VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICI. SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1901 No. 165 ....Our Special Line of.... f FOR THE CHAMPIONSHIP Freshman Malcolm Vidicatd , '1901 MICHIGANENS IAN." Foreign and Domestic Michigan Meets Illinois Today-Capt. A shor timea o efre-oplcs stii-! On Monday the Senirs WillIsu i Adrian . Anson, the Grand Old nearly proved dsastrous for one of the the Finest Annual That F B ISMan of Base Bal Will 03s. Mch criticsm was directed by Has Ever Been P- FO P I GUmpire the two lower classes gint tGeorge I shed YO S R NGI ilema freshmanwh w seu-1 lpctcri of live ni inormred oi the sosli Today comes tlctrg of war, as tie tivLi ichtisnwisere Ie O ondy tlc 101 Irchgarensian hsarvdaii8a- winnng of tihe ge r n li of aloi e re inoccintiot la-will e isne. ittwill ecitise all other ranged for inspection. 1siarry prattically tir eharrritrieship otirg rowiraiytirnigof iis s oe 4111anasevr urlshdsoceisreilrrriv ity ehae the lret0- ii'west fr OtBieani.Tie eyes of trerciery till it appuiredfintietherrr.rtprapcrtocr ir rterswiro sor iMset isathe city, the swestern unriiversitie srstill tiredi ItVes's'eatelso iValaeile a mine of toward Anror fotri i they know that Juior Civ I Egner Go on ai Sr- o -reVit feittion itiWell is ia th woSrrsgesem nte etvyig Trip s l1ei sirfi tilee day. Folliwing is I C s r o ight r t pt er'rriry. Oul 's'.I litttI treirri: S. 11'. Latdd, nti- Iwi . I C iris uiliibsite'siisle e pring trii. sit i ttor " t. N. 11111tt.businesss G H .lise isplloediiall citieicri 1 vrs en T y sireijiris' riris'cil s'rririr'rirrrigr v. .lttrckwavrt. rssisrnt sf it chi-iganr, trt a pitehliis'r~e iriisir strrrdens ill ralethe i alr am lidtrri . a hi g o S . nirtti hec ixtirisinxtw o-rntedo sit.Ln.(i- age I ndro, >_ t noS I ''t ils ti' ' iel rill fi ris'. 'ut riot, cue;lu 1 i de son . o ii.t wan igo t irtsv irs li'atntihtiis nine.o hetheeUisis"Otiaine0 'soirtiaitesioLihave1 llcthemsi.tputh vii iirisi lir i n of ii l ;i!s A I a iei5 cei thic usetiillsr l int rts'E i n te. H i.C. Ste ers, . S. ones_______________________a___ g r m hert s eies i th s Illinisi, nil I civlri1lAlitCamtpbeltsi'H.'sinscc ir errs # lis' cwilits gisnam theuercis go to 0ect--Irits i'l (cn' t elr'yatre oing s ls'v to. 'riilil t.P H riiirs ytl t ' iT ;n1 iI t c.'lie h lea ingorsticA. . I R s liirto tanssiF. I.f l d. rirsi. Tie Artists' Mvaterial Ii'Itn tt' lsiIt rgsnts' v0c'ic h e teorge, let C!ualifAdrsirsC. ,vsori is toi siliciateTi. . Siirrd i lSsy 1. 'flicpIrt i ll Ii ' scs Iire ssT Roy rtrdDrir Tir ' ' 'sieit Ii toshe sin ag' of PIofs. .8.ii.Dasvis. Tihi isiimiee sansgeisntis to ie l} iics.Ctritibutors a tre Prof. A Complete Line ir flloire'tigoi~ing: uo o t, ro;.Lws ~LlVII' tcs' vdast'ii. fliistisinus,irow te- s u'tii' isiiot tsil. li'o srr. I aIl r af tsfcForest Les- 'Water. Color, Olil Btairb. Beim tirsr. ic. IeSiri. 