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May 09, 1901 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-05-09

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...Our Special ine of.... BARBOUR GYM PACKED Sexton Makes Team Work NEW COACHING SYSTEM
Foeg. ndD m si At the Annual Open Day -e Picked Thte baseball mnen ose uip yesterday Illinois Wishes t Abolish Professional
Team Defeated Sophomores 5 lieipVnWkeadfodanw Coaches-Sends Resolutions to
FABRICS to 1 Exercises Inter- order of things. The coach had re- WetrColgs Po
ruted by Storms urned, and that meant work. They WetrColgs-P-
FOR SPRING ofApasetui tabuyoiyto elwe posed Law Could be
iAplueCoach Sexton calle the "men together Easily Eaded
has arrived and is ar- The annual specs exhbitiou at tie trfielding partie. lHe let theniloaThUs-
'whie i orer o lose thm u, b theUniversityatfIlinois atleti
ranged' for imspection.- Rarboir ginasiun.whicih took place ahl nodrt ese iesotln council has taken atoim toward te
We hays the largest as- last evening, was elararteri-ed by the le sooim rlled a italt and told the ineciei ntssttpot-som~lcahsi
eor: umoent in thu city, imsslimeetaieilimis. ii owksiictgttook.T college atlhletirs This is the first step
lie-i began to arrive early, ndt long ble- pays xmewied very slowly at irt n in this idirctioini tokun by aiy of the
tore 7:45 every seat wvas tken. soiina speddill i:tilitle. The grudc ig nvried heattd fti
lihe gyiiiiisiel iiiii ooaipettly igt irs siiisi isoe ht ,ipt iiry, aswas the cbnig l, whesic p.r e otisthue otsme
0 H I" LI) ns00 irirs etered, the risissrsinld sll. rol iltikelles liii roin iliiin1' a ,of ridurMnaigr Hil, is
1P J in lie, seiiors iin whit, iiiii lajlys tealill blinicg espeiallyles-pieiscrdill aiilir folocwiig:
toS IiE. Washington st 111rxcellentnmeoibieporanpiheninb arbtcwr.Il Rsad Ttinhe7gnn f
was thle i(iuliswivigicng iby ZIPSiscMade siii tryigoosd 1cii ceitfield te aoil oat iiasiniatiofatthe
Dailey scud Surt. At is cler lhii'bigh tlesii ii:h ii t iplase rini ta x-aie a llciis usea.iic
sroo ti ud e nilit;. wihoiuu)iss Stuart ice1s ricixil.asae itof xweten iuniveriv athletic
beens iseruc iisg lrecseed her 'with Liiii will b olitiiiiiri - of , ut p a csisi aiIii umply tg pi- tesioiiole
ADjAMi\ 5.ta scainel it carnosn. l[ iirel(,iuli eeluiu xii w xi i ias at lrgesinsutcs oarcshsLoot ibali
Ili(.- sxxeii ishi ss,- d ner wcs Si 11 ihi0 iPil c(aliiilliii i liitio iic-s.If(, taiei- iix5, icnr snai he
ti ci- ~ teamsisnew it,, bcirsisi i tery
SALTED uniqueIfestre xciiireeixvedi iii ucsi-s-s+11'ileay xc heutix',ecih z'1 aiim ti3dsrutv o nvest
lxi tu gild ise. i:sa liei siiniw. T i ,11'n-a tiees it-idelrie- i-~is e bcrase it eieoxr-
iZL I 7" thpIh r lexerise -It~iel ls -i-ice iiit t c y i i lKV a ilc-tic ixt llliiiCtLieiagec xiratiiuui ( e'npcuiaes. and ii-
1C '1!U ecdiii lenly iertforme seut c cixIlesoiiar tSiiec-oitthe"ir lit. P18e1(11'Wil pucclxsies ixute csiltssis uecue it cicoex
,yc., i I se ciclicure niiiru-liig a-us c I c i ld iii lt-liat lcea st1" oftcit, l ..iiie the ,geira ic-lu etwxexen rixal oa -
received fresh dril11lioi lrii icig lti s tie and hs- caiml I-icc Iscl lilciccigcscxissc. Ores, wuli ecuisliifrt to issiesrils
