W1E; UIVERSIY OF MICBIOKN DAL Y l WINDSOR TiI That can be tied as Fc Really'three ties in oni tS. neciiwear. They're o and elegant effects we'" w 5C 'S 'S *t 'S _ . . a a a a a a- a a a a . .4 S S S 5]. S a a .Aa a a a . r-rte'-s:.i:-c: rc:c'c '+r:+sa-ir" r ': ciC :3CT:,'= 'L S ' ' I t ': : t' !'-F!'ilt'6 C!fC ° l3t'iE'"' "' lC ': O 1 )' y ~ 4 cur-i-han or Acot. Le. Te latst. iea i oef the latstieatinul ye shown this season. G(0OODSPJE]ED'S 117 MAIN STREET Alarm. Clocks I3 ) E N)U. of M.f Pins 50c to $1.00. ia Watch ,Repair ing a Speialt M. STABLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, I L CHAPMAN, JEWELE, 206 SMain soth. 119 W. Washington St.Detl ol We sell dental gold and se ~T-& We py p arfr ol d goli0otn __________________ silver. T iry 'we... Win, Arnold, Jeweler NORTH SIDE 3 E-3?"E ? : " :1 3 i3 i:3:33333:3'3 33 ? ?.l i 3 3 : ? 3 ?. s :' : ?1:333 3? 3 i3:'. M INI a eAGARA FALLS ROUTE, THE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO { NEW YORK AND BOSTON With direct connections at Ctteago for St. Louis, Kansas City, St. Pool and ttte west. Eor informtation and throogh tickets catl on or write to H. Wt. HAYES, Agent, Ano Arbor. ANN ARBOR RAI LROAD TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Sunday, May 21, 1899. Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Stand- Tine. SOUTH NORTH *No. 6.- 7:05 A. M. No. .-8:60 A. M. No. 8-11:35 A. M. *No. 5.-12:311P. as. No.4¢.- 8:35P. a. No. 3.- 4:56P. m. *Run between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. All trains daily except Sunday. W.V T. WILLS. Agent. W . . BENNETT. 0. P. A HOCKING VALLEY RY. The Railroad that takes the Business In and Out of Michigan. SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS 4 DAILY BETWEEN 4 TOLEDO, COLUM1BUS and ATHENS. W. H. Fisber, L. W. Ladmon, G. P. A. 0. Trav. Agl. Cohlsobus, Ohio. Detroit. ick. Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Cars leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti every. half hour begtnning at 7:15 a. m. D. M. MARTIN~.. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Emobahmtng a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th Ave. Atmbulance nsght and day. Baa. dence 302 Fifth Ave. sGti odsOrk S bantigtOeSTh 'lumbe is twtig iersei evryloy cuid ~ ~ AP codl crlisllittet OWit'Ni ottt~~ ~~ hSl.Pt'rtitec~jL 2 t italc's c'seitlty SrS Ciiites t irs ~ ~ CLLC Feit tl hi go okAtcit lltltltt'' itci diCsO L GttPINSt, t til'in11 ttLAiSSgitgovrn ied o CtilsilgOLLrii.GErigon Ic) ~ ~ ~ ~ HT andi'c hl'lwitide s i'cer tilde rctislls'liagettbtucilyc tokclays so:11~'lvesoceuwtckicite.u oe.T toal iersid ; iere tesai ha hurle S iltoodcfoit. iccb i a ls oin 'c led 1lfeet 6 itccflsillth. aut fit illle itffpclccedIfolc-yaulting.l itt citg FtosterSBlf oe llit. 1o LAUNDRY A 21.tiatTHOS. ROWE, Propr. 55 etot~. 467 Bell Phtone FINE~ST RIGS Season Tickets t N ' E CT l Se'asont iicets for tie bcaseball g;taues are icow ott sale at Sheehai's aind Wilder's. State st. These tickets tre Holmes Livery7 goodfr six ;sttes and sell at $t.50. Ontly intewbters ofth~e Athtletic Assodici, P HONE 1064 511E. LIEU11 TS hion get this 2-cets-hetr-gainleplice, antc multst tbring their athletic ticket at tintce of putrchlase. file tickets lire of at cts'ss style'. beilng ini scoinform. 'Th is i lecidledi improveeta s it caoistdelacy oftell'ttoeoasiticeclat ' 11cc athcletic field gate whlere it be- 11111 scsctty Ico stcoptatitp itt'hlel'alit cc::r ccl 11:c :1: lit: I -1ickc't,.. NOTICE E Nlc'tittgcclthce'frt's1lttett ilccclcilct "TOUBiE NEXT!" ccctccttet' ct tilt'S. . . E.tou~se, atl 5 If not, "try some-of Hank's fin es o'tcck,. iclay afte'rncotn. fectiotts.- Always fresh and mO3S-, t I'. S3. SANItO1_I)., tlc1"l.please the icist discriniinatlng. EMSl -_______ get the best there, even luncifsTcesfrte"otro %ca-osesfrteeie t bo sreaa4 'l'ikt's ld tit' l~cctcrcclAicitioystrs or he eite atbot tar' cant be'securtodaIttcy lt ltecsSap200E. Washington; 31d So. Ssttc cl- tot n sde. RSltcstilcct of seis swtlli bcegint Scctcly ttcccttittg. t' cof -t. bttondtsand itts cit-S1\L- t.: Ii' S. MA5L,E IELP lt' ANtEI-Rteiablle tdtt'tt tccsell cc it'lte ocf hig11cgraclo 1 - . I until 9:15. pm. After that to Detroit (armilers classes :1:1': ttteir ses'lccts Tmttlrictcit t (ai (rc'cis. tPaintis at 11:15 p. m. Waiting room corner wcic tei titeoctty t'vt'tillg tne't. triscic ctcci Ictecisits. Salary- or 'c'on itics- PickwickBiladAean ManSs, eto,11 r esu wlbe enadhe'tray.si.Ades i lam- aiknPar wold street. t'sc'ticlg c ilttics cclittc io util 01a,(Sitc.ltsclccl. 0; . s Regtlation Sloe Tables, MONEY LOANED clotse' cf college' yco."Moac onoWatches, ltiamooda,Whcccs and other t'er-.i trelce'tissue Pacper lot dcor'ccativeb sonal Property. OHce at reidroce 3tB. of 'C.,ltttttc tt tittic i t: H AiI,-proe ialClr.pai ii Ev-erythingret AlHesnesyonidntaand p Libertstreto 13 . All andoesston30 ntat 5ccrl t .eSCHitt all c ots ii tn . Srcl pt-ae Ho. (stclaM . Oioc nVo ~fh.tcea CA.TRS Sw on 0 7 N. University Ave. Ann Ar brr p. . OSPH C. WATTS ___________________ Purtan PtntLaher Oxfords r For Women. New Styles just in. Hand Turned or Hand Weltedd 1txm SOUTH MVAIN STRE ET x 1 SOUTH MAIN STRlEW U. Q M. Barber Face teaminganod ENOCHyOlEERL hBbalmerand 613 ESI at euclbalfSkeet ii. tdoss by latest ylerI raI L of law klado1da s.-qAll kindsn Shop anti Rath methods. IBerlin 212-Fourth Ave., 1PhoeotLf repairing Leatly doa. jf4 j a nodParis 1900.)l Furh AeBeth hons Soe ho E. P, da ln4 [ 10BO t322ssSTAT. AJ. RTrenewski Shoper.,Pht 'WE,, PATRONIZE~OY ' DRUG STOR3E, -107 MAINST