TBlL +'UNIVERSITY 01 MICJHIGAN DAILYT NEW BOOKS AS Iu'a lacn, by Drisatud. UnL:!e .etry, zi story of tin' Sltale Coasat! by ('btarbe %sflv r Mun. Thiat '\ iwAvirisig A1air, by A.. Mtao nodB arb.Our. the Viitto of Eltaostli, by Elitnor Gilynt. Like Ainotiter Helen, by G eorge 1-ortonl. tihe Story of Sarah, by Ianise Forss- Iu nd. When Blades Are Out atns Lore's AflbI by Brady. 'The Loveo Letters ut the Kitng, by Lo (t'alitenne. The Lotve Lotters of tirtar ingo. All t1(e 11b1ove at a disrount from putb- lishers' trices. You caln get a HOT LUANCHi AT a8doueth Stale St. T YPE W.RITERS" For Rlent. For Sale. Thesis Work CJarefully Done. Typewriting. Miinreograpltirg. EDWARDS BROS. moerSeek 's) State Street .EARN To).. DANCE COltltISrLx' 'Ye greeafortrlessn, siafotr asaallas apt t-oofisc of1GRANGER'S ACADEMY on1 may hardI sreel Stni ollections BOUGHT FOR CASH -Look uip your oldi collectioni antd "tarn it tite ready money. Promapt Oask, and Good tPrices. THE MICHIGAN STAMP COMPANY Ream13. 1451 Waodad Ave..lDetro115 EWe Itave our tenet excellent lisle of aeaaonable and CHEVIOTS on tihe table waiting your inapeftion. We will show you nearly 500 different styles of trosarrs a Xe offer you the finest line in the city. 'Truly Yours S. W~u. Burchfield, 106 E. Huron r a i Put a KODAK in WE SELL THE~I lVcutscblev, the pftborjapber. "The11 Villa; 1511' itc ester" seel1'il to 'Pie1 111 I'tic frthiniio tir lia (II he' a clkof 1t suviva ooflihe ftiet. 0 le Dotor ,So. A. aitr.l" ae ei''liac. fu% 1hie 0ran-ra 110liidramasiilii'ii 1' 1111 (rilo, wel. ThyI . ;aII bpo lbc o'i'n i .thii's js lic-,ion, o ilh rualc,'l-miathei (aliil in"I nd11 is oflthe olestaof thira lelba 1111 ai s' o i ee' 1(('ll Iii cass oat11cr let rt , f s done. It m a N'i rkted 121' tilts l .Ie at.M ,.W .1r wi ts Newlsi'I o toe ale-'no ill.- of iiie itt A I '55las. 2 ilA,1l-1 i r I \ i 'Ii' - laisef lciies.s '1' 111, peliod o '.i's'r M s 1.il o e . r.W cOil ii' ms epl .y- isIri' i'illiaS."2 wh n I'.io ir 1 1. im cab'0. IMarils r ik i n Pc usirre .011 \%:,r nin' frt iri - I iA. 8. resctt. iii (11111 C.iii l ehal Agents Agents 100 studets wantted to canvass during vacatiotn for the 'cA. A. Imsproved" gasoline lamtps. Sells i(J) Sight. r SUPERIOR MFG. COT1PANY 329 5. Main St. WA BAS H PAN=AMERICAN EXPOSITION Buffalo, N.Y.,May 1Nov . 1 90 Tie Waba 0sh h N agaras lalls "liort Line." haasmadlespec'ialaras ea s tal aeceammodate a large travrel betweesDe- tri'send BOssiladuaing(lieExosituob. New s' liioenanadid ,itsioal triser- ieo witl oe provt led i Aiih lnyln pea i Fei.' 1 i,;f: 'h i tarasbetweos en hktjail IU to, i'I.