every day.. cx cofxiitciixlcl cii-teehexliiciihhilliiid la b0 hs- niileecitiilis rescuiltscll
iicc eonisable toLit i, ihe let lenty ocirt hstir er Ici -xis -osithelicmsnstc
E n rsix cc ie it 11g sells isis gixesi iiii .r si risc islinigti he 11i-lis11itic cccii sicexit lii-i xl i ccu til pixsi-
by sL .)b I-~i xc cu cc s. SNice isspslnnscc a cxcx -er xiiit I ini stilr sigh inl s' cil l'ii- clix-sisand stitsite silfor re clar iii
Arlls t tleii lure txnsre liii i I elatedil 1.estci1I s aii lcbia to ut e1'i aoak
P H AR I neeY ii- xxiils mucl acicle.cmii .alit to got i t a seioidc 1 I lixcxiiiTict. hhesiclesubjeisisi
t iri l i iate snte wxxscuc l lociii ilciccnliO fi c ommoinissss Itcs s i iriscili 1-illestrhr
____el_______________________ slisiice si th ticitsil lNO CUT IN APPROPRIA ION ai~ere11iics s iii i ces c1 c xs55l11 -
-- 1 an th st ltPtii lecisue st i i ulpoxeis cusucues rli.
s 1 i c-yel ii as ,-n ccby he--antiulit is atiiosse ih -ut ro iii- csc al-
+® TY A .g- s 1e- . 55si PltIndiiit . I ii.leii-itli ils'iSate Ltgilaiure to De- trady ly c s itl cocshes cannoist Is
IF %,fJisJ11h1 N socucsofuthIle perocrmies ceae ticsUtie.sity Aprp- chisuigrul. xxx ceeinlly seiske kixicciu
1 ca~l m t i iiI- iicscI ci- raticic Will Die its the ai le is-ixsi o tu aitii
N OR T lE L is.tirstther cIii ru sle ccis xxisiweiu
r lusic cciilie'ooftheii- -u-isis Committee - test ntuiiltusttiiti slbs- isand tulreuta
RIGHT DRINKiS sst~ et-illus1 ecsetwiiieens VetTaen thesiso agree cwishIisue ciuherity llsit
______________________and_____,1__iipikdItei5atlofal____ll ch uuve iere castes cle ftot-
-_ Iesiin uios : dse d iil i-_ - - lii lc cssiic s huic itf tic e ccouse ball se s ti Nti. is gine hahlt fot: -
q i il sob iuri:ttrsiin Ie usieccofhits u1W cui-o uds ces watt yse- i-say usbll anch ll ithiuu us isise-to hsuelal
Cii EL R 1\ iir oe tli~ttuc Icsats ii dino- tleii hioiuxscdid tilii i- uinecit be ciched-tiy nt uiuus ut igulsily so-
I- hu e ta po ed i imucush i s- ol ti sued-,ea-ibill beforthce,hiss- c i-etc- cie-il it ulsired-ulby otuiuur sienbsie
+E .. N 411 utkIy by 13serde ot 3)lto 1 ucussusil itic c-ceit dwtuchis ia' cutthe oatheutcttusuo inig coed.etiu
Tb f s ll Ofth(l amiit e isther uuxiii-sits lirioms14-lto 1611 bh u tui t h ii rics i aig _ke- slushout hue suanti lull
ususcirip l su i ti by cnsiderabthi ususle o li uitt cun'tr upo t it oucct, ieus o auusch stnc t akenu hsusuus lur l1iussil leehuis
NEW and R[FRES1ING nnfumigsgfileu-c ti e ecoslisohehuuxuiolt 'ht-ire su cv uutuch aissli5citt.ihiirdsid:
wsedim du beulsittc su iihuce "l I hliii nous husd1 scinsythsiug asituuuui
AiT s iii- tsonce c--icaic tndoc: si tticncunderutokcuhsticl vthses- 1iii 1lul i ei l ilduioeu-
111 suiter 1 fllws tkecni rom ch cosdhhcutust.Ile- ot ii Ihise N-10irehtll t u iii cc su
cc h, Le se, ihuc iii Ssliutlute,(hisix, uctutu ets su thistsyelslu uiuy rcites-tso hdioshiuu e up hid-s i ltl-ulight x of isut
P s i - hut 5 lhcscus .sus esuso uui iuuuu it un iud }p cso ighsfo ts uuiisuu sucu icu e to cuititv ll-
Q LA RV , lliS h -1 nt( u t hhuor ll( i-otitst teic-cuuirsiy cii ciw isee,000 ir notx.
