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May 03, 1901 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-05-03

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VOL. . 1.


No. 157

..Our Special Line of....
Eoreign and Domestic,
has arrived and is ar-
ranged for inspection.
We have the largest as-
sortment in the city.
io8 E. Washington St.
received fresh
every day... .
YOU KNOW where to get..
It. E. Jolly, 308 S. State Street.

Carroll L. Storey Leaves for Northern
Oratorical Contest at Iowa City
-Prof. Truoblood Confident
of a Good Showing
Carroll L. Storey. '01, Michigan's rep-
resentative to the Northern Oratorical
League contest, which takes place at
towa City on Friday night, appeared
before a University andience of some
300 persons yesterdIay afternoon In Uni-
versity Hall, giving a last rehearsal of
his production lbef ore leaving for the
contest. Mr. Storey wvent through the
oration Is a faultless mausser. His
voice was rich, well modniated and
powerful aund filled every snook and
corner of the big auditorium. He
showed considerable improvement
over the form displayed in thse 'Varsity
contest, and thse w'ork of Prof. True-
1)1001 was plainly evident. At the close
,of his effort the oseaker was warmly
congratulated by those prcesent.
The Michigan delegation, coiisisfing
of Carroll L. Storey,. the orator: Bryant
S. Cromer, alternate; Rtobt. S. Stanley,
vice-presideint of the Northers League,
ind Pcot., Trueblood, left on the 9:43
train last inight for tows City'.
Prof. 'Trueblood, scion seen by a
holly reporter yesterday afternoon,
said: "Yes, I 0am well p~leased with
Mr. Storey's showing and think Michi-
gasi hms a strong representative. Ste
is 'ertainly the most unique person we
sire ('ver sent. He has a tinge of the
drainmtic' which will tend -to help hold
lisauince. Hi5sprodunctionl is a good
oil(' and Mtichiigans iieed siot feasr but
that arc shall is up around the toss.I
belieae Mr. Storcy will give a good re-
lort of imse'lf at Iowa City."
'Thecarraingmesnts oto) hle cointest
iren' w p'ractically compileta'. On tFri-
lay afte'rsn oontrain 3 to (i, President
oini 31rs. hicican will give a receptiosn
toi ithe visitor's. In the evening, after
the econtest., the Iowa Association avill
give' a iaiiopn'i for all the uleigate's.
It seems drat thle various coillegeo
11<11" 'i.e a reed toi alloNav isl' iiia l'si'eii-
so itt iiiiihigoi iay nut conliust lie
inattie'. ttHow'eve'i,at the annual meet-
ing tobe iield lFridayuvafternoon, action
wiill bei'taken lo iprevenlt 11)3iroule
orising he'i'afte'r. An amnendmnent to
the u'onstitutisin silllproblably lie
piassed definitely fixiing tille succession
tol tile presidency lfthtie association ini
'ase the persoin first noinalllted by tile
ulliversity entithed to tile honor sollid
leare lisinlivrsity or1'resigin tor any3
reaisonil vliatever.
Tile ottiers of tile Nor'ther'n Oratori-
cal L eaigue'lre: tresiden~t, Willianm J.
Carc,Uiversity of Wisconsin; secre-
lacy. Arthlur E..tBestio', University of
C'hicago; 1irsf vice-phresidenit, ttobert L.
Silnley, U~nia'ersity of hliciliglsn; see-
onid aice-president, William W0. hlassee,
Unliversity of 'Alnlesota; tilird vice
plresident, Joseph Dutton, Northwest-
ern University; fsurth vice-president,
L. '0. Storey'. Oberliss College; treas-
urer, C. Ht. Laartz, University of Ioa.
Yesterday's Base Ball Games

