IJJEFUNIV}BSITYrY 11J( IjliA-N bALI L~cusive Shirt Waist Patterns Q When you buy one of our shirt waist patterns, you buy 5 no other lady in Ann Arbor can g~et. Every pattern is no two alike. 1000 patterns to select from .p .9;p . oG0 Op Opq V. or somthing exclusive ® .p pOA DSPEEDp 7 MAI STRET 07 Michizan Centro NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE- THE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGOs BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTC With direct connections at Cricsago to: Louts, Kansas City, St. Paut and the west Eor information and through tickets co or write to iH. W. HAYES, Agent, Ann At ANN ARBOR RAILROAD TIME TABLE Taking 1Effeu'e, Sunday, May 21, 0891 'raies teave Ann Arhor by Central St a 1 Tine. SOUTH NORTH "No. 6.- 7:25 A. a. No. 1.- 0:5A. No. 8-11:31 A. a. 'No. 5.-t2:30 P. No. .- 0:30 r. a. No. .- d:56 Pr "Run hetween Ann Arbor and Toledo, !i11 trains daity except Sunday. W. T. WILLS. Al H1. BENNETT. H. P. A- HOCKING VALLEY R The Railroad that takes tl Business In and Out of Michigan. 4 SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS DAILY BETWEEN TOLEDO, COLUI1BL. and ATKHNS. W. H. Fisher, L. W Landmo G.P.A. G. Trav. Ag Coumsu, Ohio. Detroit, Mi Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann bor Rnilway. Cas leave for Detroit antd Ypoi' every half hour beginning at 7:152 until 9:15 p a.; After that to De at 11:15 p. m. Waiting coon co Ann and Main Sts.; Illetroit, 111 wold treet. MONEY LOANED on Watches, Diatnondo,Whoee an0 othei sonal Property. Office at resldence, 3 Liberty streeL. All huniness confide Blours. 8 to 11:80 a. mo. and I to 3:30 and P. Mo. JOSEPH U. WA' I O++O+O+O+OO+O++O+ +++0+.0+0+0+O+++++ The JOSEPHBHOHMANN I s MANDOLINS & GUITARS 10 + * * ~ * ~ * 5 ~_ Received First Premoium at the Paris Expon W WE EV TnILOER S IE ° They nrc toe sale at the S~haeberIe Music Store, + SPRING IMPORTATIONS have ar- rived and are ready for inspection ° 1 .Liel i. n 'u hc * Dental Gold H E N R Y B R 0 We sell dental gold and solders +O+OO+OO+OO+O++O++O~5+O++O+'I.+O+OO+OO+ o+° We pay cash for old gold an Communication will, if dealt out to the 200, leave 400 V ,Arod Je lr IIIno. inivitationis ini tie hands of the commit- (Tile Daily is itot responsible -for seu- tee or treasurer, depetiding upon whicih tinients expreessed in communica- tiaudleo the matter, and these, that F N ST tions). hase already been paiti for by the as- IN sessutseut, to he soltd to the- eud that a Editor of U. of 2U Daily: ourplus reminis in the treasury of the R G With your kind perission I will use class. It may be of iiiterest to point as the colums of your paper for the air- outf that the appnortionmtent of eight IN iHiE CITY APT in5 of a fowyvery persoital views oni invitatiotis allows toe 250 persons as 9.a subjett of decided iiiterest to every plyinlg their lax while the levy of Land- senoir, literary nor engineering studeiit. $4 to on a basis of 200. The views are iiot exclusively my own, Giranting the budget of $800 to be all H olmr es Livery - as they are shared by a large numuber right, we questiontihte correctniess 'fPOE16 IET s.of seniors who since yesterday's ciass any deal which ipportiotis sucii a ta HOE 06x55E.LIETS foutidetpportaiityotonitt-dati gets it piassed by representitig the _________________ .. . vestigate, tiitk auth fgiire ai little. The maituter tit le assessed as staaler tiian mattler is ttiat of class tatx. ITe bud- it teatlly is tiy forty. 