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May 10, 1901 - Image 4

Resource type:
U. of M. Daily, 1901-05-10

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A. King 's Pawn, by Drumumond. g n s
Unslo Terry, a Story of the 'Main We have our most excellent line of seasonable 100 Wiosedestearild to rf nvoss
Coast, by Charles Clarke 'Lnnn.
T.ihat'Maisswaring Affair, by A. Mlayn- W00LENS9 SERGESs WORSTEDS 'ULLstig vacitiso; for tihv -.. A.
ard Barbonr. and C11XV10TS IssiCereved" :;crylirel cuips.Sells
The Visits of Elizabeths, by Elinor on the table waiting your inspection. ii i 1411.
Glyn. ~~~~~We will show you nearly 500 different styles of trouseririgs. We offs SPt~G EG.I)PP'N
Like Assothser Helen, by George you the finest line in the city. 329 S. Main St.
rhe Story of Sarah, by Lonise Forss- 'truly Yours A-S _____"__1_6_.______WA__f)_W
Wen Blades Are Oat and Lor ""A Burc fiel
Afield, by Brady. ___________________________I________
The Lore Letters of the King, by-
Le (Iutliessse. ' TaK0 1I~ I
The Love Letters of Victor tiugo. T (V Put KN.AK.,EXPOSITINv1,40
Alt tise shove at a discouistfrout pub- o r I .Te aah h Ntgr. al hr
priets LI (eee modate a 1sti-cotr ci- 1 iseete le-
WE SELLTIALIi trisanset Ooilo (1<nin e e.st
_________________________________________________________________ill ciliitsProvidted. Teliisohi-,sthe
x - u - - o7 y lin e oeratin yVfee ttc'iniieo hts
eiti e gsiooorstt)-oeocat 7Niagasra,
You can get a l entsblrthe IPhotoorai,e. de WHi.fr o. ftvt)ahPr"nei
o' der con its t t tine ccc e ti c olrrriio
cttseth i o the p iin is s t citic-
___ Tc_ et Offin- , 07 Adams Street, F. A. Palmesr,
A. U. P. A ,Cicio.
AT}Mre Pilferit g atthIe Gyoic 1bScool Cf itithir in a Flotitishli Ccn-ii-
cuts-s- tic titimetpasts.tcomplaienis-hive
338 Souith Statitei it.its suiteisittis , 1 nilve0 KoioytSchoolh.oftusclus-ts
l1)('0t.1es Sil. si 1s-t I ia etttttttsttte t h etiil intteit- l ii' itsisit- us it c-el ' u. 11ain ssed st.ron (cts
Th ss W tk (oefiil s. is itt5 I itan(uei ofs tts- \\ -sii c -. it the iclses titi l(sis sie ttittI-itill ststttite
E D CAR S ll B R O e i sdo i a os c ul ottit i bs te suat rile- Ti t3lsts -tci7- Setisst l i g e ct
To- hei WorktuteStee i li h -to is t is itWaltr C- iiodeits- o lits cIs'its illesis oss i.lii ss-Cl lit sin- Sieli ctPreo ts
__________________________________________________ ste ttsstt-st ist tie iills-tisiti Its- ts-i cc. tutu it s-s-ts-etcsAit s-i1s-cssit nit tsiiisneteneeeset seehiet Seine resei
Typewriting.____ A1_i_____ o_____ ra_______ itg.____ ._03.elissethessatestesvictimt.househet tester
stisigitBROS. lt.t -uut hi ewd ilev s 1tit asit is i alxt t~r tititi l t-s es ls sees Capitl, uht
PRIVATE,.. l tae Sretut stn tsiscttrautis e t i littttcsis t i(nsacs0cc talbningsties sFr Pie,
i-tts h ptile a t 5 toi testoel e tit fosre titt 1H ittefle ts 5i ilt e itidtt excange i' ( hl tId ol. iece ta terN
LESSONS IN DAiNCING lf il i ltstlilit(,isrogheol
sits- 5vhoshlse )(,lItiti stloti ti t hIiso li is of ii iis-iit. ier l-----st-tl s ot h ele
leIOM sMetsteiisesssset-lt-Ittsistisitll tiessitb sitfI is slty s al rt islt. :tilsthsitss-stlist iii ie yM.o ri os ;a-ri h ewig ~ioiisot nk 1 l l ReY"111 " Or rSavingsu 'ki
wsadeiny sy a ii i stisoesti. it-esoss, o e stst~i -istt tstlt l, hi t-i ccsrtereel. te 1is I 1 -ist-tteesis ttis lCapstil Slosh. so50tee. sie i 's KOSI
ites 51s.t irt or ospr iit s on-c s s i its bser is lit t O i ts tus1111h Oseiltlit-sit s Cit si Uft lii-e titisgiot .11st1 lis t i- s s itesitli- Isesress.11,500,tt0.
I -asch. Altlilescn si s i iiio5 st s usd ltil.lssitt 's' t1( o 1stis t ts- tit s-I- !Mltilt-11( - 51st i-s ti s~geeei uhi lite-e lt~r ~
leetecreAcisesuss. E ey d pItli-t lo a 1.1 d echanet ilct e ri iplitie st- of- the - - 5- I --
_______________ s s. TlItutti al ols iloit s la Staut c uuus rfs cteel enluo ctr -ietiftueStloC
i t 'i Itesss tyani i(L, essle sire sole ct-ss. ls-Ii i -sslue-e clt Sit- ftyc es-tboxestoisleni t. sestttn
1 1 1 ~ tiusfor I IseilusetI tuderwsear. lI .l01151 s i s a I 1g-itca t 1rsttt- iui- us ci--n5s,-tinsusMackele s bu .Harie
_________________Il)uss-tuss tuututcnl ey t111 '1c yt( itu- te- m, ie V ree ,ses I Cisis 0 :-I ckt Cu i~r.- At
J.FritzAssist in (eihies
Loo lT UINIVIC1tSITV OOI IllltVxN .BAND ( t'(1 Le o1(wcna.uaelo~ hi
Loo lptturoldcoltin andi AN D OttGtES RtA ___VV,________ NOD-scttV ie le IT. E
,turn it itesrtestty ilney C irulpt tiecutIoti'Aiennie'feic BEuHAPPYcJe, portise, F ,As AVOULD ier C iS
Casnd ti od tet inc ,.ete. ABURTON C. POSTON, SMO Yl
rHE MICHIGlAN STAMP COMPANY 19111,5.t Church St. Rtoytal Ti,-ers,,10ceTligerettes, 5cas
RoumS.81Int WoodwaesrdlAce. elit rest -IS1t rlf';l'
iii0ip e s en t tilldtill euitseaed troll- Crup isseoICauc r or ecorative Banlkirgfitlucii1et
coe ssentil Jsune 15. t Fiet tillseof teihee i ilelie httlO ltg
- in tlesillIe thselty. prss-i i SC ltclrts, plainnatni-
CuicetiretSCtCLLER'S ilue luedorotown.
-r- Buy your- Poker yhitpseandallldyfor an eli-
r iesat $HSa eeLE s 1clu.Iowir.TheulHestsundyour iii led ati1n
A - Woslteinin Ryansi&&Rents, esolg~rEittOSl ain et.