Wtmen's Islander Out YPSI GETS GOOSE EGGS
Tile much-iheralded svomen's edition
of fheI'nilander is out at last, and is a 'Varsity Defeats Ypsilanti Normals
very neat -piece sf work typographi- by the Scsine of 6 to 0 in
'lilly. The cover design is especially Seven Intningb-Reser'ves
attracetia'e. Tile edition is modeled
lifter last year's Women's Daily as to Given a Chance
maltter aind contalins several good short
stories. Tile oiie by Miss L. K. Sabine Yesterday's gamseaviths Ypsi fur-
of thle Daily staff is especially good. dlished nmore practice thlanl tlie last one
The verse by Gertrude Buck, also a for Michliganl won out by the score of
formr mmbe ofthe ail Bordis to 0 in seven innlings. Tihe first four
tile gem of tile edition. Taken all ininisweetkncrofbth'V -
allthe materrepesens cnsieralesity teanm, wile the "reserve" infield,
Wooik bsit fails to discuss any live ques- aii ie'ast ufed sdu h
etion-a uchilgmwoiceiwoeadae The Ilast three ininigs. The reserve inifeld
e"toimchmr edal. Teplaved pretty good bill but only es-
"blue pencil" appears to have been epdbigsoe nb unn
muchel in evidenlce, but tis shosild noteliabin screiOlyriiiga
m10aniuowi-betaaeeii third andihomne.
prevent a lasge sale. Copies sell at 13 Tile old fault of not hitting ensough,
cents eachl. especially illtile case of floe, old men.
ell still be harped upon, for there were
RELAY AT WESTERN MEET onlly tisree 'hiis made off of Gannon,
tile Ypsi pitchser, when tisere sisould
have beess tess sr more. If Gannon had
Mile Belay May Be Added to the slot giveis five bases on bails the score
List of Events at Intercollegiate would hiave .beein muchs loyer. Thsougis
Conference Meet - Would stiff froni the practice of the day be-
Please Michigan fore. Consdon was at first, aisd accepted
all is cisassces cleverly.
- The 'Varsity meia suot pick aip us
A rusiior is goisiarond thsat a relay ther batting or O-tisisesota will rain
race suly be oiie of tile evens at the over fthm next Saturday. W"ednesday
ilteirclllegillte Cosiferesseeniet on htliiies ta avas defeated by WAisconsin
June ssot, wvhenl Marshsall tField will be iiy tile score of 5 to 6, but was ahead
use Mecca for wvesterss athletes. Chsi- of the gasme and would hsave wvosn out
copso flatters hsirself aviths having a osaly sise awenltaspis the air in the
very finse selay teamlnasd accordisngly eighsthinisinsg asid let isa four rauns.
asill do 11eribest to pus sucs ass ev'enstFrom all asaperassees lichsigasn ias
tisroughs. 1'lsesisatter is to be biroughst 'ork cut oaut for herself aand Samer-
nl i'efore thse athletic boards of tile va- da y's game will be 510osap.
'lois scisools fur final decisin, ansd in 'The score of tile Ypsi game is as fol-
all p~rotaility fle u'simber of eveists hosws:
.1u1111' ht wilha' increasoed by the nsile Yt'SILANTI.
relly. B. H. P0. A. H
Fromlil si objective a-iarwalt athsletics Deiis,~s lb......0 0 0 0 0
suchslis eventit s aery muds desired for uaisnonsp .....0 0 1 8 1
C hicogo, Iihtligass 111(1ltinis uaniaver- Gass. c........0 1 2 0 0
sies ought to put aup a a-cry exciting Slo'r nluuu.s....0 0 0 0 1
contest, Tint from a sutjectivein ust of King. 2b .....I 1 3 1 0
vica'til'hemivet is lot iiansskreil for Rtighte'r, i-f ......I 0 2 1 0
uvunry munch iecu'iseu the atihletaes asill oe iruia. 3b...0 i1 1 2 0
;Boiuitt tusikerediu iIt till finishs of tihe Susiths. If......I)0 iiii ii00
rcunareavunts. md tile itcking 0Oil of Peters. rf . I.... 0 0 01 0
-li iluhhil liieavint, exhilaustiing 155tim)'- -
ri-l i;-isaa'iuiihtax itseir enumranice'to 'i'iais. .....ii0 ;t 18 12 2
liii nunmost. IICHIGA-N.
tiua'i'a'ur if C'ica'lgo thinkss thei'addui-H.. 1. POh. A. E
itii if sulma-li ise'ae'it necessairy iiiCin ciisa. f .... 1 Ii 1)00
ordeur toshoililyliir'athetic ii'pr l'oesWeller. Ii1 0 2 2 0
iwell, htichiigii is awillinig ti givi' her Sanaw. it. . 0 ti ? 0 0
hilotli'hiiudse olithflu'smie' maedicise sse 'T'nill, 2)l ......1 I0 0I0h1
re'u'eia'd'uii'iisg time'isndoor season. tf htottieaas.......1 1 0I1)00
till Istu'rclll'gilitelCinferenice Assoici- Das u's. rf ..... 1 0 0 0 0
It!,)" sues fli'aimsonftse rsa, ithes sme Consdons, lb......1 1) 0 0
u'a'iit nmay aphhe'ir Illstihi' programusiaifF'usiherss, ..... 0 1 1 4 0
till Chiclago=ih uigan uaiuiiluet, -30113' oielli, p.......00I 0 2 "0
55. It's alost toou good toi tink there Itosre. 1)...... 0 0 1 1 0
woutmuliibe anotiher chalice to sub ift1m. Casitisng. 21)..i .. 0 0I 2 t0 0
M~ichigaunlcainipick imp four messtom Bennset....... 0 0i 2 1 0
the' milii'relay,. w'hou salhue cceaiy'to Waitsons. lb .....00 1 oii0
mseet liny team inltime vest. Chicago Dillonss . .. .... 0 0 1 2
Seeed'ss toIi Iaac time best teanm this avin- Bli'couu, a' ....... 0 i 2 1 0
her smntil si' nit Michigan aind thenss- -
suca'umbied faaice, onace sninsher own's Total .. ... ... 1 21 12 3
tirack. suo if is e'vlient thsat time abuov'e
is noiihue hoast. -tichsigass is goinsgflu No More "Camping" on Tennis Courts
as-is fti' Conferemnue meet; ansd if thsere
is a cell))' attahled sue is selfish enough
1o waait to wvims thia t also, Chicago not- Somse newv rules are soona to take ef-
avithsandinsg. feet that will prevent tennis players


