'IBEUNIYFESITY OF TU I GAN ALLY SOLE AENTSD PARTI CU LARj is ABOUT WEAR EcE I isc L - /l/31d1S" -' i? I toA OODMISEEDT S k' GS i ': "-u:.', ?3r S : "'["h: C '' 5, .u""Z " :,-y :J'i:_''° 72°S" : "_' r117 "'?i" MAIN '" a STR ?EET 9 2 '' W9 1' i _ .... ....... s .... .....e.........w a_. _s.sae_ at_ aene_ rs._ssave r._o_.cnes _e_ s._vn._siw._._ v_ Michioan Central ANIARARA FALLS ROUTE, lIE S110571 INE- T1 +4U. F M.TA I LO"R S SPRING IMPORTATIONS have ar- 0 © rived and are ready for inspection 'HENRY.BROS. F ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON With direct cosinectins at (Ficigo for "t Louis, Kansas City, St. Paul and the 'vst. Eon information anod throaghlickietscallo or write to H. W. HAYES, Agent, Ann Arbor. ANN ARBOR RAI LROAD TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Sunday, May 201, 0899. 'Trains learn Ann Arbor by Central Stand- a d Tine. SOUTH NORTH 'No. .- 7:00 A. 5M. No. 1.- 8:50 A. Mf. No. 8.-11:35 A. n. 'No. 5.-12:3OP. 5M. No. .- 8:35 P. a. No. f.- d:56 P. s. *Ran between Ann Arbor and Toledo oaflv All trains daily except Sunday. W. T. WILLS. Agent. W H. BENNETT. G. F. A- HOCKING VALLEY RY. The Railroad that takes the Business In and Out of Michigan. SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS 4 DAILY BETWEEN 4 TOLEDO, COLUI1BUS and ATHENS. W. H. Fis9her, L. W. L~andman, G. P. A. G. Trav. Agt. Columibos, Ohio. Detroit. Nich. Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar-, )'The JO°EPH IIOlIMAN ~MANDOLINS & GUITARS ~5ReceivedlFirat Premsium at the Pssris Expon + tion, iste. ThOey anefat snlesit the SS~haebefle Music StorB, 0 liii W.-Litberty St., Ann Artos, M1b R ental Gold SWe tell dental gold and solders. We pay cash for old gold an 01 silver. _ Wmn. Arnold, Jeweler 4'0+O+0+0+0+0+04'04'h2+O+O+C)+0+O+O+O+0+O+C+O+O+O+O+O+C)+~ New Officers For the Comedy Club .1 .t isve iii ilitrlli o sf lteTlisersity toili-fy ('Ilsslt'e ftllussiiis'tiir s sie' t'iiisioiiiioitsly sleiteli-foristhe.slIt s Vi' -lrei't--M Siss -il SatewaIrt. S ctirilrO Alits Annieslii' ltt'lli. llt-siiie~-ss Msiziiflr-.1. (;. Stsiiilart. its 111a ii ~fiirlllsslit it bas nit.sits- saiisl.s 011 ti e liii ttrsry the iiiin litrt Iestll sitat.NooL sd oileislto l tll sitn 'flitsi' ploys still belii' istiseither oilihe Hasrris11111,iitheiiprot'ttls ts "'o ltist'e hoelshs-lasitilililtsigsiiiiitlin. '03 Laws Accept Resignation fTe isityiiiltiioi'sts BaleIt' F' n- aece'pittd by tilt'fri-hohastYesltertday. lt Judigi'. .. I.flititonsallidsi tn iso-AY sttn( eto silist aleitoto il liii' f~lst:. DI idit H. l~stsrreiit -was010iIilld- oisditIdliii l i tis. Jt lelliot sitifort lt lst'is'll if thitball tisslis. Pirof. A5. V. 'MtiAlvssy left latst estillig list Iis lisine i laiti te.tile will re- tolrtsliiithe ecod Iv'e'his-May. Tue proesrewarsifritig frota rseet tcold. whir-ls i1w'lalt idtAinniArbor's Large Attendance For May Festival - Isis. Slsisilsy is highly tilea l oversi lt' 1-issI'st-sit itfites tis siii si FIand ~ I flsteipresenit outlook it witlss sit till dlolsl t'lt litisp a l si t fort s. 