No. 161
....Oar Special Line of.... ENTRIES FOR FIELD DAY
Foreign and Domestic Entries Numerous-New Men Showing
FABRICSUp Well-Sorority Handicap Race
a Special Feature--Varsity
FORL SPRI1NG Records Will Go
Tomoerrows- titernoon the track nmen
will have their first and onlyc try-cuit
has arrived and is ar'- tar every Saturday after MIay 11 wcili
ranged for inspection, he takiti up with other muere. The
'We have the largest as- nmner at track tutu will beencutoiwnt
sor. moent in the city, istisitlerailly after tomorrow'simert,
foulyil-thoe iturnwill lbe retaineti
wh it itt 5 IIItj) will. Theeiretmotre-
~ ~~qentCries ill11the eventstlltis yer ttt li
II* V~i,\.)secitii fetature will Ilie liiisoroit iy
it etidirtlicp ofI ti) yatrds, for whlic il
A DA1'A 1S' clrs Ie Neant. It is reqtited ta
the soority it of'theirpilte
reA t t'-jiC 'It'sletries fur the differt etsrri
1 snake someit ofttie 'varsity recrtil o
received fresh lby thteliotaidiAllliii evetiiitill Ihe
every day. hotlhi etest (ed tutu the itteret i-ill it
keilp itiitt11) t ll i' t iwltt Ie tet. l1ih-
P1 A V Y nert itill blithliiieitot-itset ttreVat-ity
111t1i1. ll0 sit cut"Ilely.
itNuit. HaLutitt. lder.1, B l . s
IFO TA IN *A? 12ut-yardiuI trdlie (iltl)-Hltt-am,
POR TFlE 22t-yard hutrtles (low-Ntt'er. lies-
RLIGHT DRINKS 220yantii iiu-ritie. ittki-llrit-
_____________________________b________ Satvilte.I thlu. tLilee, Blics,
1440) --ut r-il u lety, Kittl. Iiti-kley,
1'liuter.Hit-is, Iltrrtitsteit. Staville,
Otte-mIile ru-10. lite Thititit -
\el ii i lJtittIm-ly Stin.li -i-. ETinett
NE T andRFESIG Twmilie . While, iii. el-,
Q f ;hA R R p-( lttyt. ittiltit Tyon
11' int-i llu' lit11it t iSno.St-tSii-
lii. ;Shats.I e littiks, llrrt-iseiit,
CAMPUS DR2UG STORE Dvotrak. Sliutis'.Itaittyttit ii1tii.
_____ _____________________________ Sttt. IIitt-its. llerrntii, Fottest,
Situtrite, 11 hirks. SiteĀ«-, lertseitt,
Itttimd ,jumtp-liark. Tryont.llreiteit-
'U litti-i, Shutrgheotn. i'iclng, Nuter, An-
direits, Pititatet.
Sorority limitdirap, 140 yartds-Lelbt-
J ydls., Pi Ilelmi Phi; 'Nufen, 1 1-'2 ydsu.,
k'ettt~u tt nn nwal R orisi; Iaslmiti, 131-2 ydsc., Gatitia
Is a convenient and Piii; Fislileigit.321-2 ydsi.;Ktappta Al-
plilt Theta; HIay es 5 1-2 yds., Alpthta
comfortable garment, Phi; Sweeley, 51-2 yds., Kmppa Ktappa
Tue fititticaittest of the prize rup Coach Has Not Yet Returned-Prac-
series will tke lcer Fridlay itt Ream
1. luaytuilingtt, at 8 p. in The cci- tice Slow in Consequence - Men
testt'is betwen the Webster society of Must Take a Brae to Win
the ilaw depsartmtett atid the Adelpiii Illinois Game
itt tie literary. The sublject of the si-
ate is ic fotllws "lesol-et, That
the Unitedi Sttets Sblsidize H11r Ale- Coach Sexton, it-iosias cllel away
chanit i iie" Tue debatie siill ie Itoitncinnatmti liste Friday did not te-
hotly conttested tic the laws sttve the trti yeterdity antd ctsequently the
better titat, while the is,iavig the mein hattitos lrtctice wi-ctht ii aid.
