THE UNIVERSITY OY MICHIGAN DAILY 41n1 ri ater which he represented. AIN 0 Mr. Robbins, as the enamored swain,RAI1r O SH N_ did excellent work, and Mr. Fitzgerald, The ladies hare the floor. All ye that ontaised hs pat reptation. Mr. The "G' $3.00 Shnr ia the shoe ( have angiht to say, how low asd speak Yong anddAir. Hlayes, thongih sily ap- to wear when the weathe r is uncer- -but tremble. The muich-heralded pearing osce, exected their pto witn tan. A little rain doesn't hurt it '~ hblue peiciled" Wosmns Edition at great skill whie it affods plenty of comfort on tInner made its appearance yete- The Sciool of 'Msic orchestra d- the warmest of days say and today joy reignso oprese in servesnmcis credit for its efficient But of conrse we have light shoes< and about the Barbour gymnsaium, work, to whirls mch afthtie evening's for bright days and hey shoes for - - which seems to e the storm cester. success is due. Tie chorus of 45 voicesrandysiyopef. The all-wise editors took ocasionsin iiiws excelleitly traised and sang bea- randysiyopef. ass ciitoriol ito score Mliciiai's psbli- tifily.GLSS SHOE STORE, rations becmise they were snccesfni Mrs. Lombard, who masaged the I GASSS.Ml tet fhinanialy. They say it is "pafes- oera so skillfully, is worty of great OS.Mi tet sio naliss" for Aunsna Wriske, prase for ter unitiring etorts. It is Open evenings until ANN AtBO, MICH Mliclsigmiesmsios, Buslletisn, tie Daily reailty dificult to io justice to the all-! 8 P. M. oust eveispoor am'c~le, just deceased, to; aroud exellest work miasm last evci- tiris over to tie editors whatever eari- img, andi no omit who took paft bt de- itigs may be left at the end of te year. served praise. The following is ai coi- There seems to be no let up in 'Tie'y soy mothiing about inking usm d- plts list of all who took part: the demand for our fis which these lbomrus mist mlo if-p p they fmil to mke their ipublicatiosi a Seniors Mot Cough Up $4.00 Shapeeigh and Sack Suis suc. Woldt the oeds caie to the____ resce'etTie semir literary manii engimeerimg It is thime omlit cry. Those whitVclinics1ieldmItahorom but iimportant inet- Nothing on the ma;kt in years has knowivtie leat miout the mmmatter a- inngye'sterdmaytimhe incipmal business met with such instant and sustained ways hmve tie most suggestions to beingithtie levyimg of a class imx. Some success. They have inspired en- mimke. Tie ladies suttortmis orgami- little disusiotook place as to thm'e thusiasm among the best dressers namtiomms of almyidescriptiommnt Alichigmanicorrmectness of tiemapportionmment, tit and are beyond any criticism. -tim fact, spein'mmg generally, they aretie miteomme wavs thin'maoption of tieWhnodrpiadsetem sudiemmtsimunisme onl, et like tie report of tie auitinimg commiittee wh-lichmWyntdo i n e hm iiiin who stii5aimontietm-et crnier ricommenemded tati m tax of $4 lie levied arge Stock of Trousers, Golf amd asks what tie sears is aftet timee ehs membsher of tie emass. This Pants, Hats Caps and Furnish- gamet is over, they mre ever readith a'it moumnmt is mide u sima followvs: Clams ingg. their imhimmte -wisdom to right all memormiail, $1: invitationm, $1: srrange- wTonmgs maniiitell how t'it thappiienedl. mms, $.5 imid basebmll teamim.25. Tr' -- It hittite iuinicesaryii to waste titeUpt'tmmsmmti e paymnmt of ila tax earliS IA E LE &/\X t.J r17 li a long sdiscussiomn. Brahs is whiat member of liii class will reeive ight competitionm of this business worldil hmm at eight emts eame. yy Kth~6 -evcv brais alome cmini tring success. It i h e [ii swimg-iut was postponed for otise tie iduty of the busimness mamager of veek until next Thursday, Swig to ATHENSTHEATRE tie college iublicationi to keep his thisno-merival of mll this caps amd piaiper's hed asommitste, and it take go s andmsi this absence of Pes. As- brhm ai emeg ad mute o ogll frimi this city.Itis desired that Saturday, M ay 4th. this. Amd hustlerstaithraiss are at this' lresidient soulti give tiemdressJJ ii preimiumim. Tiers is mit a publmicationomiii that occasion. pinmted at tie itnivesity thamt could SUPRTDB lit-s for tat- yeais if the butsiness mimi- 