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May 04, 1901 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-05-04

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No. 160

..Our Special Line of.... A DECISIVE DEFEAT Allen, If. . 0 2 1 0 0
Hu_ lrley, rf . 0 1 3 0 0'
Foreign and DomesticSaem1, 2b ....0 0 1 20
5 to 1 the Score in Yesterday: Game Freemnu, p ....0 0 0 0 0
A ~ ~~-Touhill Makes Star Play-BLu~so -4
FABRICS Were a Feature of the Totls . .1ft24N3.
FO P I GGame R. H. P0. A. L.
They cause, they saw. lbnt they were Snaw, If .....1 2 0 0 0
has arrived andi is ar- )'ou(55erc'd. The scorewa the same Blencoe, c . 0 0 4 1 0
as that of lest week,5 to 1, and the Touhill. 2bh ..0 0 2 4 0
ranged for iflepeCtloll. men from the wheat state were not in Davies. sf ... 0 2 0 1 0
We have the largest as- oi(Iencee except in the fifth inning, 151t~sher, so......1 :3 3 3 01
sort ment ill the city, Nshen with Cwoemen on hoses aidnod ~110 anon, b....0 2 13 2 1
onto the ine pitehiog of T'tley and i eo, 3b.....1 0 0 2 C0
So'(.iiitrful catch hy Touhtll left fh lt 'iy ...... 1 1 2 2 0
(I iii1eii onlases -C~ w
TIke 1Mniiiesoaatea])) itti I'll ato lbe a 'otls do ..... 3< 10) 2 13 1i
"o)o)11unchioi ilCtters, all(1, as saome I lii dion t hy ICil i l itl ed
I08E.Wahigto S. 0nesid, it liLtiifhave been lac ito a ball. ) I .10) kt~tla
shor11l:k batlANvlieh Cloy iused and ji3il~r:T -ae htiel
________- oo'iii11Os(,elwd to be loildell. HNClas i' l.i ' I ieaee n it- toni ei'a. Sle-
u I ii y l'Itley lno'(si tlia'm1 ouulysix ht r~ ~t liii lisl ebec (21. Stall)
A t.1 A S isOl' Ol iiarly al ta 111lll nd0' 'y sli.( 1'~o ii. 2. 11000liii1111110s
iio f llllo('ill>aii soas dubedhiss lil -. fiti by )jit'led ball-
P 4~IJ1'+'s 111111 I thIes brought foth iptl uselltli idy oitnlncS vii'o o
1., f' the 11(" '1t(vs by be'illiiii 1)11)5 C lilire l 7:f:ll) t.
E! ; Ik 11m11)l i 01)o1)) li'st, ))1 lul' olie-_ ___
rece ived fresh -))I*5rlillildli.iii'd111ltof Ii roIlill-n
every day.' 1 1II) iie1111 i).010l'i51l 1'fl toc R :tullso
P HA~~~~~~XACY' C hewastI '11l115 stlit 1111a e iI1 s)I yls
110.15 '15'Illlil 'llllI 1 tlhella lit 1)eat1 s'criase at I# ))
?lIIC (' 11 n no i he ts' )50aandfu a so U a.sl a I olC t idl 1stlil n
.JO " 'S Ctli ilgsoo mdian 11 (e. i 1 ls ii t Hge 11)11.;fii l

For University Men - Civil Service
Commission Prepares Examinations
for a Number of Lucrative
Presidlent iingeii has received the fol-
lowing instrsuctians (Civil Service Coin-
missioni) owhich nmay be of -interest Ito
Departmenit Assistatut,
Philippline . s'r'il'e,
Juni 3-4, .Pu1.
The Uiied States Civil Service
Colliiiioii invites atte'itioln CoIthe
her ACpt'il 23, 11)1), for ttie poitiaii af
del'll'rtill'tassistant i ill the Philippinie
se rvice, lihsas iiI) ell )iln'l l liic3-
4,i199,andulsol t111 0 003'tht tisex-i
ami'tionilh Sill 0ievheldei)11511ctee' in'
delis 11-' las blie ls tali eidi.
s)1ibjclo ni1entiinied Gblosw, Oitic
Tlill is. 5'Oill lll Ito b sowrit-
e liio1i il)'' ir ft%)o 1 lii's;
i0relil oft olls".1 1 draft 8 8
t1111111111scr1p1125olwrds... II
la'll l aiiillilll'iliilil'c, 5
111ll1 p1 .1 ",'.iivil'l 13...... I._}11
Ctistli 1)1o11 sIitlialn, gI i'ill
i1101it, andigtil-plfi.y of the
fUllted Staties..... 3 e0l
l )illiil ii 101) lidsiall re-111
1',~i" 11 cono y ....... .. 1 tot)


pltVIt llE
ANt)0TllEtfS AT
Is a convenisent and
comafortable garmeont,
handy to slip on, al-
ways looks well.
Spalilg worsted
jerseys inany l~color.
or comibinatson of
$ 2.00 to $40

