THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY NEW BOOKS HIGH-ART *6 CA iI ~eiTORRECTG A, Khtgs Pawn, by Drummiond. TAILORING IIao rnc ALRN Uncle Terry, a Story of the Main AT PRICES within the reach of ordinary mortal- Coasf, by Charles Clarke Mluo. That Mainwaring affair, by A. Mayn- Your Suit to Your Measure and Barbour. fe Visits of Elizabeth, by Elnr And at a price that will save you froni L)ike Another Helen, by George $5.00 to $1500 "Orton. from the price charged hy the ordinary merchant tailor. flee Story of Sarah, by Louise Foras- Wilt yon investigate? We will do the rest. ®4.enilb ldsAre Out and Love's GOODRICH ~ DUKIE' The Love Letters of the ing, by The Interational Tailoring of Chcago Ed. V. Price & o ol Chicago 1. Stre & Sea Chicago Le Gallienne. SPRING LINES NOW BEADY over lt NatioaiIBak The Love Letters of Victor Hugo. __________________________________ All the above at a discount from pub- Sisners' prices. s P t a K D K i __ea_ Co____ L(INS' yur aPoDk in _____ _____ _____WE SELL TtiI~rl HOYou can UeHa - -- AT lRentscbler, tbe fIIkbtographer. 11 to t SCalender liifeshDitt-t ) detfe tatedl the Annt ________,_rbor i git iii h wrg tciii y teday a- I' CX tutu a'dnedzV ta31 8 -DpenD aitBtr 110011 viiiin ttididte ttrittt for io" C alit'-1 810 the Ciden ii vtal t n Fior Itent. Foi Sale. \Weint-tit. NMay b-Lectureeby Ptro. NTC.FIEIMN Thiesis Work Carefully Done. Nanectti', M 11nn.i a. il. Ti ets forfe teecnic tqet wichi Typewriting. Mitteographing. Weineeoday, May S-'Vtteni~y Tttck in to be given Thtsday. May 9,pmay EDWARDS BROS. iAiitt. 4 e prcedeeiat te Sigma Cii hene, 'Ver theehas) State Street Wyednecilay. Mtay 8-Foley Guid 54CC S. State st. partly, Gr iigee. I). C. WHITE. ..PRIVATE... Tutisdity, lay 9-Senior Lit. Saiig- (lmIn. ta. ti LSSONS IN DANCING Oui t 4 ].i. ® ~Fiy. Mty 1-Alei>]i-Weiictr tR U A Buffao? f so, by a Buffalo titp t-bate, tReomn t,lit ia-liniig. Pin at HALLER'S for 15c. I~x iyRr or Mmtte oss Grnger at terho ii F tr ida, a .0 a nAiiii a Mtv Iittie. & y i situ tppin tmtot Singlilec-onaone I esnfl ,,f rinur ersn iais ate tetr giaen byticCie Fruit tid Fiaer is- U. of M. buttons and pis at HIAL. t nozk tAi I lsois given wih muic, ti iiiat the Wtziteeintuii gyto. at 830 LEE'S. tpnt- t ealiiy Srilv i rtt Sty 71i-Atitiganuvac lii- Henry Bee. iave a fine lot of spring Stmp C llctOIS nis t t .i eltd'ipitingsjttst i. liiiaAta Sty 14-Setenr Ltaw party. ___________ BOUGHT FOR CASH t'i"itt,.tis. 101. Look lnp youtr oidcolection and Wednesdayi, Say U-Mietigati vs. 1901 busebtl icit-i meet at Fue yitue:t it itto ready money. Promapt Chicatgo, te getsl' Fieid. Grsevecda-ctty at I i. i. :1 an td Good Prices. Thirstiac, Fridtay atdtiSutdaty, ND CIGLE, Captaitn. T E MICHIGAN STAMP COMPANY S"tay 10, 177. it-Eigiutti timotl Aly - - _ SReem 3.1t46 Wodwatrd Ave.. Detrot ic-I ivti. Cotmpeteline "Acler" suits anit over- Satuetdty, Mty 18 Miu-tiigatiCiciago coats at 'ladiain. yan & ele B IC V(',LP it r1 Taek1 leet t lRegi tic'.fildh. vv l5.5 iteda. Sy tir 'lFni,-thull-Latw It U A Buffalo? If o, by a Buffalo LIVERY D i te,Chr tllgeec. Piii at HALLER'S for 1c Feruay Ay 24 teolcy iDay. First-class Mten's anid Ladies Fidlay, lay 24, Juttior Sttcil, t Wadutini, iRyati & ene are sole Bicycles