'nlinutsisof sartists is takeniifroms t llouiisl talenst of ttesorild. The fti,1 i'Alres--tg-oizau t \hoi IN THlE CI AY have appeared'ssii lilist i f ltegltesit s ton1,1a-si t-eli lltiss Ithy "unf deeds no ittlnilin. \oNit ater in Holm es L~tr lt'e Als'litiitlii t stililtstii-nlitPHONE E1(, 111 1,LIEWIbY S s'xs-stl- sloSstlsrir l.siriisi'agrielier andithlii siiiisoienis of hetr lsstlis si1tlliisi toI isitie asowdedsstlshusre. tltlifssilslri slls tilt lustir ly i t'sst ititlietoi5 paitrlon;, of this fistivsil. Ifto tit i'1111 i'vssirs' to dwill ipll isl repuiitationsilt i t ine. Itt'111So- ing;sa Ksiii.w l ists i-1 h saleesiy AN-oi hin inews fstIIIt'. wstl willisisst oans flrst lisrts pliiilils- lsy. is aOiilil'ilt' sit tifsr os' sls-ets 14in iifssac iuts's'ssils'. lsfRosslle is to es lsu- l hesreli-i'ofs thei first tilt'. Sleitstoa lrillissiuf(stilt- Irsillis.Kitiilss'I-%tiieilliiaii is asingerssi uif sihomist said "-Tere is nisthlisigslito cstistisilslug il dslng srell.'' fit' itlilit liii tis-lisslil artin sll sirtists ill 'ees' seisat' of Ille'5wosri. Tni' slat ssle si-ill sutrpass.-all hast Yteatr.isindthsares s-ill bts'more'sstrsiiie's, in ltecity at the esititing festivsil thani "YOU'RtE NEXT?" sf not, try some oc Hank's fine coan fectiona. Always freah and made to please the moot discriminating. You got the bent there, even lunehes end oysters for the elite, at both stores- 200 E. Washingto; 316 So. State. bor Raillway. se~....s 511';11i iT, - an1W t tss it:4 tis is aT e ts-ei' letfore. Cars leave for Deiroit and Ypsilanti rsilr osls siilthlit'l lriv lisela tesi ___________ every half hour beginning at 7:1h5a. ino. 5'fit liitlt u i tasitliaifislt hiittus'. Is's'Cream1 sdelisieredl iislly tltttitity _______________ until 0:10 .5P. . After that to Detroit lie thuig-hltsn or the sthier nttoded at sillly hllrti. Orde-r of BRlOfGAN, 110 at 11:15 p. mn. Waiting room corner r'gttlntiuug. .alss__ ____PkwkBiir alos Ann and Main Sts.; Detroit, 1bi Gris -._'_ai___________k ____ar_______s wold street. R T' AI llfihtit If so. tiy a lBuffsiloiNOTIb-E!Reguilation Sloe Tablis, MONEYLOANED Pll _t__________fr15. het Everythingl 11 t t oclc Nov and sin Watchen, Diamonds,Wheels and other Itet-ib t ugi'lls 1iell. sitisly sex t isi tlli sonal Property. Office atrestidence, 315E. Wstfllnts, Ryaii & Henle tare sofet- iot- Avsill 1e lit' iitti'i. Tris i sill St ictl ja oDate Hus8to113a.ma nd o :0and ;toO it agents for TYpsilanti underwear. is' riiiioff i"1U' . CA rTtb'ES. N. Srtl Ho. 8711S0E.HnC.and T S 707 N.University Ave. Ann Arbor Puritan Patent Leather Oxfords$35 I For Women. New Styles gust in.1 Hand Turned or Hand Welted.s > rl SOUTH MAIN STREET tIot SOUTH lN STREETr Uof MBarber Fage steaming adSsmrandd6b3basWilreiaStblentslF #f Pads iseaFineral raid iS ~rUniversity 61..t WllaFSietnetie Sho an Bthabnad1a 12.Fort E. h SoeLL riart !'. oiy d.-Pot WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRJG STORE, 107 MAIN ST