Golf .o o
this year? Before
you buy your new
clubs come in and
look at our limne of
Golf Goods. Spald-
lug clubs and caddy
bags, and the best
makes of golf balls.



Special telegras to time U. of
Mt. Daily.
Beloit, .411; Wiscomisim, 1.
tllimois, 15; Chicagou, 3.
Primncetoan, 21; Cornell, 2.

0mm account of the poor attendance
at hlome gaines at Mtadison, the gsame
hetween Wisconsin and Ileloit was
transaferred from tile Wisconsin dia-
muondu to Beloit. Time decisive victories
of Bieloit and Illinois, both of whom
were defeated by .Michligan, augurs
well for our prospects for the remain-
'der of the season.

Chicago Alumni to Banquet
Chicago Alunmni associatiomn of the
University of Michiganl will hold its
annmual banquet Friday unighta in the
banuquet hall of the Auditorium hotel.
President Angell and Prof. Henry u.
Adasslhwaill he among thme guests of the
association and former Senator Charles
A. Towns of Minnesota msy also be
presemit. Timemembershlip of thme asso-
elatiomn is large and its annual ban-
quets are alwvays attended by many
entfhusiastic alumni, who listen to
toasfs and sing time songs and tell time
stories of their college days.

truim"ainimg' 'oni a court and spre-
vensting amnyomne else from using it.
Bulletin boards are to be placed back
of eachs court, upons which each man he
to wyrite isis niame, humd the time of day
they conmnmence playing oil the court.
Otiheravise flue court cams be taken by
anyone wishing to use if.
'No peronm will be allow'ed to use a
cousrt for more thsansoelhour, if asmy
sne sum the grounds wishes to use it
Tile west cour't has been reserved foe
time snemubers of the team and such
other msembers as time captaimn sees fit
to promote to it The tennis players
fee1 that fluerules will be a good thing,
andl give everyone an opportunity to

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