1mportinp; Tailors',
pig 1214231 S. Main St.<
ash urei tn C i-t stSttt
Sut 585tepueC8 1~~nitnu~s atwait youseninsectione.
12CC a tott ~ 0 50 050
Xrtsai coca 9 dL '4hlyhive-to 1'K YYY e 7IeYi4J .f'ft SR~" 56 L "3~: . pL. 'r. t " 4iS" . r
a b4 - Pd lfS fto _. __ .-. __. _ _ .._.- r }3 . ~ .. .7"5
Y 1 ._tf..Catlog...La ie.Pa ric an O xf rd rrl.S__ iit-g s Uft d . .- .Ad , "i'( L . gue .I I
1eelsslee;lsshhiui; cuss-" duet f @ Q 96 HT 4 k 4 v A a-a R4 I ^B' TY 6x
_;p esnaglweciNd : IsteC t1"eglheal ft h il e ctting
i t s aibtsaltsfepl trr e dt zl - .1 sĀ°lidag uerd l uteisut uso-,
f i deesegiuallsdneyc i ledi st-od r A lsssns-C It t rPs
iect-syteof rihbingeu'pouish --0cured bit nae bCall ltd etlli<Atuletie
screw-ad peg of the very lg -rc U, (A ? mie l9sPs u
noIs5 a.l idr h pae ess. uz r -ui i Bas
LYON & MEALY, - Chc:ago. 4S kt RS
< tr: k ++ ++ +++ ++ ++ +44 ++++ + . New Yosrk Chriesgus Denver

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