisitit country GLASS'S SHOE STORE,L
EDITORS: Ieole in their ome sonrenlings. t1 BSe. Man Street.
ATEC seEDITOR - CHss. DO-oto Being laid in the 111119 of Arkansas, itsOpnennguni Al MH "
autior tis afforded an opdotuntity'8OPeneennsuniKNNABR,' C
A.H.McleOUGAL,'OC. . . Hasce, 'atE for depicting chnracters whose traits
Miss , K. SAInen'03 W. A. KNIGHT, '0th Lpculiar to tetseves Shave furiisliet -- -
H. H. WOssas '4 Iv. P. feaso, '01 h Amleia's best wiriters with tnsy a
w. A. HtscOe , '03 E. I. H essTos '103 hemie of Intetnse isitian iterest. It( There seems to e no let up in
ALE. PEnSSetit '02 coimtedy sisetof this isople is st nicely the demand for our
blended in "Htutman Heat tiha
dehe ar titerest f aptty'tndtwtll Shapeleigh and Sack Suits
totd story Clhit the isdittucmotiipri-
___________________________________________ foce siile Cthrotghs testht Ivill ot
fitr tie ceilt ccyetc i' h ttstgene doiee ibe resitiiueud. I is a ptis tat _ott Nothing on the ma;ket in years has
ocie " se.' ;:eh day. Ioeitees,csUmim tuB vitihi ve te huet it diletitatiic artmewthscinatadsuand
doans, nd thrnatletce--ittileti tr pahlisa-mewihscinttadsuand
tion n ustbe ts. yed i~ at the DAsILY once sholtid see. success. Te have isie n
betasOttp. n.,sin' t ed t heitorcetiite hsis ogteio be_______ hy ispidredsens
p. 5 ot the day pievkss to that day ottomaogte etdesr
v-iieh itty wee eiccedis peeic Nttitintl andtiAmeiriantieagiti and are beyond any criticism.
Sabsspt' s stayhi' ert at the DALY f-
0cc., Siy'is, ccSiettt 's ne stnd, o wtittstittll retuiritsiby ititt at i Why not drop in and see them.
Buisint's Mtitaei . sutisefhr iconferttatiROSY'S.
favor by epitittutrtit tlty as this ofice any Larg_________Truses,____l
fatiie fCrca et atoocivec pper.LagStc ofTusr, of
Inl thaoe'inhadvpeitiityattveote Cosplete lte "Ader" suitsana over Pants, Hats, aps and Furnish-
that eti which hy are o apeari. coats at -7adliats, Rtyati & Rote. ingg.
Claso Base Ball Tams 5 Nationiatl ottit rn AeittitnLt'agie'STA E DIB [E R & W U E R I-H
h_______ i re turttnis iy ititttis at L1P4j1I jVL L I'I1
'lie listoit plyers fortheit'resective ROS)EY'S.
'histitis is as fotltws:
elt~ntitt Spreli an n~re ,ATHENSTHEATRE
itth H1liibitart. iBesitc'iitttti. atti, f i tthen's Itagueti tittortw it SA U D Y H 4Y1
1J3-iilii. ,Sitiagiti'.Wittilttitis. ->MATINEE .and NIGHT
I lttg iitt I u y Iiitsim t Tuii neritt . I.ofIH. bittt mis atd insit CAL RISCO H OLLAND'S
Ii ctis. 'fiti.inalitiNashviltlteliStc.dent'S
Ilnes.Sctttii, l Tuuittur.Mtitu' Ottr 'Otiotn Sits''Writig Pads eat
Tt its. msy ting you ever saw for te money, [ AND
liusthRilil". 151"Myiita ii. tllmlti10 hc. t S1CALLER'S Bookstore. G d o ' i
Mc FeeIi'i'gimSuuii etvh.liall'y de ns B gM instrel Carnival
Hdtii1 is. ('t~el iulprevInt c Cream deliveredl in any quantity
t1oimtt itmimithigsownmsParkemiCut-',2CSOMsBIN OeD
ti., (mils rl othusi.Tsrage, at amny hour. Order of BROGrA, 110 CtItiNl
C'otit. Dewolfe. S. Main t. -_- i, N WSi O e --
1iii Butsems. Walkter. .1 yite.iocir,
Thtul'mtict.htii. tzHyte it.Hissu-st, MIGHIGANENSC.\N. SummerPricesPrevail. Alatinee 10. 20C. Eve. 10,20,30,50
tombaitrds. Ode'l. .ttsulwi'mry-. Houokemr, Imitportts meetingot Myii'Iigamet----
tar-t. Watlimig. Ot)Held. Iittplu.Sim-Sit huttortodttuay- t 4 p. il., iRuinohi Sunday Evening, May 12.
ftrC-i(larhk, Inm-,ios.Mnnetl('ttatdtaltU. H. PROF. BARRAEL and MR. JOHN EDDY
Hoist'et.'itsh. thtchtiiit..Jatitinm s- hx-'leeiNstillttkehlce tonightt tt 7 p. i. COM1IING' IHal P..id's
aiu e. lFisheur. hutss. 'athithi1u' its Routtis224,CU. inssuteadot My 18,
Selitpsmttsse. Mut Croy. C'hstmttnltuims. is " UMNaGatmsmotleums''u int yestet'dtay 9 Daily. HEJj I N! IIPARDTS.
