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April 28, 1901 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-04-28

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1 .

- r _ '

VOL. Xl.
.Our Special Line of.... {
Foreign and Domestici

has arrived and is ar-
ranged for inspection.
We have the largest as-
sort nient in the city,
%i. H. WILD CO.i


ANN ARBOR, A1IOJ., SUND)AY, APRIL 28S 1901, No. 154
Excellent Team Work and Timelylilt- k thillinig eisoduie occureiidt n Hnred -
ei-eiiit at the U. of At. limit hou-se, Oe ~ rdJuniors Dance to the
ilog Scores Michiganl's Visti y- INhich i iiig-lii 1m11c: loved morlle iisas- Music of Stens-No Professcrs
Vistors Get But GOetin oo alvu ii iiisii iitihidiiot lhe tilliiiiv ' Present-No Peanuts
Ittieiiigtitiii otie IItip liii tsuiiie -letim
by etr~tin B lot ( s( ia in.I11i1 ladix it-fr idl lid ietiiiriedit l 111It a noxie ideiie iof a rett l-it beted inifrout
it; le l th cf f t 1. 1i.I vtip ii iIth Huron. lthe'y] tiii-- it-ived u#-itlte ti-itilsti-v- platiioii. net-
It -ws aii~deaild iiiii1sI iln tnttisCu ymcIil lii:h
klis.h to snake flIii n iitub-uelilite plt-, ; ii k theatem te af lii ti-n tvlleiIfile- Inel s thee iJunsir Lit
ii ii l - --s - i llA lieil tiviiihieIiii ue i alld giiiiiupset,-i
in t veveluv- trea t s f-isi ii-i'it i t - -i -iui ttiltii iittu Ir' ls- otee scil it-i sismkerI
to i iiiuiei ue lii hi s %tuuI-i h av-i- ; fliti liii e -i lady iete- t-e of ii l t eiui-siikuil Ch l t-ive ties
iiiv it-. ii uvslim] ti ceiisii-iitii 'i- n:i ; ue uil ii li l iiiuhs tti
brii :h ere cis iisv-ii --it:t 5p(>t Ji t is 00iiii ii ei )i-Cuto teilsts tei
tinis. thr l tvii r.-ii v (t e ii luvii o y Cptt is tlive isthe istein is it iii Melthe itiii ot-t
t a deevtt (1 -iliiy hiAl iit i ~liitii 5. telli M itiiui I at ii-outC -i tit, Iii- iii iitt ii i - t{1fiii-. i lsl ef rtrt-i sitil it 5l
ti i ht shii uy H-i ini- i c ht iii I lt l issl ii t -ii l lurehii. huWlls rrIle l rueelv
iul1 teir vi iii tul-si o tieiii t Clii ' Ciit. hetusive up es- a llnti co lu le i sl it(, be ii- Cii t oi"oiieirlteiii-e listt d prese
1h lis-11 stholellied eC i u-ou.' tiihits.iti l u-ti isitiil liiiilt Ciiiii lttetistei-cans it. Al Ciu ncobuu ide s

io8 Ei. Washington St.t
received fresh
every day. ...

"iut R
{ ih4iii Grcoe
k 5 ivS~~t
si iiKeiii isisctinAN-iiE is -riA -,luts iic5lits
cii i-sn iFA(ivi-:


YOUJ KINOW where to get..... 1 <I I tllit-l-i aka the situik. 'iiio :t'-li-lis fir iitelt-ity ofIlt- assiliuis.o utheii faclhty ill-i--- -gilt
GOO ) ht-ii till -tIi t umi- to sclidt hatud tei hCui-ill olie ic1-urt t i iti day h et~ C Ill kers t m ii id lihli onei I ti iii C uslNvas
S M OKIE heut ad t -o c5vli-tll hlilts. 11 .-ivltli th iitli of tlie Itt i. a~tlld Ih C li-i- li i ii- 11t icli suiiiuii liii Nvuee
I. E0. JolIy, 308 S. StalCe Street. C Cs. tuo firtusi-b lu~ etlitug hituimili get ;11iii thuuey I thu-tlt-il Cit Vilhiuu toi tut-ivii Ihte-il~iii-mli tiyiuIli-lii
l -iilt hiu lt It gsuitol uscoda u till 1lv ii anal asiii juleut of tutu r lInlu - .til nuts Cta C:lliis. odlla M
_____ ~ ~ ~ ~ t iii-bv-v.slio tirueuv to Cwuutuii ihuI'i. i vtuS hits luils expei-tiuc-e ill_____
iiIliurn 1.1gg euuBron as hue slice ilutti ti--utl lane Culiiiiiss. 1: I: '1 h YS " huh A1JILS.
F resn thulvut. Slater- taue 11utiill) n o -h lirt-s hle j.h tlooke autiti- it il li sth ine
throwsM tihllreitoii steul itnuultht tigl;.atia thueuhiuu fol -i NNii _tus Ilt- C airC i
S travvberrie.s itiuue liineal Ch lv toti Ci"Tuommny"u - elt informediii-i the- pisoners-i that ;:
Toulill.h wh uu iiuht fiii iIthBelit hi- sutl luei itu-i of on li siiiii-liute I -- SiltCi Iulletriis Cto I'. ot At-
AND lituil hto side.ih "lterti the-li Nvilt ot -u-it lu- upitl ttuhuhitiolutI lt Ihe hlu t' nC I uy: t
iv from lesherl- to Wiatson. t i iit( Fouuo ti iuu- suilit of clothe"'. < 1 iuuuu - 's h-il in. 8: I ihui 7.
Pineapples Miciganiutu -ll-iedi upi siulgt oii A{h- h1t11h ti- sit, ill-lu shotes, tait bus t" l-- Itti-. 1ii; (rilelb 1. 4
kills, idiug lhint tli- rvsults tiC lhir tills. tiltlt o Ciii huhis thir litutu nd I eim I' 211. : Annoitiiss,. 1i.)
uuustunu-hh ii dvhuug the luast wueek hli 1ug- itliem( tilt fori hi, ltshi-1hut he 11,0 1iu y atubs (S; u11iiluui 1.
i-i e c i-ir t'' s il-situini ts ant iiiitlilt uwork. Hi-il- Cosi. uInit illally madii ti tlihuti- tutuulougy tIllinois--Noi-tulle i
111 the loaatn eo lii it a tuw-baseiu hilt audu jAIliiis thiis tie t, seioi tu e-os %veei
andi TLiuhitl -thul scoreduu 11 run. 'ltliliittdit.u iiuu toiiei do, ll libe is Ilo olle i i_: :" :i:4
Iii Cliii Iint hault of them iteeuuid iuuultiiii uuioiu AiltiC eat uuureic u-unut tit uu-u _____--
hA ~ lt iit lo ht guta maiiil lutst sei-uuutl. t1> istuti the -itylets ililu-tutu- thirh 112i 'tlrw t \)l4'1
Q UL A R-I R ' S R.5 vrouwn tredi-tSo steal secondiu, but tilt. ililhose dutil-u stinsii uvu bitt lot;
CAMPUS DRUG STORE Clituiiui halthCle built thiene ibuuttCeil1 git theim it the suuilukev. allay~ trulre
- feet Ca} tile good. A fter tit the mel-it Si-p Ifeur* r-is.' iieuv silting goids thtema of Alt- Whihto the first ofC Chit
miihi ceased itrylbig to stoozl second for tiloeordering- a 5it u-tieel,. G0,1.

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