THE UNIVERSITY OF MICIGAN DAILY. i~1jjj*~J13 Northern Oratorical Contest Puihehd Daly (Modaysexcpeddoing Xeli hi., ii ooo' orator, ( . I. Colege vear 0 0Soreygoesto l 011 ('ly iet weklto THE UNIVERSITY OF NMICHIGAN lpripat iil the amnulintereolegi- MAI00O0FICE BRANCO o-iC ae oratorial contst.Wi leiithe ot- Argon Bldg. Min St. 3311Sate Stret. Both 'Phones 13. Now Stte o'Phone 12. (1-otl i ii dobt li llig 11i hobos to MANAGING EDITOR, uil. It (-il 50 sr~1aid tit illioligal 1. H. l~s, 011 111000it will 11lot (1,e h liause 1r3110w - BUSINESS MANAGER, - ooiiotaive 11w10s unlrolpllrel. -M. 81 ry d. Lts.:GL1so, "01 L, 111is bee11wok ig 1aithfull1y 11ra i iiiner tie wacf ul eye of Prof. TlIblooll EDITORS: 11 OW0111 11fe itek p ilit h1a0e1 11111I01111- AHLR-iv La Brot0 - Co0. D rteAx0 1 diid111 -eliol 11 1 Begiuni g with 10 M~i-i a A.H.Mc DOUG A 1 , G0I . D t. HooL soT . '0113tall11e 1111t1ill tll itroll1l'illlto 11n- Mos I, K. OSi~si.03 1W. A Ks 1111,'10B 11101 111110 "l0t1111 11 9i . WsooDow,'04 W.P.Cota -1,oO1L toisll(raetn Fitpac hs 1n - . A. BNSlOTlYo 1t3 E.1. Hoaol '. 43 01secur 1di 010111 ofth11se1'101(1010. 1mi1d Al. 0. 1 o-es,'''5 12 fro 1 1511:18.ilul110. i11(,W IIvI'ile _________________representa_____bl1~l01111le111 -11110100 lllllet0. Il 18111 1111n 111 . 11owver. 3i i gli l 10110 Esoo 110111 11 11 tll tlil~il A~ll 1110 l 'i l so 311cesI'glll]. as rt lace,11 011111 1)11ofth1 . lti( 1s - Tis 110s111t 1111 ich ie 1101110pes to regain0 .6illoly 1soulyd11111 0111 1110s0110110110 h-e111oldlstan11411g11i110ortor. ell a ag bodye1a 1111100 1 at 1once. 1Never 0000000.- 1111n 11111300 same1110Ili e psit011001 ((ailyu1111an0111110of ]1111' ;le s e ts he11. oet ,esWin deather .~lOt.11 01l llier si teldes o f the1111eIits1. gil-ol M ,below: ersil 'uver wTh ie ofll 1110'l1makeO sthe 01cost1of. iyll netll. 101111.r hs rs ' o e 1ach 11111e Iint' hotwenty-tie llcents, Tio o h eWorld's eOrafor"-elving 1o . surely 11ery1ow10ate o rllilcg1 a11 tri e- i i ellrsllet ('il ler retegbo.lag 111vy1' neaooii a ico neliland re-i- es hi now111thati eohas 1the 1i1511011 1of1th SaeetysfPrs ormsoorThniWeek I 1al11L1st1 Ca1pt1vity"). 1"o11 1110c 11in10alibreqr s o d 'i eipsii r ack1e11t1t, XX o111w1 . Ol''li So001111 both'efrongs th s tandpo. 1int o00' "jT' Wo's' Orator"-B01 rtr amioi tr.l necssty-ha 11111010 ad: tti11g elon;ii hio. frote stanroinFt1ofY, tnrI Isu-. 20. L Sory.Mihian SietPrograms For T11100hisiiWee1110.ui'll'li 111 Curl' fo--iearyscd e o ldthir los. I'. O'rlinI11. s. AiiAro' usul eetings tis week.T he)A , p giy -rlhe rimphi o ltarismt-a i sm1111 gramsIol1o 21Lo.e Loeb.1011 tl'011'r'11'~~ i APSER-RIL2.YTE AAPROHERL UT6ON 81111011; Abroldly. RBETTER.r 815531 111110. SRolTrsln, wo; Tigrnetds, c Ree-tate 110-1. 1',L 'Tist 111 ofthe'aeraluse1i tis0eat11it ten'rl Funs~rton shuld e.poulAlyt who.was11', 11011-eChef dnoeuvreude 8011. 