THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY NEW BOOKS A King's Pawn, by Drummond. Uncle Testy, a Story of the Mlain Coast, by Charles Clarke Monn. That Mainwaring Affair, by A. Mayn-I ard Barbour. rbe Visits of Elizabeth, by Elinor Glyn. Like Another Helen, by George Horton. The Story of Sarah, by Louise Forss lund. When Blades Are Out and Love's Afield, by Brady. The Love Letters of the ing, by Le Galienne. The Love Letters of Victor Hugo. All the above at a disout from pub- lishers prices. Sheehan &Co. You can get a HOT LUNCH TUTATL' 330 Soth State St. TY PEWRITER; For Rent. For Sale. Thesis Work Carefully Dne. Typewriting. Mimeographing. EDWARDS BROS. 'ver Sheehan's) State Street .PRIVATE... i E SSONS -!IN DANCING Given by Mr, or Me. RosGrager at the academy by appoitment. Stele lesson, oc prso rosele, ivec or more persone same or 8teach. All lesses ire with msic. Grangers Aade my. Stanmp Collections BOUGHT FOR CASH -Look up your old collection and rturn it lnto reatly oney. Prompt Cash ad Gootdtrcs. THE MICHIGAN STAMP COMPANY Rorn23,it6 Wodwri Ar.. Detroit upon a sP V' f W W V, Gutar or Mandolin. TIe Washburn alone- possesses the pure cre-- rnoonatone.0' V 01ir YOss are cordially invited to make a visit of inspection Beautiful Catalog Free. Ecluive Wshhurn fetureseare: Ne n efcl aced sadel; special cnstrtaioaecrnoreaet strength; fi- gebardo oheeoltelysGorect in l psi- tiuns;inlingclcl done by skilled was- hx men; ptenhdfar supeir toedinasy htrd; deinlsasoyiieeod tse;pr- feet system of rihbing;.polish seccred by 1 through csers o band rubbing;e"crye- net, seweanmd: pegeof teveryfighs ^-",_.__ NOTICE We have our most mxcellent line of seasonable WOOLENS, SERGES, WORSTEDS and CHEVIOTS on the table waiting your inspection. We will show you nearly 500 different styles of trouseriugs. We offer you the finest line in the city. Truly Yours S. W. Burchfield, 106 E. Huron I P I~fU~,Put a KODAK in I your Pocket10 Uf~l~ilUII&)WE .SELL TMIE[I l101entscher, the Ilpbotogivapher. du. Il P. E'I Bt I. the etci Tick Thir 'i0 lits heat tie 104 lits y-este'rdlay Onehundrierd aetti w eo couirses in 24 - afternoontini a practicegamler. Score-, suibjec-ts are ofter-evtini the summoer 10 to 2. sessi, whichit begins -Moniday, -- Jiiier 24, atndl conttinuesc utttil DANCING. 1Iridey. AutiJ. Tie suljerhsanaid Closs woirke is ov'er ithfor this sea. tier sinber of courses in echltarea05()opi 5011 atttraniger's. trivaet-te esosowill tollos:tBotainy, 2; cheistry, 10; her giv i en lby ttppointmientaoterSat- idrawvitng.5; elocuitiotta ott ratory, 2; s urday ev-enig assemtblies conttinused Etiglisht, I; Frenchl, 3; geology, 2; Ger- - u10 t lose of Untiversity. ititil, 7; (Greek, 2; history, 3;Ithaliani,FI -1; Lahti, 8; mathlemiatics, 8; inechanl-i- Buy your Poker Chips and Playing catleniigneering, 7; nature study, 3; Copi Cirds at SCHALLER'S Bookstore, pthiloophy, 4; phtysicol training, 4; Tr physics, 7; phtysiological chesmistry and t e H U A Buffalo? If so, buy a Buffalo hog'teriology, 2; piolitical econtomy, 3; a. rein at HALLER'S for 15c. seeoandtti art of teachiing, 2; shop - -______ practice, 7; Spaishol1; zoology, 3. _ Ice Cream delivered in any quantity - ______ at any htour. Order of BROGAN, 110 TOU OLDBEHAP S. Main St. SMOKPI. Royal Tigero, 10c; Tigerettes, 5e. ofsr If you see tne work of the Toledo excb Laundry Co. you will he convinced sta05 that you want no other. Agency 120 S. Crepe Tisoue Paper for