Gr(Lmlahisis'.aduiid ('origui.Wutuiu- PRIANK R ValIN, tresidet. HEARTL~~ IL~L~ISI.
'1mWu3iI tawn-s-aftftRttuutun, Smisths.
Belfoumu,. Ictbt'ncii, imutwit. theruen'm- THERE AttE OTHERS BUT NONE -________________________________________
uttuhil.Dol~ltuht'.KouhltHtuvum, Horganii, BETTER.
BtttruhmitimnOsiutun. AattiusuiMa.ItlouieRoyal Tigers, 10c;Tigerettes, 5c
Hotueer tCooly, HatrdtimmHaltnishutmiJ
wout. ult'. lltts m.Sttair.7 ithir. thec,
lirts. ilsit. Chef d'oeuvre de0 SO'Y
1uG2tDensthl-'tgei. Snowus, Zittioc. 1Exosiion Unversele THEROLD) RECLABhLE SUTl)ENTSCAAIQUARTERS,
IhtiRielty. Issttru'nguu.tilhur, iBY El L .nLIF RD F RLO
Dlotughs. lttnioey'c.Iterrm'. tt liehuh Muuuee. Waton,'Salieand Chainpier
(tthss, (ltus Amngli, tlu'vs. hills, AODRESS, 3hu SOUTHi STATE STREET
HalItuihomii'tsehmti'iiu't. Wtaiu. The pubhlihhers at thiutworktic eieved te REMOl)ElEll, E F) ITTED EVERYTHING NEW,
10: etl1eoOmk 1hte rand aPrize and Gol Medah at thaiuPscEx.a-tC5UNSWtiICW ALE CLLENDEtR TABLES,
MthtsmtiMuu'iiuh.Wtie-psitioes for itsexecehlener Al wohissod as WITHe
mrDivr. Xerlumiri t'tmpbeiullasubscitiosaehly. _THE OLTMOAY D IOL (NI ~ON'T BE
Hoeuusteon. Wisnur, PsiAmtr tithae. ______________G_____ EN(UINE CUSH lIONS DECEE
3ttiu't'imtAt iln. thhuer, S0 h-e r. e m n er& V
\Ileier In.JImu Kber&C 4c1is, Tochecoo, CHqGHfGRADE
('Itirh, o.ney BANKERS HC O Y
V'aarities;tRytii, Iurrest. ulho kr, 41 Wall Sreet, New York DAILY BULLtTINS OP ALL SPORTING EVENTS
Emite'soni, i'liugsr. tDei~altter, ' ANr SicsniSUT
EItungli i'orragsuen, My es. tsmsse, Trnsact ageneralh htthihng butnes. *E ID N S ~rbO STATE
DaNP~~~nri" ~~andihawnterders olete ted asd rmitted. At as I E NLDS O>NSt,,r RE
htutttttotts- luitBit-h, Ossveta. Gn- FisalahAgents oe atd negotiate testir of
I'eur ~lsn Cmerailiroad-, strecit railwayseas compsanis, et.
tain tsPiouin ute, hisum.'ututSetritiea bught asd mlott commit te.
Mie Ces'.«Wllitiuts, Sssift Stuiarit Bhir, Membera News Yarh Echange. _____________________________________________
tenldghm Scue l'izh itiui. iuuot tEALlt SANITARY PLUMBING.
Ctrinme, Rithi.t oux. 'L ift.JoTuhnstun, HIGH-GRAD[ INVESTMENT SECURIIES. J uELEC-RIC eCOeosTnUCTicoNANSUPIS
List f urrentut eerhta a ,,aenaietitrnsJSTEAti AND HtIoc WA'TER HtEATING,
tHusttonPotuer'ont. Mtiluwoy. PHILADELPHtA CORRESPONDENTS 207 E. Washington Street. AtRTISTIC GAS AND EsulsCRtO FXTURES
Al 'toests nust behuedilu to meati GRAHAM, KERR & CO. tGH RAtDE MANTELS AND GRATES.
least Isut u( ys itiforei'the gamesnI
vvs'h-hphrotst steute srs'to t llay. 1_ _ i -~rf ~ ~ ~ ~ T A r b i

- NO'I'CE! 11VPIII VAT NTOXF1I wW*A H*Rur, u4u
iist imefo a dreos-slitiprotect- N THE 3.0 f3.0 hM OFre 18S.M AINST
or alt the freohmansassnuiet tFridtay ! FIE$.0&$.0ShnSFe 1 .MI T
esettinugwill lleau,;e nuns it to Tltot~its i
acteuyst rteSignlss Clii House.

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