1-iii'liii'ithdrtisstlets 111,It ahr,. oi t. Wilo es l.r'i lt ChinahGan o srt otlensadtlmiIlPainting BASI vi.Asis,(rrn i tiemtt iof t istinglipornt lritsiftsr 1 arans ICah Fizpatrck Wants B Urer h"i seelitshad. Store tiin 0 W ILDER'S I° i 1''Is osris'scues'iitis-tos -show suie'te facs'eof PHARMACY _Ii, ra orltrr.a, T" t site i stiei'out y sti's'isiiliri' hsuist iti. ssinins's and g etti l s t n- er "5 t'si geill: tip rtsem jinsl titer thle set astnt. 'Ile tsr's' eine hatltoris'sost ll - ) o ifIiihe riay s'for. Coatisli ltxiiltrilt isior I is lii s , tin hril cllis lis * Ci sir ust tt11i ilitii'se ( itstheir is" cgusiis ll tgsotercthn' re ov r a JOLLYS 'crts tandsis nis tie lleintoil mltsred ii'stluts'otf hlftltrs isl ithe .. ~ T r T ' titirlts'bfur' pii ng goodl citiwortisigirt eil c uyiii'.t o Wh m til FiOR THlE "llully G e ly asitir Ot'i i"to doosvatndilMiciganrr iiill havie lto cwor seiosiirs liaverrdedicstldsir rsoo. Ansi, are. dii. isrer t'c hanisr cl i d r i hin rdosir's. l i rcyC. .vsttsicis tis' ithiso h' RIGHT DRINKIS rettwhth di on co i r niil itiell in ss'i' hsivi" i e e'si', . intiti ' ws mde by ss' thp' rne I' _ Al lifts-c .tin' Very 'full tr'sated'. ___________________________for___ its___i llsrt toIrie ofi ai' ishsisioni incyest ''rlys iDaily ihin Itisbrrind ming theiifi turis s r e.ti's' eaitring' of to 'is he" rni ld ni"ili fit as ealst'sl. slerigli sr subd rtoiavi c's ioketedhe'b lhi Rev.' lsissor' tte 'irosotb. isiei 1l ithrstoirr iiitit 'spt. .Sissri d.srrwig irs Iei'li nten'iitiollsyrs tt t ill, S i's 'lbaiil andirieii-l -t intsycs'twans iii' cit- C H O R A L 25 citri f cn'stivesrich's'inn sziiitll. trsrtsnl:t he wi ordii' sr-n-h rirbhoul l n'bein'ign lip, irri nt isnes'rlshnsltt soitnnsf cc-N astie-n'gen'i'te sitiy r'i heoi'fi' s n iiin ititniitily. Theib ri' t'in e r' tutin-ilorsit n's'ew rittlins)ny h e respe'ncsi'tivei Ti T IK T lHt g ws tl rty__ __ olre CatHieMesf iiey a t. Al.sniihes i liutgtui Bloodless Eltctional i ru-Iaii"' i llttint e arut sis itmes"i, malh tutgubonb r-iri a t ntiri , titsr____} tnisie a't i d r tun il e ci'' 'uerest hiOlit[IT , nSOe whiebi t bwn ' easustuaired. IIi iiei't 'iis lti un uiiiI ehii'i5' el '. Ialnit 'ii s i ir u sIt' lii i'iilsu sh uh t. 'mic iAI eb i s eersld the i r n - l ii i rrIItn' itssstitu. i'ti 1T (: in nemst st it isni liuill eu-ite u~ fal to"c 's ~~~~~~~~n ll liiheuit run's ic r'illiristtynuai(r'tpt gofl own to1 -1olc iii 'i~g r le.tur' t re ntosill sltun'' t io i1 nuet sih luu:i ii i'i iit ~ iis''5.i ltad. - i thtti' 1run ' I faI nei r ,i ts li se ''rr's' i s ii e onl-tu n'ur''u ao hrn'r's t Ii id i iselit'' piles'uu. CA PU 1R GST RE gat 5nte elietfo hnr' nr issIiuttsisuii lilgt ing h iuzu siiots 1sitt n-nh is -Iaris11 tl r lut' lurrinlluics m~ o sAPon CouloSO~ I'sn paeit'hutnIittiaroth v Su rn'sr hg -I i tt'hn i I i S tIugrriuriur il tfiitiUsi. 51 ~ ' x., ______ __________Condon.