decorative Saf an upssi l oos li n l ofe ti______ red, at SCHALLER'S, down town. J. Y 10 ieer ccitt of ott all suite and trou- w. sers uintil June 15. Finest line of Lunchieos and dinners at moderate W. wotolenso in the city. pice furnished for spreads, parties do$ F. J. GLEN, asid balls. Board, $2.25 sod $3 per Con. Slate and Wash. ste. week. Students can sit at iindividual ____ tables of four. Good service and STUDENTS NOTICE? daity cookitig. THE CAMPUS, 427 The best laundry is the Toledo Laun- 'iThooinit street. - dry. Trly lt. Work called for ond de- livered. Leave your order at 120 5. R U A Buffalo'! If so, buy a Buffalo - Main St. Pin lit JALLEtUS for 15e. Bt U A Buffalo? If so, buy a Buffalo 10 per ccitt otf on all stito and iron- Pitt at HOALLE+R'S for 15e. sers until Juite 15. Finesh line of wooletns in the ciiy. U. of M. buttons and pills oh HAL.. F. J. GLEN, LER'S. Cor. State and Wash. sts. Henry Bros. have a fine lot of spring Best $3 bat maaue is the Howard. opitiugo just in. Wadaslla, RyanS. &Reule, sole agente. WAGNR ( CO. a 'IlmportingIVTailors' 121-123 S. Main St. i Fresh arrivals of Spring ~ Suitiigs await your inspection. - Aents Agents 100 students wanted to canvass trillg vacation for the "A. A. nproved" gasoline lanips. Sells 1Sight. SUPERIOR MFG. COI'IPANY 329 S. Main St. VA BASH 'AN=AMERICAN XXPOSITION offafeN.Y., Boy.t-No v, 1,190 The Wahash, the "N isac-salls Steers Line," has maode speeial arrangeme to to accomewotiate a large travel between De- troll sod Buffaoo 1 rios the Ospositte . New equipmenasnsd additional seats ncr- vice will he provide. T-eiWahash is the salle toperating FrereReclinineg Choir Care hetween Chisesgo d nuffalo. Tick- ets will be goodiforostop-ovre at Niagara Fells. Vrite for s cope ef Wabeh'ehPan-Awericn leveesnaining a large lre rceler map of >SEposition gre edt asnd handsome cisc ,ingsofstse principalhailiigs. let Office, 97 Adamse Stren, P. A. Palmer, A. tl. P. A , Chicago. Cor. Metaein aneurn Steets. lit, f5t,00. Surplus, $35,000s.Trannstst general bankine business. Kears', Free. C. E. GREENE, Vice-Fret FREDs.H BEnt.Cashier. RSINATIONAL BR randro ital, $100,000. Surpluesand Frasers, 53f.B trnsacts ageneral bank-ing busness. Foenig. coan bought and raid. Furnish letters as lit. D. KINSE.PFe,. HARRISON SOULS. Vice-Fme. S.W. CLABEKSON Cookies_ e Anl firbor Savinus Bank Capitol Stack. 50000. Surplus, $50,000 EResures, s1,500,00S. ganteti entier the fieneral Banking Lose sshsState.t'eee'ivvestiepesits, tuys anti er.s sanac en the lerincipal eities aftshe Celled as. Draftscaehetiuon proper itientttleatian, etytieyoeit boes toerent. rtrntee: Cheistian lMack. Fees.; 5W. D.lto~l- n, Vie-Fres.; Chos. S. Hiscole, Caehicer- M, ritz, Assestant Coab'o~r J. OOTH,PFet. AeseLDst t cVice-pey. R L eT.C. ALTZ, Asstn ahe t. Cashier 3R l lNGS BARIK Transacts a general Banking Business SLadies PatricianOxod plig' Official LegeBl 3 5h ; ste fli~ all of the National IN ~ lath League, the leadingminor + ,.~ league and all the college ..and athletic aseecit oes. A haseme Catalogite of Pat La, Pa, id B x al + B ase Bali cnd all Athletic rat.Lea ra, Kd, ox alfSports moiletj free to any HEAVY OR LIGBT SOLES, OUR StHOES POLISHEI) FREE Bal 1 d for 19tfeiiiall bs I Pf+ Ilry Citalc, teady leic;h 30, + T[ TAE CTRI~ET C1TOREF A. G SPALDING & BROS. "+++++++ + New York Chicago Denver HAVE YOU SEEN t'HOSE NOBBY BROWNS MILWA SHE FINEST LINE OF SCOTCH AND ENGLISH SIJITINGS-IN THE CVY