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* We call attentionewtotourtlins ofdhosieyst o5ornds 35c a
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?~aco n allthe neest ptternsand ltest oorinTREET~
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Wthl diet, connetinsSPRIN IMPORTTIONS hverarSt..-Ann At --M
Lous K nsa Ctv,'t.11~n1midthewet. I1TU Frit 17 lj10 er IiIS~it:1 I~~t'i cts I'i 1 tc Ittl t tn tvlI la W m Ar ol , .;rtye
F~rifa n androRghTO rived andl are readyfor «ithinspectt1 I~tio 'i tat tibe
C Hwit o I C+VIA G OA.(n n r o. D n ettr r~1lts11_t4itits i01i)1.-
NEWR YORKs We sell dentall gold niod tolders, :1 e )1 stncltz e e1i ,'Il~
With hefntcf teetl )y the tent at ti , i1; }Ttetat ft tt. 't "on - - (. ' ll( ___ e_ - I
ct tnt isf' f e Putt ted ,yl t t2,tttt;. IAnn l~ua lIt ni11ot :nti 11F'11ti I >ltta c' Z it c ,set l itltelit'i t if' j V , A n ld ~ e e
ftr i f fleave AneAmfit yCtral Sw ti i t t l t lt_________ _____
t1 s satlton ftThe n 1u1t nm i L\ Iii' H olmtcaedntiltl'lilF I
atldl''l' e. t nI ll t'ttn l t ANoHw r(tA lt.
SiUt Ttee I )( )t)s1l))l 1 't itt~ ",'i'' NE16 1 .L ,E! 1y
No.8.113>.I. No 5-1.3r. ~t te "ont;:tes hol)i 11111 cIto eill ______ - -sesl ut) wllu tct
No._4- 8tt P.tm. to.:'.-- 4:5 P.IMAtte tsff15 PHONE flOt l SIR Ey , EwcsYLS
.l I1tI a t piIl.ii oo 2 ,t l.T
I ilic l~t ltI11 'Ii111 1111 (I'l Ill'IiI i s :l'i'' .ill l I .lttl Ii li il
*R n etee An rmr-ndToed o ly.)tthesiIlly I ls 1for 1ll'lle i1 l' 1S .-
"lltins dafitf tl iy l'1ce 1ttStunday. lite 1111 1 I'llt' ii fe11l' Il' ,1'th llt h11lt tf' >'
Aftc~ whoe 0iy'.etAuO i li Ill" Ilere i ..11)1-
Mrs._V._C._____________________(________Iehotillllittill'ttoptylroomIit t
itt 'Itic S t S fl''tl'lil Sift lilf1litI I1)'00i1.'l;lFi f
d9"'iP ! 1C #:" t *~s M.5 g 6 i it;I..; !{1' ;. {. . .E{'!?trill. 9?' +. 4 t1
Y \ _ _ _._ .. _ __ _ ' . ' .. ...
The Railroad that takes the fitltt' ILTIltlt'l! iY9~ \~
Business In and Out (' I 1 I kiN 1(';iiL<. I; ' 1)TsIC',. Noiti:: c > I
DAILY BETW[[N ii4I.l' tIEY,S'. 18tlhlttist. eItt tforetill I i S. ,,11'i 5"n'
TOLEDO, COLUM1BUS -___' Tl ~~ttt EUY
and ATHIENS. Best $3I iarnttiit f il teHoward. It U A Bfiio ? If so, tbny tahBuffalot ll o t s nt rfe1d'lite'iits e
W.H ihr .I'L 4 i SS'niitns, Ryan f & tse. esole agelte. Ittl iatt HAItE1+t'S Sfor 15e.
W.G..P..A..Fse, G. 0. TraAt t avlt . ef____________ttlttt odotr 'thantt alrft offr vartous
Columbus, Ohiot. Detrnit. Miatt. _______________U. of AM. tiutlts atditt sim at H tL- tflavo:llt' SodatS ai t ~ier. OuaI ee Cream
IF OU SWOULD BE HAPPY Lj+p'S isthttt'fifnest, ou r OranigeaPhosphtiet
Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- SMOigers,____Ti______ Itttt('tic.ytttthe mosttttded'ipi t i refres,
bor Railway. RloyatlTiger , e;Tgerte I. Hetnry Brtos. tave atiOne lot of spinttg telts iltitleitf ~imtt
Cars leave for Detroit and Ypsilantti sptttitig",jus it. t II 'rthtn'S
every half lions beginnirtg at 7:1 a. In. Crepe Tissue Paper for decorative -_________2001 E. Watst. St. 310 S. State Sta
until 9:15 p, .;. After that to Detroit pturiposes in nil colors, plint and fig- If Youi see tt worsk of lie Toledo -
at 1:5p.m Waiting coon corn-rctnred, at SCinALLEJI'S. down town. Launidry Co.you wi be convinted P ickwick Billiard Pror~s,
Ann an Sts; Detroit, 111 Gris- ______ha__ ~t yotttwaint no other. At-ncy 121 S. tgtltaiSn ats
wold street. t0 per tent otf ott all nut antd tron- ?Main. ReuainSz als
a O E O N D sr ni ue1. Fns ieo \ MnrhCihos n Watches, tDiamonds,W~heets and nihec P er' wooletisin the ctty. Ice Cream deleiveretd ittanyquantityt- Everylhing Ntand
snat Property. Office at eidecte, W2tt H. F . L N-a nyhu. Odro RO A ,10-.tityUpt-a
Liberty street. Alt bustnets cosfldetsIiat . LE , ts ft tf. iito BtCA ,10
Hears. 5to11:30a. m, and i ts 3:30 and 7itso0 Cor. State aind Wash. sts. S. Main At.N. SrilUpt-ae
p. im. fOSE0PH. .WATTS __7_____N____________________Ave.____ Ann___ Arbo___
For Women. New Styles Just in.
Hand Turned or Hand Welted.'
U.o ab r Fc taigadEmbalmer and 63Jastcni-ham Sreetas
masag oIs M Barber!ENOCH DIETEFILE, Funeral DirectoerIUniversity 61jst Wham blakns
S o an Bah tdone by laessiIoa law hildiag Allkinds in
meh. erlin{k o Br t A Phoof sfrpairinatlaiy don-.R an
SoanBathnida iarin(0)I22 +1hMeIU~ hns hoeSh