THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN~ DAILY. Published Daily (Montdas excetpted)dutring Collegevear, at THIE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MAIN OFFtICE BRANCHOFFICoE rgat Bldg, Maint St. 336 S. State Street. Both 'Phontes 13. Newo State 'Phonte 182. MANAGING EDITOR, 0. It. BAttS,'01 BUSINESS MANAGER, .P. EttELAooe, 'Oi L EDITORS: AoTHLTIC EDfIoTOR - CHAS. Dvottt A.H.Mt.OOUGAttL.'t0E, G. It. HBeKtottlo, 303 MissrL, K. SABIt-E.03 W. AKNIGTt '01L h.H, ORWottt','0W W. P. Cttaot0.tIt W. A.ilBENSCoOTERt, 03 E.I. HosTOoo, '03 At. Itot. to,'iAo'02 tt st t. 00. tot 3price 0,0t t vtIt't o- ttiit, tO ai(-eItttt)tj tiaot. I}tOtA(eS, C t1itittoool0- tioOildtthormtt tro itoltt. ibr ptbit a tion Ittt -e I, n i ix:ot Ito J;I IV00C( befloe,tt of .a ito o thetlitotbef-~oe 3 P. tIll. v i t diit3 Pt, t ict~os o tt iot ay on tohht t()tt LL3e0 t\i tto topipeart Piobvcrp o S be ttyo1Wto01, tthetto ILtto(t- licet ! ( -te ar ooo ,it-. 'tt yt'lil.'iSttdor ott h fAlet ottiipt t ttn:rr li icl to.ill0 110101 it tht io11300 lotty ait o oobo ietOitti Good Governtmentt Club a Model 'floe( ,10 ,overn00 mentll C'1lub 11111 t 11000011 Iiili tllt11 001llil ll jtooo't oft t'll t (tilti to. dMolily lottrsllavott toot ritvttdi titaldnt, 1 iltiiio O tooti1t00 1013 ti tt t lt. 10l1000003 0ofite 0n1-10ltcsthtitttis llto iiztolti (" '0'Y 1Iditoo 000M0i i-an (tood '" ()00 - I:' 1 tnelt uMillotnoh'' t llt 01ttistoNtill" 110'10o0to100 itic lt' on.tit tti 0otto tom colu oe eethe o 1 o0 leti- are -.teotil lIfoor tmore10100imi1000 t-i, 'Ind 11l 01111 t 01,,o0 00"' II110' 0 iv toooot tot e1'101o t il 1101' itt tilt a '11tt1100 toowte-ii'lip o001010 U. ofAl. RU'SCO & HOLLAND'S MI1NSTRELS. RAIN OR S H il N F The originalt Nashville sttudetnts ,ii 'mightty unionti th Ittidhett's Big Mii-'~~'C 30 So steso slret Cartnival, ttleterthe sdirectionottit e 01 3OUSo i heso tnseco & Holtl.dtrill bie the attrac- to wt or tvl t i the weather is uncer- 11011 a1 The AthienstTiteatier, Saturitay, .tamn. A Fltt'le rain doesn't hurt it Maiy 11, tmaitniletitid iiight. while it affotits plenty of comfort on Alt that brainsa energy anilon bg OX- thle tarmt 0 of days. terietit'' withi thisetass of attratitonis Bitt of coutrte we have light shoes cati ito its bieinitoite to itiatot this the fur t riolot days and heavy short for c-rowninig effort of In- years tof sue- rains' days if you prefer. (0e0s. Tietcoliwauy11caries 5501 peoptetti, - SO travtets ini its owtottttini of twot oltuait G lAS SSSO STORE, t,'illittttiiot.asittwIt-ooitandstutd eoneerPt 1 10CS S o. Nkain Street. itity too'foundthetll lrigihtest lighitstoft 8peteveingsunilANN ARBOR, MICH troup fo eutigt _ iot it' ititi tto i lii lih tuh atelen to-ti totislet ubth to11 teit'nativ ee rt 'waste"io' aftorttt ist' otthe 1101'tit'(ihtat, ro' of oto- iliotttI ling loti'i'tlt 1o1'ioie'a has , ,Ver311 011 - No ttl' 1.6N Ill-.6t'f'S. }b c '. m ' ilttoti t oil-'Ilota stlt-i t.of t- - - k too ('itliitoo, lttti1111itttto 10003, ,1100 '''o tht C'1-(".o f, 1i'of o lt it loo1 toIothe tool ' 00,01- ' at Ito' iftilo Ao'-i ' l 't1111( toi' (T- w!, , < Yor t otr 00\000010ti lt , h it It 11to lotol 4 - -' 7 las(t , tol l 11 s r w(oo t t ototo ' - til tor.i h-6t' - tItmhe o~o to-o -i' o o adp itohi. tl p- tlootltint oiowlso ittoitii tonetits nevetr 1 t13top 0ooit A1 1.I N :11t.1Jil Alitsturn100' 1 tlt' 00100' It SAT RDA Itt 10011h rou f lillot"tlt,111 10e1 iot rg ra ~ ~ 'Wd~u. "IIunltl aitol-t-,wthits thy' ,1Thy td l6'olIa 0111101fr artS o'- 2ATHBig S ifour cts. Lotite 30t'ort1ier t-ts 'W ai _ln I . 0Sitit 1.'