nogaivehav th beter f te a g ttCae:t. cllittiss totk -itryr ofthe
ntli'I rizeritill fit'the itsssstiti
oft thu Drlthicif itict-u for o tne tutuytand uflt-ithem stetfielitty
yt-ar lttth membies ittfit-e iningity plraiit. liiie cd tettmnwas ut
i-mutt Lttilit flrinn itties etrtaseduoutin the furelhtiat 'itsfwihtDtiloin
hhc-tiuttt. 'Thti- 'mluliis htteuteit-nitte bantdtufts' Vtrsity prctucisdl
fte miils for the mit t-c yearstcbut batitingyaltratlyhtttuttnitingad hit-
losttol etime. the fcii-sltitimet't N m-tugithitsoitt.
ciir rn utlihsttimetuu'to ft-nth effe - Iti'thfielingiiy lrti-tt-'setertl ofthin
niimiti'Varsity tnteturi' ablseti, thi ncily
[Lti' itit-tit oft-hi tIieafmstitu s -- t tttu n wtt hatiln.texcmtuse for bhngtt
tfolotws: ttylu-lg Utleyny tc hurnt his hen
Wulict r-.I. cli. Alois Perry. it Satrdayss ymnies. Thein ithe lu-pra-
Atil-lp M-llolti. Willis. Ptley. tlit-iitem-ifte'"tutu-itlsutueu ltnd shoses
- -- mu generaml induipotsiion to ic}t-nti, iic-
Just a Trick of Chemistry abuilitcautu' tie ctacthusas noto there
t tllthtemi oss-t. Thi mn mi tut et
A. lititliettaiisho worrimshur rt ty f otnitolitrku- intuuilutt tmoe ginrt ii
hi iiiwsthltchteimity-wsictlmuoct c' itit hity 4itthey xpect to tillm nex
lrium-ulof hrwitis th" 11motheur day. Sh S tud s game s-it Illiuois.
stepeinhlttuoIthe'heistryicvliiortoiruty Ilinistsslinu utuey cstrogttefuam tic
atnd utulttttn"Iiit'ttsone ut-maittcm arititnutuhiascblusni ueetediluontly three
uxlsritmm'mtfur cudenly Ikemi' kiif imthis liearu-it'.tucer hisAMihiaucut
anduldthu-itt'aifoms theics f11 turlmtItit eusIm'slutig tl mit' ce y Belitumind
'ird.Th Ni-u croki- waticfollowett'-by I liiemubhutNrt'hwetcs'.st unt mutt tut-
cruimsounthut. Site ru-oeri--uilhirt nut expurtedi-lsumptittotk ulmu. Ilinoutis,
utiuttly wirerust tuu try f painfollotwedIlutiswsum'r, -eteatMenusmgutby tutuvere-
anth thieltulndiu nuotuiot'laregr. P iswlielingmmesm-tut' it 15 to 8. Tie wisn-
huhmuimmutiout tu'i-t'revaldantuhmer o h rnoffIu numu iiuet Sttultay s gymutun-ms
leicitfcc tie'n. This cone c iltrobaly rututufrli tutu iglymu. ainlts hts tioum
kisumuusetofithler uttos roesn. he.fitrsht gair .umet n frbuor iilutui-
I-ut-it'chloiude andulpotiassiuimt stlitlmit- ueut rsumevri-eu-u- eums-, icMuhiymanthus
eynteae w ylowlqud wih sotihitri'ndut ygaume ittChampamliyn.
int smalltquntitiitiese co-ulrlss. kTe The hodooltttromast beibroknt-tsauet ime
coumbinaution mttfmthIle t ntwo lrou-scbluoodtu andulIthe uunls itill hit'ru tomkthli
red. TFluecththadumouitened'mu'l iihis tti-m cunitf Ludgrenythe fit- liuois
handtl huotuu' luiuluandulhiiisilts'ithflt'startchllilerm-1ti-llprobabtulyl bhe ie tie
otherndumthtuit-ieall their ati-ictiit. hx amdmmiii 51iuytumtiill havte ft lihtve
_________________her__blt-'ltingitye t i iguodu shapet. ft isill
hut'r bamlumuitoyaiml umlmul illlhu'rs oithemm
Junior Clas Socal sut shotul u-tutu'outthamudusethfit
- -g mutt-, rtutu e11m' u-hutmiuluumhuiheof lt'e
'he ut'iormuliits i-igstllFvean teritof si-i-il miyidepndoun citl(meouicome of
mt'hu iu i t liutie myt ugrs o idaItty this tune.
