TBED1JN1VFES1TY (4 lAI( BIGKN DAILY r' rf-Ei: :c; tr~: .r'. - E ;- r r ,r~r :fr.: 3:3r E:r."g= :EEE :: :tF: ir~~e~:Sc&c°r~rE: - er :f:3: :E: . : : : ::ir r :: Sri.- :1' i'" °siE~c.' We've a wonderful assortment of new negligee shirts for 9 you to select from at $1. Fact, the largest and choicest line 9 in the city. We've scores of others at $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 9 too, but really our $1 assortment is a pleasing revelation even to ourselves o ap a.a a' "w'.w .v .® .a'' z' a' ap G OODPEED" 117 MANTRE Micbizan Central ON m. NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE, Embalmi THE SHORT LINE- Ave. At dance 30: ANN ARBOR TO OH ICAGOr BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON Witthditrect connections at triateto for St. Louis, Kansas Citt t.Palad thenet. Eor information and throuagh tickets call on or write to 1It. W. HAYES, AcotAntiAtbot. ANN ARBOR RAtILROAD TIME TABLE Taking Efifert, Sunday, May 21, 0899. Tratn mave Ann Arbor by Central Stand- 1lt1> a-d Tine. hard thltlpli'' SOUTH NORtTH ravid. ' No. 6.- 7:2t A. Mt. No. .- S:50 A. tt. sistonti No. 8.-1t:35 A. M. *No. 5.-t2:30lP. . at.routble No. 4.- Silt P. a. No. 3.- 4:00 P. at. *Rune between Ann Arbor and Toledo only.-ri-il=te All trains daily exceept Sanday. W.V T.WILLS. Agent.liiiemiiAll W H. BENNEITT. G. P.A tItiii N HOCKING VALLEY Ry. Eovn The Railroad that takes the 'khot c Business In and Out Ihe Wa of Michigan. SOLID VESTIBULE TRIS Ni4 o 4 DAILY BETWEE 4 1tsblii TOLEDO. COLUI1BUS lhONEY' MARTIN..., FUNERAL DIRECTOR Jng a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th ambulance eight and day. Reto 2 Fifth Ave. First-class Men's atid Ladies' Bicycles atidTiindems for Rent Rates Reasonable. Repairing Promptly Done M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EnIPORIUM 119 W. Washington Street 'Phone S. Open Eveniing TyTeNORTH SIDE 4 LAUNDRY + TRIOS. R4OWEI, Prop. 4. 2tW Detroit St. 457 Bll 'Phone q% +4. + *:i+++++++++ Alarm Clocks $1 U. of M. Pins 50c to $1t.00. Fine Watch Repah ing a Specialty. J, 1, CHAPMAN, JEWELER, 2061 Main South. Dental Gold We sell dental gold and solders We pay cash for old gold and silver. Win, Arnold, Jeweler FINEST RIGS at-lal lmeni are-bli-lg i-itt o vork bty (Mact Schiollatd 'm licte yatirilsy rho ittiti-li111- If liiiheiltel kielayiing o i-ll hillI thyoghtto avise110 ini liihe i westindS-ild wil lvi A lb-ic. casten aesii. The ellto lthLenlafoti by defi-ati11g icliill weill hiii a i-italirtlitle siated l Cieago by twvo deci-ivie it shtould iconlo olit tnd the rpti lootinlg for sclpsl. li re-turnsa by 11111111g" at '5- Junior Laws Ma y Fotllow the Action! IN 1li E CITY AT of the Seniiors lthlll i40c lBoardtindithi e lifferenti i-llPHONE 106, 515 E. LIBERTY S cassis-ntty-t stlitl. I.t l iIte li-h I seliorii (( h rei- Iic il tthleigtitl i ltg toithetgtli11r110u dtciI tye a keel-itilleir swli t e rs I ntc l i lt.lt tilt no h li rs1t Iii- lcltledl. 111 ilililo, lie titortl~olt morintoike a tilt 1111 if I;t e tili h ltililic era t ili entitheiat thelr ilinttitIbide i- hiss o-. til ofthe Aitlet- icI~trd. ~Itali ell e sitil t toiliio lt Ill A A SktstttIlightlA thatW r - and ATHENS. . ---_ _ I llel ia hn-r u~iu W. H.Fitter, L. i'. Ltandmaun,________________- lodoril tihlantiareiigoiiri lvariious~ G. P. A. 0. Tray. Art,.-llnl-iireliii Soil-a Wutfer.iOllr Ice Cream Colnatbue Ohio. Detroit. Mick. 'Ihere ewill lie on i-levtititi if icllie o l it l ti;iri tt tdqy at4 11. ilillRo m ),' tii ill saWtir . O u cCraeg 'l latm if lii Wtlillt's I~t-tgll- ltlitt~stti it IT.Wildl Ciltery stid Le nl will refresh Deroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- 2 1)" ni. llilBlrbur ltlinai lt. te1i8 tie prto amdy bor Railway. NO liltIA. 11 51 (SIAl 1II IlL ilie. Iiiijtilsrttlli crtilty Cars leave for Detroit anti Ypsilanti IT. of 1I. 'ltltli a111d p i at I.L- 'fle itiiiuti l ile