.I31ttti'l16ltfl.Msittits Sirdltyytttra} 1toi'1ee1flittot s it ll is ug ~'u day E vend There teemt to be no let up in edemand for our Shapeleigh and Sack Suits ithing on thit ma;ket in yeart haa Pt wthbsutch instant and ttustaintd acress. Thehy have inspired en.- uism among tie bttt dressers d are beyood any criticism. Why nt drop in and see them. Largo Stock of Trousers, Golf ants, Hats, Cops and Furnish. gg9. HEATRE ,M Y 11 )LLAND'S ille Students istrel Carnival . ei v Evc 10, 20,30,50 g , May 12. Pro'tf. 1'. 1C. 'I'iio'lttolottod too'ut I Ith' Cardso at SII('L.XiooPIl'i atBootore-, iit t. IA I EL ad Al . J hN Ll) re:t'otit otroo'St ore's iot o ryltt' in ill(' toreo out'oittlo'oti101'It" U A Butffalt ? If to, tony a Btuffalo (? YTC V N ER SPRT ALS y- o'thu-u'uloy, itud s totottetIliii'eostudetsot -Ploat IAI' t '~S forI1e. ont t ouoolo'otot. ii,' tol t tthelii'u-ont- Aiitl it'0:ttlO, -C z h ~ ! IZ e d s- li'sts g-totow ouu'olo'tou lou 't' it 'l-otlu\ ou1.ut' 'li o- iltanth gtio tot snve i'oirohvc s it & s e '~i~r~ oni vis a toos oi iIntog tout' 1[(lo-ol 2tot to oth tothyli t-it be o lho'ied:t roomtou t h ilt I L IYIA IN I 1 I7,d - I 4 I sii aaoinsott iso oto y ctotestt's.itt til 'tttt Illy tto titi itt 3 ttt > 'ctlc..O 0 ~ A ~ A A A O 0 uH, (3. 33ILI,6 131, l'toiriitii I_________________ "A__________ Proof,.6A. -stittthty''s ulecu1 teolthelii' Csuitete line "Adler" ottits attover- 1loty lou stivlt- o t ratt'nht will iie hmosto eats at 7'J anitu Ryati & ttentle. itoruutsotiou,". Thou' it-ts ot oe t tot glo 'll thut oi'tero':uuouuini 'room (1 1 iI tit luull. 'heiothe ttuIwo: h-i-citutst ill lbe'Chef d'oeuvre do SY 1(1.~~~~~~~~~~ Exoito 1,ii,1th'uotutly.3oy1.LA'OlUUniverse le hUTE POLDh) SAl'1A11RSP'TIENTS SHEADIQUAR6TERS, ? 1. i 'in 'The iubhlitc itcttrdliilhy' 1 Vitian suuh otouldtolitifoul tot tt . Walton1, Sag io, and Chamopier E L ...I~ D F F\ L R ADDOIRESS, 0013(3 OUTHShATE S'fI ERI',s , Tte pubilishetr or this stork reeiet he PIIII 1111. iEI'T TED' XVEYT'HIN(1 NEW, 0Goatd Prioe tnd Gtol Medaol oalthe 1-illi-tvx- IlhdtNSl\ICE IBAt1KE COLLENDEB TABILES, Committees fur tho 'BigNine" Moet postion:tforooits ellence. AltltwotkssolontWIT subctoonly. TB 5II 11111 T A "RCH C SHIONS ARiCtN '0 I EPll 'Tiei'foloo'tig t onittees wrel'ip- Redmond Kerr V. io4HlIGtH GRADE ptoitedttby' Prestidenitt Bates oMiehi- , ,CJII1fl1.,oI.r O. TP~dff t .set BNESq Gounsanod -Meet-.. It. Culrer. 41 Wall Street, New York Nortwesern niv215 ~ty charn~tl;I)AtUX IiPLLETINS OP ALL SPORTING EVENTS '. It, P'atte'rontPttit'i'sity otf ('ticago; Trsnssts teneral bankting bo-.iness. EljD A ND Stcsooi UTH uu .Coo.ltiotsl f\'sttit teivot deposies subject to draftI. Dividietns REYNOLS 1/oST AT E 'Uiversity of -3tiutuesotzt. elotitusu; Securitieslboughtt std sold ou cotmmis hoon. Johnu SF. Pfeffer, tUietrsityof.Ili- Members New York Exehuonge. I__________________ otis;;has t .Buter iliC.sitStf t1lFu'o. tAN'ARYPL tM.'rsitA y w~' HGEARAD I tNSTENTINEl SCURTIS E SANITARYSRUCIOPLUMBING LES Medatls antd tropuhis-. . 3u. BelfldList of current oteringriuecat pttaottt, F 7 STEAMI AD IIt-vWATIZtiBEATING, Purdute IUivel",Rily, o-Ilair'uuautt T. II. PHILADELPHIA CORRESPONJDENTS. 207 E. Washington Street. AhI4tTIC GAS ASS) ELECTRItC FIXTURIES Pattersott sod A. D. Matyos. GRAHAM, KERR & CO. 1I15 GRADtE MANTELS AND ORATES. Finatnce atnd ttstititg-Bsisht tBstler eblait-tuat; J. I_. fetifer stud A. M. Bel-4A~ iFA E T OX O ~ ~ J H Entries-H. hK. Clary, Pattesorm.t;A. I.Culver ottd ..H. Patterso.eaterolt. 1 N Officials-T. tH. Pattersonectairman;~ ALL STYLES ROPE STITCH EXTENSION StEEL A. H. Culver atud A. D. Mayo. L~$.0-Fe THE JHIOEMIAN U. of M.L butt' )ts and pisus at H AL _IIL ~ 35 hnt I .MI T LEE'S.L KAA 2 SWEETS TO THE SWEET !F YOU WANT To BE SWEET- SEE BROGAN.-1ID S. MAINI