U ,
VOL. XI.ANN A#B0,,)&jbH., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1900.No14
I~Our special line
of foreign and
domestic fabrics
For the Fall and Winter of 900 has
arrived and is arraged or inspec-
tion. The Fae careful attention
is given to th. styles and finish of
every suit, whether to e used for
husilness purposes or for fuill dress
G. H LD GO.,
so8 E. Washington St.
Wilder'S Pharmacy
2eS. srtate St.
EVERYHING nr spe sO dline of
NEW 84000-eve testr
itself is necv. We have remodeled th
place and invite all our friends to atl
and inspect what we have. You can
beat our LUNCHES.
It. E. JOLLY, 308 S, State St.
can all be had of best quta-
ity ad at lowet prices ...
IB00KS dH61
Students will find ether of or
stores, Headquarters for Lar
and Medical Books, and all Un
versity Text Books.
We offer sone second - an
books at Low Prices.
White Writing Paper 15 and 20c pee 1
Linen Writing Paper 20 and 25e
SReam (20) ..... ............25
Box of Envelopes (250)..... 25
100 Cards engraving and plate... $.2
}lest Student's Note Book..... 2(
F irst-clas Fountain Pen...$.
We sell drafting instruments at
supplies at Special prices.
Sweaers ad Athletic Goods.
Before Buying Your Needs Try Us
W ahr's Bookstore
Up Town Down Town
FOOTBA~l P"O~T.LE .L4GITf Webster Society elects Officers. Octber Alumsu Out.
fThe Otoer ntmtier of te .Stihiau
Coach Lea is Mhissed-Begle's Pbsh- The opening mseetig of te Webser-AettttwsetISSjtt mt t
nominal Pu tlig-WNork Ahead 1 soity s iheld Stauday et etisig:ln pesasse, conasins as tsuat seertli t-
foteTa.their httlt its te tlawebuidig. Tiere etestita ticeos and muchtiettrestig
for the Team.5yWas5an55nsusally large- attendantcte andin sforutatiots tetrdingt he fomSer stu
stitattt30ttptplit-antts for mteubesiip tdets Of te Uniersiy. As the front-
flt-heactice-ye-55e.d.5s w as ttrttac- - taeeussit sttie st"aiear s sttexcellent tor tatof
tetittre ofewitiedtais aceptedi by the so te late tDoc'-Nag-I, wisetot so lotg
trsiofMotnttay,-wic slsys tmoe rles5Wcoor tSt S o teitte wstoiss te srvie of te ttedi-
t~ttttor ossoffcolr. creat f St 1ettptromgamtstsro t ostg testntettd att prttet, asuet D.VutghanS co-
Ilot-st'didt not shot ttttstaltstndivWi-thefitsedstatttention. Afterwitchtsthetitutessa sost etetaisitg little
so,5tsought itere, was sttot essd for fottsotwing officers sw-te-celtcte-difothvie sketeih f te olSnattantd itsicloss- ea-
tte gatsse. Thert werte, however, sv- ssstisg ytar Presidet, .01, . MY- re Sto. I . 1 ) Oog,'vototas just
eat slsrantge faes atntog st-e-astt- gasttsof A ltttttto; vie-resettsl,I rt~t fro.i yarSpentf, ree
ttstes, IISscemttssomtststt tr-tcstts for ri B.lHswks, rof Dotwgiae; sere- wie iet-tia ttcetiit set
htsssrstttre- waitng ot- cooler westher 1 tiy, Clyde 5t. Kethsasm o aaise il-s i sseis S-thtol h of lase-
ssss te fall its tenterattre comning treasssrer, It. M. Corbet, of Onsoosts messIAtsts sdh ie
trifs Ise los gsssseagtius Kslssats-1Theisoffice of rtic is tilledtby 1-ista cletcatsuntinter(sting way the story
eso Saturdasy swas a comsbnations of t. Marks, who holds over frosm a pirtarseouttinsttgowhf e
irctsstanstes tey csul, ot resist. eletIion andl the retiring tresidet . -wh~olwth ~ saue est of the many di-
Gusts tLea wts sabsent as le was the T. ooseas eletesd sergesant-at-strms. f ivaltites wits shieh it ltisad to cos-
last of thser weelk. iHt- 555extetetlo The nstxtregular-smeetiguwitt 'Se t st tan-rpeeatsaeatpopr