usuingm. 'May 21Ite isioheutsituf- _ ____________
,tarisi paty.t itm coruinulmm m-u-tihthflt'Prof. Kolto a Popular Lcture
hum-- emilimmy imut. Tliii'tic-kets tiill hu-e l._$1,__
liii'the nlelu'uulumu''limumi ied t 30
ctutipls in -ldeutfi sur tutmfotin tis -'sidthathmmfhuuuun h~esoe plei
detmulgte.Thue1ti-ltke tuill bei ltougmhtf whoutwisheduloh-iBentucProf. I K. Kott-
hut ,junuirs nmiluisu thitmuoiliems wtot'hus lutimtture ''limTe tril mitIs-st
wtisthtmiatitdtiill domlii tlarrangetttii'frtomumhm tt luthg-pomintfthus' luuity t:it
turtuit-heth,5aitionct-u'-'riitiLuhutheaihusti uluuhm Smndayip.i.mi
Allms. lilt-is ouurcstua itill luuu'mishu fuilduto an - aso h cuc
11m'ttttlesttibttul ' fil it' filedithiPeimlyemii
mAnnual May Danc" of the Fruit and soumum oftti-nsodtummuu hrought thr u-ut
Flower Mision to be Gives Fi- it' srce, mitdlll giling nclosstft-
tnttiout to theleclt-lien'o hle slose.
day Evening, Prof. Knowitonthums udeieestis In-
tunoietus' ty timeslintu hut tit yi
'hut'nutumay hdianceustgut-nubt h itsnd juging frotttthis attetudaunandu
Ft-tittutu Flotwer Mision, for teInutettrest Sudsay hut'c-mittelivemr if
betof ctIheUn ttiv-ersiy andmm e-utwl-Isemtitinte moru cd still e assre
opitbiic hotspuittuls, tilli te placetri u- of mlin apprieititet5 mecetu It iitm
duty m's'uiug,Mmii' 110, 19111, i at te- cerhftndttuforible presenutaiontuof mu
tmni Gymnsium.tu Thte Fruit atidulsubjct that will atashe of pculiart
Floss-It Missiuuthumucfor 1aitumbuteriuf inteettoi a hrin pi eope.~
i-asietleit this munstuloferaisitg
muoneyi, theuse hen ttsiuh i touipy Seniors Swing Out Thurday
renuitg mattfet utndumulfiut forn te a-
ftie, flowsrs fthuro msadtgiendypt-fitsstebnetufitufsliseorwnguthsbnst
cnuielantilsugicatl taid. It is lhopedifatrliuistlavtty mflumotuitmt 4 olock
thafuevueryonte'wili help ite gosdeattier i i iuunci' Ilmuil Pusiudent u.gell
alutg attd utattnd thi ac n' a-uuuFidtay stillirm'hum'adtdreis it thus'ayltindutu
even'uing. Ittuttimibg ittgus mt 8:0 Alit- Po'tut ltivi siill rgeist m tteltplut-
sit by thus tsty IlandthTikeste$1gumumuTh'lii- s'tuiun sill meett'f i romt
_C' ttu numarhttill staits iamuody0t'o ti-
Pruf.New-oumlun isill give a lectre psit asueseurved'uifor Itetm.
ttuon"REibule' untulPeisuotoslunutgi,"-
wist-ltsecnalti'ouu tim-sis-nhmthinltcturm'Battn ight mat thet'itiyi' oitusl umef-
riomt uf thin museetumtulildintg, W'unues hg Frainku tWarrenm'wsutipoitued matrit
dauy, Allty 8, t 11 aiii.Thuit is te dsl.uHils appini~tmentttwuil udoutu-
1th isumube in the toni-eron cioen edi' itoe ipopuila moitgthur stuetu
sujttadun te Opattment of pian- aso he hsvelamd favorabhy knowni by
mar"yAu1Rte luvitel .many of thru.
ways looks swell.
Spaldiing worsted
jerseys in any. color
or combination of
$2.00 to $4.00
Carrel Storey Has Measles
Carroll Stoeyi, ushoei-oittime contfet
tonrltcitlyan i hutie NorthenmOrator-
ruthlnegne t o wali City, huasa line'
umuuu'rulA* cser of the meastle. Prof.
Truebulotud statee that it he preobabile
thatu, hadislthuconumtest ftken -Macue ftvs
huoursater thanm it sdid, wItt Storey'
muight nt a voe' bieenttile to go onint
flue comntest as fluetdisease comnmenteul
to manifest itseif shortly afterwards.
The exact nature, however, sias not
known until lie reached home,