and Tandoina tor et tatgeec. agets for psilantti underwear. Eaten easontbie. -________ 10 jie cct of (n all nis and tee- STUDENTS NOTICE Repairing Promptly Done seeatittil Jutte 15. Fitest line of The bot latntry is te Tledo Laiti S Lwosv tieun iite city, ry, Ivryi. IWork called foe and d- M.I.ELE ' FJ. GLEN, livered. Leave your order at 121 S. C'YCLE Ef'IPORIUN Cot. State atid Wash, ct. Minti. s litoVW.Ay siig too fSteet _______________________________________ "I Tone 8 Opetn Eveiing l........ -S R N *TyTeNORTHI SIDES iR I G LAUNDRY- TIIO5. ROWE, Prop,. 't -. etoiat ct, 457 Bell'Phu..e -w,- } WAGNER & CO. 0. M. MARTIN... FUNERAL Emcubalming aseiat.N . 954th 1SHATTER HABERDASHERS Av.20 Ambulance night and day. jtes- dance 302 Fifth Ave. .........4 .....4.....3d Fi3 Makers of Ladies Patrician Oxfords ~ l N GOWaNand joo0s.5,2- Rnngof I $153*5)0. ' \ CAPS apd GOWNS. I COLIENLAS, Pat. Lea, Pat, Kid, Box Calf CLAS andHEAVY OtR LIGHT SOLES, OUR SHOES POLSHED FREE ,. CLEGE ILL HAVE YOU SEEN I W T'-OSE NOBBY BROWNSM Agents Agents 100 students wanted to canvass during vacation for thn<"A. A. Improved" gasoline lamps. Sells on Sight. SUPERIOR MFG. COI1PANY 329 .5. Main St. WA BAS H PAN=AMERICAN EXPOSITION Buffalo, N.Y.,May .-Ns , 5,59 The Wabash, the "N egoasFoils Steet Line." hues oade seocial seruangenie, Cuto accommotiate a lirce travel betweesnlie- troit and Buffalo durinz the tOneositie New equipmicat aod addlitional trait ser- vice will be providedt. Tho SWabash ia the only luse eperatitiz Free itecltaing (hair Girt between Chicaot and Buffalio. Tick- ets wiilhe good ftresop-over at Niagara Write for acopy oh Web-sobPano-Amvrican Pa tier conining ait, antt ive ecotilr map of the Exposition gorotid;andsaduinomczinc echlings of the principal Cuildinags. Ticket Office, 97 Adams Street. F. A. Palmer, A.,iS. P. A , Chicago. Car. Main antiHurvon Steetsn. Capitai, $50,000. Sueplus, $35,000. Trasacte general bashing buiesson. Rleeo, rPe. C. E.GaREENVice-Prep Pure. HBEa uEs, Cashicer FIRST NATIONAL BANK trea ities, Capital, $100,000. Surpius anti Peofits,M0,3S Teansactseagcneral banking buiness. Foreigv: exanebought anti teld. itenishbltteusot credit. H.lD. KINNE, Pese, HARRlISOSOULE, Vice-Pes. S. W. CLABEKSON Cnobiee_ Thle fl fl rilor Savinas Bank Capital Stock.,$50,000. Surpiius,$150,000 Resources,.61t500,00. oreganizeti untier the Generat Oaoking Inace of tHis Stale. Rilutte4 e ipc-isbuys andi cvii echbange on the tucticipluatcites atthe uitd States. nraftceash eti uesn propee itienti~calien,, Satety tiepositboses to rent. tivEn.:uCitian :,Mac. Pes.W .itser- man, Vice-Pree.; Chas. E. Itis, Ca liuteM, J. Fit, Assistant tab-ier W J.iiOOTH, IPRES. TIITL W. V Ance, st IVie-ue JnC. WaLTve, AStitashier JOHN. SA INGS Transacts a general Banking lusiness Spalding's Official League Ball Is the Official Bll of the Notional League, the leauditgninor lesgue and all Clue college tt and athltic steiat ens. A handsonue Catotogute of BareBailoand tell Altbletic ® Sports maile Ifree Cii any address. Sperlditig's ti liialBese Bali Guide for '90t, eited luy livery Clhadirea ettly Muech30, 1901; price CO cenuts A. G SPALDING & BROS. (INCORPORAED)u New York Chicago Dienver "'HE FINEST LINE OF SCOTCH AND ENGLISH SUITIN3S IN THE IS 1Y