CAMVPUS DRUO ~iSTOiRE I pos;iss cc:uuutenuiuscl tusale-yushllce IliduheIsu cxisssuh s 5usi iusuc
ccc-c iihy tuige uusit tusuc aens- ii lis- hliimsucti- cistl iuu e s uuui uS1luuu t itrs i u~
sn 'i x-u- xcsuuuuuted ccdhsc-usthis-bill cc-is t ~ l u-uuI thesu -xuuionu a sndhstill hisi-u
is ccIr ccil 5 tdiiiiiuea l tscthhi i eiiiiDil si fo th tlst- cu- miutee.su t oshicuc ic su l m ui uju u t ii l .iisi !'m u tlikelii ut
thun ,:-:11I,1Ituuis-s ixsi. okencs citall- leducldscicus uxh'eaei cuta usk lus Id by iuy uiuu
i,.,i- disc:;iuss1',f lier le etisi umst eliiemt hmh Iciy sc iruu i itie uie-r-ul baisuch h i hutusutul- s i stxesht ucud
jt hp. icciixly e cuuumsttcc.bsshtl tics-r cuile hao hiig ascu-Ph asd cl uuitmuhur i s i
B s aissnd Bicycle Regulatons hto 1.it isi cus eded to alowhhicle ill
Wiii be Enforced to :stay sner it is. The chanuces ae FieDa otnd
snocvthat -it cil se iii he onimuittee l ayPstrt
alltlt bet'iakaj f ls____'1_1_ens__11_waistaledreeer The field say is to be ru alf today if
white ash framries, asf0nima-isil im Tiessay momrmimgte'ahratllpmis sud
. isiminysilsmcs. Iestepphed imtcle Yesterdays Base Ball Scores h ssturmtsl iruio etra
perfectly balanced Dimly offie last nimiht,"amd said that it csas threatenimgsweather all tlse ci-
and strung.. Price, a r- restaminus r ofcomplaimnts Iad **- ** 5 * * 5* 5 *5termuonmiansd time mnaiigemmet thangfi
he (rm imusus te fsmlemts ilylmigball in * t ldec to lsp-tesisthe mie t for1 a dy
to sut al. ;0 te lmidiitime side"va111sand llinos, 17; Chin o tm The arsit cc-cry hieavy amdthelicmes
- yet - iding leel ,s iiithe sdewaalks - otre Dummue76: i eba,l i,1 * i o vriel semuit tittl scaid tt ests
- - m the pi ug ofu11ll 1 m the strets I l$-]': te, 11 1.( lil, 0. " w rse th il umi smmimgiu 1iii rcoca ' lur-
i"8 ' tmmiic i lue riiug ct (lt'e-hel os T cide als oe the c-emits co s muo tmale - Y
trmevo- -- imu ftu d lt0Il. - nun it- 01goodtim as i." etil, td
comm - 1 o - am s~ri I I ad: --1---c "hi Vle, --1 a ritz - 13, _ no rcrs v Uld lhave b n - rke.
to inotify Oho1 sudsts throughithe Cl- a - 1 mems uar alt uim goodr am g, relid

*ii t e ees or omi the siewa- * nitud-thue ccork cwill susoutedly be dont~
W A the r~imding ofcsheels oil re 'id ewaltis san4d+R44++"4.. ""a..z.++ d+++r Iftlmsec-esther s- atml ml -lon ffuh .a sgo
mus, ceae.. ud to euf- , -hs Varity Track Mee at y at 4 O1 ci Shuesluasms INicidocv cvitlltell c - - t b
1 ____________thebstofmyab£lity::h fIr::: ~+ ,, ~ , lthc le n isi to beie ld or not. --

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