THE UNIVERSITY 01' MICHIGAN DAILY NEW BOOKS X. King's Pawn, by TDrummod. Ii cle Try, a Story of te Main Coast, by (Chale Clarke Mun. 'That Mo-inoariug Atair, by A. May- arnt arbour. ]tt eits of Eliabeth, by Liot W.ya. Like' Another telen, by Geor1ge Dorton. XZ05he ka'b of Sarah, by Loie tors- liuu. Whnent B'lades Are Ot and Love's Afieel, by Brady. ~The Love Letters of the ing, by. LeoGailienne. The Lovxe Letters of Victor lHugo. Althei ab)0 e t Ii SCOnt from pub- flinhoc."pices. You can get a AT 36 Soth State St. Thesis Work We do thesis work. Accuracy guaranteed. Prices moderate. .ypsswriting. Mimeographing.. EDWARDS BROS. ' Vr sheehanal) State Street CORECTLY Tatraneefor lcsonsa', toiate or cam?, cll aitS' notce of (RANtICI'S ACADEMY o :H.taxe3.enx t . Snip Collections BOUGHT FOR CASH T1o--- up yor olt collection ad tetrma it ito ready money. Prompt (its and Good Prices. THE MICHIGAN STAMP COMPANY &,,-om 3. edtlWodad Ae.. Detroit- M.STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM ill W. Washington S. - NORTH SIDE LAUNDRY a-ioerorit. St 47 Ball Plae FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1bmng aog'specialty. No 209 S. UL &ve Ambulance niht andday. Res d cs302 Fifth ,Ave. COLLEGIATE CAPS. i cy OWNSsand HOOS Retns atf' 1 CAPS and GOWS Al SPEClIALTY. , COLLECE FLAS. " ' COLLEGE PINS, a CLASS and WC, KERN & O 411 E. FiftySarct C St. i HICAGO, ILIL.9 HIGH ART P i c CORRECT TAILORING it F.rIPrinceTAILORING AT PRICES within the reach of ordinary mortals Your Suit to Your Mleasure And at a price that will save you frotm $5.00 tO $15.00 from the price charged hy the ordinary merchant tailor. Wilt you investigate? We will do iie rest. GOO" DRICH 0- D"UKF, ThrlIntenational Talioring ot lhicago Ed. V.PrIcaIto ofiChicagoB.e rn o no lo SPRING ItNESo NO)W LEND) oer 1st1NationaI Bank 3Pta KODAK in CALKINSur Pocket WE SELL TtIEFI I lietschler, the li3otographcv. doi Ite itl P! etc TPc A e t -A e -1111 students wanted to canvass; ring vacation ,fun tile "A. A. aproved" gasoline lampis. Sells SSight. SUPERIOR MFG. COPIPANY 329 S. Main St. AN=AMVERlCAN XPOSITION Buffalo, N. Y., May i-Natv,1, 0S The Wabash, the 'Nagara Falls Short tine.' has made apecial aerannee to aneommodiate- a retravel between Do- trot and IButfalo durlin the Expositio Nfrew equipment ond cdditioaranm ter vie ril eprovided. IThe 51ebaailt isthe only lice operating PoeteiReclining Chair Carn betwteco fihieco and Butl'alo. Tick- ets will he good for sop-over St Niagara Faolc. 'rite for acopy of Wabtaso Pat-Axoericans der containing aloame tve color map of Expocition geo ttds and hndsomcoe in hicga of the peinclipal building. ket Office, 97 Adams Strret, P. A. Palmer, A. a.P. A , Chicago. Car. Mtain and Hoton Streets. 4tat, Ed0,tit. Sarplas.,$sonu. Transact: general hankingOxtsittns. aneYP, Pans. C. E. Onanon , Vicr.Pre- Fasa. 0 Basea. Cashier. IST NATIONAL BANK gaizdr; ital, $100,eM. Scrplus and Pratats, t3.0 ransarts ageneralhankiaghbuis. Fareiga. hasgatbought andasold. Furnish letorts a' lit. D. KINNE, Pras. OAOIISON SOULE, ie-Pr. S. IW. CLAIKStON Cashier c fitn Rfl)r r avinu sBank Capital stock.50.001. Surpluc, 50,O Rocasereo. a1,50.000. .,anized oidor the General Bahing ho- ans State. Ibtixe. deposit;, btoyn