TIJJ ,UNIYERITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY,. WI m'qDSOR TIES 4 That can be tied as Four-in-hand or Ascot. .r Really three ties in one. The latest idea in y neckwear. They're of the most :beautiful and elegant effects we've shown this season. 4'4 OODSPEED'S 4 Gw1 MI SRE Micbizan Central !NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE, THE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON With direct connections at Cbicago for St. Louis, Kansas City, St. Paul and the west. Eor information and throoghi tickets call on or write to H. W. HAYES. Agent, Antn Arbor. ANN ARBOR RAI LROAD TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Sunday, May 2t, 1899. Trains learn Ann Arbor by Central Stand- ard Tine. SOUTH NORTH *No. 6.- 7:25 A. Mo. No. 1.- 0:50 A. Ms. No. 8.-11:35 A. M. *No. 5.-12:30wP. a. No. 4.- oat5r, to. No. 3.- 4:56 r. to. 0. M. MARTIN... FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th Ave. Ambulance night and day. lies. dence 302 Fifth Ave. M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, M - Nomp". Makers oa? COLLEGIATE, CAPS. 119 W. Washington St. GOWNS and tHOODS, Rerttng of CAPS nod GOWNS, A SPECIAiLTY. ________________ CLASS CAiNES, COLLECE FLAGS. i-)f COLLEGE PINS, } liry The... CLASS ..d N R HSIDE 13 COLLEGET adNO T W.C. KERN &CO, LANDR 411 E. Pifty.Se sthth1. THOS. FOWE,1aPr o CHICAIIO, ILL. zoo DstroitSt. 457 Bell Phone Alarm Clocks $1, U. of M. Pins 50c to $1.00. Else Watch RepaiA'in a Specialty J.L. CHAPMAN, JEWELER, 2061 Maim South. Dente IGold We sell dental gold and solders We pay cash for old gold art silver. Win, Arnold, Jeweler FINEST RIGS IN '1HE CITY AT Holmes Livery PHONE ICS, V15 E. LIEEht1y S Faculty Concert Tot those xwi:o:enjoy :a thoroutgly The: Facu~llvty, ,t:'e't tis week- tmet tat "TileVillage 1Postmaster,'' Iit to'h yMiss tttutth Ix.lort tiu.sil tsdfr 227 nigits at 01h:'14th Street ''. ' ITIe::r:', Ness York, is t1:lieseeccll at lM-itit: -will present a beatifuttl prol te Athes 'Tle::ire oil Moiltit' April ' iniclud~ting :agrezit varis'Oy 0 01E-20), o:ililibe retit05.0::th l'osttre..1Ti e le:'tli . lrottintent iionthe l ityl troluitl::: Av ill he givelliihere ill its *Run betweEn Ann Arbor and Toledo only tettepr.Ar lran rae All trains daily except Sunday. .X.7Ii itir Ity lobert Sc'htimann. 'ntis lt'il'iol ~.Ms~ot~ 'et~ W. T. WvILLS. Agent. thisio 'Ittirster in News York11and played W H. BENNETT. .P. A'.Ihas lever bee:: performied Ii Atnit .ta ollrinig its first Itii g 1run1t01011. btor, xei1lolieve, oiid while of course () thers of' 1he' (riginlli ast h1l\ve bieti a(111(1100 loss",sioliithOiiii Wh'eintinot specriallty 'ti lc'tto sulliport lxi. ittot teive e r'it i lttandios sill serve th're- NOT'ICtE! The Railroad that takes the viol its mtany beatis.Mr. Lockwood All eaiits ofr fresh lit-eig'-. hase. "YOU'RE NEXT!" Business In and Out svill pity thts orcesotral 110rt5. 