s-etno y-serssyhot (slstarttttttt tcttsedttits the ce-as so5f tis tpaperiy tsotretW. ayes,tack cSpai,
hest calesledl Sy lirs'fathe's ilnt-s,__________
sitr is Stll tos be iseardl front. givesa grap5heestription of the trip
Capt. itSuowsev-tted i is te.txth-n-Prof. Weley Lectures on Christianity itthse it iStcigntralcsk smes took last
sirely Os roacs-hing stdt'Lactkted uptrrltw t-at stttts Sue oftht iei- may expet-ieces
stsiglte Se t-trtnted ie srsity, K--tle(Islt-'te gatines st Patis. Tis a-
tt5tttit gi-istg his st euisst the.-Prof. RtoberiAl. XWessey, taoessor o t-S- a -cotttpstieel bys very gool crtt
scrubis. l t-ela tter seemed-tlt0.hvtts he Is-Philosophty, onSunatsy soonadelieredl ott- ors ues wa represetel
bet tee rf te agusests theisy sscoredlsanatdress it the lts urtass c-turchls o ttcltsattIPto. L. 15. attsiaelt 'ells
thet only totthdotttntof te pract-ie, te sutject-tosatTe vWorld IsWtoheh oStthe r sfernitg felawshipawhihls
tet~iitig itby thstrdlptttiggith srtughs (hristiaisty aume." rIt ts slistend ~ ae'tly tststltlttodby the ichi
tt lints stntldtshettssstt tstheds i. Itt-Ito 5talti".ts Assettatint1tsae s deveoet
5tttt~i~g ft Sit- ssttttst() wsithtstuchi atentions. tsomsett-of rotttnew 5me-Stit te'Setool
ise-rso lSat of Swe-ely antWilte, IHe sit isaptst:ls of tttis. asth~eS sftrethe editoia
who'ltd teiSttkickinsg forte t-Varstiy. .flysowns-iter-es-ts aresnotst tlelssi- ( erttett i to is e srfondthiltetsal
ft-eSpialtshettr- s dttownistthe sf ilt -aI, 5 thy 5a5'e tentitly tittstticsttndit niSintttt ofSSetUntirscity te-ss:. .tlist is
srethIte- tsssgtsStstt an~y 51 etigstsIts-Iacksphitsotphtical. 'h-e- vsstnSe-ec it stss istt sf 1s1tl 5 strsr htve stakett
hatss kied tssiiete- lsntsf S te- It tiy' s ol ttinsto wlitls isitsitity scaus. edowenst'tt-s ti-tssalrs its teUnit-
Itft cs'sttotatr tt'It sts~thepvos ins-o- l's isttss 'n55o t'ca ctsts stan exteetssst ersiy .Altumnti \ctO(It-iis1, asdttshs
Int gsttttt-ittltLG. ttbsis playingt 515 oarsttworldis. Ist Wtssss se ressst Is' le sttttsst-i rtst ttal S llssth 5t sslttty m rt ha ntts
,bt 1- -Issit keit tttp ti- t sstsy chats'- d hits st- Se'stss, it tpossstble, t eastss$ 52.ttstt ssha s ets tssub , tsstl ittthis
e s,-te sst', Sis slsy tthishIs tttsr tsI st. dide ten past t t5't e Siltsti upon5t5 rte5-wtty, wstcStiI ea~ks stell tr tesa-st
e onIi rtatteIk. Waler, twtss plsyd Igiostdiatrte'ts; llthy 'harsdslastred itity ofs s-etsts5'yIsetiss
I tacke in p rt ' isatt'sdt a ss m, swas s Isssrtt ststsltsa andsts tssthe sItc. Is
s-staletsuontsto plasy s-snte r fosss ieS tsttttsdtht whtt'wst huar etltearned'ttt Prof. Sne'NwBok
sers'ttt, and ksept thIis endstapits oodatou t isiaiatity is Isseerly Chn tt tnlysNe Bok
Th~:e olr t fte ps ts s$ l y w:s~is th lst'ststuty tvwssabssolutelsytunknstnssPsof.-Abet A. Sttnle, estdlof th-
tls stss-'ssttsssst s5the~ htwrss masesst tiatrie:rss0,ss teti tslesethiof doarrint'5 oftt tsusic, is a-tg's-ttits
drwttetion totthIs fcts-ts- ts Is ' o t sr- rcee<los - tsprepasing attorketh ie es cstttiou of
snst be1s tstststaknas t rig t oucs. ,!haresss theIs- rsss-ts-rta rosf wsth-isis s ssi(tsssl instet-tss.e bolstwlet
c al t timjl sslsss-rthes- as-truss't s filt- tthesisrissssis s c' rnp - 11-Sec li e cn-st' r asss pges.IsP ofetst ortt St antstsle ir)-
du -st111110. S-Is-Is sstthesose 0055il 5sop- litIts asof ist isISe 1 ThirS, t r tstposes ts -tse itap ea 15of te tmosre im -
ri iin e la istel ssgoal sndtt -sat ii isof t s sitt'ittstts's-Ii- t oIltllise \ t 5ssll551 155 lli'515tls 51ll515555' lit an