1901. oni gt its ttade up by th~e audittng com- -- initlee allowvs the f ollowvinig as leniti- Assettbly es-cry Satturday nght, .gent. inattiimottnts to tte exptendled for sari- givett 0y3' Mr. attd AMrs. Glraniger atth- ' 'ins turposes: Classnmeutoriatl, $200; .tcatetiny-50cp~eter couple. (l0in tvittationis, $2010; sarratingeetts, ^ } 1 $870; t stitt tttn,$71); total, $500. N t'E '1: tT- U Y '1heclass ecanes tfave irrivedl antdtare -s Gratintg that these amtnitits atre niowv tn sale It. tW. SAN NER.t j al11zright, attd thtey should atipetir reas- I he iHttiltili', it woittd siei'ttitaut a levy of $4.iiitipir is ;ttst t trifle hilght wvhen it THRE ARE OTHERS, BUOT NONE is ho :rthtttt ttte class cotis-lts of 2706 odETTER. 4 n robetlti'ts. Whteti this qtuestioni was Rloyal Tigers, 10e; Tigerettea, Sc. tiroa-teiittlass tie-eitg it 5:1was _______a_____-\~ eww'ci oit theiinitfiormtliotln t Beot $3 hat moor is tile Hoardii. ,IE '7IE1 titrwr 'ii 30ti6ttaies tpostedl is Wadias, Hyatt & Reule, sole agos ~EAEICN BEAUTY" tti-illiirs of the grautattitig classbttttRose' is tot itore tdelicate ini its ex- an, sitngttlarly ittotigithtieidispietse'r of itt-i-IR U A Buffalo? Hf an, buy a Buffalo . titisile odolr thtatt tre ottr various ih. ttirttttiitttforgttenttirely- sotte-tO ettgi- tiln at HALLER'S for 15t. Ofta-ors itt SotdaoWatter. OttrIce Cream ittits vito xwiii receive' tteir .dlegrees- _______ - is tile titnist, ottr Orange Phiosthte, Ar- this yea'ir attd whose tnamtes -do ntiatp- Our "Onioti Skiti" Writitng Pads beat Wild Ch'terry attnd .tLeont wilt refresh tear wi th thtose of the literary sttt- anlyting you ever saw for thte money, the ittost jadetirtitunila warm clay. sthdetits. It is reasontable to: suppotise that 10c, at SUHIALLER'S Bookstore. JIANGSTE1IFE R'S, .1 a.tilmore-ttthan2001settiorts, xlwh' ich nmbe21111E. Wa~shi. St. 3160 5. State St. trot is bult 72 tier cetit of thte tmembhership Htenry Bros. htave a Oine lot of spring truer ifthetb'cltss, tmaytue udepenidedt upont to spiitigs just in. Pickwick BilliardPalr ris-ipa the tatx anti for thttreason the lil- ____________Pros tortiottietit seems wrontg. Htowxever R U A Buffalo? If so, buy a Buffalo Regulation Size Tables, granltig that tint 200 ito pitynip, whty Pin at HALLER' for 15e. Monarch ('uslits' xlPer- tot glow eatchtitetmber of the ctass the -____Everything Not and M E1. tell itvitatioits thtthte pays for? The Complete line "Adler" suits aneo over- Strictly Up-tuoate. i 7toy eightt tihit ha~ve bieetigratited cactiotie coats at " adhams, Ryan & Renle. 707 N. University Ave. Ann Arbor TTS Puritan Patent Leather Oxfords $ .0~ For Women. New Styles just in. Hand Turned or Hand W elted.og' tII SOUTH MAIN STREET IIi SOUTH MAIN STREET U.0 M abrab aesteasotng and nir( rni Embsalme.r and 613 East Williamo St-eet U msags. a special- I UENOB D ILL E, Funeral Direct='s.- rsty Just oe-hate blek west Fin* Shop and Bath t yudoneby latest of awbuldngAlIknd mhods. (Berlin 12 or th Dnk AU ! of nn repairing s.eaiiy doa". and Paris 1S00.}_ LS2FurhAve,, WIBothPoe heSo a brR n a ht WE' PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE, .107 MAIN ST I