- '(a iswill be good0Imstop-ovi'Oer astNigara Faills. Wiiritefra cop, of W ith tsis llasi A'alieas 1"odes lecaing51, aa r at' ivtClr ,zpo the' Expositioin groad, andt;ai. tl Me etikisiga of the pinscipsal susilc, . Ticket 0fficr, s97 Adams Sireet, F. .Pamr A. Ii. P. AChicago flagtal, $80000. Sars,0,051 1 ,i '515 R geneara, bankifgirr-.Otalis FINI'iNA I lUAL L A i t _a.d 1, Capital, $1i0tOS. Sureplus anid Psoant, 3h,03 'trasacts a ge~erailibanking isiiness. Falasgi. excaeought and soldlurishkloiters a' credit. E. 0. KINNE. Psos. IHARRISON SOiULE, vice-Psey S. W. CSLARKSOIN Cashie' IThe Run Mror SavinGS 1Bang, Capital Slack. $50ea00. Surplue,.$150,0os Re'.s're. 51,500,000. Organied derisithellsOsra, lasrtiing La's' afthim Stat, e'.. .'. depo'sis i. sanl echianeoias.e(Or incipal ciis 'of ste t's'ied Stasss. Dtsc~ashed 11111 s apr idlaifiet'ail, Safety depaoscaxe r' nt. (irtEsras: 5'Chriistin31akl'Pre.: W. Dtillsr: man, 0110-Pres.; fhe'-. E. tiwelms, iier, J. Fritz, AassiushiO JO Assnea. NNes 'lraT.isr Jasav.CWaTe , C(Cias SAINGS BANK T1ranisacs a gsensral lBankisig Busoinss £ I{ :ii 1 iii St; Ite lsiihere liiithuhcostlssl elh l )(e~isiHwy5wer15'o'isoslsd sd ~.er The iii lii'.5.11 ((I' Iburn"ter. aNv l ibi -I,,itsrnol i is utsini' IigliYork IA oP E LIlA I D -''ac'c, llsiiil ill to, slsil oirlitr 5), 0:5--a iio . lush ,' isa soul 11110-I i-ianki OitsC, lvln.0 8 I:. NV. +ANNI\ EI STAY iAlt'iY 'liii' aisisisI tou'lay plly ' cuss I Iiie a usc is ill laks' doss's' t:6'I0]. \VI'siliiS4' is 'ii lug, 1.los Z 1. I wsilstsa is 1 :1idsill p11s5 al'sl oi1 ossis l ols., tioii'il,$2,25 andS :,s pe('r t\- 555. isslols anohsitalt iniviidlst tabs lcof foIns' , Stiscil r'ii''osiss 'i'it-ibi'E VilE OTHEiRS, tlUT \NONE 1IlS'TElt, Itogoil 'iisr.1!)r; Tigerrrtrs, 5r. osbe produced only #I&i~ r or Mandolin, Ir4 T Washburn alone :;; _ooeses the pure cre- ouare cordialy invited to K E ake a visit of inspection,. + mla:#tfl Catalog Free "< E~se ioWacsbrn featureas are: + ilaeasssagallwse sed asitet Z s i' absoik'lutsely correctsinsalt poal. a " i ge all dasse by skillrd east. a 'dets salrays insgoeaste;sper c 0 , . of aSilibiss;, palishi sued ,by lco urss of an~~sdrubbsng;vr -:cas1 ad peg of the ser higOe SoIdky fL adist Iuicig Deal. ';Very mi'sm L It1 iHFEAI y -Chicago. r~HAVE YOU SEEN ToHOSE NOBBY BROWNS WAGNER Q CO. Importing Tailors' 5 ~121-123 S. Main St. pi Fresh arrivals of Sjering Suitings await your insp~ection. THE SIAII SIREEI SIIO[ SIORE ASSE'NTS P1)R1 THEtFAMlOIUS * ROYAL AND OYGOLF SHOES FOR MEN PATRICIAN SHOES FOR WOMEN + ONE PRICE $3.50 OUR SHOES POLISHED EREE OF CH ARG E Spalding's Official League Bal Isth effcae.alli e aionol I eaue tt(Sissilils the Natioustilo lesguie ani] sil tlipcollege ligsit bItibte s sisiat Onso A listisdomentalstsogue sf Rlieladal tlfreeti n Ham~ts Ilaletut sfrtee tan addlress. ;Sp~sliisg'cs lOf'il 1hose Ball (Gaide fosr 1901, eitedlby liprtis (Isil soik. rails' Marei30 1(511; price litrens A. G SPALDING & BROS. (s sI asco s i's's'Tis) INewt York Clisicigo Denver THE FINEST LINE OF SCOTCH AND ENGLISH SUITINGS IN THE CITY