'I for ehod.singtheil0.1)1c1m1e1ofRih111e-ateExwritesoasUfollos:~ "At1reof igl'l al-logi'' Thlll ohs. C.jTrueblgfoodsqA nn C Amirbr Debate-l-Resled . "'0.13st Ru Di ichES.: 30 O SAE SIET to 11.l'1 l--8uaand the)auseofteno o he hlofion oik Otintilel iof Jaa i . Afirmaive, .:1. _ th resltof1'thelldbaiite Iii' hll your Archbld, ,.1100(1100l.shi siy sits0110n. Iall molovolrs "Tl' l;,F E (NIello I 1111etl gatf0d t801111tht1-ede 0111rentiTopics-Kinney11111111reniesinadI K erha&Cu Mus'ic.11' 111-001011. .11been11g1ven to11the'sub- 1111' 11-Tod." youiriII'.10111.a1:10- .1 alldSoreelinewsYork ll 1110111ssl'byi t trneyl T.ll ii. Joesio. w rosnotltl y, t0he subjectf h is capita le ishileiwtsh11111011 no11 b11' i-1 d11001ohloeh idreitd. Ata flited id astae aspun~shFen sfor l Aentsfoed hneglIotae l1011 - tie Al0.Pill'Lw311100. 0 TO-HEoRARNEwTnENRhSee. N:Z bope.iec-her. 1IaiLETTER.1 '1115 w1bl-I'll'e ylTgrgs111,uo 10cdd;110HG-GAE N TiNrttSE c.RTIS bateReorsoerth dtent.ellbhergbo foretsole- ~'0 ~ll~i C l 0o 0s opyright 19011. THE STEIN-Blos Cs. Take No Obance WHEN BUYING CLOTHES HEADY-TO-WEAR Tihere is only one lotthat will never disappoint yo~i in the excellence If the fabrig, gcorrecenesa of style anid general valuie-for-price an10 that sort bears the nlame of THE STEIN-BLCKCO We havee aold this make Co our most particulhar cus- ollers and havoe110000 heard anythling blat comn- mpndations froul Che wearers. We have just received the newest creations ' in STEIN BLOCK'S M Sr FASHIONABLE SPRING SUITS. Lindenscbinitt 8& ADfeI WHO? FOR.... $ .Artistic x* ELLS Picture Framing ~OROSI5 M S HOE$ Fine Pictugres GO TO Geo. Ho Miller, DE FRIES' ART STORE, 212 .S. Main St. 217 S 4th AVE. ANN ARIDOR I i- ATHENSTHEATRETOIH HI. B. Streeter and bis, Stock Company, "Wicked London" MONDAY, APRIL 29 THE GREAT NEW YORK SUCCESS, 227 Nights at the 14th St Theatre THE PICTURESQUE NEW ENGLAND PLAY "U5he Village Postmaster"' nr. FRANK niORDAUNT as the Postmaster "No play sf 1h1' kind has 1110 with such positive succes"-Boston Herald. "New fork has sorer seen a hbteer drama 01 rural."--New York Heald. All special scenery carried for this -production. PRICES: 215, 35, 50, 75 and $i.oo. Seat Sale Saturday. I I 'ROSEY'S TilE OLD RELIABLER SO'TI)ENTS IJEAI)QPARTER1S, BILLIFRD RAFRLOR RREEOI)ELE, REFITTEID, EE RYTIG NEW1 I3i SXXICR IRALKE (((ILiENIiEII TABLIES, 31113 INLY O A iOU LI OlON T BE 111011 GRADE oqs, ToB4 co, CI41ETTES .AILY BULLETINS 0F ALL SPORTIN(x EVENTS FEID AND Stloohooulis 0 H ECY NO LDS RooiZo'onaishii '2 d TREE*T OflIIU SANITARY PLUMBING. 1 F SC UH E LCTIi( ((INS IiUCTOGEAND SUPPLIES,j 9 rEti AND ROT WATEIIHEATINO,° 207 E. Washington Street. ARTISTIC GAS AND ElFCT'RIC FUT~E We are headquarters fo every tigi h line o unsig o students' rooms, k LAMPS, OIL CANS, PHOTO RACKS,.. S1 ADES WASTE PAPER BASKLETS, AUSPIDORS. Our Prices You Will Always 'Find the Lowest ... MARKHAM'S BAZAAR~ 215 SOUTH MAIN STREET: NEW :STATE 'PHONE4a2