sstss'slss r5l'-slsssst sssa 55- rsts is'I a tsisslo sie t vst 1st-I-seat try itos
ThelJew'ssre nottsr isilisdpaostissc,-t'l fat thesvolum hIss-isi
to r _S iss'.5 11 sat' Iss ibe s-lie d \t I II t - tissI ii t s- isi:tail sisn Isto fstts -tl
is t hou bs- a t's is pe elt-t ov.'l si 5al bris s s : h, oonil I-itt 55 te ttenstion~
Depafrtent Republihcans Cubs. Ius,-wrld.'1s IslsssisistsscoIttpe ia o.Stanley.is w -h fathredrb
5 55s~til55 stsi'rss st gis ds t hsrs tres-tssshsyit o i t e tis ssd itst is sto t1 s o Ils traitad i
d ifferet d iss lt555itlint t o Isto'sia 'i ss-"The I oila i reStt- sscl-s illSt ll sit s I te s "; it IISaIsu s c511tio o tts-s
pia e d il.Tllit etrsiy sandl eg Stt cs'stiitlitt555t ('is-ititti isIi s- nI stsiss siuna lts s hll astts be usttd bsa Sfo'
tatrilti deprt men15 titit ss ave Ill-mO tot1 Is) t ois'ls si s l 51 is s s51to Ihld ofSi n eI I ill55wtrktingtt p st his tsject
Sorm ts-i'lstn t ilist itelave, toit111-l hi 55555 t istit iaisl Sris sme 51llI 'td ia s fil l( is trumntisslin itelacellc--
15 tist tetal si e sit's-fss i -sr inii to i ne.r scompel te illS thtesi o r tsi sln~tesi 110r I wilStl bt l 515511(tS555155t aditthal-
Thresan~s tsbe great I55 si iHtoisititd11 C(hisr(iststanitty Ssts' ''her e 1tons modeIlll 5 htoilstt le Stosrk.
asseI-i'hist 5 tsinevi' iilit sI-s s io ttrgsii- rasssi5yestlrig i te Isisl mes t fo.-
r zsillitS lstoscshow, t'At i tireetigsat'this.oweist tig'irrr- btsriswhtsthe li ss s Atetic Subscriptions.
W bosardtI sol'd-tsttrs'calsledttLilts nigtstby inss thenttauttS ChrSttiistinean
- Presoident Scott, i,aissl lil i t tts l tpsr shdthisdorine'of rthles i iity I Wisenhsadd$0th
aimass Metietintg of Ittt'therpthie Su1c s 'sitman;ttss lls n(Sits es5s tsto o. T-eli1 1rviostly tpublit ssshe S(0) sit
d[ I tsitheLresitly Wstodsa vrttsg, Si'tsss-ny uitd yseritnsgoiinun'stt heistS lst asrsstt5tsllos-
acrdt unt it t ts deprlsitsssst ssss-tsg'wers- xscty filedib'ta (tst'oiwrdts lte sstssittlSs sthe ie sspysar
s-csliub s i s eaoa. IishesrmoryIJlt it's tndhp recetss, sand 5tstoittr 11ott-t ttbsSptrc srastshoulde Itaid
been enaged an evory epublicn is stppedsss' fsvicorys'tisithisy She trr1)1111y, Srt0T. 7,.iobinson Iteaa-
lb earslyes sted t-5o be pt rsent;it ~Jews, whowresraestl slt irser th trarer
Ilt 'meet-tting 15 s slldfrI Otsp.ta s. ltRoan essapies Sy tto itit an ~a diss-
C O~Shap loo(ii. S1. istoatandsster lioni, esostd teasl i ttssetrrfistinity
Se prminentst s-ollesge iss-i St-ttw i dstfe-sote ahdsisisss siae it." Glee Club Candidates
5 ntes-sI a5 d s a l ar sge Si ts-isrlsr -s s1 s--
)c eoeastet ryms[le1cet Po.FR-lecaDrN.&HfTeea atoofcniaefr
d Drtosi-tsslssitS~i iss SiesiIs .tssoms 12.tssand I:. I. Hulltt etnen tir es55th seotenolrsssr silt e otisuet
no !ice s rrs e tsci' iive oa fro,tteS ttrla}evttyeesingafrmssSistr Jake, sat rom ttt 1St., a5..t i p. 11itstaeTies-
rr~iontutalli~titttsti 1Snnt eSaSst- whrte tsy stigt it Slstrge sntumteres ot Ibsa, Wsslsrsdsa s u rssayof thisi
g; sstdat evening F1. . Iloslls, who'srr IsiStisth. St-1; C. J. DO0VE Nl, Ladse.
seet-trt- ofe st51thee-es-tasttssoistat_____________
Sthe lstgttt till btt-ere at speak055iS5in Ctarlisa B~igtts Cl(_ts idonsttsimadse. t aoil wist tote to hsste a strict-
tteaemory. 4s1: yurteasle for ten[. ly first-ls ss in of oealasses call
Thle bosrd ar ssgsstttstitit theta- at Hlslers JIsary Store, direct'lisport-
110 sles upthltiSs isformtaion. Altrms Clocks at Hallers Jewelry, era of the Le Sate glasses.