1. z.
1.- A 'arsitv Oilele N;5 1"s,4 ' CresedI
cuss thel 1\-eater )ie'lll'i.'l1 ii 1) ' O wn l Ii
01)1) Retu100..
Averse1'op btVaiil-oimlt laing.
fly')' lit c11 :)e). liendt't'lillo)1,)111ii
11)1osenly. 11t1uhf mu o ht'13' 1)) 'l. iinkli
Jelei Utley uglitca gillagfill',~ane
ill 1bli t lti'olballngsonlyherale
t l 1111 o at nmiming.ng I
ilreetlIlisnrvan'slft -th ale fi rtii
foytlet' roulor Sfohills nthe tilg
tilt')] wllt outson iiahc liin ityof tuil
Blns' cl'lltrht' prd actcetf latesoir
11g2-11 of leffo stale cierws cles]
0)d 1 ii;soiol edagainstther Miiinso
byithe-pnu'nTleff of hnsthe lricia
ril pt dthelsecndte iintyoen D
o'r~istslt heltled tpfit gressprode
tltr'oo hhnuyiociCndtte2inusutl t
soa taeitgesepc'Snk,'' ]ttd, t'lhe'niR
the bllI, rain to first andolputt out tl
miaii woohad ftrned Ike owrong svu:
wvhen hie ran over first base.
111,e 'ussr eand osunt'o'y folloso:
K.1C. P0.A.
C'areo, of ... 0 1 2 0
t'lyinat, 3b'....0 0 1 1
Caisotron, ' so .. 1 1 . 0 2
Metcalf, .1k. .: 0.0 13 1.
Leach, c....... ...0 ;.1 _ - 1.

(" '- p t
S\ b % n P t
i Y 4 'ei" .
, rAi i A 5 9: 4 , , fir Nf

C3i ils 111)111 i till
'Sos IIIP'1111) 1 l 1111iiIi."i.. ....'....l..
0. If r);.ta ill)Coitll) i l lIIiilol' tt die
4" ~ coeitil'h ofii not l.cSto 111,' thal0 i t100 i I) ot
t .l 1 1x lo ii l'l of ' iiI s I') iliode it- ltcIIlu
1 i # "eas 1;!NC talil t sli'. lecy Coed 001)0 IIo Cllii)o e ill' 51')'.: tif 1,1)' 1tha
ih ot ii'itu e I utg '.I i gh Iui 'asi'is-10 ii'itii'h i l
is iot l t'a 5 ill--S 1110C1)111 thef iuu lthis' 111i't' .15 1 I ............. 1o10
I ilC~s ii.;?.t'i ttl"'tiioo)t cceidu ig ...a. ill..... l.
itt~Ezw coitethiiIlorceyhI thiS' ............... 10
I ,ilwe thI n'tveslstiuthl ofcidett' C. S...... t 1 1001
ft Ole fontc,"t ils ielxsoi .Itis.hoped1 100
dra i e N-i ll u ' ' ' 11 be1li~lu his oliSelfill atayeor . . . . .1 100
t ~ KI0I'hoheveh. ?ottiii .................... I t l)0
'3' 1)W i -s<i .bl elitioutl 100jlt
lc', Cuu'oei's oiiisthe judges: Efac'tiuot oo'fltl (s .e ...tott. i is0t0
lit uio',71; fl esovle, 2. oglolFore l l le1ieo l~eI iee titl
rd - -w ltooo' n aio oleity .in .he... "eittl s0b
iiits o~i(',th llt 10'too. ftlr 10Sp a i't.. " tot.., u.e.o. to. huts's
1i C14l-4.Ofili of Ciag, u jeto of nlolrkeoftge asdT. s.. oioe, o100
0t hog t Ie monh of May.d, cofoIls U.0 S. . t.1 0
leMeresgoio"Tite(La1 of Pa 1ests"1d1- finacial ageun illh hu $,0 e
'lu14os of 18611 ill g 2o 1 0cosirse4oft'heot.y'It'l oryctceof sttleiIs~ S o

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