10 iSsill teamii will 'epotrtiatAthOl'e ti'lr If not, try some of Hunk's fine Copp ofNlihga.ltisil1110MssMrit il 1 wl o 1 i. :rlirri fectiolls. Always freosi and nmade to S SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS rtii'(I 1tintaflIlhose'. N'' IvothveOt'IIl . '(OW hCaII tailiti. please the moot discritoinating. You q4 DAILY BETWEEN 4 lt'toriili Ittl'tfull: got the btest there, even luncheg and TOLEDO, COLUMlBUS 171titlie tO ilmior, op. 0)... Itrrlis NOT'ION! oyoters for tis elite, at both stores- 'lxviiIrltili'.T'efl viuI' sil lti '0 4 lit clatss ue'itig gy200)0E.Washington; 3101 So. Stale., and ATH ENS. Eltde ini_1-flirt, op. 25, No. ..t'hopin ii Tirsd~iy tyi4 otel wk Iii Vcivtrsity 0 W. H. Fisher, I.. L. ~admta, Ti a Wxiitldtoe....' . ..... Iliall. T'ils m tilti is ii' ltt'i'onti ii- G.IP. A. G. Trav. Agt. ,, Columbus, Ohio. TDetroit. Mick. Th'l-lt ..........I-11(-ol) xilI ltrtantt'otev'r''rv01. Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- It:lelsttecroit;xvitli crookiu(di ius:NO T IN! bor Railwvay. Clos'to e un ti i lotneily'Iaiuds, T'10Iivxill bOtt')l 't7lit 'lass iteilti' Cars leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti litig:'tt xvithlthtei'zun'exvworld,Ilie standiis. 'itti'stl tv 1 1t'cihtrk iii ttiivi'rsity every half hour beginning at ',:113 a. in. 11011. 'Ihis lnio'':ig is of very -rentt until 9:15 p. m.;o After that to Detroit 'lii' xxrititli'tt sealt'beethlirtiti owltx's: iiti'ortt'i'e to every iltt ten ti Iof 1R. at 11: 15 p. mo. Waiting room corner Ilhi'ixatcheiis frtlil his tiiorttiti twaxvlls, Pcwc iladPros Ann aiid Main Sts.; Detroit,Ili Grin'-.tlidlike' aOtithn'rbtolt lie falls. .ll 10II ATY.Pkw kBilad aros wold street.,'lT'o ttttIii'hot 1:113 t'RglalnSloe Tables, 0ti't)uotiti itit IDtuleli'frtomiiLol-l-ahies willtake ' iat 1 i'Oigi'"Monarch Cutshions MONEY LOANED '' veyhigNe n on Watches, DiamnsdWheels and other Per.- ot .......... """""""...". . lioskixvski3iilttt'))stlty iveititg.Allx-1. Loudtes EvrhigNvan sonar Property. Office at residrnce, i10 0. Isle i~csTd.y\'t~),-iz vs~n;t it: ilpes alolStrictly up-In-Uate. Liberty street. All business confidentialItitisltt'sTtl...tgir1itoiotigit001vlltto'tllol Hours. S8tt:30 a. tm, and I to 3:30and 7001.it ' C- et'ro. ._ti-iinor', itp. 54.. Srhtliniziri 31:. ratiter. :a1tt'ettcademy. 707 N. University Ave. Ann Arbor p. M. JOSEPH C. WATTS Puri'tan Oxfords, All Styles$30 New lot of Rope Stitch, Extention Heel $ 0 ' Oxfords and Shoes now in.. 7 SUTaMINSTEE 101 SUHMANSTETz OUTH MAIN STREET U. ,Ol M. Baber Pace steaming and I fIT l~ Embalmer and I613LOEOst William Street maaaage a special.' UCH IETELL FueralDirectsr, University ia,t ene-half block west Fn p p., odar done byPalatest of law building. All kinds Shop and Bath t2 oyt oh Poe . abr. a i Fn andh. (arloi01n1She frepairing etdonA.Pht ann~i32 STATE. J. . Traasasklihot WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE, 107.. MAIN ST