andk s ganpeon the pribceipalcitiesot the Ut.isod ea. Itrafts cehed upon proper identiftcation, ly depotit hones 1o rent. etcnol lhei-.ticr Bck, Pro,.; W13.OHacrt- i,'4ie.Pres.; Chas . OEn i-onk. CahirIM, itz, Assistant Cashier a.loaxtas,C'. C fl Trantisa dgeneral Bankiu g iesl'sh Slttide'tsare ; waloys itntaliucry 1atd The fence s Iate rejioi('ixg illthe fact.W ntever hesitalte o10i-it across Lawns0 110thatthelit'proposedt Oii'lligoit-Corntell savie tilnie.'Tile iilrii of lie property me--I is ietilil-it iireaility. 'Word1 int intIhe tinleinformlet'dIby the itinctioli of just I it'')reiceived f rtm lhe' lihoca Ex. lil'ersily ;md11)1 ' t'iii ve- OO Clij)11110t'they ae illing io snitil As.g 1)10.s1has liiitiupon))atn1ov0lschiemti o team1111to 3tichie au May 25. 1110 bots iprotect the laiin,1. lie 11tha lntd 11he will takepac tihi der11C the rutles of the paths iS ad ilily1th' liu' xlhitsowithi AmiocLeai llguie. Nettlear tai'e'ltu'riFIR -briar hushes illtihlii'o)pe)1th11at1they xwillimtchlxliibe 'condauctcedatIthaca. capi (liseotoage fttheiir t'respaissing. -- Ta -Wadinoins, R1yaun & Reole are sole crce THREtbl ARh~E OTHEtRS. BUT NONE agenltS for Ypsilanti underwsear. a, I BETTER. Rloyal Tigers, 10e; Tigerettes, 5c. Bux your Pok~er Chips a-d Playig Crio att SCHAILLERt'S Booktorex,Th NG'II('-11 Stst $3hat to. noia the Howard. frc xc «iii Ih' a '01 lit cli-isoliie tliigWV h~atus.PRyain & Reule, role agents. o t 'T'ursday11. -I11111 oom:,. Lnip A-zoily ech potnce to-every '114. , - c-S. On' NTO''I'F7'3. Ft NOTII-i i-il'-xr's lasses 1-lose- th-ir seas -nW.' ' 'I'iii'i' xxwill bea- a 11 lit class l iltl), 111 ' 1)3 '11 ~t i . -11 W. uziilu ilayc ciilgnest a. v.f 'lliirslll. 4 xx ii -11. Roioii;i :Iixl-rit3- lc'~ on, xxwiIs'b711-li n he C Satulrdayi- Jono illpolxxxll olx-hi1 e-y- iiibe' of111:1 o f 11illtii' 3cfea. tOr "Onion Sklin"itlig tadxs Oeit MAEIE1P11'WAhNTED-Ria~hble aning youiC3111ev er saw00fo~r the' lnitley, lnc-llto sell 1out1'liuIe 01high-grade -- fll-c a CI it .1,.1711'S Bookstore. I.llhricsuig COil:-, Greases. PaillIts tf yoiu seenmes-ork of the I oleiCle ion. kllflessTe10m-rak Laundoery Co. 300uxwiii be 1c0onvicoil O1)1Co..Clovl 0 . 8 hazt yo'sw)utvol 10olher..A<;ecx121 S. Btain. I 15I1 1.1,'1T5 (P3 I 1II 51 5BAN - 5.AND 011111 IESI. plxloyes in a11l111colors. p11111 eland fietc. 1 BURTON C.IPOSTIO3, tiredx. it 1-CII \L~L.711S, 7)0 5il ChuchSt / .* SPRING -WANER C. HIATTER HABERDASHIERS iT TUE STATE S R I S O 4...-" r_ rr est!er i" iiZ~'S""510."T° '°STORE+ +. AGENTS FlOltTHlE FANIOCS+ ROYAL AND OYGOLF SHOES FOR MEN 4. PATRICIAN SHOES FOR WOMEN 1 - ONE PRICE $3.50+ S OUR SHOES POLISHED FREE OF CHANGE 1 + +" + 9 T Spalding's Official League Ball IIs the tiexal Ball oit the Natiotual --League, the leadinigminor o' league atid allthetilOCilegeI I n a nthlicsx c 50iattio.J { B tase Bali and all Athbletic t S ortaledI free lt nS address. Spalditng':, tfficial Bose Bll~i Guide for t101, elitted by letny Chtadwicle, realy March 30, ,.11;rce f 1cx to A. G. SPALDING & BROS. (INORPiiiOlRATED) New York Chicago Denyenr 1HE FINEST LINE OF SCOTCH AND ENGLISH SUITINGS IN THE CITY ;1.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*'* .I HAVE YOU SEEN f-HOSE NOBB3Y BROWNS MILWAFiD