'hiss ioimpansmy that waill be seen in aer serer mit givenmin mcetive for AmissHldis's supspot dsim eisgir rmiug CH'ARLES BIGELOWV work. Tie 'love of your' alma mite"iprodmuctionmst of mmswfe"mtthsA_____ AN"HRUPF4 iboroemslstsdisest sige onmi ani-iDexmceptionamll srong. Ch'lmehs A. litg- l u e'mrnmigs whithe-ish llmitgive awtay, siiimimlity, taut give hs tt'intly' with thei' necesity o akumidng nipd- amimgycreamtii otoftie part osithethis lcis-mta mil. We suggest that tie plays to thie ht'this'patioftheimesm-"P p ' W ie ladty e'diosecisihe fthetaritiuis to ts-s'semqi'eenior iumlesquse.Consie;lis' a thinigs ithey mundestandsithiat the ii-iis- I ieuimmumplimys tie sdoublelecof the Prices: 50, 75 $00, $1.50 nimils someimi'fittie heaveirisions 5510555 imsm'liii'i andmmiiAitie.P"a's' which ihfloteoreetheireyes,'andmmmiiitct Cmii"i oee Aiins.DhiiColl]iior, Seat Sale 'Thurday. hum fumtmres' ttmsms'us editiossmathey et }isliss mitate Adelaideb' Or tis toeeditoiamls sum ''grafting" frommthon. Sis .\mitc Austinimmr' shas iitie smems'sums whomsis nmmiiihieedi withm emst. 'hiss'chossrus rdmmses sixeen COM IG! W m. A. Brady's "comic grapies." kinesricanum ieauties, thusirettiest slioitw- - - in=hug si eummimre hbseautymmmii gumes'eter ,"W Y D W N E S"$ The Dac of Aicattara ;ei'n'm aimmchomicus. All veterans of the~Samnishs war are nawC j PvolltR Drmmmamichentmine nii.t mArbha is invitedi tim attndsltie reunmion mexrcises-- luggalice remaches a high idegree O thie 'Thiry-irst 'Mic-higm anolu- exihieume ismi iiiihmill istcr sscms' Iis mt tie .rmmory, Say 17. h sis-smchmcombinedimusita-ml manii dram- mimilmhity bsen presentmismis -msex- hibielasthhnight1mm "'Tie tioctor of Ce 'eved in1tathisaimaicr Chemi d'veuvrexp jjon nivese l cls'rsrdtil tofrk eet ut thia ~psemiatUnWaltoen,' uHE I D )11RiELIABtiE SUD'lENTS HEADQUARTERS, scoredmiai smmdmrflmscuesca. W Sagl13 inU1, and CChampier B IL( L I1 R 0D p kR L O R The ioptmiummuscene, where tie pal- ATo ~sil3sme' st tinSTomTE SEEiOT tL lmar I. iD., iiitie personu of Dr. thoberct maistizhe and Dame Medamli at tim' iamiss'Ex-iiittEEIib'T'E)EEB tIiG E, C. hisuetmid madsmmetshis appemrcmee.smpositions timeitsexeilience. Ais t,'actsoled as IhtNSWlCKh3tmE CLtEIDEL' TABtS very eitective. This put ta-s through- ______________only. _TE t WIMNTHCL uOL (II 55 mtituit~ rmedmmsitiy St. ihosmeimm imm thmGENINE Ftil11IV] S RV 1-1DECEIVED gremmtsuccs's Self-smtisivs, inmemt ' Redm'ond, Kerr & To.111011 GRADE, up~onm thes miseshe iprescrieso iav~l BANKE4RS0fllfl AoT mt tisses jmauty, temrusedhuniemmdimg 41 Walt Street, New York Mrs. Irrties a theca D IBULETINS OttALL SPORTING EVENS Sis Sitle, 5 ti' csrirmsmtuisitibe]:n baiie I N dagms fti ocssumcce t eceie ienoasaimj curts dcitiine d lDAND StcrEsaoiis UT damittrtomitemioctr, REs OUTHs tii, ~ rsn eeCcust, am d itrest 'col eccS mmmdremitted. Act t C570TS' ATE tibe.lie omng wre xsuhii, mmiiFiumal Agets oe andnesotatse the ase o toRE %AL 5 1 S EE ter actimg perfectthroughout. raiisoads sredtcriws, gasacmanieis, et. it'.i oftieimt maeuaa eurities bught m aid as eanscomis lQ has. welt suite tertie partAcids om MembrsaNes YrkiExchage. ___________________________________ tiells' ie tohrpr sd rmhbeautiful voice, she scoredi mude- dEHAL IN J F. QPHUIU SANITARY PLUMIG cided success by her forceful mamnnmer, HIGH-GRADE INVESTMENT SECURITIES.m ELECTRIC CONSTRnUCTIO AND SPPLIS aditrrttooftepr. Listo usetofmirsrhca s uammcmn, STEAM AND HO WATER iHEAIN, amditrrttsm tteps. PILADELtPfIA CORRESPONDENTS. 207 E. Wshinton Street. ATSTIC GAS AND E>v'rLSTRIFxaTUREs Srs. George A. Hasreiter lad sue GAAM ER'O HIGH GRADE MANTELS AND GRATES. at tie mot difficult pmmrts as a maid, GRHM.ER O mild clear voice in her singingugehaitimu T~e apai t henihtwtc, r.N AR(I1 VATENT OXFOR b5 ~ A H solo amid trioivan great applause. Spitzley. could scarcely fail in his part I L TLE OESITHETNSO ELTHlE JlOENAN evemn had he possessed no dramatic PRICE $3.00 & $3.50 Shiums Free 218 S. MAIN ST,k ability. His forceful voice wvas mast adomirably adapted to the strong char- A k5ld s - . SWEET TO THE SWEET IF YO1 W ANT TCl!F r-W T_ SEE QBPOGA M A,;