__Wee__lubun' Lende uru-uc hssuh hUt. Stel u in tin',h of i t si1sty ectguui.whitni r( 2.Deit Ltwes Wat on Ahl tit Board ill tin'apedrtti enr'suny stito th.his' dii i '1rnntliulrn l ubint eitni ' r .h''e e .1 . Siwi suchuin rs tnsasuoe in'toorust tin ir iik.y h ll i itt s Ioutii'it ru It Iet T en is ~~~asti..Tie aiinr cill iedivern a.wound h i rn ( itu Leisii.t=. lStaaiih i lr t iisLniiIniitLtiiifrom litlii tenilitt turn' hileabutanitourbfr h ls~irlw wat~ nteBadt 1' 'rin, snubthin liii'fir ti i t thin' -n i e r u' tiyll gbowe rdueiii'usis- P .. ac ts ,V 'tigillbccii nrart 23i'i'iii'i nt tie Pisies Storeys Osai. . wcatelr'- inc anls' t'iii Misii anid Lc'sncrnrof'Ant lai nr unt ttn. Tie -- l____Iit t uirn'm ~ilniwrce'the'li' t rlognu wagoniii crill make n' 5slup st tie crisis' Pnuf. ''cnntni'n'th surec''e'ned thin'ful rl- ic eir-r's'cs liie'smattr casucincr- tur, ns.ishthn gs diec'tly to tieldhs, ;to-wnecnnrgcsrlrlstios fe rom this'dotorus'1o9iHsly nuts'rssll- smuttie tnuhhsn'sg renturnisnig tin Main siafndiurn iat 3:301 of theIrercolegiste orto i l prie re nirttan s p s suetunsr'b' this'board:ei alt the best nakes, Ip. ii. for anoter trip. Ifrndn: ruha 5tsnrisnisof nusnuar(he in- white ashs frames, TieIllinois teirnircill hitls either Deasr Prof. Tuebinnloo-I rgrt'tex- sredfuroiinfor SesionLace'Coin- ' ssLudgreni or Falketnberrg, andionoss eIne'r'simgly thit I wesnrot'ts whienr yos irittun'thieftiianycion byt'tie Snieor perfectly balanced as goon as the ther, o 'Ifnmaes no aledru witi Mr. Storey tie other duy. LnrVCla isss esrlcrnlted to ully slrssO and strung. Prices neeir iii" to thie Michigans atesins, Iccwanitto 'ongrrfl fe yoi upfo ii clth ie yelocs'andiiblue swers anirsrs Fisher'will probshatly bIltfle box for'gl's tirinu'. o rsurtin ie gain- of thirsetsso,ewill te nmost favoabnly to suit all. licligeisarninas lie hIntsairexcellent ig preffy ny mllthe honors ts consi rsinedh bc'tie Athletinc Board sirtuo1 recursnliehird Irin, tie rooters may yer. I readi1Mr. Storey's oration, rnd etrarncre ins tie basbal series. finch rest assured he will do the business. sinssine fthie receiced only simiie rutctiloi ycass soloddie imieitue. - - -justie ishbeingawacirued first 5rie. t l Inraspiirit nsfftirs to1ni, it'e Atl- i d~~~'Posibl you hracee civnratinrg a is ai lung time sitce treash a college lefic Boaurd desiros to masuintanini justice $1s ro$ ,ubalo Washrnsro r Brandtif Mandholin. oratini whithi seemed to rue so susie- Ibetween stfie classes. Airy action tby ITire Music Co., 'Washinrgtonr st., are rior in every wvay ms this. detiantflase or inedics will be consid- Ihanvinug a speciaul sale aird you ('sn have 'With kindest regardis, erect andd Oue wuelcome heelk to the thatvant supplied at your ocvn price 'Very sincerely yours, basebmall fold cwill be teindered [ae ni- _______________ _ jalmnost. FRtANfK 0. LOWDEN. tent. ____ ____ ____ ____ Championship Game=-Michigan vs. Illinois--Today Regents Field, 3:00 p. Mn.